рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект

Вправа 6. Передайте речення у Passive Voice.

Вправа 6. Передайте речення у Passive Voice. - раздел Иностранные языки, Англійська мова для студентів технічних ВНЗ 1. They Broke The Window Last Week. 2. When I Came Home, They Had Eaten The S...

1. They broke the window last week. 2. When I came home, they had eaten the sweets. 3. We will do the work in the evening. 4. He wrote this book in the 19th century. 5. They were playing tennis from four till five. 6. They have made a number of important experiments in this lab­oratory. 7. Livingstone explored Central Africa in the 19th century. 8. By the middle of autumn we had planted all the trees in the orchard. 9. They will stage this play at the beginning of the next season. 10. They have forgotten the story.

Вправа 7. Перекладіть речення англійською.

1. Вже послали за ліками? – Так, їх зараз шукають. 2. Його виховала сестра. 3. Не турбуйся, йому допоможуть в роботі. 4. Нажаль, в нашому районі вирубують багато дерев. 5. Цей міст ще будується. Він вже будувався, коли я побачив його вперше. 6. Коли файл копіювався, раптом виключили електрику. 7. Коли я прийду додому, обід ще буде готуватись. 8. Це явище широко обговорювалось у науковій пресі.

16.5. Домашнє завдання

Вправа 8. Трансформуйте речення з активного у пасивний стан. Перекладіть речення.

1. They deliver all the mail at half past nine. 2. This engineer is writing the letter in English. 3. William taught this group of children. 4. The students will buy the theatre tickets next week. 5. They have published this booklet. 6. They had built this block of flats by the end of the year. 7. Mary was writing the article for the journal from five till eight. 8. Everybody knows you. 9. Everyone hears our broadcasts. 10. We will have finished the work by Saturday.

Вправа 9. Назвіть номери речень, присудок яких стоїть у пасивному стані.

1. May 7, 1895 has entered the history of science as the date of the invention of radio. 2. In 1938 the first TV station came into being in Moscow, but the war stopped the development of television. 3. The international exchange programmes will be developed still further in future. 4. Some powerful radio stations have recently been built in the northern regions. 5. Much attention is being paid to the development of three-dimensional television.

Вправа 10. Виберіть правильний переклад присудка.

1. The machine tool measures its production itself.

2. The machine tool will measure its production itself.

3. The part is measured with great accuracy.

a) виміряли; b) виміряє; c) виміряється; d) буде виміряти.

4. The builders are planning to build the road.

5. The building of the road is being planned.

6. The building of the road was being planned.

a) планується; b) планують; c) спланували; d) планували.

7. The tests have been carried out well.

8. The tests were being carried out well.

9. The tests are being carried out well.

а) виконуються; b) виконувались; c) виконані; d) будуть виконані.


Вправа 11. Складіть розповідь про свій факультет з використанням активних слів та виразів.


Lesson 17. My Major

17.1. Розмовна тема. Моя спеціалізація

Вправа 1. Прочитайте розмовні формули для розповіді про будь-яку спеціальність та складіть розповідь про власну спеціальність.

I am a first year student of NTU “KhPI”.

I study at ___ Department.

I major in ___.

Besides my speciality at our department there are such specialities as ___.

In ___ I will gain a Bachelor’s Degree.

After graduating from the University I am going to be an engineer (technologist, designer, etc.) and work in (at) ___.


17.2. Письмове завдання

Вправа 2. Заповніть пропуски словами зі списку: what, courses, it’s, you, does, include, little, to highlight, to, field, school, because, for, fascinates.

There are two reasons to choose a major: to prepare for a specific ___ or job, or to immerse yourself in a subject that ___ you.

Some students choose a major because it will prepare them for a specific career path. Career–focused majors ___ engineering, business, or education. Other students choose a major simply ___ they love the subject. If you choose this path, you may pursue a career that has ___ to do with what you studied in college. Here are some ideas on how to start your search ___ the right major.

