Specific English



Сканирование, распознавание, проверка:

Аркадий Куракин, г. Николаев, май-2003 г.


Москва 1977

4 И (Англ.) А 76

Рецензент: доктор филологических наук проф. Л. С. БАРХУДАРОВ

Аполлова М. А.

136 с. Пособие знакомит читателя с характерными особенностями английского языка и… Пособие имеет упражнения, построенные на оригинальном языковом материале и направленные на закрепление практических и…

2. Страдательные конструкции

Трудны для усвоения те случаи, когда русскому неопределенно-личному предложению соответствует в английском языке страдательный оборот, невозможный в… She was given a cup of tea. Ей дали чашку чая. Не was offered a trip abroad. Ему предложили заграничную командировку.

3. Персонификация предметов — существительных в роли подлежащего

I am cold. Мне холодно. Though he never said a brilliant or a witty thing, we should have been dull without him. Хотя он никогда

4. I like — мне нравится

в английском языке грамматически безличных предложений не бывает. I like this song. Мне нравится эта песня. You want a woman to look after you.…


1. It was between one and two in the morning. 2. One wants one's patience when old Swan rambles on with some story you've heard fifty times already.… 11. I was having a wash before starting out to go to the luncheon Elliott had… 19. "Do you play cricket there?" "No, they teach us to run."


Так обстоит дело в любом языке. Но с особой ясностью это проявляется в английском языке, где ни один из основных членов предложения не может быть… Мой брат — инженер. My brother is an engineer. Сказуемое может быть выражено двумя видами глаголов: глаголами, обозначающими действие, и глаголами, обозначающими…

1. Глагол to be

Я был в комнате. Я буду в комнате. Я в комнате. В английском предложении обязательно наличие глагола-связки и в настоящем… За исключением настоящего времени (опущение глагола-связки в русском предложении и ее обязательное присутствие в…


1. Не is not a young man. 2. His desk is in the middle of the room. 3. A real hotel is for hospitality. 4. The 't' was for Tanya — Tanya Livingston,…

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dressed, though exceptions were half a dozen visitors from outside the community and several press reporters. 10. The Douro region is where port-wine comes from. 11. "How are you?" "I'm quite well." 12. Ashenden had been to France in order to write and dispatch a report. 13. The question is, shall I appear in it myself? 14. There Riley left me with orders to stay put: he wouldn't be more than an hour. 15. The funeral service is tomorrow at 11 a. m. from the Chapel of Rest. 16. She'd never been East.

П. А. Переведите следующие предложения, в которых значение глагола to be выявляется в определенных сочетаниях.

1. Harris Boulton had been to school and university with Tom. 2. They had been on a motoring holiday in Canada.

3. "Where the hell" — she was on her knees poking under the bed. 4. The rest of the afternoon we were east and west worming out of reluctant grocers cans of peanut butter, a wartime scarcity. 5. She was through the doors before I recognised her. 6. The words were hardly out of her mouth before he had sprung upon her and snatched the revolver out of her hand. 7. And Leo too was suddenly there, through the door and into the large hall-like room. 8. He was the first through the customs, and before the other passengers arrived, he could arrange with the guard for a sleeping compartment to him self. 9. If children are clever, they continue to receive free education until they are eighteen, and even while they are at the university. 10. She was almost to the corner when his voice stopped her. 11. He was conscious that the watchful eyes of Prince AH were upon him. 12. She was four years out of college then, and twenty-seven years old. 13. The meeting was enthusiastically with him now. 14. His hands were firmly on the attaché-case. 15. I had been out of the Army about a month when I decided to drive from San Francisco to my home town before summer ended. 16. She was masticating dreamily, but her eyes were on the boy. 17. Suddenly Andrew heard his name called wildly and the next instant Christine's arms were about his neck.

Б. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глагол to be.

1. Его стол стоит слева. 2. Это объявление висело на двери. 3. Бывали ли вы когда-нибудь в других странах?

4. Помнишь Маргарет Филд, девушку, которая вместе с нами училась в колледже? 5. Это лето я провел в Крыму.

