Іноземна мова (англійська)





Кафедра іноземних мов


Рег. № 11/384 – 01.06.10.

Методичні рекомендації

  з дисципліни Іноземна мова (англійська)  


Основною метою навчання студентів-заочників у немовному вузі є формування іншомовної компетенції у сфері читання, особливо самостійного читання літератури з фаху для вилучення потрібної інформації з іншомовних джерел. Такі види мовленнєвої діяльності як говоріння та аудіювання використовуються як допоміжні засоби навчання.

Методичні Рекомендації (МР) призначені для студентів-заочників I та II курсів факультету кібернетики та мають ціллю навчити студентів читати, розуміти та переводити літературу зі спеціальності студента. МР містять вступ, зміст завдання та методичні рекомендації до виконання.

Особлива увага приділяється удосконаленню навиків вивчаючого і ознайомлюючого читання.

МР складаються з текстів, підібраних з сучасної технічної оригінальної літератури англійською мовою та з Інтернету.

При відборі текстового матеріалу у якості основного критерію була використана інформативна цінність текстів та їх відповідність з інтересами студентів початкових курсів технічних ВНЗ.

Зміст текстів також сприятиме збагаченню фахової англомовної лексики і розвиватиме культуру мовлення студентів. Запропоновані тексти можна читати як дома самостійно, так і на практичних заняттях.

Завдання пропонується у варіантах. До кожного варіанту надається лексичний мінімум, що складається з термінів відповідного фаху, вправ на розвиток потенційного словнику студентів, перевірку розуміння текстів та оволодіння навичками усного мовлення.

Студент повинен виконати один варіант згідно з останньою цифрою студентського шифру.


Зміст завдання та методичні рекомендації до виконання.

МР складаються з 4 частин (завдань). Кожна частина містить завдання, які складаються з 5 варіантів, а кожен варіант складається з трьох текстів,…   Порядок зарахуванняроботи – перевірка знання лексичного мінімуму (20 – 30 л.од.) , перевірка читання текстів та…

Контрольна робота № 1.

Variant I

to extend [iks'tend] — простягатися to border ['bodә] on — межувати to be washed by — омиватися

Ex.2. Read and translate the following text with a dictionary. Do exercises after the text.

Geographical Position of Ukraine”.

2. In the north of Ukraine there are forests, in the west — the Carpathian mountains, in the eastern and central Ukraine — black-soil steppelands. … 3. We can admire picturesque slopes of the green Carpathians and the Cri­mean… 4. The main territory of Ukraine is flat, but 5% of it make up mountains.

Ex.3. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

1.всесвітня політична карта; 2. межувати з; 3. морські кордони; 4. чорноземні степи; 5. поділятися на; 6. вздовж узбережжя; 7. півострів; 8. міське населення; 9. сільське населення; 10. над рівнем моря.


Ex.4. Match the English words with their Ukrainian equivalents.

1. to be washed by a) фауна

2. the total length b) сприятливий

3. picturesque slopes c) омиватися

4. the major rivers d) столиця

5. a representative e) загальна довжина

6. to be covered with f) луг

7. fauna g) мальовничі схили

8. a meadow h) покриватися

9. a capital i) представник

10. favourable j) головні річки


Ex.5. Insert the suitable words or word combinations into the following sentences. The words are given below.

2. In the…Ukraine there are black-soil steppelands. 3. The main territory of Ukraine is…, but 5% of it make up mountains. 4. The Carpathians are situated in…

Ex.6. Find in the text and put down the answers to the questions in Ukrainian.

1. What countries does Ukraine border on?

2. What is the total length of the country’s frontiers?

3. What are the major Ukrainian rivers?

4. How many people live in Ukraine?

5. What is the geographical position of Ukraine favorable for?


Ex.7. Read and translate the following text with a dictionary. Translate paragraphs:1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12 in writing.

1. On the 24th of August, 1991 Ukraine became an independent state. On the 1st of December, 1991 the everlasting dream of the Ukrainian people came… 2. 90% of the people voted for the independence of Ukraine and since that time… 3. Nowadays Ukraine is a democratic state, ruled by the law and created as a implementation of the people’s sovereign…

Ex.8. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

1. довгоочікувана мрія; 2. однопалатний національний парламент; 3. виконавча влада; 4. законодавча влада; 5. схвалення; 6. об’єднати зусилля; 7. достаток; 8. спрямовувати; 9. ключовий виклик; 10. установлення.


Ex.9. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following words.

1. seal a) блакить

2. to alternate b) сучасний

3. millennium c) століття

4. contemporary d) замінювати

5. azyre e) печатка

6. trident f) емблема

7. ancient g) тризуб

8. insignia h) древній

9. device i) емблема

10. heraldic j) геральдичний


Ex.10. Insert the suitable words or word combinations into the following sentences. The words are given below.

2. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is the….authority. 3. Ukraine is divided into 24….and the Autonomic Republic Crimea. 4. The classic form of the Ukrainian trident is found on the…of Vladimir

Ex.11. Find in the text and put down the answers to the questions in Ukrainian.

1. When did the everlasting dream of the Ukrainian people come true?

2. What kind of political system is true in Ukraine?

3. What is a key challenge facing Ukraine?

4. What can you say about the national emblems of Ukraine?


Ex.12. Read and translate the following text orally without a dictionary. List its main points in Ukrainian.

The combination of the blue and yellow colours — “Ukrainian colours” — reaches far back into pre-Christian times. These colours predominatedon the… First accepted as the National flag by the Supreme Ukrainian Council in Lviv… On 22 March 1918 the blue-and-yellow flag was ratified as the national flag of the independent Ukrainian National …

Ukrainian Anthem

In 1863 the Lviv journal “Meta” (The Goal) published the poem of Paul Chubynsky (1839—1884), “Shche ne umerla Ukraina,’’ which was mistakenly… This song, as a result of its catchy melody and patriotic text, rapidly… Ex.13. Discussion Points:

Variant II

Word List: to extend [iks’tend] — простягатися to border [‘bo:dә] on — межувати

Ex.2. Read and translate the following text with a dictionary. Do exercises after the text.

Geographical Position of Ukraine”.

