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Employment - раздел Литература, Employment I’Ve Read The Article From The World Business Newspaper Fi...

Employment I’ve read the article from the World business newspaper FINANCIAL TIMES. This article about: “How to select the best candidates—and avoid the worst?” I think all companies have this problem. Investing thousands of pounds in the recruitment and training of each new graduate recruit may be just the beginning.Choosing the wrong candidate may leave an organization paying for years to come. Few companies will have escaped all of the following failures: people who panic at the 1st sign of stress, people who seem incapable of learning, unstable people.

The 1st point to bear in mind at the recruitment stage is that people don’t change. Intelligence levels decline modestly, but change little over their working life. The same is true of abilities, such as learning languages and handling numbers. Most people like to think that personality can change, particularly the more negative features.But date affected over 50 years gives a clear message: still stable after all these years.

Personal crises can affect the way we cope with things: we might take up or drop drink, drugs. Skills can be improved, and new ones introduced, but at rather different rates. People can be groomed for a job. Of course, people can be sent on training courses, diplomas, but better to select for what you actually see rather than attempt to change it. I think that people can change during their life. They grow up and change their world view and ideology.They get a lot of information during their life, they reed books, meet new people, go around different society.

In these circumstances people can’t stay the same during their whole life.

– Конец работы –

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