рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект

No. 4 Ы

No. 4 Ы - раздел Иностранные языки, Теоретическая фонетика английского языка 1. Ann And Mary Were Happy In Their Ntw Hats. 2. The Fact Is Moth­er Packed T...

1. Ann and Mary were happy in their ntw hats. 2. The fact is Moth­er packed the sandwiches herself. 3, He waved his hand back to> her till he hit his hand on the back edge. 4. She'd have gladly sacrificed1 anything for the family's sake. 5. The plate of sandwiches.' is standing on the mantelpiece.

No. Б

«Arnold laughed at the artist. 2. She started to have classes last autumn. 3. Last time Arnold asked if they could have classes with the artist. 4. Arnold can't enlarge his vocabulary by starting to toss dictionaries into a waste basket. 5. To enlarge your knowledge in art you must start reading at once.

No. 6 Ы

I. I hadn't got a vacancy in my office. 2. Wtio made that offer of a job? 3.1 was shocked when he offered to sell his watch 4. Oh, my godl What a lot of people come to his office to ask for a job. 5 "Do-yon want a job?" He nodded. "At mv office I haven't got anything to offer you."

No. 7

ft.« wSf Ja+leri5ea5i?Sirway is "°^агт- 2- It is very important that the water of the North Sea near England is warm. 3. There are no more good waterways in the north 4 Shall £St

y is "° he water of the North Sea near England is warm. 3. There are no more

good waterways in the north. 4. Shallow water is warmert£Si deep wat-

Ii^f4Zr^T, l^ftf Course^


«er and helps to keep the shores from the cold of Norway. 5. The North Sea is not more than 600 feet deep. So the water in the North Sea is shallow and warm.

No. 8 /u/

I. He is a good cook. 2. Should I look for the sugar? 3. He'd put •on weight and looked solid. 4. The woman put on her new dress and asked if it was good. 5. The good woman put on her hat, looked at iierself and said that if she could go, she would.

No. 9 /u:/

The youth soon found two very good seats for the two. 2, The youth is truly fond of new music. 3. Soon the two were through too. 4. You like their new costumes, don't you?

No. 10 /л/

1. Mother is coming to see us this summer. 2. My brother likes running very much. 3. Every summer hundreds of people come to the South, 4. He said he would come another time and I saw he was wor­ried about something.

No. 11 h:l

1. You are perfectly sure to meet factory workers, office woikers and shop girls there. 2. First of all you must know that holiday camps are permanent buildings. 3. Perhaps when you were here last year you heard something about my girl-friend. f

No. 12 hi

1.1 was rather surprised. 2.1 looked at him or a bit. 3. It was such an insane answer to give. 4. I got some glimmering of what he wa*s driving at. 5. He was rather taken aback. 6. It's over three miles an it's rather difficult on'account of the currents roun^ the beacon.

b) Diphthongs, or Complex Vowels

Closing Diphthongs No. 13 /et/

The nucleus of the diphthong /ei/ is vowel No. 3/e/, which is close­ly connected with the second element of the diphthong — the glide /i/. In the articulation of the diphthong /ei/the bulk of the tongue glides from the /e/ to the hi position, but the full formation of hi is not accomplished. Since the movement of the tongue in the*articu: lation of /ei/ is from a more open to a more close position, /ei/ is cal­led a closing diphthong with the front, mid narrow unrounded nu­cleus. The lips are slightly spread. The opening between the jaws is rather narrow, wider for the nucleus than for the glide (Fig. 9).

To practise the /ei7 articulation the following exercises are recom-


peel—pail—pile weel—wail—while jnean—ma in—mine feet—fate—fight leak—lake—like

pay—paid—pain may—made—mate day—date

able—cable—'table pain—came—game play—plays—pace pen—pain fell —fail sell:—sale men—main

say—same—sake gay—game—gait bay—bait

Graphic Equivalents of the /ei/ Diphthong

/ei/ is pronounced when spelt:

a take /teik/—брать ai wait /weit/—ждать ay say /sei/—сказать ei vein /vein/—жила ey they /Öei/—они ea great /greit/—большой

It is also pronounced in the words: jail /dseil/—тюрьма, gauge /geidg/—мера; измерять, chaos xaoc, aorta /eibtta/—аорта






Fig. 9

Fig. 10

No. И /эй/

The nucleus of the diphthong /эй/ starts at the position for1 vowet No. 11 /3:/,the articulation of the nucleus is closely connected with the second element of the diphthong, the glide /u/. In the articulation of /эй/ the bulk of the tongue glides from the /a/ to the /u/ position, but the full formation of /u/ is not accomplished. Since the movement of the tongue in the articulation of Iml is from a more open to a more close position /au/ is called a closing diphthong with a central1 mid (narrow variation of the medium position of the tongue) nucleus (Fig. 10). The lips are neutral at the beginning of the diphthong and rounded at the end of it for /u/.

