рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект

Appendix 2A more tongue twisters

Appendix 2A more tongue twisters - раздел Иностранные языки, Практикум по фонетике английского языка /æ/ 1. That’S The Man Who Sat On My Hat In Th...


1. That’s the man who sat on my hat in the tram.

2. Once there lived a lad who was always very sad.

For he hadn’t any mother and he hadn’t any dad.

3. Where are you going to, my little cat?

I’m going to town to buy a hat!

What? A hat for a cat? A cat in a hat?

Who ever saw a cat in a hat?


4. Oh, no, don’t go home alone, nobody knows how lonely the road is.

5. Soames never boasts of what he knows and Rose never knows of what she boasts.

6. As you sow you shall mow.

7. Little strokes fell great oaks.

8. If many men knew what many men know.

If many men went where many men go.

If many men did what many men do.

The world would be better – I think so, don’t you?


9. A little girl with a pretty curl.

10. Learn thirteen words of Lesson Thirty.

11. The first word is a verb and the third word is an adverb.

12. First come first served.

13. One good turn deserves another.

14. As the workman so is the work.


15. George was born in August.

16. I saw more than forty horses.

17. Her naughty daughter Maud is at fault.

18. Of all saws I ever saw, I never saw a saw as that saw saws.


19. Julious was jealous.

20. Jane, Jim and George Jones.

21. John, put the orange juice into the fridge.

22. A journalist made a journey over Japan.


23. The cook took a good look at the cookery book.

24. It’s good he could go on foot.

25. A good beginning makes a good ending.


26. Everywhere we saw the white snow.

27. William was not very willing to wait.

28. Didn’t this waiter work in Washington last winter?

29. No sweet without some sweat.

30. Where there is a will there is a way.


31. Her work grows worse and worse.

32. William always wears a very warm woolen vest in winter;

Victor, however, will never wear woolen underwear, even in the Wild West.


33. “What an old clock,” said Tom.

34. Lots and lots of clocks watches have gone wrong.

35. Molly’s got a spot on her frock.

36. A watched pot never boils.

37. Honesty is the best policy.


38. Helen’s husband hates hot tea.

39. He held his hand in his.

40. The horn of the hunter was heard on the hill.

41. Healthy habits make healthy bodies.

42. He that has ears to hear let him hear.

43. My heart’s is in the Highlands. My heart is not here.

/θ, ð/

44. The third Thursday of this month is the sixteenth.

45. Thirty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-three.

46. These are three brothers, these are their father and mother, this is their other brother.

47. Wealth is nothing without health.

48. First think then speak.

/θ - s/

49. Three things on this side and six things on that side.

/ð - f/

50. That fish has a fat fin, this fish is a fish that has a thinner fin than that fish.


51. Get ten eggs ready for breakfast.

52. Every day in every way. The weather is getting better and better.

53. East or West home is best.

54. All is well that ends well.

55. Better late than never.

56. Health is above wealth.


57. Please believe me. Please leave me in peace.

58. Extremes meet.

59. Seeing is believing.

60. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

61. A sailor went to sea to see what he could see.

But all he could see was sea, sea, sea.

62. If all the seas were one sea, what a great sea that would be.


63. Can’t you ask Father or Aunt Margaret?

64. He laughs best who laughs last.

65. Half heart is no heart.

66. The highest art is artlessness.


67. A foreign accent is a very great drawback.

68. The three will probably drive across the Brooklyn Bridge.

69. We gathered ripe red raspberries along the river road.

70. When at Rome do as the Romans do.

71. Neither rhyme nor reason.

72. Every cook praises his own broth.


73. What have you found out about it?

74. Out of sight out of mind.

/aʊ - aɪ/

75. Snow came in the night without a sound,

Like a white cloud trembling down to the ground.


76. Six little kittens lost their mittens. It’s a pity, they were so pretty.

77. Little Bill, sit still. Will you sit still, little Bill?

If you sit still, little Bill, Jimmy Nill will bring you to a big hill.