2. In the north of Ukraine there are forests, in the west — the Carpathian mountains, in the eastern and central Ukraine — black-soil steppelands. … 3. We can admire picturesque slopes of the green Carpathians and the Cri­mean… 4. The main territory of Ukraine is flat, but 5% of it make up mountains.

Ex.3. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

1. всесвітня політична карта; 2. межувати з; 3. морські кордони; 4. чорноземні степи; 5. поділятися на; 6. вздовж узбережжя; 7. півострів; 8. міське населення; 9. сільське населення; 10. над рівнем моря.

Ex.4. Match the English words with their Ukrainian equivalents.

1. to be washed by a) фауна

2. the total length b) сприятливий

3. picturesque slopes c) омиватися

4. the major rivers d) столиця

5. a representative e) загальна довжина

6. to be covered with f) луг

7. fauna g) мальовничі схили

8. a meadow h) покриватися

9. a cpital i) представник

10. favourable j) головні річки

Ex.5. Insert the suitable words or word combinations into the following sentences. The words are given below.

2. In the…Ukraine there are black-soil steppelands. 3. The main territory of Ukraine is…, but 5% of it make up mountains. 4. The Carpathians are situated in…

Ex.6. Find in the text and put down the answers to the questions in Ukrainian.

1. What countries does Ukraine border on?

2. What is the total length of the country’s frontiers?

3. What are the major Ukrainian rivers?

4. How many people live in Ukraine?

5. What is the geographical position of Ukraine favorable for?

Ex.7. Read and translate the following text with a dictionary. Do paragraphs: 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 11, 13 in writing.

1. A new independent state with a thousand-year-old history appeared on the map of the world. To have an idea of Ukraine’s economic potential, its… 2. It's population is 46 million, more than 74 per cent of whom are… 3. Ukraine is the first in Europe in iron ore extraction, production of steel, cast iron, tractors, mineral…

Ex.8. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word


1. Ресурси; 2. визначати; 3. дані; 4. займати; 5. виробляти; 6. обладнання;

7. доступ; 8. встановлення; 9. передумови; 10. чорна металургія.


Ex.9. Match the English words with their Ukrainian equivalents.

1. to appear a) поверхність

2. economic potential b) для порівняння

3. to carry out c) займати

4. for comparison d) знайомитись з чимось

5. surface e) економічний потенціал

6. coal mining f) залізна дорога

7. concrete g) бетон

8. to be connected with smth. h) вугледобування

9. railroad i) взаємопов’язані процеси

10. interralated j) з’являтися


Ex.10. Insert the suitable words or word combinations into the following sentences. The words are given below.

2. In the south the country has….to the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. 3. Historically the following….determined the development of Ukrainian… 4. Present-day independent Ukraine has a….potential to develop its economy.

Ex.11. Find in the text and put down the answers to the questions in Ukrainian.

1. What economic potential does Ukraine have?

2. What positions does the country take in Europe?

3. What factors determined the development of Ukrainian lands?

4. What are the coal deposits in Ukraine?

Ex.12. Read and translate the following text without a dictionary. List its main points in Ukrainian.

The Biggest Ukrainian Cities

Lviv — a scenic city in the west of Ukraine was founded by Prince Daniel of Halych (Danylo Halytsky). Historically, it is first mentioned in 1256.… Kharkiv, Ukraine's leading power engineering, agricultural machinery,… Dnipropetrovsk (prior to 1926, Yekaterinoslav), a large industrial center in Ukraine. Founded 1776, today this city is…

Ex.13. Discussion Points

1. Geographical Position of Ukraine.

2. Ukraine’s Economy

3. The Historical places of Kyiv.


Variant III

Ex.1. Study the vocabulary.

to extend [iks'tend] — простягатися to border ['bo:dә] on — межувати to be washed by — омиватися

Ex.2. Read and translate the following text with a dictionary. Do exercises after the text.

Geographical Position of Ukraine”.

2. In the north of Ukraine there are forests, in the west — the Carpathian mountains, in the eastern and central Ukraine — black-soil steppelands. … 3. We can admire picturesque slopes of the green Carpathians and the Cri­mean… 4. The main territory of Ukraine is flat, but 5% of it make up mountains.

Ex.3. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

1.всесвітня політична карта; 2. межувати з; 3. морські кордони; 4. чорноземні степи; 5. поділятися на; 6. вздовж узбережжя; 7. півострів; 8. міське населення; 9. сільське населення; 10. над рівнем моря.

Ex.4. Match the English words with their Ukrainian equivalents.

1. to be washed by a) фауна

2. the total length b) сприятливий

3. picturesque slopes c) омиватися

4. the major rivers d) столиця

5. a representative e) загальна довжина

6. to be covered with f) луг

7. fauna g) мальовничі схили

8. a meadow h) покриватися

9. a cаpital i) представник

10. favourable j) головні річки


Ex.5. Insert the suitable words or word combinations into the following sentences. The words are given below.

2. In the…Ukraine there are black-soil steppelands. 3. The main territory of Ukraine is…, but 5% of it make up mountains. 4. The Carpathians are situated in…

Ex.6. Find in the text and put down the answers to the questions in Ukrainian.

1. What countries does Ukraine border on?

2. What is the total length of the country’s frontiers?

3. What are the major Ukrainian rivers?

4. How many people live in Ukraine?

5. What is the geographical position of Ukraine favorable for?


Ex.7. Read and translate the following text with a dictionary. Do paragraphs:

In writing.

Land, Mineral and Fuel-Energy. Resources of Ukraine”.

2. In Ukraine they grow sugar beets, wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn, sunflo­wer, hemp, flax, buckwheat, potatoes, onions, tomatoes, cabbages, also a… 3. Sugar can be called white gold (in the world market it costs 250 US dollars… 4. All towns and villages of Ukraine are connected by a wide net of highways. Oil and gas pipelines of international…

Ex.8. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

1. Родючий шар ґрунту; 2. значний прогрес; 3. риночка економіка; 4. цукровий буряк; 5. світовий ринок; 6. щорічний; 7. сприяти; 8. перехід; 9. газопровід; 10. залізо.

Ex.9. Match the English words with their Ukrainian equivalents.

1) wheat a) мати на увазі

2) corn b) внутрішній ринок

3) profit c) пшениця

4) land reform d) користь

5) fee e) земельна реформа

6) internal market f) кам’яна сіль

7) rock salt g) плата

8) deposit h) родовище

9) to take into account i) виплати

10) to extract j) зерно


Ex.10. Insert the suitable words or word combinations into the following sentences. The words are given below.

