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London - используемый тег на сайте, здесь можно скачать или скопировать материал при условии соблюдения авторских прав его правообладателя.London Все работы по данной метке.

London survived the Plague and the Great Fire, which followed in 1666. During the Fire all wooden houses were smashed to the ground and a New… The West End is the richest part of the city with its beautiful avenues, parks… There are many factories and the Port of London there. As for me, I cannot imagine London without Thames.In fact,…

History of London
The camp rapidly developed into a flourishing port & trading post. The area of about 1 square mile which the Romans fortified with a massive… Roman Londinium grew up on the northern side of the bridge. Products such as… From about 240 onwards, London was the capital of one of the four provinces of Britain under the Emperor Diocletian.

The Tower of London
Immediately after William took over as king, he built forts everywhere. One stood in the southeastern corner of London, near an old Roman wall on… The Tower was finished twenty years later, rising nearly one hundred feet… He was very fat, greedy, and unpopular. He was dragged to the prison by his brother with his servants and bags of…

St. Paul s Cathedral is very large and fine. It was completed in 1710. The famous English architect Christopher Wren planned and built St. Paul s… Many great Englishmen were buried in Westminster Abbey. To the west of… London is unlike any other city in the world. It looks very grey because there is so much rain and fog there. Only…

London survived thePlague and the Great Fire, which followed in 1666. During the Fire all woodenhouses were smashed to the ground and a New London,… It occupies a territory of a square mile. During a day, it is full ofpeople,… There are many factories and thePort of London there.As forme, I cannot imagine London without Thames. In fact,…

Башня Лондона (Tower of London)
It was built by William the Conqueror with stone that was brought over from Caen. The English do not relish the memory and like to think that the… It became a zoo, the original Zoo, in 1834 when pets that the king had… The zoo consisted of lions, leopards, bears wolves, lynxes, etc. The general appearance of this complex was much as…

Jack London - Biography (english)
When London was 14 he had toquit grammar school to escape poverty. The boy was looking for adventures. Hegot a sloop and explored San Francisco Bay,… John London educated himself atpublic libraries. He read the works of Charles… London studied some literarymagazines and set himself a daily schedule of writing sonnets, ballads, jokes,anecdotes,…

The Tower of London
The development of the Tower The Tower of London was begun in the reign of William the Conqueror 1066-1087 and remained unchanged for over a… Today the medieval defences remain relatively unchanged. The Normans… By the end of the Anglo-Saxon period London had become the most powerful city in England, with a rich port, a nearby…

  1. The Normans
  2. The Medieval Tower
  3. The Tower in Tudor Times
  4. The Restoration and After
  5. The Tower in the

The Tower of London
The development of the Tower The Tower of London was begun in the reign of William the Conqueror 1066-1087 and remained unchanged for over a… Today the medieval defences remain relatively unchanged. The Normans… By the end of the Anglo-Saxon period London had become the most powerful city in England, with a rich port, a nearby…

  1. The Normans
  2. The Medieval Tower
  3. The Tower in Tudor Times
  4. The Restoration and After
  5. The Tower in the

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