рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект

Прочтите текст 2 и скажите, какую дополнительную информацию вы узнали о действии основных устройств компьютера.

Прочтите текст 2 и скажите, какую дополнительную информацию вы узнали о действии основных устройств компьютера. - раздел Иностранные языки, Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамот­ности: Учебное пособие / Радовель В. А. — Изд. 3-е. Text 2. Some Features Of A Digital Computer ...


It should be noticed that even in a large-scale digital system, such as in a computer, or in a data-processing, control or digi­tal-communication system, there are only a few basic operations which must be performed. These operations may be operated many times. The four circuits most commonly employed in such systems are known as the OR, AND, NOT and FLIP-FLOP.They are called logic gates or circuits.

An electronic digital computer is a system which processes and stores very large amount of data and which solves scientific

problems of numerical computations of such complexity and with such speed that solution by human calculation is not fea­sible. So the computer as a system can perform numerical com­putations and follow instructions with extreme speed but it can­not program itself.

\fe know that the numbers and the instructions which form the program, the computer is to follow, are stored in an essen­tial part of the computer called the memory. The second im­portant unit of the computer is the control whose function is to interpret orders. The control must convert the command into an appropriate set of voltages to operate switches and carry out the instructions conveyed by the order. The third basic element of a computer is the arithmetic device, which contains the cir­cuits performing the arithmetic computations: addition, subtrac­tion, etc. The control and arithmetic components are called the central processor. Finally a computer requires appropriate in­put-output devices for inserting numbers and orders into the memory and for reading the final result.

Suppose a command to perform an addition or division has been transmitted to the central processor. In response to this order the control must select the correct operands from the memory, transmit them to the arithmetic unit and return to the

Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 78

memory the result of the computation. The memory serves for storing not only the original input data, but also the partial re­sults which will have to be used again as the computation pro­ceeds.

Lastly, if the computation doesn't stop with the execution of this instruction and the storage of the partial result, the control unit must automatically pass on to the next instruction. The connection of the control unit back to the input permits inser­tion of more data when there is room in the memory.

79___________ Unit & Functional Organization of the Computer

10. Просмотрите текст еще раз. Ответьте на вопросы, ис­
пользуя информацию

1. What are the most commonly used circuits in any com­puter? 2. How are they called? 3. What kind of a system is a digital computer? 4. Is there anything that a computer cannot do itself? What is it? 5. Where are the instructions and digits stored? 6. What is the function of the control? 7. What does the arithmetic device serve for? 8. What components form the cen­tral processor? 9. What other devices in addition to the above-mentioned ones does a computer require? 10. How are com­putations performed in a computer?

11. Найдите в тексте английские эквивалентыследующих

Крупномасштабная цифровая система; система обра­ботки данных; система цифровой связи; наиболее широ­ко распространенные схемы; логические схемы; решать научные проблемы; выполнять числовые вычисления; ин­терпретировать команды; приводить в действие переклю­чатели; выполнять команды; нуждаться (требовать) в не­обходимом устройстве ввода-вывода; введение чисел и команд; считывание конечных результатов; передавать команду в центральный процессор; в ответ на; хранение частичных результатов; позволить введение новых данных; свободное место в памяти.

12. Подберите пары или группы близких по значению слов из
предложенных ниже. Переведите слова на русский

ferbs: relate, employ, insert, perform, remove, operate, show, interpret, select, issue, use, receive, perform, cause, print, make, compute, connect, execute, take away, require, act, convert, carry out, demand, permit, demonstrate, choose, transmit, type, store, get, calculate, proceed, continue, keep, allow.

Nouns:response, unit, component, computation, storage, gate, amount, digit, element, memory, instruction, device, equipment, connection, circuit, order, command, information, relation, quantity, answer, calculation, number, data.

Adjectives:broad, complete, each, appropriate, every, basic, essential, digital, original, full, wide, initial, major, large, nu­merical, common, necessary, usual, important, general, great.


Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 80

13. Согласуйте слова в левой колонке с их интерпретаци­
ей, предложенной справа.

