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Практикум по фонетике английского языка

Практикум по фонетике английского языка - раздел Иностранные языки, Департамент Образования Города Москвы Государственное Бюджетное Обра...








автор-составитель: Е.М. Вишневская


Практикум по фонетике английского языка

Учебно-методическое пособие

Для студентов, обучающихся по направлениям

050300.62 Филологическое образование (Иностранный язык и русский язык как иностранный) ⃗English proˌnunci、ation.∥ /ˈɪŋglɪʃ prəˌnʌnsɪˈeɪʃ(ə)n/

Материал пособия организован в соответствии со структурой коррективного курса учебника «Практический курс английского языка. 1 курс» под редакцией В.Д. Аракина и рассчитан на 2 семестра. Пособие содержит материал для коррекции и отработки звуков как в отдельности, так и в связной речи. Основное назначение данного учебно-методического пособия – формирование фонетической компетенции студентов, а именно совершенствование слухопроизносительных и ритмико-интонационных навыков оформления речи на английском языке.


Introduction · Phoneme · Letters and sounds · Transcription · Organs of speech · Vowel and consonant sounds
Lesson One · Consonants: /k/, /ɡ/ · Aspiration · Consonants /t/, /d/ · Vowels: /ɪ/, /iː/ · Palatalization · Vowel duration · Glottal stop · Word stress
Lesson Two · Consonants: /l/ · Dark/Clear “l” · Lateral plosion · Syntagma · Intonation · Nuclear tone · Low Fall · Low Rise · Sentence Stress, Logical Stress · Pronunciation of articles · Vowels: /ǝ/ · Rhythm units, Intoning rules
Lesson Three · Vowels: /e/, /æ/ · Consonants: /m/, /n/ /ŋ/ · Consonants: /ð/, /θ/ · Pronunciation of particle ‘to’; Assimilation · Regressive Assimilation · English Rhythm
Lesson Four · Consonants: /s/, /z/ · Consonants: /p/, /b/ · Nasal plosion · Vowels: /ǝʊ/, /aʊ/ · Reduction · Intonation formula
Lesson Five · Consonants: /f/, /v/ · Consonants: /w/, /j/ · Loss of plosion · Types of syllables · Vowels: /ʌ/, /ɑː/ · Intonation: Function words, Direct address · Text 1: A Visit


Lesson Six · Consonants: /h/; Vowels: /ɜː/ · Loss of aspiration · Consonants: /ʃ/, /ʒ/ · Vowels: /ɒ/, /ɔː/ · Digraphs · Intonation: Apposition, Parenthesis, Compound adjective, Enumeration · Text 2: Betty Smith, Text 3: Doctor Sandford’s family
Lesson Seven · Consonants: /r/ · Linking ‘r’ · Vowels: /eɪ/, /aɪ/, /ɔɪ/ · Numerals · Syllabification · Sonorants with preceding consonants · Vowel: /ʊə/ · Intonation: Fall-Rise, Direct address · Text 4: About Benny’s cousins
Lesson Eight · Consonants: /tʃ/, /dʒ/ · Vowels: /ɪə/, /eə/ · Stress · Vowels: /ʊ /, /uː/ · Intonation: Please, Thank you · Text 5: Our English Lesson
Lesson Nine · Vowels: /aɪǝ/, /aʊǝ/ · Sounds combination: /wɜː/ · Digraphs before ‘r’, Geographical names · Intonation: Adverbial modifiers, Compound sentences, Direct speech, Accidental rise · Text 6: Doctor Sandford’s house
Lesson Ten · Linking /w/, Linking /j/ · Intonation: Well, Exclamations, Preposition after the nucleus · Text 7: Mr. White comes again. · Poems: Solomon Grundy, Thirty days have September
Lesson Eleven · Strong and weak forms · Poem: Roadways · Intonation: Complex sentences · Text 8: Dialogue · Secondary stress
Appendix 1 Intonation of questions
Appendix 2 Tongue twisters
Appendix 3 Sounds with pictures
Appendix 4 Additional texts
Appendix 5 Dialogues
Appendix 6 Alphabetic index
Appendix 7 IPA index
Appendix 8 Useful links, sources


· Буквы и звуки английского языка (letters and sounds) · Транскрипция (transcription) · Органы речи (organs of speech)

Органы речи и их работа

В верхней части дыхательного горла (гортани) расположены две мускульные эластичные подвижные складки – голосовые связки (Vocal Cords), пространство… В полости рта расположены следующие органы речи: язык (Tongue), нёбо (Palate),… В состоянии покоя передняя часть языка находится против десен и альвеол, средняя часть расположена против твердого…

Гласные и согласные

Если выдыхаемая струя воздуха не встречает на своем пути шумообразующей преграды, произносятся звуки, называемые гласными (vowels). В отличие от…

Классификация гласных и согласных звуков.