Forget high ­­­___. College is a whole new ball game. Subjects you hated as a high school student might turn out to be completely different in a new educational setting. Make the most of the general education ___ you’re required to take. Don’t just pick whatever’s easiest; choose ones that appeal to ___, even if they are upper–level courses. You don’t yet know what will really compel you.

Talk to your advisors. They know what it takes to tackle certain academic disciplines. Tell them your strengths and your interests. They’ll be able ___ courses that might excite you as well as classes that are popular with other students.

Check the syllabus. What are the assignments? The books? The requirements? Does the material seem compelling to you? If you start nodding off while reading the course catalogue, perhaps ___ best to cross that field off your list.

Ask upperclassmen. They are the real experts at your college, and they have faced the daunting task of declaring a major themselves.

Engage professionals in fields you find interesting. Ask them exactly ___ their jobs entail and how their careers do (or don’t) relate to their majors.

But the main thing to remember is that your major ___ not determine your life. You should choose a subject that interests you and that has some connection to the post-collegiate life you want to build for yourself. But keep the decision in perspective; you can always change careers or go back ___ school.


17.3. Читання

– Конец работы –

Эта тема принадлежит разделу:

Англійська мова для студентів технічних ВНЗ


Если Вам нужно дополнительный материал на эту тему, или Вы не нашли то, что искали, рекомендуем воспользоваться поиском по нашей базе работ: Вправа 6. Передайте речення у Passive Voice.

Что будем делать с полученным материалом:

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Все темы данного раздела:

Introducing people Представлення людей
Let me introduce myself. My name is D. Дозвольте відрекомендуватись. Мене звати Д. May I introduce Mr. N.? Allow me to introduce Mr. N

· Живі істоти Однина Множина The man’s bag The men’s bags The boy’s bic

Young Organist
Back in 2002, when former church organist David Christianson purchased an Oberlinger organ for his home, he thought maybe he would play from time to time to relax. But, as it turns out, he can’t do

Teen Scientist Gets High Honor from Obamas
Li Boynton, 18, a senior at Bellaire High School, says meeting the president and first lady in White House will top the stack of academic honors she has accumulated. In the fifth grade, Li

1. He has got a dog. 2. He has not got a dog. 3. Has he got a dog? G Запам’ятайте! to have dinner (breakfast, lunch, supper) to have a

Передача українських відмінків за допомогою англійських прийменників Відмінок в українській мові Прийменники в англійській мові

What is a hobby? It is what you can and like to do, when you have free time. We choose a hobby according to our character and taste. When we have a hobby, our life becomes more interesting. Very of

An Unusual Hobby
Hi, I’m Ron Hawker. I started riding the unicycle when I was 11 years old. My mother gave me a unicycle as a Christmas present. I have never been a good athlete, so it took me a long time to learn

Travelling by Air
G Active Vocabulary: to travel – подорожувати; to fly – літати; a flight – peйc; to catch a plane – встигнути на літак; to miss a plane – запізнитись на літак; to board a

Some Murphy Laws For Frequent Flyers
· No flight ever leaves on time unless you are running late and need the delay to make the flight. · If you are running late for a flight, it will depart from the farthest gate within the

Типи речень
В англійській мові виділяють 4 типи речень. 1) Стверджувальне: The students work in the laboratory twice a week. 2) Заперечне

Dialogue at a booking office
– Good afternoon. Can I help you? – Hello, I’d like to book a ticket to Kiev. – What date do you want to leave? – On the 25th of November. – Single or

The Benefits of a Cruise Holiday
G Active Vocabulary: to be faced – стикатись; prospect – перспектива; quandary – скрутне становище; available – що є в наявності; span – короткий відрізок часу; itinerary

Форма питального речення
Will I (he, you, we, they, my friend) study at the University next year?   Таблиця часових форм дієслова наведена у додатку (Appendix III).

