Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации

Федеральное агентство по образованию

Южно-Уральский государственный университет

Кафедра английского языка









Т.А. Бояльская, И.А. Шондина, Е.В. Бабенкова






Учебное пособие

Для студентов физико-металлургического факультета




Издательство ЮУрГУ

ББК Ш143.21-923


Бояльская Т.А., Шондина И.А., Бабенкова Е.В. Английский язык: Учебное пособие для студентов физико-металлургического факультета – Челябинск: Изд-во ЮУрГУ, 2006. – 100 с.


Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов физико-металлургического факультета. Основная задача пособия – закрепление лексико-грамматического материала и подготовка студентов к самостоятельному чтению оригинальной литературы по специальности с минимальным использованием словаря.

Пособие состоит из тематических циклов. Текстовый материал каждого цикла предназначен для развития навыков просмотрового, ознакомительного и изучающего чтения, а также для развития навыков устной речи и перевода.

К каждому тексту подобраны задания на понимание текста, позволяющие наиболее полно закрепить изученный текст, сведения, в нем содержащиеся, также лексику данного тематического цикла. Лексико-грамматические задания направлены на закрепление грамматического материала, повторение способов словообразования, сочетаемости слов и их многозначности.


Ил. 3,

Список лит. – 3 назв.


Одобрено учебно-методической комиссией факультета лингвистики.



Рецензенты: Л.М. Ковтунович, М.Г. Федотова.


© Издательство ЮУрГУ, 2006.



1. Обратите особое внимание на предлагаемые упражнения по разделам грамматики и словообразования. Они помогут Вам усвоить то или иное грамматическое или лексическое явление.

2. Незнакомый материал заучивайте. Для лучшего усвоения лексики обязательно ведите словарь, в который выписывайте как новые слова, данные до текста, так и незнакомые Вам слова из текстов. Слова заучивайте, обращая внимание на их правильное произношение и написание, а также на их сочетаемость с предлогами и другими словами.

3. При работе над текстом прочитайте его несколько раз (2, 3) для общего понимания содержания, разбейте его на основные смысловые группы и обязательно выполните все задания по тексту.


Unit 1

My Speciality

II. Прочтите и переведите следующие интернациональные слова: metal, metallurgical, metallurgy, metallography, role, automobile, electric,…  

My Speciality

Metallurgy has always been an important branch of industry. Metals play a very important and large role in our daily life. We can’t do without… A nation’s industrial vitality is measured by its metal production.… Ferrous metallurgy includes also the study of the chemical and physical properties of iron and its alloys in any of…

Unit 2

Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals. Alloys

I. Повторите, запомните следующие слова: 1) appearance, n – внешний вид 2) compose, v – составлять

Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals. Alloys

It is known that metals are very important in our life. Metals have the greatest importance for industry. About two thirds of all elements found in… Some elements possess so few metallic qualities that it is uncertain whether… Metals widely used in industry are called engineering metals. The most important engineering metals is iron (Fe) which…

Unit 3

Iron and Iron Ores

1) associate, v – соединять(ся) 2) as well as – также, а также 3) cheap, a – дешевый

Iron and Iron Ores

Iron for commercial use is obtained by extraction from its ores. The value of an iron depends upon several factors, that is percentage of iron it… Magnetite (Fe3O4) occurs abundantly and it has the greatest percentage of pure… Siderite (FeCO3) or carbonate ore has been used as an ore but because of its small iron content (48, 3%) it is nit…

Unit 4

Grey Cast Iron

1) distribution, n – распределение, распространение 2) flake, n – чешуйка, хлопья (мн.ч.) 3) include, v – включать

Grey Cast Iron

Grey cast iron is one of the most valued of cast metals. It may be made by melting pig iron and scrap in the cheapest of melting processes, the… Among its outstanding properties are the following: 1. excellent machinability; 2. excellent wear resistance; 3. tensile strength; 4. grey cast iron has no well-defined…