6. Он приходил сюда на (for) банкет. 7. Некоторые ветераны проработали в (with) отеле по 25 лет. 8. Причина заключалась в том, что он внезапно заболел. 9. Они стояли рядом. 10. Его речь о национальном планировании была обращена к конгрессу. 11. Все эти деликатесы предназначаются для завтрашнего банкета. 12. Задача заключается в том, чтобы устранить эти недостатки как можно скорее. Он учится в университете, собирается стать врачом. Исключения составляют следующие слова... 15. Трудность состояла в том, что у нас оставалось слишком мало времени. 16. Его мать сидела у окна. 17. Дело в том, что невозможно не любить (to dislike) его.

III. Дайте свои варианты перевода сочетаний to be с прилагательным или причастием в следующих предложениях.

1. Don't be absurd. 2. I had forgotten you were so literal. 3. You're being very offensive. 4. He was properly apologetic for disturbing Rose. 5. If you were not so drunk and insulting, I would explain everything. 6. Of course he was bitter at her long neglect, of course he was mistrustful of her sudden love. 7. Don't be ridiculous. 8. Joseph was insistent that his wishes were carried out. 9. But she was hopeful that she might meet someone she knew. 10. There's one point I'm not clear about. 11. Stan had been helpful also. At Peter's request he had made inquiries about the two youths. 12. It was very bewildering. 13. At home, Natalie was understanding and, as always, loving. 14. Some people were making remarks out loud about how slow I was. 15. Co-ordinated, high-level planning, either national or international, was non-existent. 16. It was a job the clerks all hated because people whom they called were invariably bad-tempered and frequently abusive. 17. Well, I do sometimes get a little scolding. I'm told I've been naughty, and not to do it again. 18. Customs men were aware that most returning travellers did a little smuggling, and were often tolerant about it. 19. Mrs Hudson was hysterical. She threw herself on her husband, screaming and crying, and they had to drag her away. 20. "How was school today?" "Could you be specific, Father? There were several classes. Which do you want to know about?" 21. Libby was always breathless as if, to her, life was excitingly on the run and she must forever keep pace or be left behind. 22. The knowledge was disquieting 23. Don't be so nasty. 24. He's very reticent about his war

experiences. 25. I had a notion that she was nervous. 26. Oh, Larry, don't be funny. This is desperately serious. 27. With its mahogany furniture, its shabby leather chairs, and its musty smell, it was strangely reminiscent of a coffee-room in a Dickens novel. 28. Let's be sensible. 29. For the time being they were more or less friendly again. 30. "Don't be foul!" said Dorothy and he begged her pardon. 31. "But do you think it could ever be permitted?" He was persistent. 32. It is inconsiderate of you to live in Highgate. To your friends who are central, I mean. 33. But Mr Walters was quite unexpected. 34. What exactly was Bennie Hyman being so mysterious about this morning? 35. Dr Hubble was explanatory. He talked for quite a long time in language appropriate to the ear of the intelligent layman. 36. He was extremely apologetic. 37. She was so terribly good to Fanny. 38. By the time she reached the kitchen the rain was heavier and her hair was plastered to her head. 39. He was clear that whatever the outcome of that argument he would stay no longer at Grayhallock. 40. Women were still hesitant about taking on greater responsibility. 41. Verena had been very bitter over this. 42. I told Verena you would be lonesome. 43. He was easy with his money, he never minded paying a round of drinks for his friends. 44. He could be boisterous in act and loud in laughter. 45. Jon heard her clear voice in the dining-room, "Oh, I'm simply ravenous!"

IV. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык, используя сочетания to be с прилагательным или причастием.

1. Не говорите глупостей. 2. Вы говорите серьезно? 3. Все это (ее) очень озадачивало. 4. Фрэнк говорил очень уклончиво об этом деле (evasive). 5. У него был такой вид, как будто он прекрасно понял ее грубую выходку (rudeness), и это (ее) раздражало. 6. Но она надеялась, что встретит его когда-нибудь. 7. Его дочь настаивала на том, чтобы мы не сообщали об этом отцу. 8. Она абсолютно не верила этому. 9. Если он сдержанно говорил о своих намерениях, так это, возможно, потому, что и сам их хорошенько не знал. 10. Он говорил с ней очень резко. 11. Не понимайте все так буквально. 12. Он очень волновался за свое здоровье, и его врач посещал его два раза в неделю. 13. Я не совсем понял (clear) конец этой истории. 14. Коллеги относились к нему дружески и с сочувствием. 15. Мне казалось (I thought), я объяснила все абсолютно ясно (clear). 16. Поди