Английские согласные классифицируются по следующим принципам:

· по способу образования преграды

· по участию голосовых связок


noise sonorants
plosives fricatives affricates
voiced voiceless voiced voiceless voiced voiceless oral nasal
/b/ /p/ /v/ /f/ /dʒ/ /tʃ/ /r/ /m/
/d/ /t/ /z/ /s/     /l/ /n/
/ɡ/ /k/ /ʒ/ /ʃ/     /w/ /ŋ/
    /ð/ /θ/     /j/  


· по работе активного органа речи и месту образования преграды


labial lingual glottal
bilabial labio-dental forelingual (apical) medio-lingual back-lingual (velar)
post-alveolar alveolar palato-alveolar inter-dental
/p/ /f/ /r/ /d/ /ʃ/ /ð/ /j/ /k/ /h/
/b/ /v/   /t/ /ʒ/ /θ/   /ɡ/  
/m/     /l/ /dʒ/     /ŋ/  
/w/     /n/ /tʃ/        


Английские гласные классифицируются по следующим принципам

· в зависимости от стабильности артикуляции выделяют следующие четыре группы:

monophthongs diphthongs diphthongoids triphthongs
long short
/ɔː/ /ɒ/ /aɪ/ /iː/ /aʊǝ/
/ɑː/ /ʌ/ /eɪ/ /uː/ /aɪǝ/
/ɜː/ /ʊ/ /ɔɪ/    
  /æ/ /aʊ/    
  /e/ /ǝʊ/    
  /ɪ/ /eǝ/    
  /ǝ/ /ʊǝ/    

· в зависимости от участия губ и языка монофтонги (и дифтонгоиды) подразделяются на:

forelingual mediolingual backlingual
non-labialized labialized
/iː/ /ʌ/ /ɑː/ /ɒ/
/ɪ/ /ɜː/   /ɔː/
/e/ /ǝ/   /uː/
/æ/     /ʊ/

Монофтонг (Monophthong) – гласный звук, при произнесении которого артикуляция не меняется в течение всего периода звучания.

Дифтонг (Diphthong)– гласный звук, состоящий из двух разных по качеству элементов.

Дифтонгоид (Diphthongoid)– гласный звук, качество которого неоднородно в начале и конце произнесения.

Трифтонг (Triphthong)– гласный звук, состоящий из трех элементов, или (по мнению некоторых ученых) сочетание дифтонга с нейтральным гласным звуком.

Lesson One

· Vowels: /ɪ/, /iː/ · Aspiration · Palatalization

Lesson Two

· Vowels: /ǝ/ Pronunciation of articles · Dark/Clear “l” · Lateral plosion

Условные обозначения

‘–’, а следующие за ним безударные символами ‘•’, постепенно повышаясь. Например: Ex.2.11. Listen and read the sentences. Pay attention to the intonation: 1. How did you spend your 、holiday? (special question)

Правила деления на ритмические группы (RHYTHM UNITS) при транскрибировании словосочетаний и предложений

ü Количество ударных слогов соответствует количеству ритмических групп. ü Служебные слова являются безударными и примыкают к ударным… ü Деление на ритмические группы грамматически обусловлено (предлоги, артикли, союзы и т.д. входят в ритмические…

Lesson Three

· Vowels: /e/, /æ/ · Pronunciation of particle ‘to’ · Assimilation

Lesson Four

· Vowels: /ǝʊ/, /aʊ/ · Nasal plosion · Reduction

А) A pound

I found a pound
down on the ground
and said, “It’s mine, I’ve got it.”
I looked around
and heard no sound
and put it in my pocket

B) A letter

Ø qualitative: Tell her the truth /ˈtelhǝ ðǝˈtruːθ/ Ø quantitative: Is she married? /ˈɪzʃiˑ… /ɑː – ɑˑ-ə/. Формы служебных слов и местоимений с нередуцированными гласными носят название…

Lesson Five

· Vowels: /ʌ/, /ɑː/ · Loss of plosion · Types of syllables

November the first The traveller

Five leaves left “A café? A phone? Here? I’m afraid not,” he laughed One leaf falls “You’ll find one in the village. Far? No, not very far. Four leaves left The ferry over the river.


a o u e i/y I /eɪ/ face /ǝʊ/ note /juː/ … /ʌ/ – vowel, non-labialized, mediolingual, short monophthong /ɑː/ – vowel, non-labialized, backlingual long monophthong

Text 1


W: Hello, Betty!