2. Sugar beet production….is 1000 kg. 3. Sugar can be called…. 4. Oil and gas pipelines of….go through the territory of Ukraine.

Ex.11. Find in the text and put down the answers to the questions in Ukrainian.

1. What is the biggest treasure of the Ukrainian land?

2. What do they grow in Ukraine?

3. How can sugar be called now?

4. What mineral resources does Ukraine satisfy its needs in?

5. How much electrical energy does Ukraine produce?

Ex.12. Read and translate the following text orally without a dictionary. List its main points in Ukrainian.

Foreign Economic Activities and Relations of Ukraine

Ukraine’s enterprises conduct business transactions with partners in 137 countries. Ukraine’s major export items: metal, ores, coal, electricity,… Ukraine’s leading trade partners are: Russian, Germany, the USA, Italy, China,…

Barter deals and export under federal contracts make up some 43% of the foreign trade turnover.

The topics of our radio and television talks are often Ukrainian —American relations and our viewpoint on the prospect of their development, and a… A fundamental reshaping of foreign policy could only be effected on the basis… The reason for the new type of relations is that all English-speaking coun­tries want to see broader economic ties…

Ex.13. Discussion Points

1. Geographical position of Ukraine.

2. Natural Resources of Ukraine.

3. International Cooperation.


Контрольна робота №2

Variant I

to come from — походити від both…and — і…і to be made up of — складатися з

Ex.2. Read and translate the following text with a dictionary. Do exercises after the text.

From the History of Television.

2. The progress of television since 1929 up to the present time has been rapid. Television requires pictures to be sent by means of electricity.… 3. The photoelectric cell is a special kind of electronic tube in which light… 4. It seems natural to consider sending sections of the picture, one after the other, natural because we do this…

Ex.3. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

1. Дає можливість; 2. далекі відстані; 3. світло; 4. темнота; 5. фотоелемент; 6.примушувати; 7. значно збільшувати струм; 8. сканувати; 9. світова величина; 10. використовувати.


Ex.4. Match the English words with their Ukrainian equivalents.

Ex.5. Insert the suitable words or word combinations into the following sentences. The words are given below.

2. Television requires pictures to be sent…. 3. The photoelectric cell is a special kind of…. 4. It seems natural to consider sending….one after the other.

Ex.6. Find in the text and put down the answers to the questions in Ukrainian.

1. What does the word “television” come from?

2. What are television pictures made up?

3. What is the photoelectric cell?

4. What does it seem natural?

5. What does the method of transmitting pictures by TV consist in?

6. What TV has been widely applied?

Ex.7. Read and translate the following text with a dictionary. Do paragraphs: 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 14 in writing.

Artificial intelligence

2. AI will be incorporated into the 5 -generation computer systems. Then the average computer systems should not require users to remember a lot of… 4. Computers represent a completely new branch of science, the first of them… 5. The reason for this lies in the fact that a mathematical formula can be found for almost all scientific and…

Ex.8. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

1. Штучний інтелект; 2. чуттєві властивості; 3. експертні системи; 4. програмне забезпечення; 5. апаратне забезпечення; 6. споживачі; 7. фіксований алгоритм; 8. метод спроб і помилок; 9. людська здатність (можливість); 10. множення.

Ex.9. Match the English words with their Ukrainian equivalents.

1. knowledge based systems a) послідовність

2. expert systems b) обсяг, об’єм

3. incorporated c) відповідний

4. appropriate d) звичайні мови

5. imagination e) єдина задача

6. common languages f) уявлення

7. volume g) вживаний

8. electric impulses h) електронні імпульси

9. a sequence i) експертні системи

10. a single task j) системи, які базуються на знаннях

Ex.10. Insert the suitable words or word combinations into the following sentences. The words are given below.

1. There are different categories of uses which all fall into the….area.

2. AI will be….into 5-generation computer systems.

3. AI requires program design win more….

4. Numbers are represented as….of impulses.

5. Not all microcomputers are….computers.

Personal; incorporated; imagination; AI; a sequence.


Ex.11. Find in the text and put down the answers to the questions in Ukrainian.

1. What is artificial intelligence?

2. What do normal applications programs follow?

3. What branch of science do computers represent?

4. How do these electronic machines work?

5. What characteristics does a personal computer have?

Ex.12. Read and translate the following text orally without a dictionary. List the main points in Ukrainian.

Industrial Engineering and Automatic Control

Mass production increases efficiency and productivity to a point beyond which the monotony of repeating an operation over and over slows down the… These human factors are important considerations for industrial engineers who… Another factor for the industrial engineer to consider is whether each manufacturing process can be automated in whole…

Ex.13. Discussion Points.

1. What does television enable us to see?

2. Artificial Intelligence and its uses.

3. Industrial Engineering and Automatic Control.


Variant II

Ex.1. Study the vocabulary: to come from — походити від both…and — і…і

Ex.2. Read and translate the following text with a dictionary. Do exercises after the text.

From the History of TV.

2. The progress of television since 1929 up to the present time has been rapid. Television requires pictures to be sent by means of electricity.… 3. The photoelectric cell is a special kind of electronic tube in which light… 4. It seems natural to consider sending sections of the picture, one after the other, natural because we do this…

Ex.3. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

1. Дає можливість; 2. далекі відстані; 3. світло; 4. темнота; 5. фотоелемент; 6.примушувати; 7. значно збільшувати струм; 8. сканувати; 9. світова величина; 10. використовувати.


Ex.4. Match the English words with their Ukrainian equivalents.

2. moving objects b) використовувати 3. distance c) чуттєвий 4. rapid d) що означає

Ex.5. Insert the suitable words or word combinations into the following sentences. The words are given below.

2. Television requires pictures to be sent…. 3. The photoelectric cell is a special kind of…. 4. It seems natural to consider sending….one after the other.

Ex.6. Find in the text and put down the answers to the questions in Ukrainian.

1. What does the word “television” come from?

2. What are television pictures made up?

3. What is the photoelectric cell?

4. What does it seem natural?

5. What does the method of transmitting pictures by TV consist in?

6. What TV has been widely introduced at present?

Ex.7. Read and translate the following text with a dictionary. Do paragraphs: 1, 3, 4, 7, 8 in writing.


