рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект

According to the text are the following statements true or false?

According to the text are the following statements true or false? - раздел Иностранные языки, Методичний посібник До практичних занять З англійської мови професійного спрямування Для студентів II курсу спеціальності “Агрономія” 1. Nowadays All Food Additives Come From Nature. 2. Chemicals Cannot...

1. Nowadays all food additives come from nature.

2. Chemicals cannot make any harm to our bodies.

3. Every living and non-living thing is made up of chemicals or combinations of them.

4. Food additives are vitamins and minerals.

5. Food processors justify the use of manufactured additives.

2. Translate the following words and phrases into English:проходити декілька стадій обробітку, молоти, сіль, часник, перець, спеції, смакові добавки, барвники, привабливі, підсилювачі смаку, харчові добавки, заміняти, забруднювати організм, штучні добавки, виділяти, збагачувати, забороняти, застереження, викликати захворювання.

2. Match the words expressions on the left with the definition on the right:

A) additives

B) caution

C) ban

D) concern

E) process


1)a substance added to something in small quantities to improve or preserve it

2) warning

3) a series of actions that produce a change or development

4) make (someone) anxious or worried

5) officially or legally prohibit


3. Use the correct verb form.

Farmers often (overfertilize) because they are unaware of the specific nutrient content of their soils or the needs of their crops. Excess of fertilizer (percolate) through the soil to contaminate groundwater supplies. Nitrate levels in groundwater (rise) dangerous levels in many areas where intensive farming is practiced. Young children (be) especially sensitive to the presence of nitrates.

4. Add the prefix inter- to change the meaning of each word. Write the new words you make and translate them.

plant, action, play, change, crops, cropping

5. Write each sentence to make a new one with a passive verb phrase.

E. g. Farmers harvest the crop of sugar beet mechanically. The crop of sugar beet is harvested mechanically.

Ukrainian farmers grow barley, wheat, rye, oats, and sunflower. Farmers rear baby animals in a natural environment. You can’t eat hops. They introduced new varieties of wheat. The students will do these exercises for extra practice. The British farmers grow barley either for malting or as a food for livestock. Farmers around the world use chemicals to get rid of the pests. Great Britain exports pedigree livestock: cattle, sheep, pigs, horses to other countries. Americans invented the first successful harvesting machine and steel plow. We shall water flowers tomorrow.

6. Decide whether these words are nouns or verbs, or whether they can be both. Then sort out 3 categories:

verb verbs and nouns nouns

Cover, sharp, help, control, use, plant, water, plow, lack, want, experience, face, respect, work.

7. Read this passage to discuss advantages and disadvantages of chemical pesticides.

Chemical pesticides offer a quick, convenient, and relatively inexpensive way to eliminate annoying or destructive organism. At the same time, however, misuse of these toxic chemicals is causing some serious environmental problems as unhealthy levels of noxious pesticide residues accumulate in our environment. Excessive pesticide use also kills beneficial organisms and results in growing chemical resistance among some of our most harmful pests.

Modern chemical pesticides have saved millions of human’s lives by killing disease-causing insects and by increasing food supplies. Without modern chemical pesticides we would lose immense amounts of agricultural products. But we must understand what these pesticides are doing and use them judiciously.

8. Writing composition. Possible composition titles:

1. Soybeans and soybean products.

2. Healthy food.

3. Hybrid corn.


Almost any vegetable can be found in perfect form in China's open-air markets. In all this abundance, however, is an invisible threat: haphazard use of farm chemicals that leave poisonous residues. The Ministry of Agriculture is responding to rising concerns about food quality by promoting "green food", fresh and processed food certified as contamination-free. Living standards have gone up. Grain production has been basically solved and people are more concerned with the quality of their food. Many Chinese farmers and consumers have been sickened by fertilizers and pesticides in recent years. Chinese newspapers report cases like one in Guangzhou in 1996 when 112 people were hospitalized with dizziness, vomiting and stomach pains after eating fertilizer-tainted vegetables. China has farm chemical regulations that if followed precisely would leave only a negligible, safe residue on market vegetables. But authorities are unable to monitor and control chemical use on China's small family farms. When farmers find pesticides or fertilizers don't work, they tend to apply them more frequently or use something stronger. Rising use of chemical fertilizers also has caused environmental damage: hardened soil, polluted water and fish kills.