B: Good afternoon, Mr. White!

W: Is Doctor Sandford in?

B: No, he isn’t. Dr. Sandford is still in the hospital.

W: Is Mrs. Sandford at home?

B: No, she isn’t. Mrs. Sandford is out. She is in the park with Benny. And old Mrs. Sandford is not well.

W: Oh, that’s a pity! What’s the matter? It 'isn’t the flu, is it?

B: Oh, no, it’s a bad cold, she is better today.

W: Is she in bed?

B: No, she isn’t. Come in, Mr. White, and have a talk with Mrs. Sandford. She is always glad to see you.

W: Perhaps, some other day, Betty!

B: I’m so sorry Mr. Sandford isn’t at home yet.

W: That’s all right. Remember me to Mrs. Sandford.

B: Yes, Mr. White.

W: So long then, Betty!

B: So long, Mr. White. On Saturday Mr. Sandford is at home after four.


Ex.5.34. Work with the sentences in bold. Transcribe, intone and draw the staves.








Ex.5.35. Read the following questions. Mind the intonation.

1. Is this a text? 2. Is this a lesson? 3. Is this a sentence? 4. Is this a pen? 5. Is this a park? 6. This text is easy, isn’t it? 7. The dog is not big, is it? 8. This lesson is not difficult, is it? 9. Is the park big? 10. Is the clock old? 11. Is the pencil yellow? 12. Is the lesson easy? 13. Is the text difficult? 14. Is the book good?


Indicate the intonation patterns, transcribe and draw the staves:

1. ________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________________

6. ________________________________________________________________________

7. ________________________________________________________________________

8. ________________________________________________________________________

9. ________________________________________________________________________

10. ________________________________________________________________________

11. ________________________________________________________________________

12. ________________________________________________________________________

13. ________________________________________________________________________

14. ________________________________________________________________________

Ex.5.36. Read the following words. Mind the pronunciation of the endings.

a lot – lots a note – notes a bill – bills a clock – clocks

a top – tops fog – fogs a fox – foxes a kid – kids

a net – nets a pet – pets a kiss – kisses a stick – sticks

a set – sets a nod – nods a bed – beds a theme – themes


Ex.5.37. Read the following words and transcribe them.

  1. a bell – bells _____________________________________
  2. a mill – mills _____________________________________
  3. a city – cities _____________________________________
  4. a test – tests _____________________________________
  5. an empty desk – empty desks ________________________
  6. a sentence – sentences _____________________________
  7. a lily – lilies _______________________________________
  8. a busy bee – busy bees ______________________________


Ex.5.38. Transcribe the words:

1. best / 2. cod / 3. neck / 4. dose /
5. code / 6. sold / 7. cone / 8. nest /
9. nod / 10. spoke / 11. bold / 12. depth /
13. tops / 14. mock / 15. enter / 16. less /
17. sent / 18. theme / 19. cell / 20. self /
21. bed / 22. block / 23. centner / 24. fold /
25. these / 26. then / 27. motor / 28. doctor /

Lesson Six

· Vowels: /ɒ/, /ɔː/, /ɜː/ · Loss of aspiration · Digraphs

Перечисление (Enumeration).В предложениях, содержащих перечисление, обычно каждая неконечная смысловая группа произносится с восходящим тоном. Например: The ↘five 'members of his 'family 、are: | his ͵mother, | his ⃗sister-in-͵law, | his ⃗son ͵Benny, | his ⃗wife ͵Helen | and him、self.


Text 2


I am Betty Smith. My full name is Elizabeth Louise Smith. I am twenty two. I am a college graduate. I am a writer, just a beginner, you know. I have a lot of friends. Most of them are my former school-mates. My best companions are two girl friends. They are very kind, jolly and well-bred.

