рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект


HIGHER EDUCATION IN RUSSIA - раздел Иностранные языки, АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Higher Education Plays A Very Important Part Inthe Life Of Any State As It Pr...

Higher education plays a very important part inthe life of any state as it provides the country with highly-qualified specialists for future development and progress.

Today, higher educational institutions of Russia include over 700 universities, academies, institutes and colleges. The non-state sector with more than 330 higher educational institutions has evolved in recent years. 8 of these have received state attestation and are entitled to award state-recognized degrees.

Training is offered on a full-time and part-time basis. Tuition is free only for Russian citizens who fully meet the admission requirements and successfully pass entrance exams as the most curricula are funded from the limited Federal Government budget. Otherwise tuition is sponsored either by students themselves, their parents and other private individuals or industrial organizations on a contract basis.

The academic year usually lasts 9 months and is divided into two terms (semesters). Students take exams at the end of each semester. If the results of the examinations are good, students will get state grants. Twice a year students are one vacations - two weeks in winter and two months in summer.

The first- and second-year students at technical universities do courses in fundamental sciences such as: mathematics, physics, chemistry, drawing, computer engineering, information technologies (IT) and others. The curricula are enriched and broadened by instructions in such subjects as foreign languages, history and economics.

At the third year students get more advanced knowledge and begin to concentrate on their special interests or to take many courses in the subjects they major in. Specialized study and courses will allow students to become specialists prepared for the future job.

After four years students will get the Bachelor's degree. Then students may go on with their studies and in a year or two of further training and research they are awarded the Master of Science degree. After graduating from the university they may keep on with their studies and research and obtain the Candidate of Science degree.

A very good tradition is that the theory is accompanied by practical training. Students begin to work at the universities well-equipped laboratories and in senior years they have to complete a probation period at various plants, design offices and research institutes of the country.

Most universities have their own students' hostels and large sport centers.

1. Is higher education important in our country?Why?

2. How many new higher educational institutions can award state-recognized degrees?

3. What kinds of training do the higher educational institutions offer?

4. How is tuition at state and non-state higher educational institutions financed?

5. What is necessary for a student to do in order to get a state grant?

6. How long are students' vacations?

7. What subjects do students study for the first two years?

8. When do students begin to concentrate on their special interests?

9. What is a major subject?

10.What academic degrees can students get at the higher educational institutions of Russia?

11. What tradition exists at the higher educational institutions in Russia?

12.Where do students who arrive from other places stay?

3. Complete the sentences: .

1. Today, higher educational institutions of Russia include ....

2. Training is offered ....

3. Tuition is free only for ... .

4. Tuition may be sponsored ....

5. The academic year usually lasts ..

6. At the end of each semester ..

7. Students get state grants if …..

8. The first - and second - year students at technical universities obtain ....

9. At the third year students ....

10. After four years students ....

12. After graduating from the university students may ....

13. A very good tradition is that....

14. Universities have their own ....


4. Choose the word to match with the translation into Russian:

1.более высокого уровня a) advanced b) excellent c) fundamental

d) highly-qualified

2.включать a) to evolve b) to include c) to obtain d) to receive

3. иначе a) as b) either c) if d) otherwise

4.снa6жaть a) to award b) to entitle c) to provide d) to recognize

5.недавний a) each b) further c) future d) recent

6.конструкторское бюро a) design office b) laboratory c) plant

d) research institute

7. признавать a) to enrich b) to meet c) to prepare d) to recognize

8. дальнейший a) further b) future c) successful d) thorough

9. предлагать a) to entitle b) to offer c) to provide d) to sponsor


10.старший a) advanced b) important c) senior d) thorough

11. расширять a) to broaden b) to include c) to obtain d) to offer


5. Match the words and phrases in A with their opposites in B:

  1) to enter a university 2) future 3) theory 4) to receive 5) part-time 6) to pass an examination 7) foreign 8) to award     a) native b) to fail an examination c) full-time d) to graduate from a university e) to give f) to get g) practice h) past

6. Replace the underlined words with the words used in the text:

1. Higher education plays a very important role in the life of any country.

2. In the early 1990s the private sector began to develop.

3. Some private higher educational institutions have the right to award state-
recognized degrees.

4. Training may be provided free or on contract basis.

5. Twice a year students have holidays.

6. After graduating from the university students may continue their studies and get a higher degree.

6. Match a verb and a noun to make phrases (with some words more than one combination is possible)

1) to award a) a course

2) to enter b) a grant

3) to get c) an examination

4) to meet d) a part

5) to offer e) a degree

6) to pass f) the requirements

7) to play g) training

8) to take h) a university


7.Fill in the gaps withthe prepositions where necessary:


My sister studies ... NSTU. She entered ... the university two years ago. Her major subject is economics, so she takes many courses ... this subject. She studies free ... a full-time basis. Some students from her group didn't meet the admission requirements completely, so they are sponsored ... their parents or industrial organizations on condition they work ... those enterprises after graduating ... the university.