2. Today, operating systems control and manage the use of hardware devices such as the printer or mouse. They also provide disk management by… 3. DOS is the most commonly used PC operating system. DOS is an abbreviation… 4. The version of DOS release in 1981 was 1.0. Over the past decade, DOS has undergone several changes. Each time the…

Ex.8. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

1. Забезпечити, оснастити; 2. прилади; 3. операційні системи; 4. накопичувати інформацію; 5. дискова операційна система; 6. нова технологія; 7. мати доступ до системи; 8. одночасно; 9. орієнтовані на споживача; 10. адресований.

Ex.9. Match the English words with their Ukrainian equivalents.

1. to perform a) підлягати; підпадати

2. complex b) складний

3. printer c) власні команди

4. to run programmes d) принтер

5. own commands e) виконувати програму

6. an abbreviation f) абревіатура

7. to have undergone g) мати доступ до системи

8. the advantage h) виконати

9. to access the system i) приватний

10. private j) перевага

Ex.10. Insert the suitable words or word combinations into the following sentences. The words are given below.

1. Programmers soon realized it would be….to develop one programme.

2. Today, operating systems….the use of hardware devices.

3. DOS is the most….used PC operating system.

4. Windows NT is operating system….by Microsoft.

5. Windows 95 and 98 are DOS….

Commonly; control and manage; complete; smarter; developed.


Ex.11. Find in the text and put down the answers to the questions in Ukrainian.

1. What did programmers create?

2. What do operating systems control?

3. What is the most commonly used PC operating system?

4. What is Windows NT?

5. What operating system is UNIX?

6. What operating systems are Windows 95 and Windows 98?

Ex.12. Read and translate the following text orally without a dictionary. List the main points in Ukrainian.


An up-to-date computer can solve a complicated problem many millions of times faster than a skilled mathematician. It handles thousands of… There are two main classes of computing equipment: analogue and digi­tal. They… The state gives energetic support to the development of computer engineering. The Academy of Sciences established a…

Ex.13. Discussion Points.

1. What does television enable us to see?

2. The most commonly used operating systems.

3. Computers in our Life.


Variant III

to come from — походити від both…and — і…і to be made up of — складатися з

Ex.2. Read and translate the following text with a dictionary. Do exercises after the text.

From the History of TV

2. The progress of television since 1929 up to the present time has been rapid. Television requires pictures to be sent by means of electricity.… 3. The photoelectric cell is a special kind of electronic tube in which light… 4. It seems natural to consider sending sections of the picture, one after the other, natural because we do this…

Ex.3. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

1.Дає можливість; 2. далекі відстані; 3. світло; 4. темнота; 5. фотоелемент; 6.примушувати; 7. значно збільшувати струм; 8. сканувати; 9. світова величина; 10. використовувати.

Ex.4. Match the English words with their Ukrainian equivalents.

2. moving objects b) використовувати 3. distance c) чуттєвий 4. rapid d) що означає

Ex.5. Insert the suitable words or word combinations into the following sentences. The words are given below.

2. Television requires pictures to be sent…. 3. The photoelectric cell is a special kind of…. 4. It seems natural to consider sending….one after the other.

Ex.6. Find in the text and put down the answers to the questions in Ukrainian.

1. What does the word “television” come from?

2. What are television pictures made up?

3. What is the photoelectric cell?

4. What does it seem natural?

5. What does the method of transmitting pictures by TV consist in?

6. What TV has been widely applied at present?

Ex.7. Read and translate the following text with a dictionary. Do paragraphs: 2,

In writing.


2. Fixed automation, sometimes called "hard automation" refers to automated machines in which the equipment configuration allows fixed… 3. Programmable automation is a form of automation for producing products in… 4. Flexible automation is a kind of programmable automation. Programmable automation I reprogram and change over the…

Ex.8. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

1. Застосування; 2. типи автоматизації; 3. фіксована послідовність;

4. програмована автоматизація; 5. перепрограмування; 6. гнучка автоматизація; 7.суміш; 8. комп’ютерна грамотність; 9. досягнення.

Ex.9. Match the English words with their Ukrainian equivalents.

1. manufacturing a) продукти

2. processing operation b) обробляти

3. suitable c) виробництво

4. large volumes d) пам’ять

5. products e) інформовані громадяни

6. memory f) великі обсяги

7. equipment g) виробничі операції

8. informed citizens h) обладнання

9. a data processing system i) система обробки даних

10. to process j) відповідний

Ex.10. Insert the suitable words or word combinations into the following sentences. The words are given below.

2. Programmable automation is a form of automation for producing….in large quantities. 3. Flexible automation is a kind of…. 4. The….of the equipment in flexible automation is done at a computer terminal.

Ex.11. Find in the text and put down the answers to the questions in Ukrainian.

1. What is manufacturing?

2. What does fixed automation refer to?

3. What form of automation is programmable automation?

4. What kind of automation is flexible automation?

5. What does computer-literacy mean?

Ex.12. Read and translate the following text orally without a dictionary. List the main points in Ukrainian.


Although electronics is property regarded as only a section of electrical technology, electronic techniques are applied in many fields, including… While physical electronics is the science of electronic processes, industrial… The invention of electronic device is known to have become a new important phase in the development of electrical…

Ex.13. Discussion Points.

1. What does television enable to see?

2. Types of Automation.

3. Electronics as a science.


Контрольна робота № 3.

Variant I

Ex.1. Study the vocabulary:

Types of computers

workstation — робоча станція minicomputer — мінікомп’ютер mainframe — базовий пристрій


mechanical mouse — механічна мишка

optical mouse — оптична мишка


main memory — основна пам’ять

auxiliary storage — додаткова пам’ять

RAM (Random Access Memory) — оперативна пам’ять

ROM(Read Only Memory) — постійний запам’ятовуючий пристрій

CD- ROM — пристрій для читання лазерних носіїв інформації

diskette/floppy disk — гнучкий диск

hard disk — жорсткий диск

output devices — пристрої виводу

printer — принтер

display screen — монітор, екран

input devices — пристрої вводу

pointing devices — координатно-вказівні пристрої

mouse — мишка

trackball — координатний шар, “трекбол”

joystick (gamepad) — джойстик, координатна ручка

network — мережа

back-up copy — резервна копія

notepad — блокнот

Ex.2. Read and translate the following text with a dictionary. Do exercises after the text.

