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Conducting - раздел Образование, Read and translate the text: English - the International Language ...

Conducting is the act of directing a musical performance by way of visible gestures. Orchestras, choirs, concert bands and other musical ensembles often have conductors.

The principal conductor of an orchestra or opera company is sometimes referred to as a music director or chief conductor, or by the German word, Kapellmeister. Conductors of choirs or choruses are sometimes referred to as choral director, chorus master, or choirmaster, particularly for choirs associated with an orchestra. Conductors of military bands and other bands may hold the title of bandmaster, or drum major. Respected senior conductors are sometimes referred to by the Italian word, maestro ("master").

History of conducting

An early form of conducting is cheironomy, the use of hand gestures to indicate melodic shape. This has been practiced at least as far back as the Middle Ages. In the Christian church, the person giving these symbols held a staff to signify his role, and it seems that as music became more rhythmically involved, the staff was moved up and down to indicate the beat, acting as an early form of baton.

In instrumental music, a member of the ensemble usually acted as the conductor. This was sometimes the principal violinist, who could use his bow as a baton, or a lutenist who would move the neck of his instrument in time with the beat. It was common to conduct from the harpsichord in pieces that had a basso continuo part. In opera performances, there were sometimes two conductors - the keyboard player was in charge of the singers, and the principal violinist was in charge of the orchestra.

By the early 19th century, it became the norm to have a dedicated conductor, who did not also play an instrument during the performance. The size of the usual orchestra expanded during this period, and the use of a baton became more common, as it was easier to see than bare hands or rolled-up paper. Among the earliest notable conductors were Louis Spohr, Carl Maria von Weber, Louis Antoine Jullien and Felix Mendelssohn, all of whom were also composers. Mendelssohn is claimed to have been the first conductor to utilize a wooden baton to keep time, a practice still generally in use today. Amongst prominent conductors who did not or do not use a baton are Leopold Stokowski, Pierre Boulez, Dimitri Mitropoulos, Kurt Masur, Leonard Bernstein and Nikolaus Harnoncourt. Hans von Bülow is sometimes considered the first professional musician whose principal career was as a conductor.

Hector Berlioz and Richard Wagner were also great conductors, and they wrote two of the earliest essays dedicated to the subject. Berlioz is considered the first virtuoso conductor. Wagner was largely responsible for shaping the conductor's role as one who imposes his own view of a piece onto the performance. Technique

Conducting is a means of communicating artistic directions to performers during a performance. Although there are many formal rules on how to conduct correctly, others are subjective, and a wide variety of different conducting styles exist depending upon the training and sophistication of the conductor. The primary responsibilities of the conductor are to unify performers, set the tempo, execute clear preparations and beats, and to listen critically and shape the sound of the ensemble. Communication is non-verbal during a performance, however in rehearsal frequent interruptions allow directions as to how the music should be played.

Conducting requires an understanding of the elements of musical expression (tempo, dynamics, articulation) and the ability to communicate them effectively to an ensemble. The ability to communicate nuances of phrasing and expression through gestures is also beneficial. Conducting gestures are preferably prepared beforehand by the conductor while studying the score, but may sometimes be spontaneous.

A distinction is sometimes made between orchestral conducting and choral conducting. Stereotypically, orchestral conductors use a baton more often than choral conductors, and emphasize the use of beat patterns over gestural conducting, which concentrates more on musical expression and shape. Also stereotypically, an orchestra will play "behind" the conductor's beat, while choral ensembles will sing "on" the beat.

The grip of the baton varies from conductor to conductor. Despite a wide variety of styles, a number of standard conventions have developed.

Beat and tempo

The beat of the music is typically indicated with the conductor's right hand, with or without a baton. The hand traces a shape in the air in every bar (measure) depending on the time signature, indicating each beat with a change from downward to upward motion. The images show the most common beat patterns, as seen from the conductor's point of view.