собери вещи. Но поторопись! У нас осталось мало времени. 17. Почему вы так хорошо ко мне (nice) относитесь? 18. Она купила бутерброд с сосиской (a hot dog) и стакан кофе, и вид этих двух предметов подействовал на нее ободряюще (reassuring). 19. «У вас истерика», — холодно сказала Гвен. 20. Не могли бы вы говорить конкретнее? 21. Вагоны с углем продвигались слишком медленно. 22. Она настаивала на том (firm), чтобы они сделали это немедленно. 23. Не будет ли вам удобнее, если я включу свет? 24. Что, ужин не готов? Мы просто умираем от голода.

V. А. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на значение глагола-связки to be.

1. Не was mute a moment, and then said... 2. Leamas was lost. 3. Suddenly the voices in the next room were still, and I looked at the door. 4. Frank was speechless. 5. When she told him the truth, he was furious. 6. Her heart was suddenly dull with pain, with weariness. 7. Suddenly there was a seriousness to Inez Guerrero's speech which had not been there before. 8. Were all of them dead? 9. Then there were more lights only a few yards behind as another flight (зд. самолет) landed, it seemed at the same instant. 10. At the sound of the words he was momentarily young again. 11. Suddenly she was tired. 12. He sang for an hour, perhaps, and we all fell silent; then he was still.

Б. Переведите, употребляя глагол to be.

1. Вдруг он замолчал. 2. Когда они снова остались одни, она сказала... 3. Снова послышался смех (there was). 4. Быстро собралась толпа (there was). 5. Он умер от гангрены через месяц после их приезда сюда. 6. Я только намекнул ей об этом, а она пришла в ярость. 7. Когда я спросил ее об этом прямо, она растерялась. 8. Ее лицо вдруг превратилось в отвратительную маску. 9. Сэр Герберт помолчал минуту. 10. Послышались восторженные (admiring) крики. 11. Я вдруг пришел в ужасное волнение (nervous).

VI. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая особое внимание на перевод сочетаний «to be + существительное».

1. John is a strong believer in fresh air. 2. My folks are great readers of newspapers. 3. We're neither of us great letter-writers. 4. Dr Saunders was an early riser. 5. The skipper was a bad loser. His face was set and hard. His

shifty eyes glanced at each card he turned up with a sneering look. 6. The children enjoy the warm weather. I saw seven or eight of them in the river after school. Most of them were good swimmers. 7. He was a good talker if only you could keep him off the subject of dukes and duchesses. 8. I am a poor and dilatory correspondent, and Isabel was no letter-writer. 9. But I am a wine drinker... you don't know how I long for wine. 10. You are a nice kisser. 11. Mr Harrington was an after-dinner speaker and had read all the best books on speaking in public. 12. I take it he had been a hard liver and a heavy drinker. 13. But the twenty dollars a week had been a life-saver. 14. Good seeing you again, Ross. Don't be a stranger. 15. She's going to be a heart-breaker. 16. Huple was a light sleeper, but claimed he never heard Hungry Joe scream. 17. My son could not afford to marry a penniless girl, but he's not a fortune-hunter and he loves your daughter. 18. He had all the accepted characteristics of the politician — back-slapper, baby-kisser and shoulder-hugger. 19. Over the years he has become not merely a handshaker. He is also an accomplished back-slapper, elbow-squeezer and shoulder-thumper. 20. In a very short while she knew all her fellow-passengers. She was a good mixer. 21. She was a great dreamer and she narrated her dreams at intolerable length. 22. Rather than become eye-openers, these plays misguide people. 23. Captain Forestier played bridge well and was a keen golfer. He was not a bad tennis player either. 24. Abas knew how to cook only native food, and Cooper, a coarse feeder, found his gorge rise against the everlasting rice. 25. No sooner had I arrived than I sent her a letter to say that I was the bearer of a gift from her cousin. 26. A dog is a great promoter of friendly intercourse. 27. "How did you feel during the flight?" "Bad. I'm a poor flier." 28. After waiting a few minutes in case Miss Knight should return for a shopping bag, or a handkerchief (she was a great forgetter and returner), Miss Marple rose briskly to her feet and strode purposefully across the room and into the hall. 29. "Did your husband have many friends?" "Oh, yes, he was a good mixer.". 30. "You are quite a stranger," she said languidly. Soames smiled. "I haven't wished to be; I've been busy." 31. He himself had always been a worker and a saver, George always a drone and a spender. 32. As a diagnostician he was remarkable. But when his patients spoke to him he could not hear a word. Of course, he was a practiced lip-reader. 33. Mrs Towler was a bad correspondent and though I sent her an

occasional picture-postcard I received no news from her. 34. At any rate beggars can't be choosers. 35. You are a giver and she is a taker.