Going Through the Customs
Знайдіть в тексті та вивчіть наведені нижче слова і словосполучення. Here is my passport (visa, health certificate, certificate of vaccination, declaration form). Have you

The Past Continuous Tense (Минулий тривалий час)
Випадки вживання Приклади a) Тривала дія, яка відбувається в деякий момент часу в минулому (at 5 o’clock yesterday – о п’ятій годині в

The Procedure of Telephoning
Telephoning is very simple. You look up the necessary number in the telephone directory; then you pick up the receiver and wait for the signal (buzz, buzzing sound). Next you make the

Telephone Conversation
– Stanley Hydraulic Tools. Can I help you? – I’d like to speak to Mr. Warner, please. – Mr. Warner? What is your name, please? – This is Boris Frolov, from HM Systems. – Would you spell your name,

Interesting Facts about Telephones
· Valdemar Poulsen, the Danish telephone engineer and inventor, patented what he called a “telegraphone” in 1898. The telegraphone was the first practical apparatus for magnetic sound recording and

The Past Perfect Tense (Минулий перфектний час)
Випадки вживання Приклади a) Дія, яка закінчилась до деякого моменту у минулому (by 5 o’clock yesterday – до 5 години вчора).

Room amenities
· Private Bathroom / Shower · Satellite TV Channels · Hair Dryer · Telephone · Mini-Bar / Fridge

Some Tips on Staying at a Hotel
When travelling, people almost always stay at hotels. It is advisable, therefore, to remember the following: 1. The first thing to do is to book a room in advance either by letter, telepho

The Past Perfect Continuous Tense (Минулий перфектно-тривалий)
Випадки вживання Приклади Незавершена дія, яка почалась у минулому і триває до певного часу у минулому. Зазвичай вказується інтервал ч

Crossing your Fingers
Many western cultures make this gesture when wishing for good luck. A hand with the index and middle fingers crossed is even the logo for the UK’s National Lottery. In Vietnam, however, this is an

Here are some final tips for travellers
· In France you shouldn’t sit down in a cafe until you’ve shaken hands with everyone you know. · In Afghanistan you should spend at least five minutes saying hello. · In Pakistan

Five Subatomic Particles in a Nutshell
Ancient Greeks philosopher Leucippus and his pupil Democritus first spoke out the idea that all substances consisted of invisible “atomos,” or atoms, as we know them today. They believed these atom

Заперечна форма
Заперечна частка not ставиться після першого допоміжного дієслова. The letter is not written (every day). The letter was

Прочитайте текст.
What is Classical Physics? Classical physics is a branch of physics in which matter and energy are two separate concepts. Based primarily on Sir Isaac Newton’s laws of mot

Приклади утворення
Звичайний ступінь Порівняльний ступінь Найвищий ступінь big bigger the biggest

He is in the farthest corner of the garden. – Він у самому дальньому куточку саду. Further information will be given later. – Наступну інформацію Ви отримаєте пізніше. He is 5 yea

Industry, Science and Education in Kharkov
The city of Kharkiv was founded over 350 years ago at the crossroads of major transportation routes. It has now become one of Ukraine’s largest centres for science, industry and culture. T

Прочитайте текст.
What is Fiber Optics? Fiber optic technology allows humans to control the path of a beam of light by confining it within ductile, transparent materials, like cords of plas

Some Interesting Facts About Australia
· The black box flight recorder for aircraft was invented in Australia in 1958 by the Aeronautical research scientist David Warren. · The first official world surfing championship was held

London Museums and Art Galleries
G Active Vocabulary: a fortress – фортеця; a manuscript – рукопис; contemporary – сучасний; armour – лати; twofold – подвійний; garrison – гарнізон; custody – зберігання.