The downbeat indicates the first beat of the bar, and the upbeat indicates the last beat of the bar. The instant at which the beat occurs is called the ictus (plural: ictus or ictuses), and is usually indicated by a sudden click of the wrist or change in baton direction. In some instances, "ictus" is also used to refer to a horizontal plane in which all the ictuses are physically located, such as the top of a music stand where a baton is tapped at each ictus. The gesture leading up to the ictus is called the "preparation", and the continuous flow of steady beats is called the "takt".

If the tempo is slow or slowing, or if the time signature is compound, a conductor will sometimes indicate "subdivisions" of the beats. The conductor can do this by adding a smaller movement in the same direction as the movement for the beat that it belongs to.

Changes to the tempo are indicated by changing the speed of the beat. To carry out and to control a rallentando, a conductor may introduce beat subdivisions.

While some conductors use both hands to indicate the beat, with the left hand mirroring the right, formal education discourages such an approach. The second hand is therefore used for cueing the entrances of individual players or sections, and to aid indications of dynamics, phrasing, expression, and other elements.


Dynamics are indicated in various ways. The dynamic may be communicated by the size of the conducting movements, larger shapes representing louder sounds. Changes in dynamic may be signaled with the hand that is not being used to indicate the beat: an upward motion (usually palm-up) indicates a crescendo; a downward motion (usually palm-down) indicates a diminuendo. Changing the size of conducting movements frequently results in changes in the character of the music depending upon the circumstances.

Dynamics can be fine-tuned using various gestures: showing one's palm to the performers or leaning away from them may demonstrate a decrease in volume. To adjust the overall balance of the various instruments or voices, these signals can be combined or directed towards a particular section or performer.


The indication of entries, when a performer or section should begin playing, is called "cueing". A cue must forecast with certainty the exact moment of the coming ictus, so that all the players or singers affected by the cue can begin playing simultaneously. Cueing is achieved by engaging the players before their entry and executing a clear preparation, often directed towards the specific players. An inhalation, which may or may not be a semi-audible "sniff" from the conductor, is a common element in the cueing technique of many conductors. Mere eye contact or a look in the general direction of the players may be sufficient in many instances, as when more than one section of the ensemble enters at the same time.

Articulation may be indicated by the character of the ictus, ranging from short and sharp for staccato, to long and fluid for legato. Many conductors change the tension of the hands: strained muscles and rigid movements may correspond to marcato, while relaxed hands and soft movements may correspond to legato or espressivo.

Phrasing may be indicated by wide overhead arcs or by a smooth hand motion either forwards or side-to-side. A held note is often indicated by a hand held flat with palm up. The end of a note, called a "cutoff" or "release", may be indicated by a circular motion, the closing of the palm, or the pinching of finger and thumb. A release is usually preceded by a preparation and concluded with a complete stillness.

Conductors aim to maintain eye contact with the ensemble as much as possible, encouraging eye contact in return and increasing the dialogue between players/singers and conductor. Facial expressions may also be important to demonstrate the character of the music or to encourage the players.


a choirmaster – хормейстер

a bandmaster – капельмейстер

to signify – обізначити

а baton – диригентська паличка

unadorned – неприкрашений

to stab - відбивати

gangrenous – гангренозний

dedicated – спеціально призначений

to utilize – використовувати

principal – основний

sophistication – витонченість

interruption – пауза

beneficial – корисний

beforehand – зазалегідь

spontaneous – мимовільно

а grip – захват, хватка

downbeat – сильна доля такту

upbeat – слабка доля такту

а bar – тактова риса, такт

an instant – момент

the ictus – ритмічний наголос

to tap – відстукувати

compound – змішаний, складений

mirroring – дзеркальне відображення

to forecast – передбачити

cue - ауфтакт

сueing – синхронізація

entry – вступ

mere – простий

inhalation – вдихання

audible – чутний

sniff – вдих

arc – дуга

smooth – плавний

pinching – сжимання

to precede – передувати

facial – лицьовий

Task 2. Choose the correct answer

1. … is claimed to have been the first conductor to utilize a wooden baton to keep time.

a. Mendelssohn b. Louis Spohr c. Carl Maria von Weber d. Louis Antoine Jullien

2. … is sometimes considered the first professional musician whose principal career was as a conductor.

a. Hans von Bülow b. Pierre Boulez c. Dimitri Mitropoulos d. Kurt Masur

3. The downbeat indicates … beat of the bar

a. the last b. the second c. the first d. the third

Task 3. Put the questions to the underlined words:

1. Conducting gestures are preferably prepared beforehand by the conductor while studying the score.

2. Changing the size of conducting movements frequently results in changes in the character of the music depending upon the circumstances.

