рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект

This Lecture compares: working environments

This Lecture compares: working environments - раздел Образование, Linguistic aspect of translation • Written Translators And Interpreters; • C...

written translators and interpreters;

consecutive and simultaneous interpreter approaches - denotative and connotative,

and tools they use:

text compression and text development » note-taking and its sequence

underlines the importance of being skilful in using the tools.

To tell the difference between translation and interpretation let us compare working environments of a translator and interpreter.

♦ Translator has all time necessary to do and check the translation.

♦ Interpreter is limited in time and cannot check and redo the in­terpretation.

♦ Translator has free access to dictionaries and reference material.

♦ Interpreter has no access to any outside information.

♦ Translator has no immediate contact with translation users and often is unaware of their reaction.

♦ Interpreter is in immediate and close contact with the audience reacting to interpretation mistakes

•► Translator is dependent on supporting environment; interpreter is entirely self-dependent.

There are two main varieties of interpretation, consecutive and si­multaneous. Though they have much in common and possess all mentioned characteristics that distinguish them from translation there aresubstantial differences in the working environments as well.

1. In simultaneous interpretation the interpreter is much more limited in time.

2. In simultaneous interpretation the length of the text translated as one 'batch' is much shorter than in consecutive.

3. Unlike consecutive interpretation where the interpreter may correct mistakes and slips of the tongue, simultaneous interpreter has no time for corrections and redoing.

Differences in the working environment of interpreters compared with that of translators as well as differences between working environ­ments of simultaneous and consecutive interpreters determine the pecu­liarities of interpretation approaches and methods.

First of all, as you already know from our previous discussions, the consecutive interpreter adheres to predominantly denotative approach in interpretation whereas the basic approach of simultaneous interpretation is transformational.

• Long stretches of speech to be translated do not allow the con­secutive interpreter to keep close to the source text, whereas the si­multaneous interpreter is forced by time limitation to translate by small fragments of the source text transforming them according to the target language grammar.

However, both during consecutive and simultaneous interpretation interpreters use text compression and text development as basic translation devices.

Text compression aimed at saving interpretation time and re-moving source text redundancy is one or the mam instruments of simultaneous interpretation which allows the interpreter to keep in pace with the source text not sacrificing the content.

In consecutive interpretation text compression is used as well - it al­lows to get rid of the source text redundancy, but the main instrument of consecutive interpretation is text development.

• Ability to compress the source text and develop the target one from the core structure are the basic skills of an interpreter.

Basic compression devices used in Ukrainian-English translation comprise:

a. transformation of the nominative structures into verbal ones;

b. converting prepositional constructions into noun clusters;

c. omission or transformation of words and word combinations typicjl
for Ukrainian style and considered redundant according to Englisii
speech standards.

For example:

Згідно з рішенням Ради наглядачів, аудит фінансової діяльності фірм та установ з надання послуг у сфері юридичного консалтингу буде проведено у квітні цього року.

The Supervisory Board decided to audit the books of judiciary consult­ing companies in April this year.

When interpreting into Ukrainian an interpreter is using compres­sion to a lesser degree because:

♦ limited (even with good interpreters) knowledge of the foreign language does not permit free interpretation of the source text and

♦ English way of expression is more concise and often English text contains no redundant words, which is explained by the analytical struc­ture of this language.

The second basic tool of interpretation - text development - is typi­cal both for English-Ukrainian and Ukrainian-English interpretation. It should be mentioned, however, that text development is more usable in consecutive than in simultaneous interpretation, though simultaneous interpreters also use it.

•► Text development in the course of interpretation is the restora­tion of the full composition of a source sentence starting from its syntactic and semantic core accompanied by restructuring of the source sentence in compliance with syntactic and semantic standards of the target language.

Text development is performed either with note-taking or without it. It usually starts from the Subject-Predicate pair and then other sen­tence elements are organized around this core.

•► Text development is the optimal method of interpretation be­cause it allows to organize the translation in accordance with the tar­get language style and grammar standards rather than copy the source sentence structure.

