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English Pancake Recipe

English Pancake Recipe - раздел Иностранные языки, ABOUT MYSELF AND MY FAMILY ...


For the pancake mixture:

220 g/8oz plain flour, sifted
pinch of salt
2 eggs
1 pint of milk
50 g/2oz butter

Method for making the batter

Sift the flour and salt into a large mixing bowl with a sieve held high above the bowl so the flour gets airing. Make a well in the centre of the flour and break the eggs into it. Whisk the eggs making sure any bits of flour from around the edge of the bowl are mixed in with the egg. Gradually add small quantities of the milk, still whisking. Continue whisking until the batter is smooth, with the consistency of thin cream. Melt the 50g/2oz of butter in a non-stick frying pan. Spoon 2 tbsp of the melted butter into the batter and whisk it in. Let the pancake mix stand for at least 30 minutes before cooking. Pour any left over butter into a dish. This will be used later to grease the frying pan after each pancake has been made. Make sure the non-stick frying pan is really hot before adding about 2 tbsp of the batter mixture. As soon as the batter hits the hot pan, tip the pan around from side to side to get the base evenly coated with batter. Carefully lift the edge of the cooked pancake with a palette knife to see if it's tinged gold as it should be. Flip the pancake over with a pan slice or palette knife to cook the other side. Slide it out of the pan onto a plate. Stack the pancakes as you make them between sheets of greaseproof paper on a plate.

To serve

Sprinkle each pancake caster sugar and freshly squeezed lemon juice. Roll them up.

Serve sprinkled with a little more sugar and lemon juice and extra sections of lemon.

III. Translate the words in the brackets into English:

1. People usually (не подписывают) these cards and a lot of time is spent trying to guess who has sent them.

2. Pancakes are made of (муки, молока и яиц) and fried in a hot pan.

3. At Easter time, the British celebrate the idea of new birth by giving each other (шоколадные пасхальные яйца) which are opened and eaten on Easter Sunday.

4. As summer comes, Britain likes (праздновать) the end of the winter.

5. At parties people dress up in (странные) costumes and (притворяются/делают вид) they are witches.

6. Family members (заворачивают) their gifts and leave them at the bottom of the Christmas tree to be found (в Рождественское утро).

7. December 26 is also a public holiday, Boxing Day, and this is the time to visit friends and relatives or to be a (зрителем) at one of the many sporting (событиях).


IV. Find the corresponding translation of the words and word combinations:


1. family 2. party 3. to fry 4. to spill 5. to dress up A.жарить B. просыпать C. одевать D.семья E. вечеринка


A. послание B. пуддинг C. доставлять D. низ, дно E. горячий F. влюбляться G. принимать душ H. рождение 1. pudding 2. to take a shower 3. bottom 4. to fall in love 5. birth 6. hot 7. message 8. to deliver


V. Answer the following questions:


1. What is an annual gift from Norway?

2. What do families usually give each other on Easter Sunday?

3. When do the British open their Christmas presents?

4. What do you know about Pancake Day?

5. What do the British usually do on Easter Monday?

6. What do the children do on May 1?

7. How is a traditional spring dance called?

8. Where do people cut horrible faces on Halloween?

9. What celebration and festivities does the Christmas combine?

10. What is the main tradition of the Christmas?


VI. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Хэллоуин связан с призраками и ведьмами.

2. В канун Нового Года люди традиционно купаются в фонтанах на Трафальгарской площади.

3. В некоторых городах проводятся также забеги с блинами.

4. Рождество является самым важным праздником года для большинства британских семей.

5. В воскресенье перед Рождеством во многих церквях проводится пасхальное песнопение.

VII. Find out the sentences which correspond to the text. Correct the wrong sentences in accordance with the text:

1. Although not many people actually give up eating during this period, on Pancake Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday, they eat lots of meat.

2. People run through the streets holding a frying pan and throwing the pancake in the air.

3. On Good Friday businessmen sell hot cross buns, which are toasted and eaten with chocolate.

4. In England on May 1, Morris men may be seen in country areas celebrating traditional dances, waving their white handkerchiefs to drive away the evil spirits and welcome in the new ones.