VII. Преобразуйте следующие предложения в соответствии с моделью.

Не doesn't read much. Не is not a great reader.

1. He eats well and sleeps well. .2. He swam better than anyone else. 3. How well you dance! 4. He talked well, harshly, cynically, it was exhilarating to listen to him. I walk pretty well, but he could outwalk me any day. I hate letter writing. 7. He drove fast and the speed at which he went exhilarated them both. 8. The family used "to get up early. 9. I subscribe to the "Morning Star." 10. He talked brilliantly. 11. The professor believed strongly in the Stanislavsky method of drama. 12. He was a brute of a young man, he drank and ran after women, he was violent to his wife and other things more. 13. He's clever and works well. 14. We hardly ever see you here. 15. He made friends easily.

VIII. Переведите следующие предложения. Придумайте предложения с выделенными словосочетаниями.

1. Не had a notion that often his presence was unwelcome to them and that they were more at their ease when he was not there. 2. He bragged what a great hand he was at frying a catfish. 3. Their principal duty is to settle routine cases where no constitutional question is at stake. 4. He is quite at home in this field. 5. The family were quite welt off. 6. "Well, I must be on my way" he said. 7. You're never at a loss for something to say. 8. At supper that evening Miss Reid was at her best. 9. He was damned good at games and all that sort of things. 10. I had been at work on a big sketch, and I was wondering what people would think of it. 11. "You're making fun of me!" "I never was more in earnest in my life.'

IX. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на значение глагола to be с различными постпозитивами.

1. "Is Alec around?" I asked. 2. I'll be back in a couple of hours. 3. His mother was still up of course, waiting for

him. 4. It is up to the President to undo the 14 years of a disastrous policy. 5. I've only been out two days. 6. She found that someone was up before her. 7. "Where's Mrs Linsell?" asked Mrs Hamlyn. "Oh, I don't know. She's about somewhere." 8. His bag would be pretty heavy sometimes by the time he was through. 9. You're up early too. 10. I'll go and see if she's in. 11. There were people who cared for him and people who didn't, and those who didn't hated him and were out to get him. 12. "The same person," General Peckem replied with a definite trace of alarm. "Now he's after me." 13. Chief White Halfoot was out to revenge himself upon the white man. 14. What are you up to, Collin? 15. The remedy you suggest is evidently worth trying, and it is up to you to apply it. 16. No one seemed to have heard the sound of the shot. The neighbours must be out. 17. Judge: "Have you ever been up before me?" Accused: "I don't know. What time do you get up?" 18. He was over in England on a visit. He remembered the fight because she had talked about it so much. It was six rounds. He was almost out in the fourth. The poor Indian is only out to earn a little money, the same as me. 21. How do you suppose I managed when you were away? 22. Once again I am back in my home town. 23. I was through the war. 24. "Go on," he growled. "Give me all my faults when you're about it. Suspicious! Jealous! You've been at me before!" 25. They told us the roof was down — that you wouldn't — wouldn't come out. 26. Con half-said they'd be round for tea. 27. Do you expect to be away long? 28. We were out for a few moments only, to take a walk around the block.

X. Прочитайте следующий рассказ-шутку. Обратите внимание на употребление постпозитивов.

What a Language!

"When I came again, she was setting the table for breakfast and said, 'He's not down yet.'" "I asked: 'If he's not up and he's not down, where is he?'"…

2. Глагол to have

Магу has a pencil in her hand. (наряду с: Mary is holding a pencil in her hand.) Мэри держит в руке карандаш. The city has 100,000 inhabitants. Население города составляет 100 000… В такого рода предложениях при наличии подлежащего — действующего лица возможна и конструкция с there is.