Task 4. Answer the following questions:

1. What is conducting?

2. What is the principal conductor of an orchestra or opera company sometimes referred to?

3. What title may conductors of military bands and other bands hold?

4. What is cheironomy?

5. Who acted as the conductor in instrumental music?

6. Why did the use of a baton became more common by the early 19-th century?

7. Who is considered the first virtuoso conductor?

8. What are the primary responsibilities of the conductor?

9. What does conducting require?

10. How may articulation be indicated?

Task 5. Retell the text.

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Read and translate the text: English - the International Language

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Insert Definite or Indefinite article wherever necessary.
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Underline the correct item.
1. There is no one/anyone at the studio. 2. There are some/any mic in my collection. 3. There is any/no ice-cream left. 4. Did she tell you nothin

Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.
Last year I went 1) ...on... a trip which was an absolute disaster. I was going to Berlin 2) ... festival when, 3) ... accident, I got 4) ... the wrong train. We were 5) ... the way to Bruss

1. Underline the correct item: 1. I see/am seeing that the situation is out of control. 2. Do you enjoy/Аrе you enjoying this party? 4. You haven't said a word all morning

1. Fill in: since or for. John and Norma have been married 1) ..for... 20 years. They have been living in New York 2) … 1989. John has been working on Wall Street 3

Put the verbs into the correct form (present perfect progressive).
1. He (work) in this theatre since 1985. 2. I (wait) for you since two o'clock. 3. Mary (live) in Germany since 1992. 4. Why is he so tired? He (play) piano for five hour

Put in the present perfect progressive or simple.
1. That man (stand) outside for hours. 2. The castle ( stand) on that hill for 900 years. 3. Ann ( garden) all afternoon. She (plant) a lot of rose bushes. 4. James (

Translate the following sentences into English using either the Present Perfect or the Past indefinite Tense.
1. У цьому семестрі ми прочитали п’ять нових джазових стандартів. – А що ви вивчили у минулому семестрі? 2. Чи можу я бачити вашого скрипаля? – Боюся, що ні. Він поїхав до Криму.

Choose the right tenses (present perfect, past or past perfect; simple or progressive).
1. Reports are coming in that a train (crash) near Birmingham. According to eyewitnesses, it (hit) a concrete block which somebody (put) on the line. 2. Halfway to the office P

Complete the sentences with the present perfect or simple past.
1. I (take part) in a lot of festivals this year. 2. She (play) three different bands since she started her professional career. 3. He (stop) learning music three times when he

Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Він купив нову гітару торік. 2. Коли ви бачили її виступ востаннє? 3. Коли відбувся ваш академ концерт? 4. Минулого місяця наша група ніде не виступала. 5. Ми

Match the sentences and fill in the correct tense.
1. She'll call us A. until it ... (stop) raining. 1... D... 2.1 don't know B. as soon as I ... (can). 2... 3. What ... (you/do) C. if you ... (come) home late. 3...

Put the verbs in brackets into Future Perfect or Future Perfect Continuous.
1. By 7.00 pm they will have been playing (play) cricket for eight hours. 2. I ... (finish) painting your room by the time you get home. 3. By the end of next month I ... (live) in London fo

Underline the correct item.
1. "I really need a drink." "OK, I'll buy/'m buying you one. What would you like?" 2. "You look dreadful." "I know, I'm seeing/'II see the doctor tomorro

Fill in the correct present or future forms.
We 1) 're going (go) on holiday next Friday. The plane 2) ... (leave) at 5.00 am, so we 3) ... (sunbathe) in Bermuda by lunchtime! We've got a lot of luggage and neither of us wants to drive