5. In recent years children dressed in white T-shorts knock on doors at Halloween and ask you if you would like a 'trick' or 'treat'.


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Все темы данного раздела:

  1. About Myself My Family ………………………………….…… 2. My Home ………………………………………………….……. 3. Our University…………………………………………….….…. 4. Student’s Life ……………………………………………….…..

Family, Relatives - Семья, родственники
1) mother, mum, mummy, mom мама 2) father, dad папа 3) parents родители

II. Do the following exercises.
1. Find out 9 words which describe the appearance: ashortbaahazelstaquilineovallslimfmediumheightdelicatebcharmingambushyg   2. Find out 9 w

Describe your groupmate using the familiar words.

About Myself and My Family
My name is Natalie. My surname is Ivanova. I was born on the 9th of September, 1992 in Karaganda. My address is Flat 2, 19, Pichugin Street. I am tall. I am not very thin

A) Two young people, George and Ann, meet after a long time.
George: I wished to see you very much, Ann. Ann: I am very glad to meet you too. It’s a long time since we have met last time. George: It is, indeed. I think

B) Marry discusses her family.
Alex: Hi, Mary. Marry: Hi, Alex. Alex: So, um, how big is your immediate family? Marry: Ah, there are four of us. Alex: Four p

A) Two young people, George and Ann, meet after a long time.
George: ____________________________________________________________ Ann: I am very glad to meet you too. It’s a long time since we have met last time. George:___

B) Marry discusses the personalities in her family.
Alex: Hi, Marry. Marry: Hi, Alex! Alex: So we've been talking about your family a little bit. Um, I'd like to know a little bit more about the specific people

Brown was out walking one day with his wife and his very large family. In the street he was stopped by a police­man who grabbed him by the shoulder.

IV. Fill in the blanks with prepositions and adverbs where necessary.
1. He pressed the button ___ the elevator. 2. Something is wrong ___ the kitchen sink tap. Ring ___ the plumber. 3. She glanced ___ the mirror and turned ___ satisfied. 4. Their flat backed ___ the

V. Translate into English
1.Окна нашей квартиры выходят на юг, так что у нас солнце почти каждый день. 2. Вам уже поставили телефон? – Да, он в кабинете, на письменном столе. Это очень удобно, теперь я могу, работая и не вы

VII. Fill in the blanks with house, home, or block.
NOTE: The basic meaning of the word house is a building intended for one household to live in. It may also mean "the home, or household" (as, to keep house). Home is an emot

IX. Add to Your Active Vocabulary
apartment - квартира balcony - балкон basement - подвал, фунда­мент be adjacent to smth.- при­мыкать чему-либо be cramped for space - мало места

Renting a Room
A. Have you a room to let? B. Yes, sir. What room do you want? A double-bedded room or a single? A. I want a furnished living-room on the ground floor with bo

Wales - an architect who is to design a house, Bob - a client, Sandra - his wife.
W. Now I've made sure that the main services - water and electricity are available in Manchester. So there is nothing to worry about. I'd like to discuss with you the interior design. Shall

Read the conversation between Kelly and her mother and describe the house and the garden Kelly is speaking about.
Kelly: Mum, I’ve got good news. We’ve bought that house in Hampstead. Mother: Have you? Oh, good. Now tell me about it. Jane: It is a two-storied country sty

Accommodation Required
— Family, recently returned from Australia desperate for house/flat to rent. Anything considered — anywhere in Britain, Taylor, Cumberland. — Young research worker and working wife urgentl

Our University
Karaganda State Technical University is one of the leading technical higher schools in Kazakhstan. It is quite large but not very old. It was founded in 1953 as a Mining institute.