1. I have no pencil. 2. You have no other way out. 3. His face had that small subtle smile that was characteristic of him. There were two saucers… worth having. 29. What if his master were asleep; he would soon have him out… Б. Переведите на английский язык.

3. О переходности глаголов в английском языке

ваться и т. п. В английском (аналитическом) языке приставки и суффиксы грамматической функции на современном этапе зачастую не выполняют, и если они… Более интересны и значительны различия в вопросе о переходности и… to follow (smb.. smth.) следовать за (кем-л., чём-л.)


1. "The point is, though," she went on hastily, "I've suddenly decided to — to run this troupe— I mean concert party. That horrid… his daughter into the aristocracy. 34. Soon after the war they married. 35.… Как ты груб! (франц.)

4. Сказуемое — центр предложения

We do not advocate the rights of black Africans in order to drive white Africans. Мы защищаем права черных африканцев не для того, чтобы изгнать… "Не wasn't born here," Leo said. "He was born in New… Отсюда можно сделать вывод, что в русском предложении отрицание относится к слову, а в английском — к предложению.…


1. We haven't come to disturb you, darling. 2. One's only young once. 3. He wasn't born in Overton. 4. I don't go to the cinema to learn things. 5.… Б. Переведите на английский язык; следите за тем, чтобы отрицание и наречие… 1. Думаю, что у нас нет сейчас времени. 2. Я не всегда их одобряю. 3. Нам нужна только небольшая машина. 4. Полагаю,…

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VII. Переведите на русский язык. В каждом предложении укажите сказуемое. 1. Не frightened this man Ridvers into agreeing to pay the claim for damages.… she had worn it. 13. He may have suspected that she'd lured him coldly into making the sacrifice that was to save…


Качественные наречия, служащие для выражения обстоятельства образа действия, характеризующие действие в целом и тем самым относящиеся как бы ко всей… В английском предложении строго определено и место обстоятельства времени и… I'm leaving for London tomorrow.


There was a bed on the verandah at the side, on either side of the "visitors" door. On the verandah at the side, on either… "visitors" door was a bed.


Англичане избегают формы the door of a shop и ставят слово shop перед определяемым словом, вначале называя тот реальный предмет, принадлежностью… Насколько употребительными в английском языке являются такого рода… Иногда такого рода определения представляют большую

Некоторые специфические моменты значения

И употребления степеней сравнения

В английском языке

John plays best. Джон играет лучше всех. Дается наивысшая характеристика действия — 'играет наилучшим образом', и при этом уже не нужно соотносить… Наоборот, там, где в русском языке мы бы употребили форму превосходной… The two men agreed not to mention the more alarming details when they discussed the situation at home. Оба решили не…


1. If I were as young as you are, I'd have a walking holiday. 2. Get me a good crime story. 3. That's the danger moment. 4. Like most shy men he… thing eyes. 14."You're something of an ideas-man, aren't you?"… 30. They had a "don't care" appearance that James, to whom risk was the most intolerable thing in life, did…


It would be as much of a holiday for her as it would be for him. Для нее это будет таким же праздником, как и для него. Then he perceived something of the other's hard intention. И тут он как-то… Не was not worried about any of that. Его это совершенно не беспокоило.


1. She wanted him to give up air traffic control; to quit, and choose some other occupation while some of his youth and most of his health remained.… with his strange white face that never tanned. 4. Robert Jordan registered… II. Замените выделенные слова данными в скобках словами, используя предлог of.

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house detective, McDermott thought, he would do some hell raising in the morning. 10. We can do our shopping before lunch. 11. They had a gin and a tonic, Ashe doing most of the talking. 12. "Suppose you were asked now, though?" "Depends on who did the asking." "I'm doing the asking" 13. Ashenden went to the market about nine when the housewives of Geneva for the most part had done their provisioning. 14. In your place I'd leave the General do most of the talking. 15. Go along and do your packing. 16. He intended to do no more roof-climbing that night. 17. He's done most of the casting. 18. I do a little teaching here. 19. "Well, somebody's got to do some scheming," said Mildred. 20. "IV/ do some thinking about what you just said, Bessie," he promised without enthusiasm. 21. Amos, who does a little of travelling now and then, claimed to have seen her once at a fair in Bottle. 22. Freddie did a bit of gasping. He was a good deal on the nonplused side. 23. "I must be going," said old Bodsham. "I have some thinking to do." 24. I should have some very awkward explaining to do.