The Ministry of Agriculture's Green Food Development Center encourages farmers to supply safer food. It trains them to use traditional farming methods, such as compost for fertilizer, and biological controls, such as planting crops that repel insects next to crops the insects attack.

The center also puts its green and white logo on foods it certifies as having been grown with minimal amounts of non-toxic or low-toxic chemicals on land that is free of industrial pollution. With only one-third the world's average farmland per capita, China must rely on agricultural chemicals to farm intensively.

But it can replace chemicals with other methods on a limited scale and meet a growing demand for safer food. The Chinese are concerned about residues of farm chemicals on their food, so the market is very good for the Liuminying organic farm, a national model farm outside Beijing. People buy vegetables raised in the farm's greenhouses at a new organic foods market in Beijing. Some of the products go to restaurants that are trying to become competitive by advertising pollution-free food. The market has started because there are many people who are afraid to buy the vegetables because of chemicals and night soil - human waste used as fertilizer. But food certified as uncontaminated still represents less than one per cent of all food grown in China. Agricultural officials estimate consumers will pay no more than five per cent extra for it. Chinese companies are also trying to build a reputation for clean vegetables and other foods. The Ministry of Agriculture's "Green Food" logo appears on hundreds of products, including Happy Longlife coffee, Lightning River milk powder and Clear Water canned bamboo shoots.

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Методичний посібник До практичних занять З англійської мови професійного спрямування Для студентів II курсу спеціальності “Агрономія”


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Чернігів, 2011
  Методичний посібник призначений для студентів II курсу спеціальності «Агрономія». Посібник охоплює збалансоване висвітлення тем, що корелюють з сільськогосподарською діяльністю

For self-studying
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Agriculture is an important economic activity. It includes growingcrops and rearing animals. Agriculture produces a wide range ofproducts for manufacturing industries as

pollution – забруднення the Earth’s surface – поверхня Землі interrelated – взаємопов’

F) requirement
    1) the planting, tending, improving, or harvesting of crops or plants 2) the science or practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil for the growi

Agricultural systems
In the economically developed world, most all farming is commercial. Farmers produce crops and livestock products for sale to make a profit. In the economically developing w

Livestock – домашня худоба Self-sufficient – самодостатній Subsistence agriculture

Adjusts, adjustable
This system is … . The Farmer Automatic Power System automatically … to the type of fuel, which is automatically brought into the system for gasification. 3. Use th

5. Complete the table: noun adjective verb   development     irrigation

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Vegetables, Livestock, Poultry, Grains Rabbit, wheat, sheep, tomato, hen, cow, cucumber, cabbage, rye, chicken, pig, barley, millet, turkey, sorghum, carrot, oat, potato, goose, hor

1. Read the text and decide which paragraphs are about these subjects: · the green revolution · agribusiness · crops for the future · nomadi

Edible - їстівний Nomadic – кочовий Domesticate - приручати

Catfish – сом
Trout - форель Salmon - лосось Oysters and shellfish – устриці та молюски Foresee - пе

The Clovers
The cereals belong to the grass family of plants. The grasses have fibrous 1._____, hollow, jointed 2.______ and narrow, long leaves. The legumes of the field and garden have long tap-roots,

Garden Tools
A hand trowel (use) for planting, scooping soil, and remove weeds. We (use)shovelsto dig, mix and lift soil. Hoe(be necessary) t

Over the last thirty years agricultural change in the economically developing world has been closely related to population growth. There has been an urgent needto

Population growth - ріст населення Urgent need – нагальна потреба High-tech solutions –

Translation. Render it in Ukrainian.
1. Farmers use natural resources, such as soil and water, to produce a variety of foods and other agricultural resources. 2. Commercial farmers raise crops or livestock for income. Most co

Vocabulary Review
3. Fill in the gaps. Choose the lexical units from the list below: a. conflicts; b. fertilizer; c. green revolution; d. irrigation; e. "miracle seeds"; f. priorities; g.

