рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект

Подберите к терминам, данным в левой колонке, опре­ деления, представленные справа.

Подберите к терминам, данным в левой колонке, опре­ деления, представленные справа. - раздел Иностранные языки, Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамот­ности 1.Computer ' A) The Set Of Instructions That Direct ...

1.Computer ' a) the set of instructions that direct

the operations of computers;

2. Computer literacy • b) a part of a computer, entering

data into the device;

3. A program c) facts unorganized but able to be


4. Data d) the output of a data processing


5. Data processing . e) possessing sufficient knowledge

of how computers work and what they can do to use them as problem-solving tools;

6. Data processing • f) a series of operations that results

in the conversion of data system into useful information;

Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 48

7. Input .g) an electronic device performing

calculations on numerical data;

8. Output h) an electronic device accepting

the data processing results from the computer and displaying them;

9. Useful information i) a set of related files;

10. Data bank j) the resources required to accom-

plish the processing of data. These resources are personnel, material, facilities and equip­ment.

7. Проанализируйте неличные формы глагола и правиль­но переведите предложения.

1. Data are processed to become useful information. 2. We use the term data processing to include the resources applied for processing of information. 3. Resources required for accom­plishing the processing of data are called data processing sys­tem. 4. Processing is a series of operations converting inputs into outputs. 5. Facilities are required to house the computer equip­ment. 6. Egyptians used the information to predict crop yields.

7. Information to be put into the computer for processing should
be coded into ones and zeroes. 8. Processing is operations on data
to convert them into useful information. 9. The first machines
designed to manipulate punched card data were widely used for
business data processing. 10. Hollerith built one machine to
punch the holes and the other to tabulate the collected data.

8. Ознакомьтесь с терминами текста 2.

manual ['maenjusl] — ручной, выполняемый вручную to take advantage of smth — воспользоваться ч.-л.

capability [,keip9'bihti] — способность; возможность; характеристика

accuracy ['sekjurasr] — точность; правильность; четкость (изображения)

correctly [ks'rektli] — правильно; верно

to eliminate [e'hmmeit] — устранять; удалять; отменять; ликвидировать

49 Unit 4. Data Processing Concepts

to make errors ['ersz] — допускать ошибки (погрешно­сти)

error-prone — подверженный ошибкам

to remain vulnerable [n'mein 'vAlnorabl] — оставаться уяз­вимым, чувствительным

invalid data [m'vashd] — неверные, неправильные, недо­пустимые данные

communications networks — сети передачи данных; сети связи

travel ['traevsl] — перемещение; прохождение; путь; ход

instant response ['instant n'spons] — мгновенный ответ (реакция)

to respond [n'spond] — отвечать; реагировать

access ['aeksas] —доступ; обращение; обращаться, иметь доступ

capacity of storage [ks'paesiti ev 'stond3] — объем (емкость) памяти

to retrieve [n'trkv] — извлекать, выбирать (данные); вос­станавливать (файл)

value ['vaslju] — значение; величина; значимость; цен­ность; оценка; оценивать

objective [sb'd3ektiv] — цель; требование; целевая фун­кция

cost-effective ['kost I'fektiv] — экономичный; экономи­чески оправданный

challenge ['tfaelmd3] — трудность; препятствие; представ­лять трудность

9. Прочтите текст и скажите, каковы основные достоин­ства компьютеров. Переведите текст.


Computer-oriented data processing systems or just computer data processing systems are not designed to imitate manual sys­tems. They should combine the capabilities of both humans and

Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 50

computers. Computer data processing systems can be designed to take advantage of four capabilities of. computers.

1. Accuracy. Once data have been entered correctly into the
computer component of a data processing system, the need for
further manipulation by humans is eliminated, and the possi­
bility of error is reduced. Computers, when properly pro­
grammed, are also unlikely to make computational errors. Of
course, computer systems remain vulnerable to the entry by
humans of invalid data.

2. Ease of communications. Data, once entered, can be trans­
mitted wherever needed by communications networks. These
may be either earth or satellite-based systems. A travel reserva­
tions system is an example of a data communications network.
Reservation clerks throughout the world may make an enquiry
about transportation or lodgings and receive an almost instant
response. Another example is an office communications system
that provides executives with access to a reservoir of date, called
a corporate data base, from their personal microcomputer work


3. Capacity of storage. Computers are able to store vast
amounts of information, to organize it, and to retrieve it in ways
that are far beyond the capabilities of humans. The amount of
data that can be stored on devices such as magnetic discs is con­
stantly increasing. All the while, the cost per character of data
stored is decreasing.

4. Speed. The speed, at which computer data processing sys­
tems can respond, adds to their value. For example, the travel
reservations system mentioned above would not be useful if cli­
ents had to wait more than a few seconds for a response. The
response required might be a fraction of a second.

Thus, an important objective in the design of computer data processing systems is to allow computers to do what they do best and to free humans from routine, error-prone tasks. The most cost-effective computer data processing system is the one that does the job effectively and at the least cost. By using comput­ers in a cost-effective manner, we will be better able to respond to the challenges and opportunities of our post-industrial, in­formation-dependent society.