My brother-in-law, Henry Sandford, is married to my elder sister Helen. I am a member of her family. My brother-in-law is a doctor. He has a mother, but he has no father. My sister is a housewife. They have only one child, Benny. Benny is my nephew, he is four. Sometimes he is naughty. He is fond of birds and animals. We have white mice, a hedgehog, and a parrot in the house. Now Benny is eager to have a rabbit. But his mother is against it, we have no peace because of all Benny’s animals and birds.

Text 3


Doctor Sandford’s family is not very large. There are five of them. The five members of his family are: his mother, his sister-in-law, his son Benny, his wife Helen and himself. Helen has no parents.

Old Mrs. Sandford is fifty-eight. Helen is twenty-six. Doctor Sandford is thirty. Benny is an only child and there are no boys or girls in the family for him to play with.


Ex.6.35. Work with the sentences in bold. Transcribe, intone and draw the staves.







Ex.6.36. Read these alternative questions, paying special attention to the intonation. Low Rise + Low Fall.

1. Is she five or six? 2. Is his daughter four or five? 3. Is Pete nine or ten? 4. Is this a park or garden? 5. Is this family big or small? 6. Is this pencil black or yellow? 7. Is the lesson difficult or easy? 8. Is the meat hot or cold?


Ex.6.37. Read these statements twice. First as a command, then as a request.

1. Tell father all. 2. Don’t go alone. 3. Make tea for him. 4. Take the ball. 5. Don’t take the lamp. 6. Take the pencil.

Ex.6.38. Transcribe the words and explain the rules of reading.

1. sit /sɪt/ 9. late / 17. pine / 25. spot /
2. lame / 10. mad / 18. hate / 26. pile /
3. back / 11. made / 19. act / 27. land /
4. miss / 12. nine / 20. ice / 28. gold /
5. sack / 13. fill / 21. plot / 29. cap /
6. gave / 14. cake / 22. face / 30. nose /
7. tip / 15. thick / 23. hit / 31. fix /
8. tide / 16. bat / 24. fate / 32. harm /

Ex.6.39. Read the following special questions. Observe the weak forms of function words. Indicate the intonation patterns and transcribe the sentences.

1. When is she busy? Ex.: ⃗When is she 、busy? /ˈwenɪzʃiˑ ˈbɪzi/

2. Why are you late? _____________________________________

3. When are you free? _____________________________________

4. When are you busy? _____________________________________

5. Why are you sad? _____________________________________

6. Why is Betty in the park? _____________________________________

7. Why is Mrs. Sandford in bed? _____________________________________

8. Why is she still at the hospital? _____________________________________

9. When is she at home? _____________________________________

10. Why is she still at home? _____________________________________


Ex.6.40. Give the degrees of comparison of the following adjectives and transcribe them.

  1. short
/ˈʃɔːtǝ/ /ðǝˈʃɔːtǝst/
  1. good
/ /
  1. tall
/ /
  1. bad
/ /
  1. large
/ /
  1. few
/ /
  1. nice
/ /
  1. busy
/ /
  1. long
/ /
  1. near
/ /
  1. big
/ /
  1. far
/ /
  1. high
/ /
  1. old
/ /
  1. dirty
/ /
  1. late
/ /
  1. fast
/ /
  1. thin
/ /
  1. easy
/ /
  1. thick
/ /

Lesson Seven

· Vowels: /eɪ/, /aɪ/, /ɔɪ/, /ʊə/ · Linking ‘r’ · Numerals

Нисходяще-восходящий тон (Fall-Rise)–Характерным для английского языка является сложный нисходяще-восходящий тон (the falling-rising tone, or Fall-Rise). Нисходяще-восходящий тон наблюдается в смысловых группах, требующих восходящего тона, в которых коммуникативный центр высказывания выделен понижением тона. Нисходяще-восходящее движение тона может осуществляться в пределах одного слога или распространяться на большее количество слогов. Употребление нисходяще-восходящего тона характерно для эмоционально окрашенной речи: They are in 、Canada ͵now.

2) Обращение (Direct Address)–Интонация обращения зависит от его места в предложении. В начале предложения обращение всегда ударно, обычно образует самостоятельную смысловую группу и произносится, как правило, с нисходяще-восходящим тоном. Например: 、Gran͵ny, ∣ have I any ͵cousins?

В официальной речи или когда обращение направлено к аудитории, оно произносится с нисходящим тоном: 、James, ∣ come to the ͵blackboard.