My sister is a good student, she attends all the lectures and seminars, so she didn't fail ... her examinations and now she gets a state grant once ... a month. She hasn’t known yet what kind of diploma she will try to get. If she gets the Bachelor's degree and decides to go on ... her studies she may get the Master's degree. I believe she will become a good specialist.

6. Complete the dialogue using the words and phrases from the box (change the form of the words where necessary):


Bachelor, degree, Diploma in Engineering, free, further study and research, to go on with, grant, hostel, Master, to meet the admission requirements, to offer training, to pass entrance examinations, to provide accommodation, results of the examinations, to take exams, tuition, a contract basis.  


A: Good morning. Can I help you?

B: Good morning. Could you tell me about studying at this university?

A: First of all, our university ... on a full-time and part-time basis.

B: Should students pay for their tuition?

A: Well, tuition is ... for Russian citizens who fully ... and successfully … . The most programs are funded from the limited Federal Government budget.

B: And what about students who are not allowed to study free?

A: They may be sponsored either by students themselves, their parents, private individuals or industrial organizations or industrial organizations on … .

B: Can students get ... ?

A: Students ... at the end of each semester, you know. If the ... are good, students get state grants.

B: What ... are awarded at this university?

A: After four years of study students will get the ... degree. Then the students may ... their studies and in a year or two of... get the ... degree. They may also ... a five-year program and get a ... .

B: And the last question. Does the university ... for the students?

A: Our university has its own students' ... , so students who arrive from other . cities can stay there.

B: Thank you very much for the information.

A: You are welcome.

Grammar Focus: Wh-questions

Wh-questionsstart with What…?, When…?, Where…?,Which..?, Who…?, Whose…?, Why…?, How…? Wh-questions pattern: Wh word +auxiliary verb +subject+ infinitive+ (direct object) for e. g.: Why don’t you pay for tuition? What curriculum does the university provide? If the Wh-word is the subject of the question we don’t use an auxiliary verb and the word order is different: Wh-word + verb + object for e.g.: Who pays for tuition? Who majors in IT? Who failed the exams?

9.Complete the following questions to the group-mates?

1. What --- --- surname?

2. ----- --- you come from?

3. What school ----------- from?

4. How many ---------- speak?

5. Which university --- --- at?

6. What faculty ----------- at?

7. What year -------?

8. ------------entrance examination?

9. -------------- your major?

10. ------------- course start?

11. What-------- after the course?

10. The academic year has already started and you are first-year students. Work in groups of three. Write six Wh-questions asking for information concerning your major and the university you study at.


11. Translate from Russian into English and reproduce:

A: Привет! Как дела?

B: Fine. How are you? I haven't seen you for ages. What are you doing now?

A: Видишь ли, я поступил в университет, и теперь у меня не так уж много свободного времени.

B: Is it difficult to study at a university?

A: Математика и физика были моими любимыми предметами в школе. Так что здесь у меня нет никаких проблем. Информатика очень интересный предмет. А вот черчение… ..

B: Everything will be OK. I'm sure. Do you study only mathematics, physics and drawing?

A: конечно нет. В учебный план входят иностранный язык и история.

B: Will you study the same subjects all five years?

A: Нет первые два года я буду изучать базовые предметы. На третьем курсе я буду изучать профилирующие предметы.

B: What about physical training? You were a good athlete at school.

A: В университете есть большой спорткомплекс. Я играю в баскетбол два раза в неделю. Сегодня вечером наша команда играет против команды педагогического университета. Приходи посмотреть игру.

B: I’m sorry, but I can’t. I am going to the library. I must make a report tomorrow.

A: В таком случае желаю тебе удачи.

B: Good luck. Buy.

A: Увидимся.

TEXT C (2)

Before reading the text translate the following words and word combinations:

1. to earn a degree -

2. fieldof specialization --

3. related area of study -

4. to select–

5. to undertake a program of study-
6. theoretical and applied research -
7. to submit a thesis -

8. high proficiency -

9. independent and creative thought -

10. assessment –

11. to the Board of Examiners -

12.elective courses –


I. Read the text. Make sentences of your own with the words in bold type.


The first four years of study are spenton earning the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree. Study towards the B.Sc. is referredto as being at the undergraduatelevel. Theprogram required for the B.Sc. degree includes general educationin engineering disciplines and a field of specialization usually called a majoror a core subject. Along with the major there may be a number of related areas of study referred to as minor subjects. Those areas in which students are allowed to select subjects or interests are referred to as elective courses.