1. Functional organization a) processes and stores large
of a computer amount of data and solves

problems of numerical com­putations;

2. Input b) circuits used in large-scale

digital systems;

3. Memory c) method of interrelation of the

main units of a computer

4. Control unit d) removing data from the de-

vice to the outside world;

5. Output e) inserting information into

the computer;

6. Arithmetic unit f) a code of combinations of

electric pulses;

7. Machine language g) performs addition, subtrac-

tion, multiplication, etc;

8. Logic gates h) stores original data as well as

partial results;

9. Digital computer i) causes all parts of the com-

puter to act as a team.

14. Расскажите о действии функциональных устройств
компьютера, пользуясь приведенной ниже схемой.

Central processing unit

81 Unit 6. Functional Organization of the Computer

15. Составьте аннотации на русском языке к следующим текстам по вариантам, используйте упр. 14 на с. 52.

1. Logical circuit elements

As it is known, any digital calculation — whether it is per­formed by 'pencil and paper' methods or with the aid of an automatic computer— must first be broken down into a se­quence of elementary arithmetical operations, such as addition, or multiplication. Each such arithmetical operation may be con­verted into a sequence of simple logical operations. It should be noted that a binary digit may take only two values — "zero" and "one". A logical proposition may be either true or false.

A symbolism and a set of rules suitable for manipulating 'yes or no' logical propositions was developed by George Boole, a self-educated genius who became Professor of Mathematics at Cork University in the middle of the 19lh century. The tech­niques of Boolean algebra are now extensively used by electri­cal engineers for the design and analysis of switching circuits. Both the arithmetic and control units of a computer consist of sets of switching circuits for directing and manipulating elec­trical pulse signals.

The process of combining a number of electronic circuits of known logical properties into an integrated system capable of performing special arithmetical or control functions is known as logical design.

2. The definition of mechanical brain

Let's imagine a railroad line with four stations marked in­put, storage, computer and output. These stations are joined by little gates or switches to the main railroad line. We can imag­ine that numbers and other information move along this rail­road line, loaded (погруженные) in cars. Input and output are stations where numbers or other information go in and come out respectively. Storage is a station where there are many plat­forms and where information can be stored. The computer is a special station, somewhat like a factory. When two numbers are loaded on platforms 1 and 2 of this station and the command is loaded on platform 3, then another number is produced on plat­form^

There is a tower, marked control.This tower runs a telegraph line to each of its little watchmen standing by the gates. The

Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 82

tower tells them when to open and when to shut which gates. Now we can see that as soon as the right gates are shut, cars loaded with information can move between stations. So by clos­ing the right gates, we can flash (отражать) numbers and in­formation through the system and perform operations of rea­soning. Thus we receive a mechanical brain.

In general, a mechanical brain is made up of: a quantity of registers where information can be stored; channels along which information can be sent; mechanisms that carry out arithmetic and logical operations; a control, which guides the machine to perform a sequence of operations; input and output devices, where information can go into and out of the machine; and at last electricity, which provides energy.

16. Поменяйтесь вариантами и выполните письменный перевод текстов, приведенных выше.


1. Подберите вместо пропусков подходящие по смыслу слова.

I. The method of_______ all functional categories to one

another represents the functional organization of a com­puter, a) showing; b) relating; c) performing

83 Unit 6. Functional Organization of the Computer

2. Instructions and data are fed through the_____ equip-

ment to the_______ .

a) output; b) memory; c) input; d) control

3. The main units of the computer communicate with each

other_______ a machine language.

a) in spite of; b) because of; c) by means of

4. The input also______ the information into the pulse —

no-pulse combinations understandable to the computer, a) converts; b) removes; c) accomplishes

5. The four_______ are used to perform basic operations

in a computer.

a) basics; b) circuits; c) equipment

6. A computer can solve very complex numerical____ .

a) communication; b) computations; c) instructions

7. Numbers and instructions forming the program are
in the memory.

a) solved; b) stored; c) simulated

8. The control unit serves for______ orders.

a) reading; b) interpreting; c) inputting

9. The function of memory is to store_______ the origi-

nal input data_______ the partial results.

a) not only ... but also; b) either ... or; c) no sooner ... than

10. The includes the control and arithmetic-logi­
cal units.

a) flip-flop; b) digital computer; c) central processor

2. Заполните пропуски, выбрав правильную грамматичес­кую форму.

1. The simplest digital device is any device which [a) can;

b) could; c) must] count.