В середине и в конце предложения обращение безударно и продолжает мелодию предшествующей синтагмы: Come a͵long, my dearest, |it’s just the time…

Text 4


“Granny, have I any cousins?”

“Yes Benny! You have two.”

“Whose children are they? How old are they? Are they boys or girls?”

“Not so many questions at once, please, Benny! Your cousins are: a five-year-old boy, Georgie, and a four-year-old girl, May. They are your Aunt Emily’s children. They are in Canada now with their parents: your Aunt Emily, my daughter, and her husband, Mr. Thomas Brown.”

“In Canada? What’s Canada, granny? Where is it?”

“Canada is a far-away country. It is in the North of America.”

“In the North of America? Where is it? Is it as far as London?”

“Oh, no Benny! It’s much farther.”

“But, granny…”

“Come along, my dearest. It’s just the time for your midday milk.”

Ex.7.42. Transcribe the sentences, indicate the intonation patterns and draw the staves.

1. My brother-in-law, Mr. Smith, is a writer.


2. Have you a sister?


3. How old is she?


4. What’s her name?


5. Is Betty a member of his family?


6. She has a mother, a father, a brother and two sisters.


7. Mary, open the window.


8. Start reading the text, John.


Ex.7.43. Transcribe the following word combinations.

  1. ten miles
/ˈten ˈmaɪlz/
  1. it is fine
  1. go home
  1. a pale face
  1. take the pen
  1. I am nineteen
  1. he is late
  1. this is a park

Ex.7.44. Read the exercise. Listen to your fellow-student – detect his errors.

/piːt/ - /pɪt/ – /pet/ – /pæt/ - /pɑːt/ - /pɒt/ - /pɜːt/ - /pɔːt/ - /pʊt/

/riːd/ - /rɪd/ – /red/ - /reɪd/ - /raɪd/ - /rǝʊd/ – /ruːd/

/ˈmʌðǝrɪz ǝtˈhǝʊm ∥ ˈfɑːðǝrɪz ɪnðiˑˈɒfɪs ∥ ˈsɪstǝrɪz ɪnðǝˈgɑːdn ∥ ˈbrʌðǝrɪz ǝtˈskuːl∥/

/ðǝˈmænɪz ɪnðǝˈstriːt ∥ ðǝˈwʊmǝnɪz ɪnðǝˈmɑːkɪt ∥ ðǝˈgɜːlɪz ɪnðǝˈpɑːk/

Lesson Eight

· Vowels: /ɪə/, /eə/, /ʊ/, /uː/ · Stress · Intonation: Please, Thank you

A turn re long ing er sleep

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

Ooo oOo

________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________

Text 5


Teacher: Good morning, all! Sit down, please! I expect no one is away?

Monitor: Nobody is. All are present. Oh, sorry, Ann is not here.

Teacher: What’s up? Is she ill?

Monitor: It’s flu with a high temperature.

Teacher: That’s too bad. Well now. Let’s begin. We’ll check our homework. Mike, will you take your exercise book and come to the board?

Mike: Shall I write the words in transcription?

Teacher: Do. And you, Helen, read Text 7, will you? The others should write down the mistakes if she has any. Do you follow me? Will you read a little louder, please? That’ll do. Any mistakes noticed?

Julia: I believe there’s some palatalization in the nouns “family” and “Benny”.

Teacher: That’s it. Please, Helen, pronounce the words. Now it’s correct. You must work more. Pronunciation is your weak point, I’m afraid.

Helen: Shall I read the text again for the next time?

Teacher: Yes. Have another try and make your reading more distinct. Now everybody look at the board!

Mike: Shall I read the exercise?

Teacher: Of course. (Mike reads). Is everything correct, Pete?

Pete: I think it is.

Teacher: Thank you, Mike. Clean the board, please, and go to your seat. (To the monitor). Have we got the headphones?

Monitor: Here they are.

Teacher: Fine. Let’s listen to the new text. Open your books at page 81. Will you please switch on the tape-recorder? Thank you.


Ex.8.41. Transcribe the sentences, indicate the intonation patterns and draw the staves.