Translate into English.
1. Я зайду до тебе, щойно звільнюсь. 2. Я зачекаю, доки він подзвонить мені. 3. Що Ви будете робити, якщо його не буде вдома? 4. Я допоможу тобі, щойно закінчу працювати

Translate the following sentences into English.
  1. Я люблю джаз. Я буду вступати до консерваторії на кафедру естрадної музики. 2. На якій вечірці ви будете грати сьогодні? 3. Швидше! Звук повинен бути налаштован

1. Fill in can't, might, must or could: I wonder where Paul is. He 1) can't be at work because he never works on a Sunday. He 2) … be at Sally's, but I doubt it bec

Must have to
1. I …… be at the meeting by 10:00. I will probably …… take a taxi if I want to be on time. 2. You …… submit the application if it has not been completely filled out. Check that the name, addre

Choose the right verb.
1. Shall I make the final choice right now? No, you ... a. mustn’t c. needn’t b. can’t d. couldn’t

Fill in a modal or a synonymous expression and the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets.
1. I'm getting fat. I really have to try (try) to lose some weight, like the doctor said. 2. What a lovely day! … (we/go) for a walk? 3. I'm not sure where Gary is. He … (b

Put the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.
The sinking of the Titanic is one of 1) the most famous (famous) shipwreck stories of all time. The Titanic was said to be 2) ... (safe) ocean liner ... the world. When it set sail, a

Translate into English.
1. Чи правда, що діапазон флейти-пікколо вище, ніж у скрипки? 2. Чому ти в неділю займався менше ніж в інші дні тижня? 3. У суботу ти займався більше ніж в інші дні тижня.

Turn the following into the Passive in two ways.
1. They gave him a watch when he retired. He was given a watch when he retired. ...' A watch was given to him when he retired... 2. They have offered him the job. He ... . Th

Fill in the correct tense. Use Passive or Active according to the context.
1. When she heard that her dog had been killed (kill), she burst into tears. 2. We hope that the missing money ... (find) soon. 3. A new bridge. ... (build) at the moment.

Change from the active into the passive. Omit the agent where it can be omitted. Justify the omission or inclusion of the agent.
1. The Scots make the best fudge. – The best fudge is made by the Scots, (agent not omitted; emphasis on the agent) 2. You should take these tablets before meals. ... 3. You must wash colour

Use the active or the passive in any appropriate form of the verbs in brackets.
1. Although the cheetah is the fastest animal in the world, it is in danger of becoming extinct if it continues to be killed (kill) for its skin. 2. The children ... (frighten) by the story.

Translate intoUkrainian.
1. When two different notes are sounded, the ear can readily feel one of them is higher or lower than the other. This difference is called the difference of pitch. 2. The pitch of sound is indicate

  Form Past Tense Past Part. Translate A arise

Означений артикль the.
Означений артикль the вживається: -зі злічуваними і незлічуваними іменниками в однині та множині; -коли іменник вказує на предмет, конкретне значення; -з іменниками які є


Багато зошитів, багато молока, багато води, багато днів, багато газет, багато крейди, багато снігу, багато років, багато картин, багато музики, багато

Reflexive pronouns.
I - myself we - ourselves you - yourself you – yourselves he - himself she - herself they - themselves PREPOSITIONS Прийменники напрям

On – на, в, по
He lives on the ground floor. – Він живе на першому поверсі. We will be there on Monday. – Ми будемо там у понеділок. He is speaking on the phone. – Він розмовляє по телефону.

To – к, ну, в
Would you like to go to the theatre? – Ти хочеш піти в театр? Approach to the exit. – Підійдіть до виходу. Near – близько There is a small round table ne

The Present Indefinite Tense. Tense Key words Form Examples (+) Examples (-)

Can, could, may, might, must, should, would, ought, need
Модальні дієслова – це така група допоміжних дієслів, які змінюють значення основного дієслова, надаючи відтінок обов’язковості, необхідності, можливості виконання дії. ЧИМ ВІДРІЗН

Passive voice of “Imperative Sentences” Active Voice Passive Voice Open the door. Let the door be

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