Range of Computer Ability

2. Computers exist in a wide range of sizes and power. Programmable computers vary enormously in their computational power, speed,… 3. Laptop computers and PCs are typically used in businesses and at home to communicate on computer networks, for word…

Ex.3. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

1. Математичне обчислювання; 2. набір інструкцій; 3. з надійністю, точністю та швидкістю; 4. персональний цифровий помічник; 5. всесвітній; 6. портативний комп’ютер; 7. рідкокристалічний монітор; 8. клавіатура; 9. координатний шар; 10. монітор.


Ex.4. Match the English words with their Ukrainian equivalents.

1. hardware a) записник

2. software b) базовий пристрій

3. workstation c) мережа

4. a cellular phone d) сотовий телефон

5. mainframe e) високий рівень

6. a notepad f) апаратне забезпечення

7. a network g) програмне забезпечення

8. high level h) мишка

9. to exchange information i) робоча станція

10. a mouse j) обмінюватися інформацією

Ex.5. Insert the suitable words or word combinations into the following sentences. The words are given below.

2. Computers….in a wide range of sizes and power. 3. Programmable computers…enormously in their computational power, speed,… 4. Workstations…to personal computers.

Ex.6. Find in the text and put down the answers to the questions in Ukrainian.

1. How do dictionaries define the term computer?

2. What range do computers exist in?

3. Where are laptop computers and PCs typically used?

4. What do workstations have?

5. What do mainframe computers control?

Ex.7. Read and translate the following text with a dictionary. Do paragraphs 1, 5, 7, 8 in writing.

The Five Generations of Computers

2. The first computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums for memory, and were often enormous, taking up entire rooms. They were… 3. In 1944 in the United States, International Business Machines (IBM) built a… 4. The relay computer had its problems. Since relays are electromechanical devices, the switching contacts operate by…

Ex.8. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

1. Покоління; 2. схема; 3. коштовний; 4. розвиток; 5. магнітні цимбали;

6. надійний; 7. інтегральна схема; 8. доступний; 9. штучний; 10. кремнієвий чип.

Ex.9. Match the English words with their Ukrainian equivalents.

1. efficient a) величезний

2. memory b) у співробітництві з

3. enormous c) створювати

4. in cooperation with d) пам’ять

5. to create e) заміщати

6. to replace f) ефективний

7. to monitor g) контролювати

8. intelligence h) інтелект

9. a reality i) дійсність

10. capable j) здатний

Ex.10. Insert the suitable words or word combinations into the following sentences. The words are given below.

1. The first computers used….for circuitry and….for memory.

2. The….computer had its problems.

3. Transistors replaced vacuum tubes and in the second generation of computers?

4. The microprocessor had thousands of integrated circuits built onto a single….

5. Fifth generation computing device is based on….

Relay; ushered; vacuum tubes; silicon chip; magnetic drums; artificial intelligence.

Ex.11. Find in the text and put down the answers to the questions in Ukrainian.

1. Is each generation of computer characterized by a major technological development?

2. How did first generation computers work?

3. What replaced vacuum tubes in the second generation of computers?

4. Why did computers of the third generation become accessible?

5. What are computers of the fourth and fifth generation based on?

Ex.12. Read and translate the following text orally without a dictionary. List its main points in Ukrainian.

Some Facts about Robots.

1. A Robot Laboratory Assistant. When a research worker studies biological objects, the brain, for example, he has to operate with tremendous… Our scientists have developed a machine to count and de­termine these… 2. Robot Assists Surgeon. A cybernetic device which col­lects information on the main physiological processes taking…

Ex.13. Discussion Points

1. What is a computer?

2. Computer Generations.

3. Robots in our life.


Variant II

Ex.1. Study the vocabulary:

Types of computers

workstation — робоча станція minicomputer — мінікомп’ютер mainframe — базовий пристрій


mechanical mouse — механічна мишка

optical mouse — оптична мишка


main memory — основна пам’ять

auxiliary storage — додаткова пам’ять

RAM (Random Access Memory) — оперативна пам’ять

ROM(Read Only Memory) — постійний запам’ятовуючий пристрій

CD- ROM — пристрій для читання лазерних носіїв інформації

diskette/floppy disk — гнучкий диск

hard disk — жорсткий диск

output devices — пристрої виводу

printer — принтер

display screen — монітор, екран

input devices — пристрої вводу

pointing devices — координатно-вказівні пристрої

mouse — мишка

trackball — координатний шар, “трекбол”

joystick (gamepad) — джойстик, координатна ручка

network — мережа

back-up copy — резервна копія

notepad — блокнот

Ex.2. Read and translate the following text with a dictionary. Do exercises after the text.

Range of Computer Ability

2. Computers exist in a wide range of sizes and power. Programmable computers vary enormously in their computational power, speed,… 3. Laptop computers and PCs are typically used in businesses and at home to communicate on computer networks, for word…

Ex.3. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

1. Математичне обчислювання; 2. набір інструкцій; 3. з надійністю, точністю та швидкістю; 4. персональний цифровий помічник; 5. всесвітній; 6. портативний комп’ютер; 7. рідкокристалічний монітор; 8. клавіатура; 9. координатний шар; 10. монітор.

Ex.4. Match the English words with their Ukrainian equivalents.

1. hardware a) записник

2. software b) базовий пристрій

3. workstation c) мережа

4. a cellular phone d) сотовий телефон

5. mainframe e) високий рівень

6. a notepad f) апаратне забезпечення

7. a network g) програмне забезпечення

8. high level h) мишка

9. to exchange information i) робоча станція

10. a mouse j) обмінюватися інформацією

Ex.5. Insert the suitable words or word combinations into the following sentences. The words are given below.

2. Computers….in a wide range of sizes and power. 3. Programmable computers…enormously in their computational power, speed,… 4. Workstations…to personal computers.

Ex.6. Find in the text and put down the answers to the questions in Ukrainian.

1. How do dictionaries define the term computer?

2. What range do computers exist in?

3.Where are laptop computers and PCs typically used?