Universities in Great Britain
There are 46 universities in Britain. The oldest and best-known universities are located in Oxford, Cambridge, London, Manchester, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Bristol, and Birmingham. Oxford &

Вправа 8. Розгадайте кросворд.
        c       &n

Los Angeles
Los Angeles, Spanish for “The Angels”, is the most populous city in California and the second largest in the United States, after New York City, with a population of 3.8 million, on a land a

The Fascinating World of Crystals
Just what are crystals? A crystal is an organized grouping of atoms, or molecules. Each crystal has different properties and shapes. For example, sugar crystals are oblong and slanted at the ends;

Harvard University
G Active Vocabulary: prominent – видатний; distinctly – виразно; outlook – світогляд; clergy – духовенство; scope – масштаб; to diversify – урізноманітнювати; to command r

The Black Sea Pollution
The story about the Black Sea pollution starts like almost any other pollution story. Once, about half a decade ago, the Black Sea had very rich and diverse marine ecosystems. It also had major eco

He said that he often went to the skating rink. he had gone the skating rink the last week. he would go to the

Вправа 3. Передайте речення непрямою мовою.
1. The teacher explained, “In fact every hydraulic system can be reduced to a simple pump-motor system”. 2. The expert said, “Laser cutting is excellent at processing different materials”. 3. The r

Land Pollution
A: You know, lots of people in the world think it’s important to live green. B: Yes, but some of them are not aware of how much pollution exists. A: So, do you know

Eat Organic
· When you eat organic foods, you are supporting farmers that do not use pesticides which are harmful to the environment. · Organic foods will cost a bit more, but they are better both for

Global warming
Today our planet is warming. Some impacts from increasing temperatures are already happening: ice is melting worldwide, especially at the Earth’s poles; the number of penguins on Antarctica

With the number of people on the globe over 7 billion, the impact of human populations on the environment has been severe. Every year, more than 81 million people add the world-wide populati

Cruise Liners Are Contaminating Our Oceans
Luxury cruise liners that carry millions of passengers to remote corners of the globe are polluting the seas and endangering marine life. The new super-liners, which can accommodate u

Planet Earth Is 4,600 Million Years Old
If we pretend that our planet is like a person, we can compare the Earth with a man of 46 years of age. Nothing is ___ about the first 7 years of this person’s life, and very little ___ can be foun

Bees Are in Danger
Since the 1980s, beekeepers and observers of nature have been noticing that bees are disappearing, particularly in Europe and the United States. The phenomenon reached a peak during the winter of 2

Вправа 4. Передайте непрямою мовою.
1. Mike hasn’t come to school today. – The teacher says that Mike hasn’t сотe to school today. 2. Are you going anywhere for the weekend? – Tom asked me ___. 3. I’m really angry with

My family
Satomi (Japan) There are five members in my family: my mom, dad, grandmother, brother and myself. My dad works for a golf company. My mom is a housewife. My brother is majoring in tourism

Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein was born in Germany in 1879. He enjoyed classical music and played the violin. One story Einstein liked to tell about his childhood was of a wonder he saw when he was four or five y

Marie Curie
Marie Sklodowska-Curie, one of the few people to win two Noble Prizes in different fields, was one of the most significant researchers of radiation and its effects as a pioneer of radiology. Until

George and Robert Stephensons
George Stephenson won world-wide acclaim with his “Rocket” but he said that much of the credit belonged to his son Robert. Robert supervised the building of the “Rocket”, and later improved

Thomas Alve Edison
G Active Vocabulary: his teacher thought him very stupid – вчитель вважав його дуже дурним; boxed his ear – сильно вдарив його у вухо: on the track – на рельсах.

Boarding and accommodation on board
· Find out if the class of the car you are boarding is in the front, middle or rear of the train and stay on the platform accordingly. Ask the staff on the platform. In some countries, stations are

Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering
Nuclear Science and Engineering is an intellectually exciting and socially important discipline, supporting a wide range of applications. Our department presently consists of 28 faculty an

The Department of Chemistry
Each year some 170 chemists graduate after a four-year course which includes a year of research and about 80 graduates receive doctorates. The Oxford Chemistry course is second to none in