Unit 5


1) accurate, a – точный 2) allow, v – позволять, разрешать 3) cavity, n – полость, пустота


Castings are made in foundries. Iron foundries are of two kinds those that remelt pig iron and make grey iron or chilled iron (generally called grey… Many different processes are used for production of cast parts, and casting… For ordinary iron castings the molds are made by shaping sand around a pattern, which is a piece of wood or metal…

Unit 6

Metals and Non–Metals

1) alloying element – легирующий элемент 2) alkali metal – щелочной металл 3) base metal – основной металл

Metals and Non–Metals

There are several important groupings of metals and of the alloys of which they are the major constituents. The common metals such as iron, copper,… Nonmetals in the; solid state are usually brittle materials without metallic…  

Unit 7


I. Повторите и запомните следующие слова: 1) damp air – влажный воздух 2) deposit, n – осадок, осаждать


The name "corrosion" describes these and similar chemical and electrochemical changes, in which a metal passes from the elementary to the… Conjoint Action. Often corrosion and erosion operate simultaneously and the… "Stress-corrosion cracking" denotes the cracking caused when a steady tensile stress acts on a metal in a…

Unit 8

The Iron Blast Furnace

1) carry up, v – поднимать 2) consume, v – потреблять 3) drop, v – опускать

The Iron Blast Furnace

Pig iron is one of the most important materials produced in the metallurgical industry. It is generally produced from the iron ore by chemical… The action of the blast furnace consists in the chemical reaction between the… Once a blast furnace has been ignited it is operated continuously for many months. As raw material is consumed more…

Unit 9

Bessemer Converter

1) affinity, n – сродство, родственность 2) capacity, n – емкость, мощность, производительность 3) interior, n – внутренность, внутренняя сторона

Bessemer Converter

Molten pig iron, gaseous oxygen and steel scrap are the main constituents for making steel in the converter. Pig iron contains carbon, manganese,… The essential principle of the converter process consists in blowing air… Molten blast furnace iron (scrap iron) of the proper composition is poured into the Bessemer converter, a pear-shaped…

Unit 10

Open-Hearth Furnace

1) damper, n – заглушка 2) capacity, n, v – емкость, производительность 3) checkerwork, n – насадка

Open-Hearth Furnace

Briefly the method of Siemens was as follows: a covered hearth was used to contain the charge of pig iron or pig iron and scrap. Most of the heat… The open-hearth furnace is both reverberatory and regenerative. It is… An open-hearth furnace consists of the furnace proper containing the covered hearth on which the charge is placed;…

Unit 11

Electric Furnace

1) accomplish, v – совершать, выполнять 2) advantage, n – преимущество, польза 3) arc, n – дуга

Electric Furnace

Numerous types of furnaces utilizing electric current as the source of heat have been developed by a large number of investigators, but relatively… Electric current can be used for heating in only two ways: (1) by utilizing… Two general methods of heating by resistance are possible: (a) the indirect method in which the charge is heated by…

Unit 12

Continuous Casting of Steel

1) apply, v – применять, прикладывать 2) completely, adv – совершенно, полностью 3) conventional, adj – общепринятый, стандартный

Continuous Casting of Steel

The most important respect in which continuous casting simplifies conventional steelworks practice is in the elimination of the blooming or slabbing… In addition to simplifying manufacture, by eliminating several operations and… The quality of continuous cast material appears to be slightly superior to that produced by normal methods. The…

Unit 13

Types of Mills

1) accessories, n – принадлежности, арматура 2) billet, n – заготовка, сутунка 3) blooms, n – блюм, стальная болванка

Types of Mills

Many of the accessories of rolling mills are common to all types of mills, differing in design and operations to conform with the conditions in a…   Дополнительные слова и словосочетания:

Unit 14

The Physics and Chemistry of Metallurgy

1) fundamentals, n – основы 2) matter, n – материя, вещество, 3) correlation, n – соотношение

The physics and chemistry of metallurgy

Metallurgy is a science dealing with the constitution, structure and properties of metals and alloys, and the processes by which they are obtained… It is based on the laws of physics and chemistry dealing with the fundamentals… 1. What does the science of metallurgy deal with?