The best way to explain text development is an example. Let the source text be:

A few of us American correspondents got together tonight for a tradi­tional New Year's Eve party at our favorite bistro.

Then the interpretation scheme with text development may be as follows:

1. кореспонденти зібралися (разом)

2.декілька (деякі, дехто) з нас, американських кареспоцденщів

3.зібралися (разом) сьогодні ввечері

4.зібралися (щоб за традицією зустріти Новий рік)

5.зібрались у бістро

6.бістро (наше, улюблене)

The final target text will appear then as an optimal rearrangement of the above parts of the text development scheme, e. g., as the one below:

Сьогодні ввечері деякі з нас, американських кореспондентів, за традицією зібрались у нашому улюбленому бістро, щоб зустріти Новий рік.

Text development is reflected in note-taking procedure, which usu­ally includes the following information items.

1. main ideas (skeleton outline) - subject, verb, object;

2. links and separations;

3. viewpoints of the speaker;

4. tenses and modalities;

5. proper and geographical names.

There are also certain recommendations for the best way to take notes. Some of them are as follows:

♦ diagonal notes are preferable for skeleton outline;

♦ left-hand margin for links and viewpoints;

♦ short horizontal line for separations;

♦ question marks for unclear points.

Thus, compression and development are the basic interpretation tools and in our view they should determine the methods of interpreta­tion training. We would recommend the following exercises.

Text compression exercises for Ukrainian-English interpretation

Type 1.

In the course of interpretation of a Ukrainian text into English

♦ omit redundant words;

♦ convert nominative constructions into verbal;

♦ transform prepositional noun sequences into noun clusters.
The exercises are first done in writing, then follows oral training (in­

Type 2.

Conversion of individual Ukrainian prepositional nominative con^ structions into English noun clusters.

Conversion of Ukrainian set phrases of noun-verb type into verbs.

Text development and reduction exercises (Wtainian-English andEnglish- Ukrainian interpretation)

Type 1.

Develop a text from the given core (first done in onelanguage, thenwith interpretation, first - in writing, then - orally)

Type 2. Reduce the text to the core, then develop it back.

Text development exercises improve students' knowledge of foreign and native language vocabulary, help to develop easiness and flexibility of vocabulary use in interpretation. Doing text development exercises students might compete for the number of sentences developed or for a better story developed from the given core.

Thus, unlike a translator who may always ask help from outside, an interpreter is entirely self-supporting. In the modern world of globaliza­tion the significance of translation and interpretation is ever-growing The translation and interpretation quality standards are becoming more stringent. In this context it seems worthwhile to complete our discussion of interpretation with a short resume of interpretation concept present­ing it as a variety of martial arts. Here are the principles:

1. reality is whatever happening right at this moment (here and

2.to deal with reality you have to be totally aware;

3.for this your body and mind have to be in the 'here and now';

4.in this state of mind there is no room for thoughts: instead there is an instantaneous intuitive response.




1. Комиссаров В.Н. Современное переводоведение. Учебное пособие. – М.: ЭТС. – 2002. – 424 с.

2. Комисарова В.Н., Кораллова А.Л. Практикум по переводу с английского языка на русский. - М., 1990.

3. Комиссаров В.Н. Лингвистика перевода. - М, 1981.

4. Корунець І.В. Теорія і практика перекладу. - Вінниця, 2003. - 448 с.

5. Мірам Г.Є. Дейнеко В.В. Основи перекладу. - К., 2003.

6. Мирам Г.Е. Переводныe картинки. Профессия: переводчик. - К., 2001.

7. Мирам Г.Е. Профессия: переводчик. - К., 1999.

8. Нелюбин Л.Л. Переводческий словарь. - М., 1999.

9. Федоров А.В. Основы общей теории перевода. - М., 1975.



1. What are the differences in the working environments of a translator and interpreter?

2. What are the differences in the working environments of a consecutive and simultaneous interpreter?

3. What are the basic interpretation approaches used by consecutive and simultaneous interpreter? Explain why they keep to a particular approach?