To practise the /эй/ articulation the following exercises are re­commended:

oak own open old over only go

snow no so show low ago October

Moscow also tempo window flow . coal home

hold cold close telephone Soviet slogan socialist

Graphic Equivalents of the /au/ Diphthong

/эй/ is pronounced when spelt:

о so /sau/—так

oe foe /fau/—враг

oa road /raud/—дорога

ou soul /ssul/—душа

ough though /Ээи/—хотя, dough /dau/—тесто

ew sew /sau/—шить

ow know /neu/—знать

It is also pronounced in the words: omit /s(u)imit/—упускать, Olympic /au'limpity—олимпийский

No. 15 /ai/

The nucleus of the diphthong /ai/ is the front open /a/ (more open and retracted than vowel No. 4 /seO» which glides to /i/ without reach­ing it, the glide sounds like a weak Id. In the articulation of /ai/ the bulk of the tongue moves from a more open /a/ position to a more close /i/ position. The amplitude of this movement is bigger than that in the /ei/ and /эй/ articulation.

The opening between the jaws is rather wide for the nucleus and much narrower for the glide.

To practise the pronunciation of the diph­thong /ai/ the following exercises are recom­mended:

Fig. it

I mine tide fight

tie time tile slight

die dime size like

pie pine lies pipe

my nine wide1 might

lie line died night

fine—feign by—bay

line—lain like—lake

fight—fate my—may

mine—mane die—day

Graphic Equivalents of the /ai/ Diphthong

/ai/ is pronounced when spelt:

i time /taim/—время igh night /nait/—ночь

eigh height /hart/—высота, but: eight /eit/—восемь у my' /mal/—мой

It is also pronounced in the words: buy /bai/—купить, guide /gaid/—гид, eye /ai/—глаз

No. 16 /au/

The nucleus of the diphthong /au/ is /a/, which is more back than /a/ in /ai/. According to the data given by foreign authors, the nucleus. of the diphthong /au/ is open, broad, central, unrounded. Vassilyev defines it as a diphthong with a front-retracted nucleus /a/, which






Fig. 13

The opening between the jaws is wide for the nucleus and much narrower for the glide.

To practise the /au/ articulation, the following exercises are re­commended:

cow gown howl
now bow house
town row mouth
down loud allow

mice—mouse lied—loud
lice—louse night—now
shy—shout gye—gout
die—doubt rye—rout
I—owl thy—thou

Graphic Equivalents of the /au/ Diphthong /au/ is pronounced when spelt:

ou house /haus/ —дом

otigh plough /plau/— пахать

ow how /hau/ —как

No. 17 /:i/

prop^6 ПА' 7 ^АМЬ0Щ^Э1/ is & which is ndther No- 6 M S'hlanri Ы ть fThe Р08,и]оп of the bulk of ^e tongue is be-TZ direction ÄtOng-Uf'gHfdeS ?,cm the back and low position glide ТЫ?fmbmL^J^lUOvI°l N* ,П(~се83агУ to accomplish the

Definition: /01/ is a closing diphtnong with the back, low (narrow variation) slightly rounded nucleus (Fig. 13).

To practise the /oi/ articulation the following exercises are recom­mended:

oil voice avoid coil join spoil boy toy destroy

boy —bay foil —fail point—paint doily—daily hoist—haste soil —sail

Graphic Equivalents of the /oi/ Diphthong

/di/ is pronounced when spelt:

oi point /pomt/—пункт, точка, boil /boil/—кипеть, coin /kom/ —

монета °У boy /boi/—мальчик, joy /d3Di/~ радость

Centring Diphthongs1

No. 18 /ia/


The nucleus of this diphthong is vowel No. 2 /i/. The bulk of the tongue moves from the /i/ position to the position, which it occu­pies in the /э/ articulation, the full formation of it is fully accomplished.

Definition: /ia/ is a centring diphthong with the high (broad variation of the high position of the tongue) front-retracted unround­ed nucleus. When /la/ occurs in an open syl­lable and is followed by a pause, the glide sounds like the vowel /л/. The lips are neu­tral.