Unit 15

Relation of Metallurgy to Physics and Chemistry

I. Повторите и запомните следующие слова: 1) involve, v – включать в себя, подразумевать 2) outwardly, adv – внешне, снаружи

Relation of Metallurgy to Physics and Chemistry

The procedures simply outlined above become complex in practice because of a vast array of complicating circumstances. Actually, the problems in… The science of metallurgy is based on the two fundamental sciences, physics…  

Unit 16

Protection of Steel from Corrosion

1) application, n – применение, приведение в действие 2) environment, n – окружающая среда 3) coat, v – грунтовать, наносить покрытие, облицовывать 4) comprise, v – включать, охватывать, содержать

Protection of Steel from Corrosion

Everybody knows how widely steel and iron products are used. But almost in all applications regardless of the environment, these products are coated… Next widely used coatings are metallic coatings, which can be divided into two… Large tonnages of steel are also protected by ceramic coating commonly known as porcelain (or vitreous) enamel. It has…

Unit 17

Induction Furnaces. Puddling Furnaces.

1) core, n – сердечник, стержень 2) excess, n – избыток, излишек 3) insure, v – обеспечивать

Induction Furnaces. Puddling Furnaces

A high-frequency induction melting unit consists of a refractory crucible surrounded by a water-cooled copper coil through which high-frequency… A Puddling Furnace. Wrought iron is produced in a puddling furnace. This is a…  

Unit 18

Problems of Automation of Blast Furnace

1) considerable, a – значительный, важный, большой 2) associated, а – связанный, объединенный 3) denote, v – означать, обозначать

Problems of Automation of Blast Furnace

The term "automated blast furnace" might denote a blast furnace completely controlled by means of a digital computer; it might also denote… Before approaching the automation control system it is necessary to consider… 1. The process is a continuous process, but utilizes a batch-charging system and a batch-output system. 2. The process…

Unit 19

Cold Working and Cold Working Processes.

Hot Working and Hot Working Processes

1) bar, n пруток, – брусок 2) draw, v – тянуть, волочить (проволоку) 3) hammer, n,v – молот, ковать

Hot Working and Hot Working Processes

Hot working entails plastic deformation of metals at temperatures where strain hardening does not occur. Hot working is done for two reasons: to… There are many hot working methods, but only a few processes are widely used.…  

Cold Working and Cold Working Processes

Cold working drastically changes the mechanical properties of metals, the most important being increase in strength and hardness with a simultaneous… widely used cold working method. Rolling is done by passing the stock through…  

Oxy-fuel combustion for reheat furnaces

  The use of oxy-fuel burners in reheat furnaces greatly reduces the volume of… A GA (now a member of the Linde AG group) work with all oxy-fuel fired heating furnaces started in the early to mid…

Characteristics of oxy-fuel combustion.

The many potential benefits that oxy-fuel combustion offers can be attributed to two fundamental improvements. Firstly there is a dramatic improvement in the thermal efficiency of the furnace as a result of reduced energy losses via the exhaust gases. Secondly, radiant heat transfer efficiency is increased due to the improved radiant heat transfer characteristics inherent in oxy-fuel combustion.

Heat transfer.

– radiant heat transfer from the flame to the product; – radiant heat transfer from the exhaust gases to the product; – convective heat transfer from the exhaust gases to the product;

Benefits of oxy-fuel combustion.

Higher furnace productivity. As a result of the improved thermal efficiency of the furnace and the improved heat transfer characteristics of… Improved quality. In certain cases, improvements in quality can be seen as a… Reduced specific fuel consumption. The improved thermal efficiency and improved heat transfer characteristics lead to…

The European Steel Industry and Climate Change Legislation

While Europe chastises the USA for not signing up to the Kyoto Protocol to limit CO2 emissions, the US argues that – taking carbon sinks into the… The steel industry in the European Union employs directly about 280 000…

Sustainable development.

