Ознакомьтесь с терминами текста 2. - раздел Иностранные языки, Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности Medium (Pi. Media) — Носитель; Среда Capacity — Емкость; Объем (Памяти); Проп...
to transfer— передавать(ся); переносить(ся); пересы-лать(ся)
archival storage — архивное ЗУ; архивная память to depend — зависеть от; полагаться, рассчитывать на to rotate — вращать(ся); чередовать(ся); сменять(ся) reason — причина; основание; довод; обосновывать;
делать вывод
solid-state device — твердотельный прибор magnetic core — магнитный сердечник
Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 90
bipolar semiconductor — биполярный полупроводник
metal-oxide semiconductor (MOS) — структура металл-оксид-полупроводник randomly — произвольно
random-access memory (RAM) — оперативное запоминающее устройство (ОЗУ)
sound recording — звукозапись
to arrange — размещать; располагать; устанавливать;
монтировать tape device — ЗУ на магнитной ленте
to range — классифицировать; располагать в порядке; лежать в диапазоне
magnetic disc storage — ЗУ на магнитном диске
moving-head device — устройство с двигающейся головкой
predominant — преобладающий; доминирующий flexible —гибкий; настраиваемый; изменяемый floppy (disk) — гибкий диск(ета); ЗУ на гибком диске to meet the demands — удовлетворять потребности
9. Прочтите текст 2 и скажите, как вы понимаете термин «запоминающая среда» и какие компоненты ее составляют. Переведите текст.
Storage media are classified as primary storage or secondary storage on the basis of combinations*of cost, capacity, and access time. The cost of storage devices is expressed as the cost per bit of data stored. The most common units of cost are cents, millicents (0.001 cents) and microcents (0.000001 cents). The time required for the computer to locate and transfer data to and from a storage medium is called the access time for that medium. Capacities range from a few hundred bytes of primary storage for very small computers to many billions of bytes of archival storage for very large computer systems.
Memories may be classified as electronic or electromechanical. Electronic memories have no moving mechanical parts, and
91 Unit 7. Storage
data can be transferred into and out of them at very high speeds. Electromechanical memories depend upon moving mechanical parts for their operation, such as mechanisms for rotating magnetic tapes and disks. Their data access time is longer than is that of electronic memories; however they cost less per bit stored and have larger capacities for data storage. For these reasons most computer systems use electronic memory for primary storage and electromechanical memory for secondary storage.
Primary storage has the least capacity and is the most expensive; however, it has the fastest access time. The principal primary storage circuit elements are solid-state devices: magnetic cores and semiconductors. For many years magnetic cores were the principal elements used in digital computers for primary storage. The two principal types of semiconductors used for memory are bipolar and metal-oxide semiconductors (MOS). The former is faster, the latter is more commonly used at present. Because data can be accessed randomly, semiconductor memories are referred to as random-access memory, or RAM.
There is a wide range of secondary storage devices. Typical hardware devices are rotating electromechanical devices. Magnetic tapes, disks, and drums are the secondary storage hardware most often used in computer systems for sequential processing. Magnetic tape, which was invented by the Germans during World War II for sound recording, is the oldest secondary storage medium in common use. Data are recorded in the form of small magnetized "dots" that can be arranged to represent coded patterns of bits.
Tape devices range from large-capacity, high-data-rate units used with large data processing systems to cassettes and cartridges used with small systems. Magnetic disk storage, introduced in the early 1960s, has replaced magnetic tape as the main method of secondary storage. As contrasted with magnetic tapes, magnetic discs can perform both sequential and random processing. They are classified as moving-head, fixed-head, or combination moving-head and fixed-head devices. Magnetic discs are the predominant secondary storage media. They include flexible, or floppy discs, called diskettes. The "floppies" were introduced by IBM in 1972 and are still a popular storage medium to meet the demands of the microcomputer market.
Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 92
10. Ответьте на вопросы, используя информацию текста.
1. How are storage media classified? 2. How is the cost of storage devices expressed? 3. What is the access time for storage media? 4. How does the storage capacity range? 5. What are the two main types of storage devices? 6. What are electronic storage devices? 7. What are the principal primary storage circuit elements? 8. What are the main secondary storage devices? 9. What is the oldest secondary medium and when was it invented? 10. What is a floppy?
11. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:
Запоминающие устройства; носители памяти; первичные ЗУ; вторичные ЗУ; время доступа; стоимость ЗУ; диапазон емкости памяти; архивная память; движущиеся механические части; вращающиеся магнитные ленты и диски; по этим причинам; твердотельные устройства; магнитные сердечники; полупроводники; оперативное ЗУ; аппаратное обеспечение вторичной памяти; звукозапись; . намагниченные точки; представлять зашифрованную комбинацию единиц информации; в отличие от магнитных лент; последовательная и произвольная обработка; устройства с движущейся и фиксированной головкой; удовлетворять потребности; гибкий диск.
ДК ББК Англ КТК Р... Научный консультант Соколов С В доктор технических наук профессор действительный член Академии образования и Ака демии Военных наук...
Если Вам нужно дополнительный материал на эту тему, или Вы не нашли то, что искали, рекомендуем воспользоваться поиском по нашей базе работ:
Ознакомьтесь с терминами текста 2.
Что будем делать с полученным материалом:
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Ознакомьтесь с терминами текста 1.
computer literacy [ksm'pjute 'litsrasi] — компьютерная
грамотность problem-solving device — устройство, обеспечивающее
решение задачи
be aware of [bi a'wesr ov] — понимат
Ознакомьтесь с терминами текста 2
intricate ['mtnkit] — сложный, запутанный, electronic circuit [sbkt'romk 'sa:kit] — электронная цепь, схема
to operate switches [ops'reit 'switfiz] — приводить в действие переключатели
A computer is a machine with an intricate network of electronic circuits that operate switches or magnetize tiny metal cores. The switches, like the cores, are capable of being in one or two possi
Ознакомьтесь с терминами текста 1
calculating device [ksllcjiK'leitin di'vais] — вычислительное
multiple ['nultiplj — кратный
abacus ['aebakss] — счеты
slide rule ['slaid 'nil] — логар
Let us take a look at the history of computers that we know today. The very first calculating device used was the ten fingers of a man's hands. This, in fact, is why today we still count in tens an
Подберите вместо пропусковподходящее по смыслу слово.
1. British scientists invented a___ way of multiplying and
a) mechanical; b) electrical; c) optical
2. A new branch of mathematics,____ , was invented in
Types of computers
The two basic types of computers are analog and digital. Analog computers simulate physical systems. They operate on the basis of an analogy to the process that is being studied. For ex-
1. In 1948 due to the invention of transistors there appeared the possibility to replace vacuum tubes. The transistor occupied an important place on the way to computer development. The
Опишите схему.
93__________________________________ Unit 7. Storage
13. Переведите предложения, содержащие всевозможные формы причастий: Participle I, Participle II,
1. A digital computer is a machine capable of performing operations on data represented in digital or number form. The individual operations performed by a digital computer are very simple arithmet
TESTS 1. Вставьте вместо пропусков необходимые слова.
1. The time required for the computer to locate and transfer data in the storage device is called the data____ time.
a) sequence; b) access; c) value
2.______ memories have no
As it is known the two functional units of the CPU are the control unit (CU) and the arithmetic-logical unit (ALU). The control unit manages and coordinates the entire computer system. It obtains
1. The microprocessor forms the heart of a microcomputer. The first microprocessors were developed in 1971 as a branch of pocket calculator development. Since then there has been a trem
The piece of equipment that allows a computer to communicate with other computers over telephone lines is called a modem. The modem allows the individual to access information from all over the w
Вставьте необходимые слова вместо пропусков.
1. A personal computer is a small relatively inexpensive de-
vice designed for an individual__________ .
a) person; b) producer; c) user
2. One of the fi
Programming is the process of preparing a set of coded instructions which enables the computer to solve specific problems or to perform specific functions. Theiessence of computer programmingjis
Let's assume that we have studied the problem, designed a \
logical plan (our flowchart or pseudocode), and are now ready \
to write the program instructions. The pr
The FORTRAN IVlanguage is oriented toward solving problems of a mathematical nature. The name FORTRAN comes from the combination of the words formula translation. The versi
RPG II Programming language
RPG IIis a business-oriented language. The name stands for report program generator. RPG is considerably different from other programming languages. RPG is, in effect, a large prew
The conversion of symbolic languages
As we see, most of the symbolic languages are oriented toward the particular application areas of business or science (math). The one problem with all symbolic languages is that none of them can b
Running the computer program
The operating system is a collection of program provided by the computer's manufacturer that allows us to shedule jobs for the computer, to translate source programs into object programs, to sort d
In 1973 the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) initiated a research program to investigate techniques and technologies for interlinking packet networks of various kinds. The objectiv
Quiz-game "Do you know more about computers"?(Divide into two groups and give answers to even (1 gr.) and odd (2 gr.)
question numbers.)
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