Unit 5.
PLANTATION AGRICULTURE Plantation agriculture is an extensive system of agriculture, in the sense that very large amounts

extensive system – екстенсивна система indigenous – природній, властивий herbicides –

Fill in the missing words in the table
General noun Verb Personal noun Agriculture    

Use the correct verb form.
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Unit 6.
PLANTS FOR THE FUTURE The world is entering the age of biotechnology, where scientists can alter the genes that carry the biological codes controlling

heredity – спадковість resistance to disease – опір хворобі ventures – ризикований зах

To make or become better in quality.
7)the ability not to be affected by something 3. Translate the following words and phrases into English: змінювати ге

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What fruits and vegetables are red in color? What of the chosen is hard and soft? What fruits and vegetables are round? Which of them has strong odour when cut open? What is white and what

1. What are genetically-modified foods? 2. What are some of the advantages of GM foods? · pest resistance · herbicide tolerance · disease resistance

Unit 7.
CHEMICALS IN OUR FOOD - TWO SIDES OF AN ARGUMENT Much of the food that leaves a farmer's field undergoes several processing steps before it rea

Undergo – перенести Ground – перемелений Flour – мука Pepper –

Abundance – велика кількість Invisible threat –невидима загроза Haphazard – випадковий

E) repel
1) a small amount of something that remains after the main part has gone or been taken or used 2) drive or force (an attack or attacker) back or away

Use the correct verb form.
Ukraine (be) famous for its vast plains called steeps. The plains (cover) with fertile black soil, which has made Ukraine one of the world’s leading farming regions. During the Soviet rule, farmers

Changes in livestock farming of Great Britain
Livestock production has seen dramatic changes ___ the post-war years. Dairy farming is a good example to illustrate the nature ____ these changes. Between 1960 and 1980 the milk yields of cows inc

Find the missing words to fill the gaps in these sentences: crops, cows, harvest, labor force, picked up, pesticides, meadows.
Less than 2% of the British ____ is employed on farms. In the autumn, at _____ time, the ______ in the fields have to be gathered in and the fruit in the orchards has to be ______. In the Alps, ___

Kinds of Plants
1.________know that there are more than 335,000 different 2. _______ of plants. Actually, if we travelled all over the 3_______ we could see more different kinds of plants than these, but some of t

The Appearance of Plants
Plants can be almost any colour 1._______.They may be 2._____, or so small that you cannot see them with the 3._______ eye. A giant 4._______is just as much a plant as a 5._____tree, 6.______plant,

The effective control of injurious insects demands a knowledge of the habit of the insects themselves, so that they may be attacked at the most vulnerable points. Insects differ greatly in

Age to Wean Pigs
Producers differ in opinion on the age at which pigs should be weaned. Pigs are weaned at all ages ranging from 5 to 12 weeks. If two litters are to be raised each year, the pigs should be weaned a

Good Pasture
Good pasture should be a part of every summer ration. Alfalfa, clover, rape, sweetclover, bluegrass, and many other crops are recommended for hog pastures. Any of these are excellent during the per

Sanitation in hog production requires the adoption of methods that prevent disease and conserve health. It is really a part of herd maintenance and must be combined with the necessary veterinary se

Grains and Grain By-Products
This classification includes such feeds as wheat bran, shorts, cow-peas. Of these feeds the most commonly used for calves are bran and shorts or middlings. They are considerably lower in protein th

Vegetable Gardening
It may be stated in general terms that vegetables contain about 75 to 90 percent water, 5 to 15 percent carbohydrates, 1 to 2 percent protein, 0.7 to 1.0 percent ash, and a small amount of fats. Th

Potato Growing
The potatois a cool-climate plant, and a moderate temperature is necessary for its best growth. Therefore, early-spring planting usually assures that the crop will be well establis

Insect Enemies of Potatoes
There are many insects which are extremely destructive to potatoes; wire-worms, potato tuber moth, eastern potato leafhopper, eastern potato flea beetle, tuber flea beetle and the true potato aphid

Virus Diseases
The exact nature of the causes of these diseases is not known. However, evidence indicates that they are caused by the so-called filterable viruses. A filterable virus capable of p

Fruits and Berries
Strawberries, plums, currants and gooseberries can be grown in all parts of our country. Red and black raspberries, though equall

Advantages of Red Clover
Red clover has several advantages: the roots of red clover feed deeper than the grasses and hence tend to rest the surface soil; the deep tap-roots of red clover open up the soil and subsoil, and t

White Clover
White clover is the most important pasture legume. It is perennial and grows best in moist, well-drained black loam series of limestone formation. White clover pro

Sweet Clover
Sweet clover, at one time considered a noxious weed, is rapidly coming into common use for the following advantages that it possesses: 1) It will grow in almost any type o

Alfalfa is the equal or superior of any other plants as a soil build-Alfalfa is a legume, and the legumes have the capacity through the bacteria, that cause nodules on the roots to fix the nitrogen

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