2. In ancient days man [a) learns; b) learned; c) has learned]
to substitute beads for fingers to help him count.

3. The ancient Chinese simplified the [a) counted; b) to
count; c) counting] board into abacus.

4. The Japanese improved the abacus making it [a)more ef­
ficient; b)much efficient; c) efficienter].

Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 84

5. The tremendous speeds of computers and the flexibility
[a) building; b) built; c) to build] into them [a) because
of; b) according to; c) due to] the logical control make
modern computers more powerful than mechanical cal­

6. The big problem in understanding digital computers is the
logic which relates the logical elements into a unit [a)
performed; b) performing; c) having performed] arith­
metic and logical operations.

7. Arithmetic operations [a) converted; b) are converted;
c) was converted] into a sequence of simple logical oper­

8. Any digital calculation is usually [a) breaking; b) broken;
c) being broken] down into a sequence of elementary

9. A computer is a device [a) to accept; b) has accepted;
c) accepts] a set of instructions and [a) executes; b) exe­
cuted; c) to execute] them in the appropriate sequence.

lO.The flip-flop [a) is; b) was; c) has been] a storage cell with two inputs and two outputs.


1. Ознакомьтесь с терминами текста 1.

primary / secondary storage — первичное / вторичное за­поминающее устройство

main storage — основная память; оперативное запоми­нающее устройство

internal storage [in'tanal] — внутреннее ЗУ sequence ['sikwans] — последовательность; порядок сле­дования

intermediate results [,mte'midrat nsAlts] — промежуточные результаты

ongoing process ['ongoing 'prousss] — продолжающие­ся), постоянный процесс

similarity [simi'lseriti] — сходство; подобие to retain [п Чет] — сохранять; удерживать to locate [lou'keit] — размещать(ся); располагать(ся) value ['vaeljir.] — значение, величина; значимость, цен­ность; оценка binary digit ['Ьатэп 'did^it]— двоичная цифра; двоичный


adjacent [э'йзевэШ] — смежный; соседний; примыкаю­щий

strings of characters — последовательность символов consecutive [ksn'sekjutiv] — последовательный; смеж­ный; соседний

2. Прочтите текст и скажите, что такое запоминающее
устройство в компьютере и о каких его
типах выузна­
ли из текста.


Computer system architecture is organized around the pri­mary storage unit because all data and instructions used by the

Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 86

computer system must pass through primary storage. Our dis­cussion of computer system units will begin with the functions of the primary and secondary storage units. This leads to the examination of the central processing unit and from there to the consideration of the input and output units. Therefore, the se­quence in which we'll describe the functional units of a digital computer is: 1) storage units, primary and secondary; 2) cen­tral processing unit; 3) input and output units.

As you know, there are primary and secondary storage units. Both contain data and the instructions for processing the data. Data as well as instructions must flow into and out of primary storage.

Primary storage is also called main storage or internal stor­age. The specific functions of internal storage are to hold (store): 1) all data to be processed; 2) intermediate results of process­ing; 3) final results of processing; 4) all the instructions required for ongoing process. Another name for primary storage is mem­ory, because of its similarity to a function of the human brain. However, computer storage differs from human memory in im­portant respects. Computer memory must be able to retain very large numbers of symbol combinations, without forgetting or changing any details. It must be able to locate all its contents quickly upon demand. The combinations of characters, that is, the letters, numbers, and special symbols by which we usually

87 Unit 7. Storage

communicate, are coded. The codes used by computer design­ers are based upon a number system that has only two possible values, 0 and 1 .'A number system with only two digits, 0 and I, is called a binary number system. Each binary digit is called a bit, from Binary digiT. As the information capacity of a single bit is limited to 2 alternatives, codes used by computer design­ers are based upon combinations of bits. These combinations are called binary codes. The most common binary codes are 8-bit codes because an 8-bit code provides for 2/8, or 256 unique combinations of l's ans O's, and this is more than adequate to represent all of the characters by which we communicate.

Data in the form of coded characters are stored in adjacent storage locations in main memory in two principal ways : 1) as "strings" of characters — in bytes; and 2) within fixed-size "box­es" — in words. A fixed number of consecutive bits that repre­sent a character is called a byte. The most common byte size is 8-bit byte. Words are usually 1 or more bytes in length.

