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Metre and Line

Metre and Line - раздел Образование, PART I INTRODUCTION It Is Customary To Begin The Exposition Of The Theory Of English Ver­sificati...

It is customary to begin the exposition of the theory of English ver­sification with the statement that "...there is no established principle of English versification/'Eut this statement may apply to almost any branch of linguistic science. Science in general can live and develop only pro­vided that there are constant disputes on the most crucial issues of the giver; science.

English versification is no exception. We have already discussed some of the most general points of rhythm. This was a necessary introduc­tion to English versification, inasmuch as English verse is mostly based on rhythmical arrangement and rhyme. Both rhythm and rhyme are objective qualities of language and exist outside verse. x But in verse

1 This is the reason that both rhythm and rhyme have been treated in Part III outside the^ chapter on versification.

both have assumed their compositional patterns and, perhaps, due to this, they are commonly associated with verse. The most observable and widely recognized compositional patterns of rhythm making up classical verse are based, on:

1) alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables, x

2) equilinearity, that is, an equal number of syllables in the lines,

3) a natural pause at the end of the line, the line being a more or less complete semantic unit,

4) identity of stanza pattern,

5) established patterns of rhyming.

Less observable, although very apparent in modern versification, are all kinds of deviations from these rules, some of them going so far that classical poetry ceases to be strictly classical and becomes what is called free verse, which in extreme cases borders on prose.

English verse, like all verse, emanated from song. Verse assumes an independent existence only when it tears itself away from song. Then only does it acquire the status of a genuine poetic system, and rhythm, being the substitute for music, assumes a new significance. The unit of measure of poetic rhythm in English versification is not so much of a quantitative as of a qualitative character. The unit of measure in musical rhythm is the time allotted to its reproduction, whereas the unit of mea­sure in English verse rhythm is the quality of the alternating element (stressed or, unstressed). Therefore English versification, like Russian, is called qualitative, in contradistinction to the old Greek verse which, being sung, was essentially quantitative. In classic English verse, quanti-,ty is taken into consideration only when it is a matter of the number of feet in a line. Hence classic English verse is called syl I a bo-tonic. Two parameters are taken into account in defining the measure: the num­ber of syllables (syllabo) and the distribution of stresses (tonic). The nature of the English language with its specific phonetic laws, however, is incompatible with the demand for strict regularity in the alternation of similar units, and hence there are a number of accepted deviations from established metrical schemes which we shall discuss in detail after point­ing out the most recognizable English metrical pa ft e r n-s.

There are five of them:

1. Iambic metre, in which the unstressed syllable is followed by a stressed one. It is graphically represented thus: (w-).

2. Trochaic metre, where the order is reversed, i.e.. a stressed syllable is followed by one unstressed (-^).

3. Dactylic me t r e—one stressed syllable is followed by two unstressed (-w).

4. Amphibrach i с metre—one stressed syllable is framed by two unstressed ^~w.

1 Many linguists hold that verse rhythm is based on alternation between stronger and weaker stresses. They maintain that four degrees of stresses are easily recognizable. But for the sake of abstraction—an indispensable process in scientific investigation — the opposition of stressed—unstressed syllables is the only authentic way of presenting tne problem of verse rhythm.

5. Anapaestic me tr e—iwo unstressed syllables are followed by one stressed (w-).

These arrangements of qualitatively different syllables are the units of the metre, the repetition of which makes verse. One unit is called a foot. The number of feet in a line varies, but it has its limit; it rarely exceeds eight.

If the line consists of only one foot it is called a monometerA a line consisting of two feet is a dimeter; three—t r i т е t e /*; four-tetrameter\ five—p entdmeter\ six—h e x a m e t e r\ seven—i septameter\ eight—о с t a m e t e r. In defining the measure, that! is the kind of ideal metrical scheme of a verse, it is necessary to point out both the type of metre and the length of the line. Thus, a line that con­sists of four iambic feet is called iambic tetrameter, correspond­ingly a line consisting of eight trochaic feet will be called trochaic octameter, and so on.

English verse is predominantly iambic. This is sometimes explained by the iambic tendency of the English language in general. Most of the English words have a trochaic tendency, that is the stress falls on the first syllable of two-syllabic words. But in actual speech these words are preceded by non-stressed articles, prepositions, conjunctions or by unstressed syllables of preceding words thus imparting an iambic char­acter to English speech. As a result iambic metre is more common in Eng­lish verse than any other metre.