VII. Переведите следующие предложения. Замените выделенные словосочетания глаголами с конкретно-лексическим значением и сделайте другие соответствующие изменения там, где это необходимо.

1. The Tamil had been grossly insolent to him and Saffary had given him a thrashing. 2. When they chanced to meet she always gave him a friendly smile. 3. We're trying to get some sleep. 4. Saffary gave a harassed glance at the papers on the desk. 5. Suddenly she gave a piercing cry and fell headlong on the floor. 6. He took a step towards her and stopped. 7. He gave his hands a glance. 8. She gave a slight start. 9. He gave a gasp. 10. He gave her a pitiful look. 11. His voice broke and he gave a little sob. 12. She gave him a little bow, silently, and walked past him out of the room. 13. He made no further reference to the scene. 14. But Gallagher's appearance gave Mrs Hamlyn a shock. 15. I'm afraid there's no use in our making a promise we shouldn't be able to keep. 16. Gallagher gave a sigh of relief. 17. The captain sent for me yesterday. He gave me a rare talking to. 18. Pryce gave her a searching look. 19. Mrs Hamlyn passed Pryce on the deck, but he gave her a brief greeting and walked on. 20. She gave him a sharp look. 21. I wanted to have a good think. 22. Lord Kastellan gave me a nod. 23. He's a damned powerful man even now. By George, I had a struggle with him. 24. There was something about him that gave her a funny little feeling in the pit of

her stomach. 25. There was something so attractive in him that she couldn't bring herself to give him a saucy answer. 26. Mrs Towler gave me an angry frown. 27. You gave me such a fright. 28. Mrs Carter gave a gasp of horror. 29. Then an idea occurred to him and he gave her a piercing glance. 30. He only did it because he wanted to give me a good time. 31. He gave another grunt. 32. She had a proper laugh over this. 33. He lifted the cat on the toe of his shoe and gave him a toss. 34. The captain gave a great bang on the table with his fist. 35. He gave a loud shout. 36. During the next few days he looked at the house whenever he passed it, but never caught a glimpse of the girl. 37. Appleby heaved an immense sigh of relief. 38. You can have a little talk and then if you do not like the look of her you take your leave and no harm is done. 39. She shot a swift glance at him. 40. He poured himself out a little, added some soda, and took a sip. 41. He gave me a smiling look of his soft eyes. 42. "Had a nice swim?" he asked. 43. I stole a glance at him. 44. Two or three days later my friend and I were taking a walk. 45. Captain Bredon took a look at him first and went up. 46. Mr Warburton gave him a little nod of dismissal. 47. The man gave his shoulders a scornful shrug. 48. Then he would have a good sleep.

VIII. В следующих предложениях преобразуйте выделенные словосочетания в сочетания «глагол + существительное (с соответствующим прилагательным)» (см. предыдущее упражнение).

1. The skipper chuckled cynically. 2. He smiled whimsically. 3. He sipped a little of whisky. 4. Neilson stopped talking and sighed faintly. 5. The Swede looked at him with hatred. (to shoot) 6. The mutual attraction of those two young things delighted him enormously. 7. She glanced indifferently at the man who was sitting in the chair by the window and went out of the room. 8. The skipper's face puckered and he chuckled cunningly. 9. The lawyer smiled politely. 10. Mr Warburton glanced carelessly at the menu. 11. Cooper laughed harshly. 12. The director smiled shrewdly at me. 13. Assunta comes down to chat with me now and then. 14. But he looked at Neil curiously. 15. The man held out his hand and looked at Neil appraisingly. 16. He started slightly and looked at her to see if she was serious. 17. The worst of it was that you couldn't hint her. 18. Cooper chuckled contemptuously. 19. Mr War-burton glanced sharply at him. 20. The man shrugged his shoulders angrily.


blue — прилагательное — синий, голубой blue — существительное — синий цвет, голубой цвет blue — глагол — окрашивать в синий цвет; синеть