The European steel industry is committed to sustainable development and a continuous improvement of its environmental performance, and it has an excellent track record in this respect. Large reductions of emissions have been made during the last few decades, and energy and raw material use is highly efficient.

Steel is one of the world's most recycled materials. The use of ferrous scrap as a raw material helps in preserving natural resources and contributes significantly to a sustainable development. Recycling of steel allows the saving world-wide of about 600 million tonnes of iron ore and 200 million tonnes of coke each year. About 47 percent of EU steel production is made from recycled scrap.

Energy efficiency.

Minimizing energy input has always been a major challenge for European steelmakers. A dramatic reduction of carbon input output has been achieved.… Steel producers already use the most sophisticated energy and gas management… A balance must often be found between conflicting environmental objectives. For example, reduction of dust emissions…

EU & national policies.

Eurofer believes that policies and measures, whether EU or national, should satisfy the following requirements to be effective in supporting the steel industry's efforts to improve its energy efficiency further:

– they should deliver the environmental objective in the most economical way.

– they should not damage the competitiveness of the industry.

– they should not place a cap on the expansion, volume, or added value of the sector.

– they should provide flexibility so that the sector, and individual companies in the sector, can pursue those options most suited to its own circumstances in a market-based environment.

– they should take account of past achievements towards a high-energy efficiency.

Subsidiarity should apply, because circumstances differ from one Member State to another.

Energy tax.

As shown by a recent consultant report for the European Commission, an energy tax is unlikely to result in any appreciable reduction of CO2, emissions in the steel industry. The effect of an energy tax on the industry would be to push up input costs, reduce funds available for investments and R&D for improvement of energy efficiency; and increase the probability of relocation of steel production to non-EU countries not signatories to the Kyoto Protocol.

Unrealistic targets.

If EU steel producers are subjected to unrealistic targets regarding energy efficiency or CO2, emissions, in the short term there is a great risk that they will lose business to non-EU competitors, who may not be subject to any CO2, emission limitations. The net result could therefore be an increase of global CO2, emissions.

In a longer time perspective, EU steel producers may have to move production to countries not subject to emission limitations, either by relocation of their own production units or by increased purchases of semi-finished steel such as slabs, again with a possible net increase of global CO2 emissions.

Voluntary agreements.

Eurofer supports the idea of so called, voluntary or negotiated agreements at national level. Because of the investment time scales in the sector and because of the limits on improvements in energy efficiency, such agreements are best considered in a timeframe of a few decades.

Currently, the steel industries in six Member States are covered by agreements, i.e. Finland, France, Germany, Luxembourg, The Netherlands and, most recently, UK, This implies about 60% of European output is covered.

Flexible Kyoto mechanisms.

Eurofer supports the Kyoto flexible mechanisms for countries to meet their Kyoto targets. If governments determine that targets arc needed for individual companies, Eurofer supports the use of the Clean Development Mechanism, Joint.

Implementation, and Emissions Trading as flexible means to help companies achieve their targets.

The system for initial allocation of emission allowances is critical. The global competitiveness of the steel industry must be a key consideration. The initial allocation of emission allowances could be made by benchmarking combined with negotiated agreements at national level or other methods seen as equitable by the companies concerned.

Energy taxation.

Eurofer is concerned that such energy tax proposals, if implemented, would seriously undermine the enormous efforts made by the European steel… • The use of a fiscal measure to promote a reduction in energy consumption and… • The coke and other fossil materials used in blast furnaces, representing a large proportion of all fossil materials…

Emission trading.

Eurofer has actively participated in the stakeholder consultation on this subject. Unfortunately, its views and those of the industry in general are… The theoretical advantages of emissions trading are undisputed. Nevertheless,… Eurofer believe:

Emission allocations.