4. What is text compression? How is it used in interpretation?

5. What is text development? How is it used in interpretation?


– Конец работы –

Эта тема принадлежит разделу:

Linguistic aspect of translation


Если Вам нужно дополнительный материал на эту тему, или Вы не нашли то, что искали, рекомендуем воспользоваться поиском по нашей базе работ: This Lecture compares: working environments

Что будем делать с полученным материалом:

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Все темы данного раздела:

This Lecture: • introduces the concepts of a system; • introduces the notion of language as a system existing in formal and se­mantic planes; • attributes linguistic sign

Elements Activated in the Sentence
  English Ukrainian he він used, come приїздив

Lecture 2. Сommunicative aspect of translation.
This Lecture • introduces the concepts of: • (a) communication; • (b) components communication consists of (message, message sender, message recipient); • (c) wa

In this Lecture the reader will: • find the definition of translation as an object of linguistic Study terms of process and outcome; • fi

And shows both the strength and limitations of each.
In this lecture we shall discuss the most common theoretical ap­proaches to human translation paying special attention to their limita­tions and ability to explain the translation process.

The lecture deals with: • various ranks of translation; • means to ensure adequate translation which have been suggested by dif­ferent scholars and translation ranks; • f

This Lecture: introduces the notion of equivalence and translation units; • shows: • how the notion of equivalence can be applied to tran

A) Full Translation Equivalents
From the previous discussion (bearing in mind differences in mental images standing for the equivalent words in different languages and con­text dependence of equivalents) it may be righteously pre

B) Partial Translation Equivalents
To understand the partiality and incompleteness of translation equivalence let us consider the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic aspects of equivalence, because the partiality of equivalence is, as

This Lecture deals with the style as an essential component of adequate translation; introduces:   • major styles: belles-lettres (prose, poetry, drama); pu

Transformations in translation.
This Lecture • introduces the notion of: • transformation as a change of thesource text *t the syntactic levelduring translation, •

English Verbal Complexes
A verbal complex is a unique structure of the English language sys­tem missing in Ukrainian. The complex includes a predicate verb, an object and an object predicate comprising either Infinitive or

Gender Forms
The category of Noun Gender is known to be expressed in English indirectly: either through pronouns or by lexical means. This informa­tion is to be born in mind by translators when translating from

Basic translation devices.
This Lecture: ntroduces basic translators' devices: partitioning; integration; transposition; replacement, addition;

Partitioning is either replacing in translation of a source sentence by two or more target ones or converting a simple source sentence into a compound or complex target one. One is to dist

Integration is the opposite of partitioning, it implies combining two or (seldom) more source sentences into one target sentence. Generally, integration is a translation device who

Transposition is a peculiar variety of inner partitioning in trans­lation meaning a change in the order of the target sentence syntactic elements (Subject, Predicate, Object, etc.) as compared with

•* Replacement is any change in the target text at the morphologi­cal, lexical and syntactic levels of the language when the elements of certain source paradigms are replaced by different elements

Names of Paradigms Used to Form the Sentences
Personal Pronouns Paradigm Verbs Paradigm Verb Tense Paradigm Particles Paradigm Prepositions Paradigm to do

Elements Activated in the Sentence English Ukrainian
he він used, come приїздив Past Indef. минулий час to none Comparing the paradigm sets used to form the above English and Ukrain

This Lecture: • outlines basic factors that influence the choice of translation equivalents, i.e. context, situation and background information; • defines context varieties and th

Translation varieties.
This Lecture: • introduces the classification of translation based on physical parameters; • familiarizes the students with sub-categories of translation depending on genre;

Literary translation
This Lecture: • describes written translation subcategories; • introduces the notion of hypertext; • discusses challenges facing a literary translator. As mentio

Lecture 7. Translation into English.
This Lecture: emphasizes the essential features to be remembered by the students when translating into English: • pre-determined order of words in a s

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