To practise the Лэ/ articulation the follow­
ing exercises are recommended: Fig. И

ear, hear, year, dear, near, clear, engineer, really

he —hear me —mere fee —fear tea—tear bead—beard she—sheer be—beer we —weir pea—peer

Graphic Equivalents of the /ia/ Diphthong

/ю/ is pronounced when spelt:

er here /hra/—-здесь eer beer /bia/—пиво

l The term "centring" is connected with the glide /э/, which is considered to be central. In this book it is referred to as mixed. In Gleason's transcription they are represented as /ih/, /eh/, /oh/, /uh/.

ier pier /pia/—набережная ir fakir Дэ'кю, 'fakia/—факир ear year /jis, ja:/—год ea before other consonants:

real /ml/—настоящий e before unaccented a, u: idea /aildia/—идея, geum

-бот. гравилат

No. 19 /еэ/

The bulk of the tongue starts from the position intermediate between vowels No. 3 /e/ and No. 4 /se/, then it glides to articu­late /9/, the full formation of which is not accomplished. The



Fig. IB Fig. 16

nucleus of /еэ/ is more open than the English /e/ or the Russian /э/ in amo. The lips are spread .or neutral.

Definition: /еэ/ is a centring diphthong with the front, mid-open -(broad, variation of the medium position of the tongue), un­rounded nucleus (Fig. 15).

To practise the /еэ/ articulation the following exercises are re-commendedr-

chair ware" hair

care square fair

their mare' pair

dare fare declare

far—fare' mar—mare car—care bar*— bare char^-chair tar—tare

Graphic Equivalents of the /еэ/ Diphthong

/еэ/ is pronounced when spelt:

a before r; care /кед/—забота

ai s> air /еэ/—воздух

e » there /Эеэ/—там

ei » their /5еэ/—их, свой

ea » tear Деэ/—раздирать, рвать

ае » aerate /'еэге^, 'eiareit/—проветривать

ay before or: mayor /теэ/~мэр


No. 20 /иэ/

The nucleus of the phoneme /иэ/ is a high back-advanced /u/, which gradually glides to /э/.

Definition: /иэ/ is a centring diphthong with the back-advanced,, high (broad variation of the high position of the tongue), slightly round­ed, short and lax nucleus (Fig. 16).

Care should be taken not to confuse the diphthong /иэ/ with /u.*/„ To avoid this mistake the following exercise is recommended:

shoe—sure pool—poor crew—cruel two —tour do —doer grew—gruel

Graphic Equivalents of the /иэ/ Diphthong

/иэ/ is pronounced when spelt:

oo before r: poor /риз/—бедный oe » doer /dua/—деятель ou » tourist /ituanst/—турист u » sure /Jua/—уверенный

It is pronounced in the words: steward /'stjusd/—управляющий, sewer /sju9/—сточная труба

The phoneme /т>э/ which is represented in spelling by -oor, -ore,. e. g. door, more is not obligatory, it is considered to be a free variant of the phoneme /э:/. It is not included in the inventory of vowels.

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Теоретическая фонетика английского языка

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Все темы данного раздела:

The significance of language and speech becomes quite clear from the works of the classics of Marxism-Leninism who defined language as the most important means of human intercourse, and stated that

Speech sounds have a number of physical properties, the firsf of them is frequency, i.e. the number of vibrations per second. The vocal cords vibrate along the whole of their length, produ

To analyse a speech sound physiologically and articulatorily some clataonthearticulatory mechanism and its work should be introduced. Speech is impossible without the following fo

The differences in the articulation bases between the two languages-are "in the general tendencies their native speakers have, in the-way they move and hold their lips and the tongue both in s

Ts> 5/.
— the use of the labio-dental /v, b/ instead of the bilabial /w/, — absence of aspiration in /p, t, k/ when they occur initially, — weak pronunciation of voiceless fortis /p, t

Read these Russian and English words. Avoid palatalization of English initial consonants before the front vowels /h, t, e, ei/.
пей—pay бил —bill Вил —veal сед —said Пит—pit сил —sill Фили—feeling лес —less кит—kit ■ зил —zeal бел —bell бег —beg гей —gay сел —sell тип —tip нет —net

The first linguist who tried to describe and classify vowel sounds for all languages was D. Jones. He devised the system of 8 Cardinal Vowels. The basis of the system is physiological. Cardinal vow

Articulation bases of English and Russian vowels are different. (1) The lips. In the production of Russian vowels the lips are con­ siderably protruded and rounded /о, у/. In the artic

Each minimal pair exemplifies a possible consonant opposition
/m/ /w/ /f/ /v/ /e/ /a/ /t/ /d/ /n/ pike— pen— pine— pan— pin— pine— pin— park— piece- mike when fine van thin thine tin dark niece boss— bind— boot— ban— brash— b

Read aloud the minimal pairs below. Single out the phonemes which are contrasted.
jug—bug led—laid lay—He judge—budge men—main say—sigh birch—-bird singe—sinned keen—coin try—Troy bays—buys lied—Lloyd burn—bone fork—folk fawn—phone fur