Here are a few examples illustrating various metrical arrangements of English verse. , •

1. Iambic pentameter

Oh let me true in love but truly write

2. Trochaic tetrameter

•*.-, Would you ask-me whence these stories

3. Dactylic dimeter

Cannon to right of them

Cannon to' left of them

4. Amphibrachic tetrameter

O, where are you going to all you Big Steamers

5. Anapaestic tetrameter Do you ask what the birds say? The sparrow, the dove

If we make a careful study of almost any poem, we will fmd what 1 are called irregularities or modifications of its normal metrical pat­tern. These modifications generally have some special significance,

usually connected with the sense, though in some cases they may be due to the nature of the language material itself. This is particularly the case with the first modification when the stress is lifted from a syllable on which the language will not allow stress, and we have what is called a pyrrhicfoot instead of an iambic or a trochaic foot, for example:

So, that now to still the beating of my heart I stood repeating (Рое)

But makes surrender to some thoughtless boy (Keats)

In both examples the stress is lifted from prepositions on which the stress seldom falls, therefore pyrrhics are very common and quite natural modifications in English verse.

The second modification of the rhythm is the inverted order of stressed and unstressed syllables in one of the feet of the iambic or trochaic pattern. For example, in the sonnet by Roy Campbell "The Serf" which,'like all sonnets, is written in iambic pentameter, there creeps in a foot wjiere the order, unstressed—stressed, is inverted:

His naked skin clothed in the torrid mist

That puffs in smoke around the patient hooves

Here the third foot of the first line violates the rhythmic pattern. Such modifications are called rhythmic inversions and are used to add emphasis.

The third modification is the insertion of a foot of two stressed sylla­bles, called a spondee. It is used instead of an iambus or a trochee. In Shakespeare's iambic pentameter these two modifications are frequent­ly to be found, for example:

The morn in russet mantle clad

Walks o'er the dew of yon high eastern hill

Here the first foot of the second line is rhythmic inversion, and the fourth is a spondee.

Rhythmic inversion and the use of the spondee may be considered deliberate devices to reinforce the semantic significance of the word-combinations. Here are other examples:

Roll on, thou deep and dark blue ocean, roll.

Ten thousand fleets sweep over thee in vain.

The spondee as,a rhythmic modification, unlike the pyrrhic, is always used to give added emphasis. This may be explained by the fact that two successive syllables both under heavy stress produce a kind of clash as a result of which the juncture between the syllables becomes wider' thus making each of them conspicuous. A pyrrhic smooths and quickens the pace of the rhythm; a spondee slows it down and makes it jerky.

Pyrrhics may appear in almost any foot in a line, though they are rarely found in the last foot. This is natural as the last foot generally has a rhyming word and rhyming words are always stressed. Spondees gen­erally appear in the first or the last foot.

These three modifications of the rhythm are the result of the clash be­tween the requirements of the metrical scheme and the natural tendency of the language material to conform to its own phonetic laws. The more verse seeks to reflect the lively norms of colloquial English, the more fre­quently are modifications such as those described,to be found.

The fourth modification has to do with the number of syllables in the line. There may be either a syllable missing or there may be an extra syllable. Thus, the last syllable of a trochaic octameter is often missing, as in this line from Poe's "The Raven":

Thrilled me, filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before

This is called ahypometric line. Other lines in the poem fiave the full sixteen syllables.

In iambic metre there may be an extra syllable at the end of the line. In the line from the Shakespeare sonnet:

"Then in these thoughts myself almost despising"

there are eleven syllables, whereas there should have been ten, the line being iambic pentameter, as are all the lines of a sonnet. A line with an extra syllable is called h y^p e r m e t r i c.

Such departures from the established measure also break to some extent the rhythmical structure of the verse, and are therefore to be con­sidered modifications of the rhythm.

The fifth departure from the norms of classic verse is e n j a m b -meat, or ihe run-on line. This term is used to denote the transfer of a part of a syntagrtijrom one line to the following one, as in the following lines from Byron's "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage":

1. Fair is proud Seville; let her country boast

2. Her strength, her wealth, her site of ancient days;

6. While boyish blood is mantling, who can 'scape

7. The fascination of the magic gaze?

It will be observed that here again is a violation of the requirements of the classical verse according to which the line must be a more or less complete unit in itself. Here we have the overflowing of the sense to the next line due to the break of the syntagm in the first and sixth lines-—

close predicate-object groups. The lines seem to be torn into two lalves, the second half flowing structurally into the first half of the next [line. The first impression is that this is some kind of prose, and not verse,

this impression is immediately contradicted by the feeling that there |is a definite metrical scheme and pattern of rhyming.