78. Most French children like cheese.

79. Why did the teacher ask such a question?

80. Don’t touch those peaches in the kitchen.


81. To know everything is to know nothing.

82. A good beginning makes a good ending.

83. Better die standing than live kneeling.

84. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

85. Spades for digging, pens for writing. Ears for hearing teeth for biting.

Eyes for seeing, legs for walking. Tongues for tasting and for talking.

Appendix 3 (Sounds for pupils)

8 /f/ fish 17 /tʃ/ cherry 23 /j/ yes 32 /ɔː/ horse 40 /aʊ/ cow
1 /b/ bear 9 /z/ zebra 15 /h/ hat 25 /ʌ/ cup 33 /ɑː/ car 41 /ǝʊ/ nose
2 /p/ parrot 10 /s/ ski 18 /m/ monkeys 26 /e/ hen 34 /ɜː/ bird 42 /eǝ/ hare
3 /d/ dolphin 11 /ʒ/ television 19 /n/ note 27 /ʊ/ cook 35 /iː/ bee 43 /ʊǝ/ poor
4 /t/ tiger 12 /ʃ/ ship 24 /ŋ/ strong 28 /æ/ cat 36 /uː/ moon 44 /ɪǝ/ ear
5 /ɡ/ frog 13 /ð/ they 20 /r/ rose 29 /ɒ/ dog 37 /aɪ/ ice-cream 45 /aʊǝ/ flowers
6 /k/ cake 14 /θ/ birthday 21 /l/ lion 30 /ɪ/ pig 38 /eɪ/ train 46 /aɪǝ/ fire
7 /v/ volleyball 16 /dʒ/ giraffe 22 /w/ wolf 31 /ǝ/ elephant 39 /ɔɪ/ boy  

Appendix 4

– Конец работы –

Эта тема принадлежит разделу:

Практикум по фонетике английского языка


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Для студентов, обучающихся по направлениям
050100.62 Педагогическое образование (Английский язык) 050300.62 Филологическое образование (Иностранный язык и русский язык как иностранный)

· Фонема (phoneme) · Буквы и звуки английского языка (letters and sounds) · Транскрипция (transcription) ·

Органы речи и их работа
(Organs of speech) В верхней части дыхательного горла (гортани) расположены две мускульные эластичные подвижные складки – голосовые связки (Vocal Cords), пространство межд

Гласные и согласные
  Если выдыхаемая струя воздуха не встречает на своем пути шумообразующей преграды, произносятся звуки, называемые гласными (vowels). В отличие от гласных

Lesson One
· Consonants: /k/, /ɡ/ /t/, /d/ · Vowels: /ɪ/, /iː/ · Aspi

Lesson Two
· Consonants: /l/ · Vowels: /ǝ/ Pronunciation of articles · Dark/Cle

Условные обозначения
Текст Тонограмма Последний ударный (ядерный тон) 、(LF) Последний ударный (ядерный тон) ╮(LF)

Правила деления на ритмические группы (RHYTHM UNITS) при транскрибировании словосочетаний и предложений
  ü Количество ударных слогов соответствует количеству ритмических групп. ü Служебные слова являются безударными и примыкают к ударным знаменательным словам.

Lesson Three
· Consonants: /m/, /n/ /ŋ/, /ð/, /θ/ · Vowels: /e/, /æ/ · Pronunciation o

Lesson Four
· Consonants: /s/, /z/, /p/, /b/, · Vowels: /ǝʊ/, /aʊ/ · Nasal plosion

B) A letter
A letter came in the post from the coast - the one that I wanted the most. It said, “D

Lesson Five
· Consonants: /f/, /v/, /w/, /j/, · Vowels: /ʌ/, /ɑː/ · Loss of plosion

November the first The traveller
November the first “A visitor? Having fun? A fine day for travelling,” he said Five leaves left “A café? A phone? Here? I’m afraid not,” he laughed One leaf falls “You’ll f

I – open syllable II – closed syllable III – before “r” IV – before “re”   a o u e i/y