At the University Museum
A group of students from RUDN has been visiting our University. They are interested in educational problems and in extracurricular activities of the students as well. One of the students, Michael,

At the University Museum
Stephan: I’d like to ask a few questions, if you don’t mind… Dyakova Nina Georgievna: ________________________________________ S: How did the history of the U

At the University Museum
A group of students from RUDN has been visiting our University. They are interested in educational problems and in extracurricular activities of the students as well. One of the students, Michael,

At the Youth Commitee
Stephan, a student from RUDN has been staying in Karaganda for a few days. He is interested in extracurricular activities of the students. Now he is at Youth Committee and meets Victor, a represent

At the Youth Committee
Stephan: Hello, Victor! How are you? Victor:_____________________________________________________________ Stephan:

Read the dialogue and reproduce it inserting the necessary words and phrases.
(pleasure; attending; name; appreciate; display; activities; victories; as far as I know; groups)   Stephan: ______________, there are also amateur groups for y

Oxbridge The University of Oxford (informally Oxford University, or simply Oxford), located in

I. Remember the following words and word combinations
1) entrance exams вступительные экзамены 2) to pass entrance exams successfully успешно сдать вступительные экзамены 3) to fail exams провалить экзамены 4) to ta

IX. Dialogues
1. Imagine you are talking to Natalie. Fill in the gaps: You. Hello! ______________________________ What is your name? Natalie. Hi! My name is Natal

Alex is about to ring up a friend of his. He picks up the receiver and dials the number. The first time the line is engaged but then he gets through.

Bologna Process
The purpose of the Bologna process (or Bologna accords) is to create the European Higher Education Area by making academic degree standards and quality assurance standards more comparable and compa

Ecology is a science which studies the relationship between all forms of life in our planet with its environment. This word came from the Greek “oikos” which means “home”. The Earth is our

VIII. Read and translate.
DON’T BUY DRINKS IN PLASTIC BOTTLES FACT: Americans use 2.5 mln plastic bottles every year. These bottles can’t be recycled and won’t ever degrade. WHAT TO DO: Only buy soda and o

IX. Decide what kind of weather is described in each situation.
Make use of the following words: hurricane, thaw, flood, blustery, foggy, snowdrift, slippery, scorching, humid, drought.   1. Big trees can be uploaded like small sticks. __

XI. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.
1. Suppose you get _____ (from, out of) you house __ (on, at) an early sunny day and see a yellow dandelion (одуванчик). 2. Our land is full __ (in, of, with) beautiful flowers, trees whic

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Air Care
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Good Energy News
When we burn coal and oil for energy, we cause pollution. But little by little we're getting more energy from the sun and the wind. This energy is clean and renewable (that means we'll never run ou

Read and translate the dialogue. Roleplay the situation.
DOCTOR: Good morning. How are you? PATIENT: Fine, thanks. DOCTOR: So, if you’re fine, why are you here to see me? PATIENT: No, what I meant wa

Look through the dialogue. Add the words of the patient. Roleplay the situation.
DOCTOR: And what seems to be the matter with you? PATIENT: __________________________________________________________ DOCTOR: Let me see. Have you got a heada

Between Two Boys on Injuries
B: (Seeing his friend come out of the doctor's office.) Hello, Mike, what happened to you? Why is your arm in a sling? M: I had a bad fall from a bicycle and broke my arm.

A Visit to the Doctor
- Well, what's the matter with you, Mr. Walker? - You'd better ask me what is not the matter with me, doctor. I seem to be suffering from all the illnesses imagin­able: insomnia, headaches

VIII. Make up the dialogues. Roleplay the situation.
You seem to have been ill. You are phoning the clinic and making an appointment with the doctor. IX. Tell the story about visiting the doctor. Stages for actions:

Sport and a healthy life style
I. Read the following words paying attention to the pronunciation: Kinds of Sports: 1. football 2. volleyball 3. basketbal

VII. Do, Play or Go with Various Sports.
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Sport and a Healthy Life Style
Nowadays our life is getting more and more tense. People live under the pressure of different problems, such as social, e

FOR: 1. I think smoking is a pleasure. 2. Little is known for certain about the tobacco effect on human organism. No visible harm to a smoker. At least no immedia