The rhythmic pattern of the verse leads us to anticipate a certain smantic structure; but when the device of enjambment is used, what

anticipate is brought into conflict with what we actually find, that [is, what is actually materialized.

This is still more acutely felt in the case of s t a n z a e n j a m b -\tn e n t. Here the sense of a larger rhythmic unit, the stanza, which is [generally self-contained and complete, is made to flow over to the next [stanza.

Here is an example from Byron's "Childe Harold", Canto 1, stanzas ILI and LII.


8. The holster'd steed beneath the shed of thatch,

9. The ball-piled pyramid, the ever-blazing match,


1. Portend the deeds to come:—but he whose nod

2. Has tumbled feebler despots from their sway.

The essence of enjambment is the violation of the concordance between the rhythmical and the syntactical unity in a line of verse. At the end of each rhythmical line in classical verse there must be a pause of an appre­ciable size-between the lines which ensures the relative independence of each. The juncture between the lines is wide. Enjambment throws a part of the syntagm over to the second line, thus causing the pause to grow smaller and the juncture closer. This leads to a break in the rhyth-mico-syntactical unity of the lines; they lose their relative independence.

Stanza enjambment is the same in nature, but it affects larger rhyth-mico-syntactical units, the stanzas. Here we seldom witness the break of a syntagm, but the final part of the utterance is thrown over to the next stanza, thus uniting the two stanzas, breaking -the self-sufficiency of each and causing the juncture between the stanzas to become closer.

It is important to remind the reader that modifications in English metre, no matter how frequent, remain modifications, for the given metrical scheme is not affected to any appreciable extent. As a matter of fact these irregularities may be said to have become regular. They add much variety and charm to the verse. Indeed, if the metre is perfect­ly regular without any of the five modifications described above, the verse may sound mechanical and lifeless, artificial and monotonous.

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Stylistics, sometimes called lingvo-stylistics, is a branch of general linguistics. It has now been more or less definitely outlined. It deals mainly with two interdependent

T^jire treated are the main distinctive features of individual style.
The treatment of the selected elements brings up the problem of the norm. The notion of the norm mainly refers to the literary language and always presupposes a recognized o

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The gap between the spoken and written varieties of language, wider
narrower at different periods in the development of the literary lan- guage, will always remain apparent due to the difference in circumstances in which the two ar

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Common CoUo^uiaL Vocabulary
-Profession­alisms i special Colloquial Vocabulary (non-Literary) of the English language as being divided into three main layers: the literary layer, the neutral

B) Poetic and Highly Literary Words
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C) Archaic, Obsolescent and Obsolete Words
The word-stock of a language is in an increasing state of change. Words change their meaning and sometimes drop out of the language altogether. New words spring up and replace the old ones. Some wo

D) Barbarisms and Foreignisms
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A) Slang
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B) Jargonisms
In the non-literary vocabulary of the English language there is a group of words that are called jargonisms. Jargon is a recognized term for a group of words that exists in almost every language an

C) Professionalisms
H Professionalisms, as the term itself signifies, are the words used in a definite trade, profession or calling by people connect­ed by common interests both at work and at home. They commonly desi

D) Dialectal words
This group of words is obviously opposed to the other groups of the non-literary English vocabulary and therefore its stylistic, func­tions can be more or less clearly defined. Dialectal words are

E) Vulgar words or vulgarisms
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Heterogeneity of the component parts of the utterance is the basis for a stylistic device called b a th о s. Unrelated elements are brought together as if they denoted things equal in rank or belon

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INTERACTION OF PRIMARY AND DERIVATIVE LOGICAL MEANINGS Stylistic Devices Based on Polysemantic Effect, Zeugma and Pun
As is known, the word is, of all language units, the most sensitive to change; its meaning gradually develops and as a result of this develop-"' ment new meanings appear alongside the primary

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Interjections and Exclamatory Words
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The Epithet
From the strongest means of displaying the writer's or speaker's emotionaj. attitude to his communication, we now pass to a weaker but still forceful, means — the ep i th e t. .The epithet is subtl