Lesson Six
· Consonants: /h/, /ʃ/, /ʒ/ · Vowels: /ɒ/, /ɔː/, /ɜː/ ·

Lesson Seven
· Consonants: /r/ · Vowels: /eɪ/, /aɪ/, /ɔɪ/, /ʊə/ ·

Lesson Eight
· Consonants: /tʃ/, /dʒ/ · Vowels: /ɪə/, /eə/, /ʊ/, /uː/

A turn re long ing er sleep
first syllable is stressed second syllable is stressed ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ __________

Ooo oOo
adjective_________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________

Lesson Nine
· Vowels: /aɪə/, /aʊə/ · Sounds combination: /wɜː/ ·

Geographical names
(Adjectives are often pronounced in a very similar way to the noun; they are not shown separately in the list. For example: Austria-Austrian. Some adjectives are pronounced differently; these

Lesson Ten
· Linking /w/, Linking /j/ · Intonation: Well, Exclamations, Preposition after the nucleus

Asking the way Hats
Yes. I’ll do one for you. Go outside of the building. I’ll give you one too Go along the street. a nice one Go over the bridge. a new one Go across the street. a

Solomon Grundy Thirty days
Solomon Grundy, Thirty days have September, Born on Monday, April, June and November, C

Lesson Eleven
· Strong and weak forms · Intonation: Complex sentences · Text: Dialogue · Poem: Roadways

Pronouns, possessives, conjunctions, prepositions, articles.
  weak strong   weak strong you /jǝ/ /juː/

Please don’t delay.
Tell me, what do you say?    

Appendix 2
TONGUE TWISTERS for each sound

“Do you know the days of the week?” “Yes, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.” “Now, let’s assume that today is Wednesday. What day will tomorrow be?”

Let’s have a look at this picture of our sitting room. As you come into the room you notice a piano with a low music-stool in front of it. Next to the piano is a tall bookcase standing against the

Balzac, the famous French writer was a man of great talent. But he himself was proud of his ability to tell a person’s character by his or her handwriting. He often told his friends that he could t

One afternoon Professor N. was walking along a country road when he saw a farmer eating his supper alone in the road before his house. The professor approached the farmer and asked him: “W

Mark Twain, the famous American writer, was travelling in France. Once he was going by train to Dijon. That afternoon he was very tired and wanted to sleep. He therefore asked the conductor to wake

“I say, what are you and your sister going to do for your holiday this year?” “Well, I don’t know. I should like to take my sister for a tour to the Baltic Sea, but then she can’t very wel

A traveller was standing at the desk in the lobby of a Washington hotel. He was in a hurry. He had only 10 minutes to pay his bill and reach the station. Suddenly he remembered that he had forgotte

Text 23
An English tourist found himself in Norway with only enough money in his pocket to pay his passage back. As he knew that it would take him only two days to get to England, he decided that he could

(Listen, complete, indicate the intonation patterns, mark and transcribe all the words with the target sound, learn the dialogue by heart, recite) /i

An interesting film
Bill: ________________________________? Lyn: _______________________________? Mrs. Smith: __________________________. Bill: ________________________________ Tim:

A: _________________________________. B: _________________________________ ___________________________________? A: _________________________________ ______________________________

Eɪ/ At the railway station
Mr. Grey: ____________________________ ___________________________________. Porter: _____________________________? Mr. Grey: ___________________________. Porter: ________

Eɪ/ At the railway station
Mr. Grey: ____________________________ ___________________________________. Porter: _____________________________? Mr. Grey: ___________________________. Porter: ________

L/ A spoilt little boy in a bicycle shop
Paul: _______________________________! Uncle Bill: ___________________________! Salesman: __________________________ ______________________________________________________________

R/ A proud parent
Mrs. Randal: ________________________ ___________________________________? Mrs. Reed: __________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________.

IPA index
/b/ /v/ /ð/ /n/ /ʌ/ /ǝ/

Useful links
1) http://www.pearsonlongman.com/phonetic-chart.html 2) http://www.macmillanenglish.com/phonemic-chart/ 3) http://www.stuff.co.uk/calcul_nd.htm 4) http://www.antimoon.com

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