Пожалуй, наиболее часто встречающимся примером конверсии является переход существительных в глаголы и наоборот. Иногда бывает даже трудно сказать, чем первоначально было данное слово — существительным или глаголом, как, например, в таких парах: step — to step, blow — to blow, roar — to roar и т. д. Но в большинстве случаев исходное слово распознать все-таки можно. Так, несомненно, что в парах: face — to face, hand — to hand, pocket — to pocket, shoulder — to shoulder, eye — to eye и т. д. исходным словом было существительное, а производным от него — глагол, поскольку основное первоначальное значение в них — предметное. Очевидно также, что в парах: commission доверенность, полномочие; комиссия, комитет — to commission уполномочивать, поручать и station место, местоположение — to station помещать, размещать и т. п. исходным словом, судя по формальным признакам — суффиксам существительных (-ssion, -tion),тоже является существительное.

Даже сложные существительные и глаголы с постпозитивами легко поддаются конверсии. Например: dog's ear загнутый уголок страницы — to dog's ear загибать уголки страниц; to pull back задерживать, удерживать — pull-back препятствие, помеха; to take off взлетать (о самолете) — take-off взлет, старт.

Поддаются конверсии также и словосочетания «прилагательное + существительное», переходя в глаголы. Многие из них являются новообразованиями, часто окказиональными, не зафиксированными в словарях. Например:

She exhilirated Rusty Trawler by stiff-arming him into a corner. Она растормошила Расти Тролера, силой загнав его в угол.

В разделе «Определение» мы уже говорили о субстантивации прилагательных. Субстантивированные прилагательные — еще не существительные, но самая возможность и относительная легкость этой субстантивации во многом обусловлена наличием такого продуктивного способа словообразования, как конверсия. В некоторых случаях затруднительно бывает определить, имеем ли мы дело с окказиональной субстантивацией прилагательного или с конверсией. Но для практического пользования это не так важно, поскольку при переводе на русский язык мы в любом случае, будь то субстантивированное прилагательное или пе-

решедшее по конверсии в разряд существительных прилагательное, передадим его предметно. Например:

I'm a subscriber to the Great Russian classics series, a monumental edition of all the Russian literary greats. Я подписался на серию «Великие классики русской литературы», монументальное издание произведений всех великих русских писателей.

Прилагательные также могут переходить в разряд глаголов, но не наоборот.

It was just an accident, why should it sour you against the world? Это был всего лишь несчастный случай. Зачем же из-за него злиться на весь свет?

Мало того, даже прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степени могут стать глаголами. Например:

Не wanted to better himself. Он хотел совершенствоваться.

In that low and squalid mind there was but one motive, the desire to get the better of his fellow men by foul means; it was a puckish malice that found satisfaction in besting another. В этой низкой жалкой душе жило лишь одно стремление, одно желание — любыми средствами восторжествовать над своим ближним; мелкая злоба, находившая удовлетворение в том, чтобы перехитрить другого.

Отчасти благодаря конверсии некоторые наречия приобретают в отдельных случаях совершенно не свойственное им значение предметности и выступают в функции подлежащего или прямого дополнения. Мы не хотим сказать этим, что они по конверсии перешли в разряд существительных, но уже само по себе существование такого способа словообразования дало возможность подобного функционирования наречий. Вот примеры:

Yesterday was my birthday. Вчера был день моего рождения.

Now, how can I leave here? Как же я могу уехать отсюда?

"You'll want somewhere to stay," he said. «Вам потребуется где-то остановиться», — сказал он.

Особо хотелось бы отметить как пример полифункциональности наречий употребление otherwise и so.

Наречие otherwise может употребляться в качестве союза, выполнять функции обстоятельства образа действия, дополнения, определения. Например:

You must be careful. Otherwise I can't give a fillip for your life. Вы должны быть осторожны. Иначе (в противном случае, или) я и гроша медного не дам за вашу жизнь. (союз)

A few lads hung about old Thomas' fish shop, but otherwise the street was deserted. Несколько парней околачивались около рыбного магазина старика Томаса, но больше никого на улице не было. (букв.: «... но в прочих отношениях улица была пустынной».) (обстоятельство)

The other two airline representatives on the committee had at first taken the view that the airport management was doing its best under exceptional conditions. Captain Demerest argued otherwise. Два других представителя авиационной компании в комитете сначала выразили мнение, что руководство аэропорта делает все возможное в исключительно трудных условиях. Капитан Димирест утверждал обратное. (прямое дополнение)