The Department of Physics at the Cavendish Laboratory
The Cavendish Laboratory was founded in 1871, along with the appointment of James Clerk Maxwell as the first Cavendish Professor. It has a distinguished intellectual history, with 29 Nobel prizewin

School Life for a British Boy (Written by Erik)
My School is a mixed 11–18 school. There are about 1,150 students in my school, including 200 in the sixth form. It is called a Technology College and specializes in Computers and Maths. My school

A Dying Technology
Incinerators and landfills are both attempts to answer the question, “what do we do with waste?” Over the last century, governments have invested billions of dollars in increasingly

Spray-On Solar-Power Cells Are True Breakthrough
Scientists have invented a plastic solar cell that can turn the sun’s power into electrical energy, even on a cloudy day. The plastic material uses nanotechnology and contains the first sola

Electrical Sweaters
The new material could make technology truly wireless. Sargent said that the plastic coating could be woven into a shirt or sweater and used to charge an item like a cell phone. “A

Choose one of the options.
1. Fossil fuels were formed from ____. a) ancient plants and animals b) carbon c) water 2. Chemically fossil fuels are ___. a) compounds of oxygen b) acids c) hydrocarbon

Choose one of the options.
1. Refraction is the process of natural ___ of light. a) shining b) dissolution c) bending 2. When light passes through a prism, one can see different ___. a) pictures b)

Choose one of the options.
1. Most metals are extracted from ___. a) ore b) ear c) air 2. Ore always contains ___. a) all the chemical elements b) some impurities c) only pure metal 3. To

Choose one of the options.
1. A mouse is ___. a) a computer virus b) a system software c) an input device 2. Early computers used ___ cards to receive data. a) punched b) playing c) credit

Choose one of the options.
1. A computer addict is a person who ___. a) writes computer programmes b) spends most of his time at a computer c) can add well 2. The most important things for computer

Choose one of the options.
1. Cooled lava formed many ___. a) cities b) islands c) continents 2. Molten rock deep below the Earth’s crust is called ___. a) enigma b) sigma c) magma 3. Volc

Choose one of the options.
1. The first successful flight over Mars was performed ___. a) in the late 1960s b) last year c) at the beginning of 20th century 2. Observations proved that Mars is __

Choose one of the options.
1. An electric car is powered by ___. a) an electric motor b) a diesel engine c) an internal combustion engine 2. Batteries are recharged ___. a) only at service stations

Speech Patterns
There are many species of insects.   Існує багато видів комах. many species of insects in

Speech patterns
It is him who invented this machine. Саме він винайшов цю машину. It is the helmet that saved my life.

Speech Patterns
It is important for him to know these laws Йому важливо знати ці закони. It is necessary to rev

Speech Patterns
either ... or або ... або You may choose to study either English or French. Ви можете вибрати, що вивчати – або англійську, або французьку.

Speech Patterns
He appeared to have forgotten my address. Виявилось, що він забув мою адресу. seems Здається, в

Speech Patterns
The years to come Наступні роки The words to remember Слова, що треба запам’ятати The things to d

Speech Patterns
He is anything but lazy. Він далеко не ледащий. It pleasant. Це зовсім не приємно.

Speech Patterns
If it were not for X ... we would ... Якби не Х, ми б ... If it were not for hope, the heart would break. Якби не надія,

Speech Patterns
I will get round to it. Я якось займусь цим. I can never see her. Я ніяк не можу в

Speech patterns
He is well on his way to mastering English. Він далеко просунувся у вивченні англійської. recovery. Він скор

Speech Patterns
The more ..., the more ... Чим ..., тим ... The faster you drive, the more petrol the car uses. Чим швидше ви їдете, тим

Speech Patterns
However Однак Although Хоча; незважаючи на те, що In fact Насправді, фактично

Length Conversion
UK/USA unit Metric (SI) unit Metric (SI) unit UK/USA unit Inch 2.54 centimeters Ce

UK /USA unit Metric (SI) unit Metric (SI) unit UK /USA unit Acre 0.40 hectare Hect

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