51 Unit 4. Data Processing Concepts

10. Ответьте на вопросы, используя информацию текста.

1. What capabilities should data-processing systems combine when designed? 2. What are the main advantages of comput­ers? 3. What do you know of computers accuracy? 4. What is the function of communication networks? 5. Give examples of a data communication network. 6. What do you understand by capacity storage? 7. What other values of computer data pro­cessing systems do you know? 8. What is an important objec­tive in the design of computer data processing systems? 9. What is the most effective computer data processing system? 10. What is the best way of responding to the challenges and opportuni­ties of our post-industrial society?

11. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих

Система обработки информации компьютером; систе­ма ориентирования на обработку данных компьютером; сочетать возможности человека и машины; ограничивать управление; вряд ли допустят ошибку; оставаться уязви­мым; недопустимые данные; легкость осуществления свя­зи; сеть передачи информации; системы, основанные на использовании спутников; служащие по резервированию жилья; получить мгновенный ответ; наводить справки; хранилище данных; корпоративная база данных; объем памяти; запоминать огромное количество информации; извлекать информацию; добавить значимости; упомяну­тый выше; доля секунды; подверженный ошибкам; эконо­мически оправданный,

– Конец работы –

Эта тема принадлежит разделу:

Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамот­ности

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Все темы данного раздела:

Ознакомьтесь с терминами текста 1.
computer literacy [ksm'pjute 'litsrasi] — компьютерная грамотность problem-solving device — устройство, обеспечивающее решение задачи be aware of [bi a'wesr ov] — понимат

Вспомните образование и случаи употребления The PastSimple Tense.
А. Назовите три формы следующих неправильных глаго­лов: То be; to have; to mean; to learn; to become; to bring; to know; to think; to buy; to pay; to take; to d

Ознакомьтесь с терминами текста 2
intricate ['mtnkit] — сложный, запутанный, electronic circuit [sbkt'romk 'sa:kit] — электронная цепь, схема to operate switches [ops'reit 'switfiz] — приводить в дей­ствие переключатели

A computer is a machine with an intricate network of elec­tronic circuits that operate switches or magnetize tiny metal cores. The switches, like the cores, are capable of being in one or two possi

Вставьте необходимые слова вместо пропусков.
1. Information is given into the computer in the form of a) ideas; b) characters; c) rules 2. The basic function of a comp

Подберите к терминам, данным в левой колонке, опре­деления, представленные справа.
1. Computer a) a machine by which information is re- ceived from the computer; 2. Data b) a device capable of storing and manip- ulating numbers, letters

Ознакомьтесь с терминами текста 1
calculating device [ksllcjiK'leitin di'vais] — вычислительное устройство multiple ['nultiplj — кратный abacus ['aebakss] — счеты slide rule ['slaid 'nil] — логар

Let us take a look at the history of computers that we know today. The very first calculating device used was the ten fingers of a man's hands. This, in fact, is why today we still count in tens an

Подберите вместо пропусковподходящее по смыслу слово.
1. British scientists invented a___ way of multiplying and dividing. a) mechanical; b) electrical; c) optical 2. A new branch of mathematics,____ , was invented in

Прочтите текст и скажите, как вы понимаете термины «обработка информации» и «иерархия запоминания ин­формации».
Text 1. DATA PROCESSING AND DATA PROCESSING SYSTEMS The necessary data are processed by a computer to become useful information. In fact this is th

Вспомните значение новых слов и догадайтесь о зна­ чении их производных.
То eliminate: elimination; eliminable; eliminator; unlimited. To respond: respondent; response; responsible; irresponsible; responsibility. Accuracy: inaccura

Прочтите текст и скажите, о каких типах компьютеров и сферах их применения вы узнали.
Text 1.COMPUTER SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE As we know all computer systems perform the functions of inputting, storing, processing, controlling, and outpu

Types of computers
The two basic types of computers are analog and digital. Analog computers simulate physical systems. They operate on the basis of an analogy to the process that is being studied. For ex-

Переведите предложения, содержащие Participle I и Participle II, в функции обстоятельства.
1. When entering the Internet, I always find a lot of inter­esting information. 2. Though never built Babbage's analytical engine was the basis for designing today's computers. 3. When written in a

Вспомните значение новых слов и попытайтесь пере­ вести словосочетания, употребляемые с этими словами.
Architecture: communication architecture; computer archi­tecture; disk architecture; microprocessor architecture; network architecture; security architecture; system architecture; virtual ar

1. In 1948 due to the invention of transistors there appeared the possibility to replace vacuum tubes. The transistor occupied an important place on the way to computer development. The

Согласуйте слова в левой колонке с их интерпретаци­ей, предложенной справа.
1. Computer a) a combination of interconnected circuit elements produced in a chip to perform a definite func­tion 2. Analog computer b) a sequence of instructions en- ab