The most appropriate and fair allocation mechanism seems to be based on benchmarking of the cost-effective technological performance of a certain installation or plant. It should be based on an integrated consideration of the technological capabilities of a particular installation, taking into consideration only techniques with an acceptable payback time on a site-specific basis. Due to the nature of the process, it is almost impossible to reduce the CO2, generated by the metallurgical reduction process. This must be considered in the allocation of allowances.

Allowances should always be issued free of charge. The introduction of additional charges is comparable with taxation. This will artificially drive up the price of the allowances. Eco-taxation and Emissions Trading are incompatible. Banking of allowances should be allowed.

Unrealistic targets.

Due to the extensive past developments of the metallurgical reduction process and the energy efficiency improvement, the steel industry in Europe has little potential for further CO2, reduction. If EU steel producers were to be subject to unrealistic CO2, targets, they would be forced to buy allowances.

Absolute caps will seriously limit the production capacity of the industry. In addition, the incentives to reduce emissions per tonne of steel with decreasing production would be lost. The steel industry wants to have the option of targets being set as relative or specific targets expressed in tonnes of CO2, per unit of production. The total needed allowances can easily be derived from these specific targets and the actual production. The difference between the number of allowances and the actual emission expressed in absolute quantities of CO2, (tonnes) could be free for trading or banking.

Liquidity of the market

The success of economic or market instruments like Emissions Trading is depending on liquidity of the market. The liquidity of the market should be increased as much as possible. All Greenhouse gases which can be quantified in a likewise manner should be within the scope. In principle, all industry should be allowed to participate. Entrance of other sources could be considered. Opening the market to individuals and/or NGO's will diminish the amount of allowances, consequently increase demand and this will raise the price of allowances.

Trading & IPPC.

The relation between the Emissions Trading and the existing Integrated Pollution Prevention Control (IPPC) directive 96/61/EC is not clear. If the connection is purely based on the intention to decrease the bureaucratic burden, it seems legitimate. However, the mere nature of both directives is completely incompatible. IPPC is intended to make an integrated assessment to help in providing a permit for industrial activities forcing those industries to implement Best Available Techniques (BAT), while taking cost effectiveness and local conditions into consideration. Emissions Trading has a contrary goal leaving the possibility to implement BAT completely open to the market situation. This will become even more obvious when the scope of the trading proposal is extended to other gases. IPPC should be amended in such a way that not implementing BAT for energy efficiency and the non CO, greenhouse gases is acceptable under Emissions Trading circumstances.

Monitoring & verification.

In Emission Trading, CO2, and other greenhouse gases become a commodity, which is worth money. It is absolutely necessary that these gases should be quantified in a uniform and standardized matter. The monitoring, reporting and verification requirements (MRV) aspects of CO2, emissions are not well elaborated and clearly underestimated and will introduce a serious burden for industry. Specific monitoring problems exist in different industries. The guidelines for this quantification should be developed in close cooperation with industry and not left to Committees.


Mill roll lubrication to cut costs

A 15% reduction in mill power consumption, a 10% increase in work roll life and a 20% reduction of mill load are the result of employing hot mill… Although the subject of hot roll lubrication has been around for a long time,… In an environment where supply exceeds demand and customers seek even higher quality, cost competitiveness is the…

Optimising variables.

Setting up a hot roll lubrication system for a particular mill takes time and dedication in order to optimize the many variables and tailor it for the circumstances. But for those serious about overall cost reduction achieved by greater uptime, lower operating costs and improved quality, then time spent in doing this time is well spent.

Saving of hundreds of thousands of dollars arc being made once the lubrication system is optimized.

Cold rolling.