Secondary storage. Primary storage is expensive because each bit is represented by a high-speed device, such as a semicon­ductor. A million bytes (that is, 8 million bits) is a large amount of primary storage. Often it is necessary to store many millions, sometimes billions, of bytes of data. Therefore slower, less ex­pensive storage units are available for computer systems. These units are called secondary storage. Data are stored in them in the same binary codes as in main storage and are made avail­able to main storage as needed.

– Конец работы –

Эта тема принадлежит разделу:

Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамот­ности: Учебное пособие / Радовель В. А. — Изд. 3-е.

Научный консультант... Соколов С В доктор технических наук профессор действительный член... Рецензент Понкратова Ю Г зам директора гимназии г Ростова н Д председатель методобъединения учи телей английского языка...

Если Вам нужно дополнительный материал на эту тему, или Вы не нашли то, что искали, рекомендуем воспользоваться поиском по нашей базе работ: Прочтите текст 2 и скажите, какую дополнительную информацию вы узнали о действии основных устройств компьютера.

Что будем делать с полученным материалом:

Если этот материал оказался полезным ля Вас, Вы можете сохранить его на свою страничку в социальных сетях:

Все темы данного раздела:

Ознакомьтесь с терминами текста 1.
computer literacy [ksm'pjute 'litsrasi] — компьютерная грамотность problem-solving device — устройство, обеспечивающее решение задачи be aware of [bi a'wesr ov] — понимат

Просмотрите текст 1 еще раз. Ответьте на вопросы, используя информацию текста.
1.What does "a computer-literate person" mean? 2. Areyou aware of the potential of computers to influence your life? 3. What do the people mean by "

Вспомните образование и случаи употребления The PastSimple Tense.
А. Назовите три формы следующих неправильных глаго­лов: То be; to have; to mean; to learn; to become; to bring; to know; to think; to buy; to pay; to take; to d

Ознакомьтесь с терминами текста 2
intricate ['mtnkit] — сложный, запутанный, electronic circuit [sbkt'romk 'sa:kit] — электронная цепь, схема to operate switches [ops'reit 'switfiz] — приводить в дей­ствие переключатели

A computer is a machine with an intricate network of elec­tronic circuits that operate switches or magnetize tiny metal cores. The switches, like the cores, are capable of being in one or two possi

Вставьте необходимые слова вместо пропусков.
1. Information is given into the computer in the form of a) ideas; b) cha

Подберите к терминам, данным в левой колонке, опре­деления, представленные справа.
1. Computer a) a machine by which information is re- ceived from the computer; 2. Data b) a device capable of storing and manip- ulating numbers, letters

Ознакомьтесь с терминами текста 1
calculating device [ksllcjiK'leitin di'vais] — вычислительное устройство multiple ['nultiplj — кратный abacus ['aebakss] — счеты slide rule ['slaid 'nil] — логар

Let us take a look at the history of computers that we know today. The very first calculating device used was the ten fingers of a man's hands. This, in fact, is why today we still count in tens an

Просмотрите текст еще раз. Ответьте на вопросы, ис­пользуя информацию текста.
1.What was the very first calculating device? 2. What is the abacus? 3. What is the modern slide rule? 4. Who gave the ideas for producing logarithm tables? 5. How did Newton and L

Подберите вместо пропусковподходящее по смыслу слово.
1. British scientists invented a___ way of multiplying and dividing. a) mechanical; b) electrical; c) optical 2. A new branch of mathematics,____ , was invented in

Прочтите текст и скажите, как вы понимаете термины «обработка информации» и «иерархия запоминания ин­формации».
Text 1. DATA PROCESSING AND DATA PROCESSING SYSTEMS The necessary data are processed by a computer to become useful information. In fact this is th

Basic data processing operations
Five basic operations are characteristic of all data process­ing systems: inputting, storing, processing, outputting, and con­trolling. They are defined as follows. Inputting is the

Data storage hierarchy
It is known that data, once entered, are organized and stored in successively more comprehensive groupings. Generally, these groupings are called a data storage hierarchy. The general group­ings of

Просмотритетекст еще раз. Ответьте на вопросы, ис­пользуя информацию текста 1.
1. What is processing? 2. What is data processing? 3. What does the term of data processing system mean? 4. What basic operations does a data processing system include? 5. What is inputting / stori

Подберите к терминам, данным в левой колонке, опре­ деления, представленные справа.
1.Computer ' a) the set of instructions that direct the operations of computers; 2. Computer literacy • b) a part of a computer, entering data into the d