Unit 5. Computer Systems: An Overview
Crossword 1. Horizontally 1. A

Вспомните значение новых слов и попытайтесь переве­ сти словосочетания, употребляемые с этими словами.
Computer, analog computer; digital computer; hybrid com­puter; all-purpose computer; general-purpose computer; fifth-generation computer; game computer; handheld computer; mobile computer; m

Прочтите текст 2 и скажите, какую дополнительную информацию вы узнали о действии основных устройств компьютера.
Text 2. SOME FEATURES OF A DIGITAL COMPUTER It should be noticed that even in a large-scale digital system, such as in a computer, or in a data-processing, control

Вспомните значение новых слов и попытайтесь переве­ сти словосочетания, употребляемые с этими словами.
Storage: available storage; buffer storage; computer storage; data storage; magnetic disk storage; magnetic tape storage; in­put storage; intermediate storage; internal storage; laser storag

Ознакомьтесь с терминами текста 2.
medium (pi. media) — носитель; среда capacity — емкость; объем (памяти); пропускная спо­собность media capacity — емкость носителя data access time — время доступа к данным

Опишите схему.
93__________________________________ Unit 7. Storage 13. Переведите предложения, содержащие всевозможные формы причастий: Participle I, Participle II,

1. A digital computer is a machine capable of performing operations on data represented in digital or number form. The individual operations performed by a digital computer are very simple arithmet

TESTS 1. Вставьте вместо пропусков необходимые слова.
1. The time required for the computer to locate and transfer data in the storage device is called the data____ time. a) sequence; b) access; c) value 2.______ memories have no

Вспомните значение новых слов и попытайтесь переве­сти словосочетания, употребляемые с этими словами.
Direction: backward direction; clockwise direction; counter­clockwise direction; data direction; forward direction; inverse / reverse direction; negative direction; positive direction; print

Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 102
ical parts, their data access time being longer than is that of elec­tronic memories. 8. For this reason most computer systems use el

As it is known the two functional units of the CPU are the control unit (CU) and the arithmetic-logical unit (ALU). The control unit manages and coordinates the entire computer sys­tem. It obtains

1. The microprocessor forms the heart of a microcomputer. The first microprocessors were developed in 1971 as a branch of pocket calculator development. Since then there has been a trem

Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 122
14. Ознакомьтесь с терминами текста 3. human-readable form — удобная для чтения форма performance [pa'fxmsns] — (р

Проведите грамматический анализ текста 1, найдите в нем инфинитивные и причастные конструкции. Переве­ дите предложения.
6. Переведите сложные предложения: А) бессоюзные; В) с сочинительной связью.Запомните следующие сочинительные союзы: and, but, or, while, both ...

Переведите безличные предложения. Обратите внима­ ние на их специфику.
1. 7/ is well known that personal computers enjoy great pop­ularity among experimenters and hobbyists. 2. // took years to produce a high-speed computer performing a lot of functions. 3. When makin

The piece of equipment that allows a computer to commu­nicate with other computers over telephone lines is called a modem. The modem allows the individual to access informa­tion from all over the w

Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 142
is made up of random access memory (RAM) and read-only memory (ROM). Because RAM is only temporary storage, all microcomputers require some

Вставьте необходимые слова вместо пропусков.
1. A personal computer is a small relatively inexpensive de- vice designed for an individual__________ . a) person; b) producer; c) user 2. One of the fi

Programming is the process of preparing a set of coded in­structions which enables the computer to solve specific prob­lems or to perform specific functions. Theiessence of computer programmingjis

Переведите предложения, содержащие сослагательное наклонение.
1.1should like to be a top specialist in computer technolo­gy. 2. It is necessary that the program should be debugged (отлажена) by a programmer. 3. It is required that the program

Let's assume that we have studied the problem, designed a \ logical plan (our flowchart or pseudocode), and are now ready \ to write the program instructions. The pr

The FORTRAN IVlanguage is oriented toward solving prob­lems of a mathematical nature. The name FORTRAN comes from the combination of the words formula translation. The versi

Переведите условные сложноподчиненные предложе­ ния. Обратите внимание на форму выражения разных типов условия.
I. 1. If you try very hard you can master any language. 2. If you want to master any language you must know at least three thousand words. 3. You willimprove your pronuncia

RPG II Programming language
RPG IIis a business-oriented language. The name stands for report program generator. RPG is considerably different from other programming languages. RPG is, in effect, a large prew

The conversion of symbolic languages
As we see, most of the symbolic languages are oriented to­ward the particular application areas of business or science (math). The one problem with all symbolic languages is that none of them can b

Running the computer program
The operating system is a collection of program provided by the computer's manufacturer that allows us to shedule jobs for the computer, to translate source programs into object programs, to sort d

Определите неличные формы глагола, содержащиеся в следующих предложениях. Переведите их.
1.The problems to be studied are of great importance. 2. The problem studied helped us understand many things. 3. To study the problem we must make some experiments. 4. To study th

In 1973 the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) initiated a research program to investigate techniques and technologies for interlinking packet networks of various kinds. The objectiv

Quiz-game "Do you know more about computers"?(Divide into two groups and give answers to even (1 gr.) and odd (2 gr.) question numbers.)

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