(R=Receptionist, W = Woman) R:New Life Centre. Can 1 help you? W: Yes. Could you give me some information about your centre? R: Cert

I. Read the following words and word combinations paying attention to their pronunciation: 1) sovereign 2) official language 3) on equal grounds 4) al

VII. Make up 10 questions to the text. Use them as your plan for retelling the text.
  KARAGANDA – MY NATIVE CITY I. Read the following words and word combinations paying attention to their pronunciation: to be

VIII. Add to your active vocabulary
  Could you tell me how to get to …? (= Could you tell me the way to …? = Can you direct me to?) - Вы не подскажите мне как пройти к … ? I am a stranger (foreigner) here

IX. Dialogues
Read the dialogues, learn them by heart and act. Dialogue 1. - Excuse me. Where is the nearest bank here? - It’s round the corner over ther

X. Directions
1. Look at the map of Chesswood and find these things: • a farm • a wood • a pond • a path • a hill • a river • a bridge • a gate    

Soviets say Talking Elephant Has Human Parents to Talk
  Moscow (AP) – The official Soviet News Agency says that Batir, a baby elephant at the Ka

  I. Read the following words and word combinations paying attention to their pronunciation: 1) petroglyph 2) earthenware 3) applied art

People of Culture and Science of Kazakhstan
Culture The land of Chinghiztau gave the mankind a lot of talented people – poets, writers, musicians, painters. The most ancient works of art on the terr

I. Read the following words and word combinations paying attention to their pronunciation: 1) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the

Political Structure, Geography and Economy
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK) is a constitutional monarchy. It has a monarch – a King or a Queen. The present British monarch is Queen Eliza

Read, dramatize and learn the dialogue.
W. Today perhaps you would kindly tell us something about North England and England's most important industrial areas. M. Well, the centers of English Industry lie in the Mid

  I. Read the following words and word combinations paying attention to their pronunciation:   1) Village 2) Vast 3) Urban

VII. Find out the sentences which correspond to the text. Correct the wrong sentences in accordance with the text.
1. London is the capital of the USA. 2. London is a small town in the UK. 3. Its population is about 7 mln. people. 4. London is situated on the Volga and composed of thr

The Tower of London
1) violence 2) forefathers 3) to be guarded 4) to take place 5) password 6) to go back 7) Crown Jewels 8) can tell 9) the Ceremony of the Keys 10) ancient 11) to be founded 12) fo

XI. Dialogues
Dialogue 1. Read the dialogue and learn it by heart.   Jack – Hello, how are you? John – I’m fine, thanks. And you? Ja

  I. Read the following words and word combinations paying attention to their pronunciation:   1) annual 2) gift 3) to fall

Traditions and Holidays of the UK
  It may seem surprising but the British have fewer holidays than many other countries. Some of them are named Bank Holidays due to the fact that on those days banks are closed. The p

Ghosts and witches
Halloween means 'holy evening', and takes place on October 31. This festival is particularly connected with witche

For most British families this is the most important festival of the year, it combines the Christian celebration of the birth of Christ with the traditional festivities of winter.

VIII. Find some additional information about British holidays and traditions and tell us about them.
  PEOPLE OF CULTURE AND SCIENCE OF THE UK   I. Read the following words and word combinations paying attention to their pronunciation:

People of Culture
Many British writers, poets, painters, sculptors, architects, musicians, composers, actors, singers and dancers are known all over the world.

People of Science
Sir Isaac Newton(1643 –1727) was an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, a

People of Music
Edward Benjamin Britten(1913 –1976) was an English composer, conductor, violist and pianist. Br

VII. Find more information about famous people of the UK and present it in the auditorium.
VIII. Dialogues Dialogue 1. Read the dialogue and learn it by heart. Joseph – Hello, Frank, where are

The Kazakhs preserve their national traditions which go back many thousand years. The ancient and original culture of the Kazakhs was formed in the conditions of nomadic life, which left a deep imp

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