1. Good morning, all! Sit down, please!


2. Please, Helen, pronounce the words.


3. And you, Helen, read Text 7, will you?


4. Pronunciation is your weak point, I’m afraid.


5. Now everybody look at the board!


6. Is everything correct, Pete?


7. Thank you, Mike.


8. Will you please switch on the tape-recorder? Thank you.


Ex.8.42. Read and explain the pronunciation of the consonants in bold type.

face cage write Alice fish bright Gypsy
eight engine job chest sigh ginger whole
yet lock white light gently knock whip
gate wrong gymnastics cheek knight phlox whisper


Ex.8.43. Pronounce the following verbs first as commands, then as requests.

take go put read look speak
open come write start close prepare

Lesson Nine

· Sounds combination: /wɜː/ · Digraphs before ‘r’ · Geographical names

Geographical names

Ex.9.8. Listen read and transcribe. Africa   Brazil   Czech Republic   … Ex.9.9. Complete the table with the missing words. Read all the names

Text 6


Doctor Sandford’s house is not large, but it is comfortable and well-planned. It is a small two-storeyed cottage.

In front of the house there is a green lawn and a lot of flowers. Behind it there is a little orchard with a few fruit trees in it. On the ground floor there is a kitchen, a pantry, a dining room, a cosy sitting room and Dr. Sandford’s study.

There are also several rooms upstairs on the first floor: the Sandfords’ bedrooms, Grandmother’s room, which is also Benny’s nursery, Betty’s room and the bathroom.

The furniture is modern and quite new. But Doctor Sandford says he must pay a lot of money for the house and the furniture. He must pay the money for many years before he can call the house his own.

Ex.9.12. Transcribe the sentences, indicate the intonation patterns and draw the staves.

1. Doctor Sandford’s house is not large, but it is comfortable and well-planned.


2. In front of the house there is a green lawn and a lot of flowers.


3. Behind it there is a little orchard with a few fruit trees in it.


4. On the ground floor there is a kitchen, a pantry, a dining room, a cosy sitting room and Dr. Sandford’s study.



5. But Doctor Sandford says he must pay a lot of money for the house and the furniture.



6. He must pay the money for many years before he can call the house his own.




Ex.9.13. Read the words and word combinations. (Revision)

/lɪt/ – /let/ /ˈðɪsɪz ǝˈtekst/ /ˈɪzðɪs ǝˈtekst/

/fɪl/ – /fel/ /ˈðɪsɪz ǝˈsɪti/ /ˈɪzðɪs ǝˈsɪti/

/lɪft/ – /left/ /ˈðɪsɪz ǝˈpeni/ /ˈɪzðɪs ǝˈpeni/

Ex.9.14. Read the words and word combinations. (Revision)

/kæt/ - /kɑːt/ /hæt/ - /hɑːt/ /hɪzˈbæg/ /hɜː/ - /hɜːd/ - /hɜːt/

/pæk/ - /pɑːk/ /hæd/ - /hɑːd/ /hɪzˈhæt/ /fɜː/ - /fɜːm/ - /fɜːst/

Ex.9.15. Read and explain the rules of reading, define phonetic patterns.

speed rose cube tool tense raze boot

loaf fill weave freeze shoot float fee

loom coal faint mutton trainer beach author

reach aim steam crystal coast least veil

Ex.9.16. Read, transcribe the word combinations, comment on the phonetic patterns.

  1. a big boat __________ 6. a black bag __________
  2. a simple riddle __________ 7. an old goat __________
  3. a little star __________ 8. a good cook __________
  4. a good accent __________ 9. a fat cock __________
  5. an old oak __________ 10. a good tool __________


Ex.9.17. Transcribe the PLURALform of these words.

writer /ˈraɪtəz/ house / day /
college / bird / son-in-law /
family / man / turkey /
Wife / goose / swine /
Child / woman / box /
mouse / leaf / dish /
parrot / roof / sheep /

Ex.9.18. Read the word combinations. Mind the intonation. (Revision)

/aɪhævəˈfɑːðər◡əndəˈmʌðə ∥/

/ˈhævjuˑ eniˈɑːnts ∥ ˈjes ∣ aɪhævˈtuː ∥ ˈnəʊ aɪhævˈnɒt ∥/

/ˈnəʊ ∣ aɪhævˈnəʊɑːnts ∥ ˈnəʊ ∣ aɪˈhævnt eniˈɑːnts ∥/

/ˈhæzʃiˑ eniˈgɜːlfrendzɪnmɒskəʊ ∥ ˈjes ∣ ʃiˑˈhæzsʌm ∣ bətˈnɒt ˈmeni ∥/

Ex.9.19. Listen, read, mind the pronunciation of sound /ə/ in different positions.