"Now," Mel said, "about sabotage — potential and otherwise"' «А теперь, — сказал Мел, — о саботаже, потенциальном и любом другом». (определение)

Многозначно и полифункционально также наречие so. Мы не будем останавливаться на употреблении so в качестве союза. Оно выступает в функции обстоятельства меры и степени (перед другим наречием, прилагательным или местоимением), обстоятельства образа действия, даже в качестве дополнения, предикатива и определения. Очень часто, в тех случаях, когда мы говорим: «сделал это», «сказал это», англичанин скажет (буквально): «сделал так», «сказал так».

You've read the testimony. You just said so. Вы же читали показания. Вы только что это сказали. (прямое дополнение)

I didn't explain my correction. I ought to have done so. Я не объяснил своей поправки. А мне бы следовало это сделать. (прямое дополнение)

"Well, are you going with me?" "I guess so." Ну, так вы идете со мной? — Думаю, что да. (прямое дополнение)

After the American-Spanish war of 1898 Puerto Rico became a colony of the USA and remained so till 1952. После испано-американской войны 1898 года остров Пуэрто-Рико стал колонией США и оставался колонией до 1952 года, (предикатив)

She's just the way the message said, only more so. Она как раз такая, как говорилось в радиограмме, только еще более такая. (определение)

Конверсии подвергаются даже междометия и звукоподражательные сочетания. Например:

You'd think the Old Man would okay air-conditioners for the offices. Можно подумать, что Старик одобрит кондиционеры в учреждениях.

More and more people came crowding in, to tapper-tap-tap with their feet. Все больше и больше людей входило, тесня друг друга, чтобы поплясать.

Из вышесказанного можно сделать вывод, что конверсия обеспечивает известную семантическую свободу слову, обогащая его, позволяя ему обрастать новыми значениями благодаря его свободному движению в предложении. Так грамматический строй оказывает свое влияние на лексику языка, приводя к многозначности слова.

Конверсия проникла даже в область словообразования. К словам одной части речи присоединяются аффиксы, свойственные другой части речи. Так, в литературе встречаются прилагательные, образованные от глаголов с помощью суффикса прилагательных -(е)у, — по аналогии с прилагательными, образованными с помощью этого суффикса от существительных: fishy, watery и т. д. Например:

"What's the matter?" he enquired. "Is the starey bird going?" «В чем дело? — спросил он. — Что, уходит, наконец, эта сова?"

Речь идет о женщине, которая не сводила глаз с молодой пары. Автор хотел подчеркнуть, что «глазеть» было обычной манерой этой особы. (Причастия staring оказалось недостаточно, ибо оно не передает постоянного свойства.)

Вот еще один пример необычного словообразования.

Zanetta, sixtyish, was prominent in community affairs. Занет, человек лет шестидесяти, был заметной фигурой в местных общественных делах. Суффикс прилагательного -ish,обозначающий небольшую степень качества, присоединяется к числительному.


А. 1. Не promised to will Ed a castle in India. 2. Her mother could shame her to tears with a reproachful glance. 3. He rose awkwardly from the deep… American". 28. A nurse, soft-shoeing into the room, advised that visiting… Б. 1. Fred Phirmphoot's job was to calculate how much could be stowed aboard Flight Two and where. 2. No mailbag, no…


Станция находится на расстоянии примерно часа ходьбы. Эти туфли — нужного размера. (По-видимому, это явление такого же порядка, как и бессоюзное присоединение… Условные, уступительные и другие придаточные предложения, как правило, бывают эллиптическими, в случае если подлежащее…


1. The postman was an hour late. 2. It was raining when she came out of the building and the sky was a dull colour. 3. My daughter is the same age… Б. Переведите на английский язык, передавая предикативную часть сказуемого… 1. Ей можно дать сколько угодно лет — от 30 до 60. 2. Это пальто как раз такого цвета, который тебе идет. 3. Вы…


1. His voice, when it came, was politely ironic. 2. "Will you have one, Miss Reid?" "I don't mind if I do." 3. Everybody here is… jobs to be had nowadays. 19. I'll twist your neck for you. 20. It was still… II. Переделайте следующие предложения, употребив оборот с вводящим there + придаточное предложение или причастный…