Position of the Soft Palate
This principle of consonant classification provides the basis for the following distinctive oppositions. Oral vs. nasal pit — pin seek — seen thieve — theme sick — sing 60

Strictly speaking, it is impossible to give an exact and detailed description of a sound within the limits of a short definition, because not a single sound is pronounced identically even twice. So

S — f/, /z — v/.
3. Define the consonant phonemes /9, Э/. *4. Read these words, spell them and translate them into Russian. 0m —sin 9ik —tik hi:0 —hi:t mAn8s 9ik — sik 6o:t — to:t Ьэ

a) Monophthongs, cr Simple Vowels Vowels are best of all learnt when the teacher directs-the-attention of the pupils to the position of the tongue and the lips.The descrip­tion of the vowe

Transcribe these words. Use them to explain the relation of the hi phoneme to orthography.
did, lid, gladly, Freely, lynx, courage, village, washes, rouges, boxes, worries, copies, loaded, fountain, biscuit, Friday, sieve, let­tuce, forehead, forfeit, coffee life *

a) Unchecked and Checked Vowels Allophonic differences in the vowel system of the English language are conditioned by their distributional characteristics. All of them may occur in initial

No. 6 hi
d&bh^hW??' S0Ud> nod^> crop' с , dollar, bomb, John, gone, yonder, hot

In the process of speech, that is in the process of transition from the articulatory work of one sound to the articulatory work of the neigh­bouring one, sounds are modified. These modifications ca

Elision can be historical and contemporary. English spelling is full of "silent" letters which bear witness to historical elision, e.g. walk /wo:k/, knee /ni:/,

Control Tasks
1. Read the words, observe fhe stronger aspiration of/p, t, k/ before long vow­ els and diphthongs. Compare with the Russian /п, т, к/ pronounced with­ out aspiration. port tar car

Language performs its function as a means.of intercommunica­tion not only in oral but also in written form. Therefore it is impor­tant to establish the relationship between orthography and pronunci

Fill in the blanks with fhe appropriate homophone.
(sealing, ceiling) 1. We had difficulty in ... the leak. 2. The spidermade its web on the ... . 3. The ... of the гост is high. (sole, soul) 1. My old boots need new .... 2. He was the...

Learn the extracts by heart. They illustrate difficulties of English pronun­ciation. Transcribe these extracts.
Blood and flood are not like food Nor it mould like should and would Banquet is not nearly parquet Which is said to rhyme with "darky". Rounded, wounded; grieve and sleeve Friend

Though the basic phonological elements are phonemes, human in­tercommunication is actualized in syllables. The syllable as a unit is difficult to define, though native speakers of a langua

There are different points of view on syllable formation which are briefly the following. 1. The most ancient theory states that there are as many sylla­ bles in a word as there are vo

The syllable as a phonological unit performs three functions: constitutive, distinctive, identificatory. They are closely connected. 1. Constitutive Function Syllables constitute

Put down stress marks in the sentences below. Translate them into Russian-
1. The abstract is short. Abstract this theory. 2. This accent is on. the first syllable. Mark it with a weak accent. He accents the word» It's the word "son" you are to accent. 3. A conf

In actual speech there is a great number of words which are pro­nounced in the weak or contracted form. They are more common than non-contracted or full forms. It applies to all styles and differen

Pausation is closely connected with the other components of into­nation. The number and the length of pauses affect the general tempo of speech. A slower tempo makes the utterance more prominent an

There are five verbal functional styles (also referred to as registers or discourses): 1. the belles-lettres style, 2. publicistic style, 3. news­paper style, 4. scientific prose style, 5. the styl

Read these jokes. Define what intonation patterns should be used to convey humour.
Asking Too Much An Englishman was driving along a country road in Ireland and met a man carrying a heavy bag. "Can I take you into town?" the Englishman asked.

Read these texts as if you were readinglthem to a) children; b) students. Learn the poem by heart.
a) The Rooster by Hilda I. Rostron What would we do, I'd like to know, Without that bird That loves to crow? Who wakes him up, I'd like to know, To tell him when I

The English language is spoken in Great Britain, the United States of America, Australia, New Zealand and the greater part of Cana­da. It is native to many who live in India, Israel, Malta and Ceyl

The total number of RP and GA consonants differ in one phoneme, it is the GA /W. The rest of the RP and GA inventory of consonant phonemes coincides. The main peculiarities in the pronunci

The Tongue and Lip Positions of the American English Vowels
High i '<> - 'S- т5 *Л 3 ■ О. -О з г Mid В.* 2 ■ -щ б

Comparative Chart of Vowel Phonemes in Canadian English, General American and RP
  CE GA RP Examples i i к Seat e, e

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