With housekeeping playing such an important role in the overall cost efficiency of a mill, it is critical that good cellar management is in… A two month trial on a 5-stand tandem mill in the Far East using Shell Fenella… After the rolling processes, a variety of coating oils and protectives are available for many different purposes,…

Uzbekistan woos foreign investors

Uzbek iron and steel works Joint Stock Manufacturing Amalgamation (Uzmetcombinat) was established in 1994 through a merger of the Uzbek metallurgy… The steelworks was originally established in 1942 with equipment evacuated… Uzmetcombinat specialises in the production of steel long rolled products (reinforcing bar, round and square sections,…


2. Ltd (Britain) - limited responsibility – корпорация из нескольких владельцев и вице президентов 3. OD. – outside diameter 4. ID. – inside… 10. m – metre, mass 11. psi – pounds per square inch 12. fpm – feet per minute 13. tpm – tons per minute 14. tph(r) –…



1. Пособие по английскому языку для металлургических вузов/ К.А. Журкина, И.В. Иванова, Т.Т. Кривошеина и др. – М.: Изд-во «Высшая школа»,1989 – 151 с.

2. Англо-русский словарь по прокатке металлов/ Составитель Г.М. Саксонов. – М.: ФИЗМАТГИЗ, 1963. – 200 с.

3. Англо-русский металлургический словарь/ Н.И. Перлов, А.И Истеев, В.А. Тюрин и др. – М.: Рус. яз. 1985 – 841 с.



Fig.1. Section through 25–ton acid Bessemer converter

A – Tilting Motor B – Gears

C – Counterweight D – Connecting Rod

E – Stationary Holders F – Bus Bars

G – Electrode Holders H – Motor for Electrode Control

J – Spout K – Molten Metal

Magnesite Brick Silica Brick


Magnesite Bottom

Fig.3. Basic electric–arc melting furnace



Методические рекомендации студентам.................................................................3

Unit 1. My Speciallity……….……………………………………………………….4

Unit 2. Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals. Alloys…………………………………....8

Unit 3. Iron and Iron Ores………….……………………………………………….11

Unit 4. Grey Cast Iron……………..……………………………………………….15

Unit 5. Casting……..……………………………………………………………….18

Unit 6. Metals and Non-Metals…………..………………...………………………22

Unit 7. Corrosion…………………………………………………………………...26

Unit 8. The Iron Blast Furnace…………… ……………………………………….30

Unit 9. Bessemer Converter…………..……………………………………………34

Unit 10. Open-Hearth Furnace…………..…………………………………………39

Unit 11. Electric Furnace………….……………………………………………….43

Unit 12. Continuous Casting of Steel………………………………………………47

Unit 13. Types of Mills……….……………………………………………………51

Unit 14. The Physics and Chemistry of Metallurgy………………….……………56

Unit 15. Relation of Metallurgy to Physics and Chemistry………………………..60

Unit 16. Protection of Steel from Corrosion…………………..……………………64

Unit 17. Induction Furnaces. Puddling Furnaces ………………..………………...69

Unit 18. Problems of Automation of Blast Furnace…………………….………….73

Unit 19. Cold Working. Cold Working Processes.

Hot Working. Hot Working Processes……………………………………78

Тексты для дополнительного чтения…………………………………………….83

Список сокращений……………………………………………………………….95

Библиографический список………………………………………………………96





на учебное пособие "Английский язык. Учебное пособие

для студентов физико-математического факультета".

Составители: Т.А. Бояльская, И.А. Шондина, Е.В. Бабенкова.



Учебное пособие включает тексты, тематический словарь, лексические и грамматические упражнения. Тематика предлагаемых текстов отражает основные разделы металлургии. Составители предлагают продуманную и развернутую систему упражнений, направленную на отработку и закрепление пройденного материала.

Пособие разработано в соответствии с требованиями образовательного стандарта и рабочей программы и содержит материал для контроля усвоения дисциплины, ориентированный на самостоятельную работу студентов.

В связи с потребностью в современном учебном материале по данной дисциплине, считаю издание такого пособия актуальным. Считаю, что учебное пособие может быть полезно для студентов физико-металлургического факультета всех форм обучения.

Рекомендую данное учебное пособие к изданию.



Доцент, кандидат пед. наук Федотова М.Г.