/ˈseldəm/ /ˈletə/ /ðəˈsuːnə ðəˈbetə/

/ˈɪntəvəl/ /ˈbetə/ /ˈbetə ˈleɪt ðənˈnevə/

/ˈeksələnt/ /ˈnevə/

Ex.9.20. Listen, read, define phonetic patterns.

/ˈlɪtl/ /ˈsʌdn/ /ˈdɪdnt/ /paɪ/ - /spaɪ/ /tɪl/ - /stɪl/

/ˈteɪbl/ /ˈrɪtn/ /ˈkʊdnt/ /peɪn/ - /speɪn/ /tɔːl/ - /stɔːl/

/ˈpiːpl/ /ˈteɪkn/ /ˈhæznt/ /keɪt/ - /skeɪt/

/ˈtrʌbl/ /ˈbiːtn/ /ˈniːdnt/ /kuːl/ - /skuːl/

Ex.9.21. Transcribe the following words and explain the reading rules:

1. boot /buːt/ 6. good / 11. cold / 16. germ /
2. prepare / 7. store / 12. last / 17. hurt /
3. ball / 8. bread / 13. plant / 18. hare /
4. book / 9. care / 14. text / 19. grasp /
5. mere / 10. palm / 15. exam / 20. staff /

Ex.9.22. Transcribe the word combinations. Mind rhythm units:

1. a talented dancer /əˈtæləntɪd ˈdɑːnsə/ 9. a big ship  
2. a broken branch   10. a fat sheep  
3. a stone wall   11. a naughty girl  
4. a dull day   12. a lazy boy  
5. a wise man   13. a rare plant  
6. a cheap car   14. a strict lady  
7. a cold lake   15. Bertha’s basket  
8. a birthday present   16. spare time  

Lesson Ten

· Intonation: Well, Exclamations, Preposition after the nucleus · Text: Mr. White comes again. · Poems: Solomon Grundy. Thirty days have September

Asking the way Hats

Go outside of the building. I’ll give you one too Go along the street. a nice one Go over the bridge. a new one

Solomon Grundy Thirty days

Born on Monday, April, June and November, Christened on Tuesday, All the rest have thirty-one; Married on Wednesday, February has twenty-eight alone,

Text 7


It is Saturday afternoon. Doctor Sandford is in his study. Betty knocks.

“Come in, please. What is it, Betty?”

“Mr. White wants to see you, Henry.”

“Well, yes. Show him in please.” (Mr. White enters)

“Good afternoon, doctor.”

“Good afternoon, Mr. White.”

“I’m terribly sorry to trouble you.”

“That’s all right. Glad to see you. Sit down, please. What can I do for you?”

“Do you receive the Times?”


“Would you like to have it for the next year?”

“Oh, I forget. We never remember such things in time. Must I pay anything right now?”

“No, you needn’t. For the present, you can sign this paper. Here you are.”

“Where do I sign?”

“Here, please. Thank you, doctor.”

“Well, Mr. White. It’s five o’clock. You’ll have some tea with us, won’t you?”

“Thank you. I’d be glad to.”

“Let’s go to the dining room. This way, please.”

Ex.10.6. Transcribe the following sentences, indicate the intonation patterns and draw the staves.

1. Come in, please. What is it, Betty?


2. Mr. White wants to see you, Henry.


3. Well, yes. Show him in please.


4. Good afternoon, doctor.


5. Good afternoon, Mr. White.


6. Sit down, please.


7. What can I do for you?


8. Would you like to have it for the next year?


9. Here, please. Thank you, doctor.


10. Well, Mr. White. It’s five o’clock.


11. You’ll have some tea with us, won’t you?


12. Let’s go to the dining room. This way, please.



Ex.10.7. Listen and read the word combinations. Mind the intonation. (Revision)

/ˈraɪtɪŋ əˈletə/ /ˈveri ˈwel/

/ˈriːdɪŋ əˈnɒvəl/ /ˈwɒt ˈvaʊəl/

/ˈlɜːnɪŋ əˈpəʊɪm/ /əˈswiːt ˈvɔɪs/

/ˈsiːɪŋ ənˈɒpərəhaʊs/ /ˈwɒt ˈfaɪn ˈvɜːsɪz/

/wɪðaʊtˈseɪŋ əˈwɜːd / /təˈwɪn əˈvɪktəri/

/ˈwɒtɪz ðəˈweðəlaɪkðeər ɪnˈwɪntə ∥ ɪtsˈkwaɪt ˈwɔːm ∥/

Ex.10.8. Listen, read, define phonetic patterns.