Вспомните значение новых слов и догадайтесь о зна­ чении их производных.
То eliminate: elimination; eliminable; eliminator; unlimited. To respond: respondent; response; responsible; irresponsible; responsibility. Accuracy: inaccura

Прочтите текст и скажите, о каких типах компьютеров и сферах их применения вы узнали.
Text 1.COMPUTER SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE As we know all computer systems perform the functions of inputting, storing, processing, controlling, and outpu

Types of computers
The two basic types of computers are analog and digital. Analog computers simulate physical systems. They operate on the basis of an analogy to the process that is being studied. For ex-

Просмотрите текст еще раз. Ответьте на вопросы, ис­ пользуя информацию текста.
1.Who designs computers and their accessory equipment? 2. What is the role of an analyst? 3. Is it necessary for a user to become a computer system architect? 4. What functions do

A. -er, -or
То control, to compute, to design, to use, to manufacture, to work, to simulate, to operate, to protect, to process, to deal, to perform, to examine, to program, to execute, to transmit, to convert

Переведите предложения, содержащие Participle I и Participle II, в функции обстоятельства.
1. When entering the Internet, I always find a lot of inter­esting information. 2. Though never built Babbage's analytical engine was the basis for designing today's computers. 3. When written in a

Ответьте на вопросы, используя информацию текста.
1.What is hardware? 2. Give the definition of software. 3. What are the types of software? 4. What are systems software? 5. What kind of tasks do systems software perform? 6

Вспомните значение новых слов и попытайтесь пере­ вести словосочетания, употребляемые с этими словами.
Architecture: communication architecture; computer archi­tecture; disk architecture; microprocessor architecture; network architecture; security architecture; system architecture; virtual ar

1. In 1948 due to the invention of transistors there appeared the possibility to replace vacuum tubes. The transistor occupied an important place on the way to computer development. The

Согласуйте слова в левой колонке с их интерпретаци­ей, предложенной справа.
1. Computer a) a combination of interconnected circuit elements produced in a chip to perform a definite func­tion 2. Analog computer b) a sequence of instructions en- ab

Unit 5. Computer Systems: An Overview
Crossword 1.

Просмотрите текст еще раз. Дайте ответы на вопросы, используя информацию текста.
1. What represents the functional organization of a comput­er? 2. What can we get by studying the functional organization? 3. What is the function of the input device? 4. What does mem­

Вспомните значение новых слов и попытайтесь переве­ сти словосочетания, употребляемые с этими словами.
Computer, analog computer; digital computer; hybrid com­puter; all-purpose computer; general-purpose computer; fifth-generation computer; game computer; handheld computer; mobile computer; m

Вспомните значение следующих прилагательных и пре­ образуйте их в сравнительную и превосходную степени.
A. Small; fast; new; long; late; wide; young; easy; great; dull; rich; bulky; large; vast; early; old; broad. B. Frequent; reliable; approximate; significan

Ознакомьтесь с терминами текста 2.
large-scale — большой; крупномасштабный flip-flop — триггер circuit ['ss:kit] — цепь; контур; схема employ [im'ploi] — использовать; употреблять; приме­нять logic gates — логический элемен

Просмотрите текст еще раз. Ответьте на вопросы, ис­пользуя информацию текста.
1. What are the functional units of a digital computer? 2. What units make up the central processing unit? 3. How is computer system organized? 4. What are the two main types of storage units? 5. W

Вспомните значение новых слов и попытайтесь переве­ сти словосочетания, употребляемые с этими словами.
Storage: available storage; buffer storage; computer storage; data storage; magnetic disk storage; magnetic tape storage; in­put storage; intermediate storage; internal storage; laser storag

Ознакомьтесь с терминами текста 2.
medium (pi. media) — носитель; среда capacity — емкость; объем (памяти); пропускная спо­собность media capacity — емкость носителя data access time — время доступа к данным

Опишите схему.
93__________________________________ Unit 7. Storage 13. Переведите предложения, содержащие всевозможные формы причастий: Participle I, Participle II,

1. A digital computer is a machine capable of performing operations on data represented in digital or number form. The individual operations performed by a digital computer are very simple arithmet

TESTS 1. Вставьте вместо пропусков необходимые слова.
1. The time required for the computer to locate and transfer data in the storage device is called the data____ time. a) sequence; b) access; c) value 2.______ memories have no