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We have already pointed out the peculiarities of nominal meaning. The interplay between the logical and nominal meanings of a word is call-ed antonomasia. As in other stylistic devices based on the

In order to understand the linguistic nature of the SDs of this group it is necessary to clear 4up some problems, so far untouched, of d e f i n i-t i о п as a philosophical category, Any definitio

Periphrasis is a device which, according to Webster's diction­ary, denotes the use of a longer phrasing in place of a possible shorter and plainer form of expression. It is also called circumlocuti

There is a variety of periphrasis which we shall call euphemistic. Euphemism, as is known, is a word or phrase used to replace an unpleasant word or expression by a conventionally more acc

Another SD which also has the function of intensifying one certain property of the object described is h у p e r b о I e. It can be defined as a deliberate overstatement or exaggeration of a featur

In language studies there are two very clearly-marked tendencies that the student should never lose sight of, particularly when dealing with the problem of word-combination. They are 1) the analyti

The Cliche
A cliche is generally defined as an expression that has become hackneyed and trite. As Random House Dictionary has it, "a cliche ... has lost originality, ingenuity, and impact by long over-us

Proverbs and Sayings
Proverbs and sayings are facts of language. They are collected in dictionaries. There are special dictionaries of proverbs and sayings. It is impossible to arrange proverbs and sayings in a form th

An epigram is a stylistic device akin to a proverb, the only difference being that epigrams are coined by individuals whose names we know, while proverbs are the coinage of the people. In other wor

An allusion is an indirect reference, by word or phrase, to a historical, literary, mythological, biblical fact or to "a fact of'everyday life made in the course of speaking or writing. The us

Decomposition of Set Phrases
Linguistic fusions are set phrases, the meaning of which is understood only from the combination as a whole, as to pull a person's leg or to have something at one's finger tips. The meaning of the

Within the language-as-a-system there establish themselves certain [definite types of relations between words, word-combinations, sentences I and also between larger spans of utterances. The branch

In recent years a new theory concerning the inner relations between context and form within the sentence has appeared. This theory, elabo­rated by S. Harris, N. Chomsky, M. Postal and others, is ca

Supra-Phrasal Units
The term supra-phrasal unit (SPU) is used to denote a larger unit than a sentence. It generally comprises a number of sentences interdependent structurally (usually by means of pronouns, connective

The Paragraph
A p a r a g r a p h is a graphical term used to name a group of sen­tences marked off by indentation at the beginning and a break in the line at the end. But this graphical term has come to mean a

The structural syntactical aspect is sometimes regarded as the crucial issue in stylistic analysis, although the peculiarities of syntactical ar­rangement are not so conspicuous as the lexical and

Stylistic Inversion
W о r d-o r d e r is a crucial syntactical problem in many languages. In English it has peculiarities which have been caused by the concrete and specific way the language has developed. O. Jesperse

Detached Construction
a sentence by some specific consideration of the writer is placed so that it seems formally independ- ent of Ще^ш^1У^^ parts of structures are called lie t ached. They seem_tCLjda

Parallel Construction
Parallel construction is a device which may be encoun­tered not so much in the sentence as in the macro-structures dealt with earlier, viz. the SPU and the paragraph. The necessary condition in par

It has already been pointed out that r ej^e ti t i о п is1 an expres­sive means of language used when the speaker is imder the stress of strong ""ей^зпг-Jt^^ as in the following "pas

E n и т е г a tion is a stylistic device by which separate things, objects, phenomena, properties, actions are named one by one so that they produce a chain, the links of which, being syntactically

S usp eji se i s a comppsitionjl device which consists in arranging the fffaFEe? of a commjuhTcation in such a way that the less important, "descriptive, subordinate parts are amassed af the b

In order to characterize a thing or phenomenon from a specific point of view, it may be necessary not to find points of resemblance or associa­tion between it and some other thing or phenomenon, bu

Asyndeton, that is, connection between parts of a sentence or between sentences without any formal sign, becomes a stylistic device if there is a deliberate omission of the connective where it is g

Polysyndeton is the stylistic device of connecting sentences, or phrases, or syntagms, or words'by using connectives (mostly conjunc­tions and prepositions) before each component part, as in:

The Gap- Sentence Link
There is a peculiar type of connection of sentences which for want of a term we shall call the g ap-s en fence link (GSL). The conne­ction is not immediately apparent and it requires a certain ment