Research-oriented students holding the B.Sc. degree may undertake a two-year program with emphasis ontheoretical and applied research leading to the Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree. Thedegree is awarded to candidates who successfullycomplete the program and pass examinations followed by the submission of a project report or thesisacceptable to the Board of Examiners.

Graduates holdingthe Masterof Science degree or the Diploma in Engineering and intending to pursue scholarly researchmay prefer to undertake a three-year Candidate of Sciences /Doctoral/ Postgraduate program of study.Thecandidate is required to attainhigh proficiency in a strongly research-orientedcourse and to write a dissertation that is a significant contribution to the subject under study. The student has to pass examination in order to reveal satisfactorypreparation in related courses. The final assessment is the defense of the dissertation.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. What levels correspond to studying for the degrees of a Bachelor,a Master, a Doctor?

2. What is the difference between major, minor and elective subjects/courses?

3. How long does the course of study towards the Master's degree last?

4. What are graduate students usually interested in?

5. What is necessary to provide for being awarded the Doctor's /Candidate of Science/


6. What qualities should a person possess to become a Doctor of Science?


IIIWork in groups of four. Student A is a school-leaver intending to go to a
university. Student B is an undergraduate. Student C is a graduate. Student D is a postgraduate student. Speak about the opportunities of getting higher education at different levels using the information from Text A and Text B.

IV Memory game. The rules are the following:

- one of the students begins with the words "When I finished school I decided
to go to university";

- the next student repeats this sentence and adds what he/she did then:

- the game continues until someone says: "And now 1 am a Doctor of
Science" The student who says these words loses;

- those who forget words or sentences said by the previous players are out of
the game.

V Tell about the system of higher education in Russia.

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Все темы данного раздела:

· Focus: Education (general notion); basic vocabulary · Higher Education in Britain ( general overview) · Grammar focus: Presen

Phrasal Verbs
  to get down to smth to start work on smth that needs a lot of time and energy to get on with to make

academic year – учебный год semester/term – семестр director of studies – руководитель научно-исследовательских работ rector – ректор университета dean – декан ф

I Further education traditionally includes part-time vocational courses for those who leave school at the age of 16 but need a skill in the manual or technical field. Abou

3.Form word partners. 1. maintenance a. empire 2. poorer b. research 3. original c. quality 4. university d. backgrounds 5 overs

M. ancient universities
people places activities money        

7.Look through the text again. Why are these numbers and dates important? 90, 47, 1988, 1992, 28%. 8.Discuss in pairs the answer to fol

Financial Status
Fully Funded* Partially Funded* Scholarship Required Intended Enrolment Time (select term and year) Term:Spring

· Focus: Higher Education in Russia ( general overview) · Curricula and Degrees Awarded · Grammar focus: Wh-questions; Preposit

I. Vocabulary
automation and computer engineering автоматика и вычислительная техника radio engineering радиотехника, радиотехнический

• To become a University of general academic excellence, meeting worldwide standards of training for engineers, managers and scientists. To develop academic programs leading to the award of

The period of study depends on ---------------------- .
5. ----------------------- 8 teaching blocks. 6. The direction of the research refers to ----------------- . Grammar Focus: Present/Past Simple Passive &

an unsightly billboard –неприглядный, уродливый рекламный щит to toss – бросать to do harm – причинять вред stuff – вещество, материя manure – навоз, компост

It's not hard to find examples of pollution in our society. But it is hard to define exactly what pollution is. For example, is a can tossed on the ground pollution? How about an unsightly billboar

decade – десятилетие; десятидневка device– электронный прибор gadget – механическое приспособление/устройство appliances – электроприборы casing – корпус

The recycling of high-tech garbage is becoming a pressing problem. In the last few decadeswe‘ve been like children in the toy shop trying to get the latest electronic gadge

Intelligent d. old-fashioned
5. flame retardant e. clever 6. decade f. small machine or device 7. common g. to burn 8. scrap heap h. pile of garbage 9. out of date i. ordinary 10. m

7. What do these numbers from the text refer to? 1 500 000, 100 000, 7 000, 200, 100.000. 8.. Read the text again and answer the following

Focus: Ecological problems of cities and their solution. Grammar focus: Present perfect simple, clauses of purpose Skills focus: Reading

landfill – мусорная свалка/ яма для закапывания мусора и отходов kitchen trash – пищевые отходы noncombustible garbage – несгораемый мусор upon request – по требованию, з

Disposing of the garbage we produce is a major problem in cities around the world. In the United States, over 160 million tons of garbage are produced every year. Ten percent is recycled, ten perce