4. What do workstations have?

5. What do mainframe computers control?

Ex.7. Read and translate the following text with a dictionary. Do paragraphs: 4, 7, 8, 9 in writing.

Computer Generations

2. Babbage designed a device and called it an analytical engine. It was the first programmable computer, complete wit punched cards for data input.… 3. The machine of his dream was never realized in his life. Yet Babbage's idea… 4. Nothing epitomizes modern life better than the computer. For better or worse, computers have infiltrated every…

Ex. 8. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word-combinations.

1. Характеризувати; 2. універсальний; 3. змінювати; 4. зменшувати;

5. попередити; 6. втискувати; 7. спостерігати; 8. звільнення; 9. напрямок;

10. піктограма.


Ex.9. Match the English words with their Ukrainian equivalents.

1. to infiltrate a) бінарна програма

2. manually b) розвиток

3. binary-coded program c) магнітний носій

4. versality d) поєднувати

5. to couple e) фільтрувати

6. magnetic core f) вручну

7. affordable g) можливий

8. to mimic h) повторювати

9. human reasoning i) мислення людини

10. attribute j) властивість

Ex. 10. Insert the suitable words or word-combinations into the following sentences. The words are given below.

1. Nothing….modern life better than the computer.

2. The program was….into the processor and had to be manually altered.

3. The invention of the….greatly changed the computers development.

4. Computers became smaller as more components were….onto a chip.

5. Defining the fifth generation of computers is difficult because the field is….

Wired; transistor; epitomizes; squeezed; in infancy.

Ex.11. Find in the text and put down the answers to the questions in Ukrainian.

1. Who was the inventor of the first programmable computer?

2. What were distinctive features of the first generation of computers?

3. What characterizes the second generation of computers?

4. What characterizes the third generation of computers?

5. Is it easy to define the fifth generation of computers?

Ex.12. Read and translate the following text orally without a dictionary. List the main points in Ukrainian.

The first robots appeared on Olympus: gold mechanical maids served Hephaestus, the god of fire, divine smith and patron of craftsmen. Attempts to… The word "robot", which has become an international tech­nological… The first robots, perhaps, did not yet have the right to be called such because they could not work by themselves, but…

Ex.13. Discussion points.

1. What is a computer?

2. Computer Generations.

3. The family of industrial robots.

Variant III

Ex.1. Study the vocabulary:

Types of computers

workstation — робоча станція minicomputer — мінікомп’ютер mainframe — базовий пристрій


mechanical mouse — механічна мишка

optical mouse — оптична мишка


main memory — основна пам’ять

auxiliary storage — додаткова пам’ять

RAM (Random Access Memory) — оперативна пам’ять

ROM(Read Only Memory) — постійний запам’ятовуючий пристрій

CD- ROM — пристрій для читання лазерних носіїв інформації

diskette/floppy disk — гнучкий диск

hard disk — жорсткий диск

output devices — пристрої виводу

printer — принтер

display screen — монітор, екран

input devices — пристрої вводу

pointing devices — координатно-вказівні пристрої

mouse — мишка

trackball — координатний шар, “трекбол”

joystick (gamepad) — джойстик, координатна ручка

network — мережа

back-up copy — резервна копія

notepad — блокнот

Ex.2. Read and translate the following text with a dictionary. Do exercises

After the text.

Range of Computer Ability

2. Computers exist in a wide range of sizes and power. Programmable computers vary enormously in their computational power, speed,… 3. Laptop computers and PCs are typically used in businesses and at home to communicate on computer networks, for word…

Ex.3. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

1. Математичне обчислювання; 2. набір інструкцій; 3. з надійністю, точністю та швидкістю; 4. персональний цифровий помічник; 5. всесвітній; 6. портативний комп’ютер; 7. рідкокристалічний монітор; 8. клавіатура; 9. координатний шар; 10. монітор.

Ex.4. Match the English words with their Ukrainian equivalents.

1. hardware a) записник

2. software b) базовий пристрій

3. workstation c) мережа

4. a cellular phone d) сотовий телефон

5. mainframe e) високий рівень

6. a notepad f) апаратне забезпечення

7. a network g) програмне забезпечення

8. high level h) мишка

9. to exchange information i) робоча станція

10. a mouse j) обмінюватися інформацією

Ex.5. Insert the suitable words or word combinations into the following sentences. The words are given below.

2. Computers….in a wide range of sizes and power. 3. Programmable computers…enormously in their computational power, speed,… 4. Workstations…to personal computers.

Ex.6. Find in the text and put down the answers to the questions in Ukrainian.

1. How do dictionaries define the term computer?

2. What range do computers exist in?

3.Where are laptop computers and PCs typically used?

4. What do workstations have?

5. What do mainframe computers control?

Ex.7. Read and translate the following text with a dictionary. Do paragraphs: 1, 3, 5, 8 in writing.


2. The first microprocessors were developed in 1971 as a branch of pocket calculator development. Since then there has been a tremendous increase of… 3. A typical microprocessor chip measures half a centimeter on a side. By… 4. As in the central processing unit or CPU, of a larger computer, the task of the microprocessor is to receive data…

Ex. 8. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word-combinations.

1. Об’єднана схема; 2. зменшений у розмірі; 3. збирати; 4. строчка; 5. двохмірний; 6. вплив; 7. шмат; 8. взаємозамінні; 9. клавіатура; 10. повний, завершений.

Ex. 9. Match the English words with their Ukrainian equivalents.

2. to reflect b) розрізнятися 3. to exceed c) відображати 4. cathode-ray tube d) постачання енергії

Ex. 10. Insert the suitable words or word-combinations into the following sentences. The words are given below.

1. A typical microprocessor chip….half a centimeter on a side.

2. The member of applications for….is increasing daily.

3. A multi chip arrangement is known as a….organization.

4. New micros work with 32-bit word lengths and can….1Mbytes of main memory.

5. The term….refers to a complete system of which a processor is a part.

Bit-sliced; measures; access; microprocessors; computer.


Ex.11. Find in the text and put down the answers to the questions in Ukrainian.

1. What is a microprocessor?

2. When were the first microprocessors developed?

3. What is a microprocessor task?

4. What units does a typical microprocessor consist of?

5. What does present microprocessors varying depend on?

6. When can the terms “microcomputer” and “microprocessor” be used interchangeably?

Ex.12. Read and translate the following text orally without a dictionary. List the main points in Ukrainian.