Вспомните значение новых слов и попытайтесь переве­сти словосочетания, употребляемые с этими словами.
Direction: backward direction; clockwise direction; counter­clockwise direction; data direction; forward direction; inverse / reverse direction; negative direction; positive direction; print

Переведите предложения, содержащие независимый причастный оборот.
1. Data being accessed randomly, semiconductor memories are called random access memory (RAM). 2. The information capacity of a single bit being limited to two alternatives, codes are

Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 102
ical parts, their data access time being longer than is that of elec­tronic mem

Unit & Central Processing Unit
comparer [кэт'реэгэ] — компаратор; устройство сравне­ния content ['kontsn

As it is known the two functional units of the CPU are the control unit (CU) and the arithmetic-logical unit (ALU). The control unit manages and coordinates the entire computer sys­tem. It obtains

Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 110
5. clock ( 'e) selects data from memory; 6. counter *0 produces el

1. The microprocessor forms the heart of a microcomputer. The first microprocessors were developed in 1971 as a branch of pocket calculator development. Since then there has been a trem

Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 122
14. Ознакомьтесь с терминами текста 3. human-readable fo

Проведите грамматический анализ текста 1, найдите в нем инфинитивные и причастные конструкции. Переве­ дите предложения.
6. Переведите сложные предложения: А) бессоюзные; В) с сочинительной связью.Запомните следующие сочинительные союзы: and, but, or, while, both ...

Переведите безличные предложения. Обратите внима­ ние на их специфику.
1. 7/ is well known that personal computers enjoy great pop­ularity among experimenters and hobbyists. 2. // took years to produce a high-speed computer performing a lot of functions. 3. When makin

The piece of equipment that allows a computer to commu­nicate with other computers over telephone lines is called a modem. The modem allows the individual to access informa­tion from all over the w

Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 142
is made up of random access memory (RAM) and read-only memory (ROM). Because RAM i

Вставьте необходимые слова вместо пропусков.
1. A personal computer is a small relatively inexpensive de- vice designed for an individual__________ . a) person; b) producer; c) user 2. One of the fi

Programming is the process of preparing a set of coded in­structions which enables the computer to solve specific prob­lems or to perform specific functions. Theiessence of computer programmingjis

Просмотрите текст еще раз и ответьте на вопросы, ис­ пользуя информацию текста.
1. What is programming? 2. What is the essence of program­ming? 3. What should be done with the problem before process­ing by the computer? 4. What is a program? 5. What are instruc­tions? 6. What

Переведите предложения, содержащие сослагательное наклонение.
1.1should like to be a top specialist in computer technolo­gy. 2. It is necessary that the program should be debugged (отлажена) by a programmer. 3. It is required that the program

Let's assume that we have studied the problem, designed a logical plan (our flowchart or pseudocode), and are now ready to write the program instructions. The proc

The FORTRAN IVlanguage is oriented toward solving prob­lems of a mathematical nature. The name FORTRAN comes from the combination of the words formula translation. The versi

Переведите условные сложноподчиненные предложе­ ния. Обратите внимание на форму выражения разных типов условия.
I. 1. If you try very hard you can master any language. 2. If you want to master any language you must know at least three thousand words. 3. You willimprove your pronuncia

RPG II Programming language
RPG IIis a business-oriented language. The name stands for report program generator. RPG is considerably different from other programming languages. RPG is, in effect, a large prew

The conversion of symbolic languages
As we see, most of the symbolic languages are oriented to­ward the particular application areas of business or science (math). The one problem with all symbolic languages is that none of them can b

Running the computer program
The operating system is a collection of program provided by the computer's manufacturer that allows us to shedule jobs for the computer, to translate source programs into object programs, to sort d

Определите неличные формы глагола, содержащиеся в следующих предложениях. Переведите их.
1.The problems to be studied are of great importance. 2. The problem studied helped us understand many things. 3. To study the problem we must make some experiments. 4. To study th

In 1973 the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) initiated a research program to investigate techniques and technologies for interlinking packet networks of various kinds. The objectiv

Quiz-game "Do you know more about computers"?(Divide into two groups and give answers to even (1 gr.) and odd (2 gr.) question numbers.)

Англо-русский словарь
reversibility — обратимость; возможность изменить направление на противоположное

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