Britain is in the middle of serious energy crises! We 1------_(look for) a new form of energy which will be able to generate enough power in recent years. Usually the British 2_------_(bur

10.Look at the following pictures and notes, then in pairs discuss what the p

11.Your town is facing serious problems.Suggest ways to improve the situation, explaining the results of each suggestion.You can use ideas from units 5 and 6 as we

accommodation – жилье celebrity – знаменитость, звезда fascinating – обворожительный, очаровательный, пленительный to eat out – питаться в ресторане или в кафе, а не дома

Accommodation The hotels in LA are more expensive than those in many other American cities, but they are clean and safe. The Biltmore and the Omni are lovely and close to special bu

arid – сухой, засушливый, безводный prosperous – процветающий, успешный, благополучный harbour – гавань, порт spectacular – впечатляющий, волнующий, захватывающий

Melbourne is Australia’s second city with half a million fewer people than Sydney. For those who live there, however, there is no better place in the world to live. It has parks and gardens and ple

The third largest city in Australia is widely regarded as the best city for the quality of life it offers its residents. The capital of Queensland has a tropical climate and its 1.8 million people

  5.Write a tourist leaflet on two cities in your country. 1 Use these notes to help you. Where is it ,(are

Description Tips
To describe a place, a building or a monument a) first, you should give the name and location of the place, building or monument and the reason for choosing

UNIT 8 GREAT SCIENTISTS Focus: Vocabulary Study: verbs to discover and to invent; science (general notion) Focus: Great Scientists

A) Archimedes in his bath
Do you remember the story of 1____Greek scientist Archimedes? He was trying to solve 2____problem in 3_____physics – how to show if the king’s crown was made of 4_____ gold or not.

C) The scientist who saw the solution on a bus
The chemist ‘Kekule’ is famous for having discovered a lot about how 1____ atoms and 2____ molecules are arranged. 3____ first discovery happened when he was riding on a bus, one evening i

Look through the text and prove the importance of science and scientists. Discuss in pairs the answer to the questions: 1. What impact does science have on our life? 2. What great discover

M.A. Master of Arts – магистр гуманитарных наук to expose(to) – подвергать воздействию behavior of ions – поведение ионов x-rays – рентгеновские лучи radium eman

superconductor properties – свойства сверхпроводников semi-conductor – полупроводник solar cells – солнечный элемент/батарейка LED (light emitting diodes) – СИД светоизлу

A. 2000 b. 1987 c. 1971 d. 1972 e. 50 f. 10 g. 4
5.Read the text again and complete the chart with the most important events happened in the life of the Nobel Prize winner. R & D

Focus: Vocabulary Study: gadgets and machines; the history of 2 inventions

shuffle – шарканье courage – бесстрашие, мужество, смелость wit – разум, ум , остроумие humility – скромность to explode – взрывать firecracker – фейерв

( From “My Most Unforgettable Character” by Charles Edison)   1. Read the text The Lights Still Burn and a) give your idea of the author’

3.Underline the following words in the text then match a verb and a noun to make verb patterns.   VERB NOUN

5. Read the text again and find out what circumstances might have prevented Edison from becoming a great scientist and inventor. 6.Edison often said, “ There is

to launch – запускать artificial satellite – искусственный спутник manned flight – пилотируемый человеком permanent space station – космическая станция многоразо

5.Discuss the to these questions with the partner. · Is space travel useful to mankind? Why/ why not? Could the money be better used for other things

In American high schools, there is often much interest in other students as there is in school subjects. You can see this when you look at a typical high school yearbook. It is written once a year

Americans learn sports as part of their education. They learn two or more games, such as football or basketball. At high school, they choose groups of boys or girls to make teams. They choose those

Pledge of Allegiance Every classroom has an American flag in it. From elementary to high school, students start each day by standing up and saluting the flag. They

1.Read the text and answer the questions a) What are the most important facts about Novosibirsk? b) What does Novosibirsk pride itself on? 2.Loo

rank – занимать rather – довольно facilities – возможности establishment –учреждение stock exchange – биржа settlement – поселок ship yard – верфь weaving fa

  I Novosibirsk was founded in 1893. In 1993, we celebrated its 100-year anniversary. For a relatively short period of time, Novosibirsk turned from a tiny settlement into a district

Museums of Novosibirsk
Novosibirsk is also proud of its Fine Arts Gallery, which is the biggest in Siberia. There are icons, works of Russian and foreign painters in its expositions. A collection of Niko

The first underground was built in London in 1863. Until 1891 trains were steam-driven. The oldest underground in continental Europe is in Budapest. It was put into operation in 1986.


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