Fifth generation computers are much faster. They are able to use artificial intelligence software. That is, the computer systems are able to… They are also used for such things as diagnosing medical problems, providing… Computer manufacturers are working on new technologies that will greatly increase the speed and lower the cost of…

Ex.13. Discussion points.

1. What is a computer?

2. Computer Generations.

3. Five Generation of Computers.



Контрольна робота № 4.

Variant I

Exercise 1. Study the vocabulary.

Exercise 2. Read and translate the following text. Do exercises after the text.


2. A great role belongs to microelectronics in our national economy. Its appearance and intensive development was caused by the necessity of using a… 3. Semiconductor elements are usually presented in a micro-miniaturized form:… 4. At the base of modern microelectronic devices lie semiconductor elements. Microelectronics itself is based on…

Exercise 3. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

1. Складні операції; 2. мініатюрні прилади; 3. мікроелектронні схеми; 4. ефективність дослідження; 5. здійснити; 6. напівпровідник; 7. велика кількість; 8. один кристал; 9. сотні тисяч; 10. обробка інформації; 11. складна структура; 12. велика кількість; 13. рівень розвитку.

Exercise 4. Match the English words with their Ukrainian equivalents.

Exercise 5. Insert the suitable words or word combinations into the following sentences. The words are given below.

2. A great role belongs to … in our national economy. 3. Such devices have acquired the name of … 4. At the base of modern … lie semiconductor elements.

Exercise 6. Find in the text and put down the answers to the questions in


1.What is microelectronics?

2.What does microelectronic define?

3.What elements are usually presented in a micro-miniaturized form?

4.What is microelectronics based on?

5.How long is the history of microelectronics?

Exercise 7. Read and translate the following text with a dictionary. Do paragraphs 2, 3, 5, 8, 9 in writing.


2. Quite recently, only some decades ago, even the words «automation», «automatic control» seldom appeared on the pages of the press or scientific… 3. Automation may be defined as «the accomplishment of a job by an integrated… 4. Emphasis should be made that automation is not a mere extention of mechanization, but a qualitatively new step in…

Exercise 8. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word-combinations.

1. Автоматизація виробництва; 2. нещодавно; 3. наука і техніка; 4. допомога; 5. сучасні засоби; 6. технологічний ланцюг; 7. матеріальні вкладання; 8. творчий; 9. тенденція; 10. виключати.

Exercise 9. Match the English words with their Ukrainian equivalents.

1. principle direction 2. branch of science 3. control 4. technical progress 5. scientific 6. integrated 7. principle 8. to enable 9. flexible technology 10. to replace а) галузь науки b) управління c) технічний прогрес d) головний напрямок e) головний f) давати можливість g) замінювати h) гнучка технологія i) науковий j) інтегрований

Exercise 10. Insert the suitable words or word-combinations into the following sentences. The words are given below.

1. Today one cannot imagine … without automation.

2. Automation is the … of four independent compounds.

3. Automation is a qualitative new … in technological development.

4. Comprehensive automation calls for … and time.

5. It gives … for creative work by both the makers of this technology and its users.

Integration; material inputs; opportunities; technical progress; step.

Exercise 11. Find in the text and put down the answers to the questions in Ukrainian.

1. What does the principal direction of the present day scientific progress consist in?

2. How may automation be defined?

3. What is automation?

4. What is the main trend in automation now?

5. What does complex automation make an important impact on?

Exercise 12. Read and translate the following text orally without a dictionary. List its main points in Ukrainian.


The term automation is also used to describe nonmanufacturing systems in which automatic devices can operate independently of human control. Such… Automated manufacturing had several steps in its development. Mechanization… Industrial robots, originally designed only to perform simple tasks in environments dangerous to human workers, are…

Exercise 13. Discussion Points.

1. What is microelectronics?

2. Automation and Labour.

3. Automation influence on the economy.



Variant II

Exercise 1. Study the vocabulary.

Exercise 2. Read and translate the following text. Do exercises after the text.


2. A great role belongs to microelectronics in our national economy. Its appearance and intensive development was caused by the necessity of using a… 3. Semiconductor elements are usually presented in a micro-miniaturized form:… 4. At the base of modern microelectronic devices lie semiconductor elements. Microelectronics itself is based on…

Exercise 3. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

1. Складні операції; 2. мініатюрні прилади; 3. мікроелектронні схеми;

4. ефективність дослідження; 5. здійснити; 6.напівпровідник; 7. велика кількість;

8. один кристал; 9. сотні тисяч; 10. обробка інформації; 11. складна структура;

12. велика кількість; 13. рівень розвитку.

Exercise 4. Match the English words with their Ukrainian equivalents.

Exercise 5. Insert the suitable words or word combinations into the following sentences. The words are given below.

2.A great role belongs to … in our national economy. 3.Such devices have acquired the name of … 4.At the base of modern … lie semiconductor elements.

Exercise 6. Find in the text and put down the answers to the questions in Ukrainian.

1.What is microelectronics?

2.What does microelectronic define?

3.What elements are usually presented in a micro-miniaturized form?

4.What is microelectronics based on?

5.How long is the history of microelectronics?


Exercise 7. Read and translate the following text with a dictionary. Do paragraphs 2, 4, 6, 9, 11 in writing.


2. The term automation is also used to describe nonmanufacturing systems in which automatic devices can operate independently of human control. Such… 3. Automated manufacturing had several steps in its development. Mechanization… 4. Industrial robots, originally designed only to perform simple tasks in environments dangerous to human workers, are…

Exercise 8. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word-combinations.

1. Послідовність; 2. термін; 3. система контролю; 4. автоматизоване виробництво;

5. оточення; 6. зворотній принцип; 7. технології комп’ютерного дизайну; 8. вплив; 9. сигнальні прилади; 10. контрольований.

Exercise 9. Match the English words with their Ukrainian equivalents.

1. certain tasks 2. term 3. indefendently 4. industrial robots 5. feedback 6. steam engine 7.production operations 8. introduction 9. flexible 10. highly automated a) незалежно b) промислові роботи c) зворотній d) паровий двигун e) виробничі операції f) термін g) певні задачі h) введення i) гнучкий j) високо автоматизовані

Exercise 10. Insert the suitable words or word-combinations into the following sentences. The words are given below.