We have already pointed out some of the constructions which bear an imprint of emotion in the very arrangement of the words, whether they are neutral or stylistically coloured (see" p. 39). Su

Ellipsis is a typical phenomenon in conversation, arising out of the situation. We mentioned this .peculiar feature of the spoken language when we characterized its essential qualities and properti

Questions, being both structurally and semantically one of the types of sentences, are asked by one person and e'xpected to be answered by another. This is the main, and the most characteristic pro

Represented Speech
There are three ways of reproducing actual speech: a) repetition of the exact utterance as it was spoken (direct speech), b) con­version of the exact utterance into the relater'smode of expression

A) Uttered Represented Speech
Uttered represented speech demands that the tense should be switched from present to past and that the personal pronouns should be changed from 1st and 2nd person to 3rd person as in indirect speec

B) Unuttered or Inner Represented Speech
As has often been pointed out, language has two functions: the com­municative and the expressive. The communicative function serves to convey one's thoughts, volitions, emotions and orders to the m

Rhetorical Questions
The rhetorical q и e^s t i о n Is a special syntactical stylistic j device the essence of which consists in reshaping the grammatical mean-j ing of the interrogative sentence. In other words, the q

Litotes is a stylistic device consisting of a peculiar use of nega­tive constructions. The negation plus noun or adjective serves to establish a positive feature in a person or thing. This positive

We have already mentioned the problem of what is known as / и n c-tional styles (FS) of language (see p. 32—35), but only to show that FSs should be distinguished from varieties of language. The ma

We have already pointed out that the belles-lettres style is a generic term for three substyles in which the main principles and the most general properties of the style are materialized. These thr

The first substyle we shall consider is v e r s e. Its first differentiating property is its orderly form, which is based mainly on the rhythmic and phonetic arrangement of the utterances. The rhyt

The Stanza
We have defined rhythm as more or less regular alternations of simi­lar units. Of the units of verse rhythm the following have been named: the syllable, the foot, the line and finally the stanza.

Free Verse and Accented Verse
Verse remains classical if it retains its metrical scheme. There are, however, types of verse which are not classical. The one most popular is what is called "vers libre" which i

B) Lexical and Syntactical Features of Verse
The phonetic features of the language of poetry constitute what we have called its external aspect. These features immediately strike the ear and the eye and therefore are easily discernible; but t

The substyle of emotive prose has the same common features as have been pointed out for the belles-lettres style in general; but all these fea­tures are correlated differently in emotive prose. The

The third subdivision of the belles-lettres style is the language of plays. The first thing to be said about the parameters of this variety of belles-lettres is that, unlike poetry, which, except f

The publicist i*c s tу I e of language became discernible as a sepa­rate style in the middle of the 18th century. It also falls into three va­rieties, each having its own distinctive features. Unli

The oratorical s ty I e of language is the oral subdivision of the publicistic style. It has already been pointed out that persuasion is the most obvious purpose of oratory. "Oratoric

As a separate form of English literature the essay dates from the close of the 16th century. The name appears to have become common on the publication of Montaigne's "Essays", a literary

Irrespective of the character of the magazine and the divergence of subject matter—whether it is political, literary, popular-scientific or satirical, all the already mentioned features of publicis

N e w s paper style was the last of all the styles of written literary English to be recognized as a specific form of writing standing apart from other forms. English newspaper writing dat

The principal function of a b r i e f news i te т is to inform the reader. It states facts without giving explicit comments, and whatever evaluation there is in news paragraphs is for the most part

Advertisements made their way into the British press at an early stage of its development, i.e. in the micHTth century. So they are almost as old as newspapers themselves. The principal fu

The headline (the title given to a news item or an article) is a dependent form of newspaper writing. It is in fact a part of a larger whole. The specific functional and linguistic traits of the he

The function of the editorial is to influence the reader by giving an interpretation of certain facts. Editorials comment on the political and other events of the day. Their purpose is to give the

The language of science is governed by the aim of the functional style of scientific prose, which is to prove a hypothesis, to create new concepts, to disclose the internal laws of existence, devel

There is one more style of language within the field of standard lit­erary English which has become singled out, and that is the s ty le of official d о с и т е п t s, or "officialese", a

This brief outline of the most characteristic features of the five lan­guage styles and their variants will show that out of the number of fea­tures which are easily discernible in each of the styl

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