1. The sequences of operations are…automatically.

2. Automated….had several steps in its development.

3. Industrial robots were originally designed only to perform….tasks.

4. The….principle is used in all automatic-controlled mechanisms.

5. Computers have greatly….the use of feedback in manufacturing processes.

Simple; feedback; controlled; manufacturing; facilitated.

Exercise 11. Find in the text and put down the answers to the questions in Ukrainian.

1. What is automation?

2. What is the term “automation” used to?

3. What was the first step in the development of automation?

4. What principle is used in all automatic-control mechanisms?

5. What have computers done?

6. What development has the introduction of microprocessors made possible?

Exercise 12. Read and translate the following text orally without a dictionary. List the main points in Ukrainian.


What is hardware? Webster's dictionary gives us the following definition of the hardware - the mechanical? Magnetic, electronic, and electrical devices composing a computer system.

Computer hardware can be divided into four categories:

1) input hardware

2) processing hardware

3) storage hardware

4) output hardware.

Input hardware

The light pen uses a light sensitive photoelectric cell to signal screen position to the computer. Another type of input hardware is…

Processing hardware

The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the brain of the computer. It reads and interprets software instructions and coordinates the processing… Memory is the system of component of the computer in which information is… RAM (random access memory) is the volatile computer memory, used for creating loading, and running programs and for…

Storage hardware

Hard disk is a rigid disk coated with magnetic material, for storing programs and relatively large amounts of data Floppy disk (diskette) — thin, usually flexible plastic disk coated with… CD-ROM (compact disc read only memory) is a compact disc on which alarge amount of digitized read-only data can be…

Output hardware

Monitor is a component with a display screen for viewing computer data, television programs, etc. Printer is a computer output device that produces a paper copy of data or… Modem is an example of communication hardware — an electronic device that makes possible the transmission of data to…

Exercise 13. Discussion Points.

1. What is microelectronics?

2. What is automation?

3. What is hardware?

Variant III

Exercise 1. Study the vocabulary.

Exercise 2. Read and translate the following text. Do exercises after the text.


2. A great role belongs to microelectronics in our national economy. Its appearance and intensive development was caused by the necessity of using a… 3. Semiconductor elements are usually presented in a micro-miniaturized form:… 4. At the base of modern microelectronic devices lie semiconductor elements. Microelectronics itself is based on…

Exercise 3. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

1. Складні операції; 2. мініатюрні прилади; 3. мікроелектронні схеми; 4. ефективність дослідження; 5. здійснити; 6. напівпровідник; 7. велика кількість; 8. один кристал; 9. сотні тисяч; 10. обробка інформації; 11. складна структура; 12. велика кількість; 13. рівень розвитку.


Exercise 4. Match the English words with their Ukrainian equivalents.

Exercise 5. Insert the suitable words or word combinations into the following sentences. The words are given below.

2.A great role belongs to … in our national economy. 3.Such devices have acquired the name of … 4.At the base of modern … lie semiconductor elements.

Exercise 6. Find in the text and put down the answers to the questions in Ukrainian.

1.What is microelectronics?

2.What does microelectronic define?

3.What elements are usually presented in a micro-miniaturized form?

4.What is microelectronics based on?

5.How long is the history of microelectronics?

Exercise 7. Read and translate the following text with a dictionary. Do paragraphs 1, 3, 6 in writing.


1. material handling 2. processing operations 3. assembly and inspection.

Exercise 8. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word-combinations.

1. Застосування; 2. погрузла; 3. розгрузка; 4. матеріальне управління; 5. трансферні операції; 6. виробничі операції; 7. зборка; 8. перевірка; 9. використанні; 10. шкідливий.

Exercise 9. Match the English words with their Ukrainian equivalents.

Exercise 10. Insert the suitable words or word-combinations into the following sentences. The words are given below.

2. In….robot manipulates a tool to perform a process on the work part. 3. The third application area of industrial robots is…. 4. Inspection is another area of factory operations in which the….of robots is growing.

Exercise 11. Find in the text and put down the answers to the questions in Ukrainian.

1. Where are most robots used today?

2. What is material-handling?

3. What does robot manipulate in processing operations?

4. What is the third application area of industrial robots?

5. What jobs can be done by robots?

Exercise 12. Read and translate the following text orally without a dictionary. List the main points in Ukrainian.


Software is the final computer system component. These computer programs instruct the hardware how to conduct processing. The computer is merely a… System software controls standard internal computer activities. An operating… System programmes are designed for the specific pieces of hardware. These programmers are called drivers and…

Exercise 13. Discussion Points.

1. What is microelectronics?

2. Robots in Industry.

3. What is software?



К. р. № 1.

Ex.4, p.3: 1-c); 2-e); 3-g); 4-j); 5-i); 6-h); 7-a);

p.12; p.21: 8-f); 9-d); 10-b).

Ex.9, p.6: 1-e); 2-d); 3-c); 4-b); 5-a); 6-g); 7-h);

8-i); 9-f); 10-i).

Ex.9, p.15: 1-j); 2-e); 3-c); 4-b); 5-a); 6-h); 7-g);

8-j); 9-f); 10-i).

Ex.9, p.25: 1-c); 2-j); 3-d); 4-e); 5-g); 6-b); 7-f);

8-h); 9-a); 10-i).


К. р. № 2.

Ex.4, p.35, p.43, p.51: 1-d); 2-j); 3-a); 4-i); 5-h); 6-e); 7-k);

8-f); 9-l); 10-g); 11-c); 12-b).


К. р. № 3.

Ex.4, p.54, p.66, p.77: 1-f); 2-g); 3-i); 4-d); 5-b);

6-a); 7-c); 8-l); 9-j); 10-h).




1. Е.А. Маслыко, П.К. Бабинская “Настольная книга преподавателя

иностранных языков” Минск, “В.Ш.”, 2000г.

2. И.М. Берман “Очерк методики обучения чтению на иностранных языках”

Киев, “Высшая школа”, 1997г.

3. Л.В. Банкевич “Тестирование лексики иностранного языка ” - М., “Высшая школа”, 1981г.

4. О.Б. Тарнопольский “Очерк методики обучения на иностранных языках”

Киев, “В.Ш.”, 1981г.

4. Интернет.