/maɪˈred ˈpensɪl/ /ˈnɒt ˈnaʊ/ /ˈglæd tə'siːjuˑ/ /ˈletmi ˈsiː/

/jɔˑˈwiːk ˈpɔɪnt/ /ˈraɪt ˈnaʊ/ /aɪˈwɒnt tuˑɑːskjuˑ/ /aɪˈdəʊnt ˈnəʊ/

/hɜˑˈʃɔːt ˈkəʊt/ /ˈstɒp ˈmeəri/ /hiˑˈhæznt ˈgɒtɪt/ /wiˈdəʊnt ˈlaɪkɪt/

/hɪzˈgreɪt ˈtrʌbl/ /ˈleɪt ətˈnaɪt/ /ʃiˑˈdʌznt ˈtiːtʃhɜˑ/ /hɪˈdʌznt ˈlɜːnɪt/

/ðeərˈəʊld ˈklɒk/


Ex.10.9. Read and transcribe the following words. Explain the reading rules.

1. did – deed /dɪd - diːd/ 7. Mary – marry / 13. hill – heal /
2. had – hard / 8. chair – cheer / 14. hail – hear /
3. lick – leak / 9. marry - merry / 15. bad – bard /
4. hip – heap / 10. bear – beer / 16. fill – feel /
5. dear – deer / 11. lip – leap / 17. sill – seal /
6. lad – lard / 12. ship – sheep / 18. pit – pat /
19. taught – tap – tape / 21. fit – foot – fate /
20. pen – pain – pale / 22. dive – dove – dame /

Ex.10.10. Arrange the words in columns according to the corresponding type of syllable.

stamp bench Button typist cure muff lace tires
write tulip Mule fare burn fine cube fade
stir Arthur System dark here mere purse prepare

Types of syllables (define the type of stressed syllable)


Ex.10.11. Spell and transcribe the 3rd person singular of the following verbs.

1. come /kʌmz/ 8. stress / 15. hang /
2. go / 9. begin / 16. get /
3. play / 10. catch / 17. relax /
4. write / 11. cut / 18. hold /
5. wash / 12. eat / 19. know /
6. work / 13. change / 20. open /
7. kiss / 14. study / 21. stay /

Ex.10.12. Read the following exclamations. Mind the intonation.

1. You are right! 4. She is here! 5. How nice!

2. It’s excellent! 5. They are ready! 6. We can ask him!



Ex.10.13. Read. Listen to your fellow student and correct the mistakes if he or she has any.

/ˈhaʊ ˈprɪtiʃiˑɪz/ /ˈwɒt ˈnɑːsti ˈweðǝ/

/ˈhaʊ ˈklevǝrǝvjuˑ/ /ˈwɒt ˈwʌndǝfʊl ˈrǝʊzɪz/

/ˈhaʊ ˈnaɪsǝvjuˑtǝˌkʌm/ /ˈwɒt ˈlʌvli ˈvaɪǝlɪtsjuˑvgɒt/

/ˈhaʊ ˈstreɪnʤðɪsǝʊldmænɪz/


Ex.10.14. Read the following phrases with the low-rising tone
and then with the falling-rising tone:

1. ⃗Satis͵factory? 1. Satis、facto͵ry?

2. On ͵Saturday? 2. On 、Satur͵day?

3. Mr. ͵Robertson? 3. Mr. 、Robert͵son?

4. In ͵Moscow? 4. In 、Mos͵cow?

5. In ͵London? 5. In 、Lon͵don?

6. ⃗Next ͵year? 6. 、Next ͵year?

7. To the ͵North? 7. To the ⌵North?

8. A͵gain? 8. A⌵gain?

9. At ͵night? 9. At⌵night?

10. To͵day? 10. To⌵day?

11. ͵Now? 11. ⌵Now?


Ex.10.15. Transcribe the plural form of the following nouns.

country /ˈkʌntrɪz/ man / piano /
saleswoman / tooth / knife /
match / handkerchief / lady /
boy / potato / suffix /
sister-in-law / deer / foot /

Ex.10.16. Read. Listen to your fellow student and correct the mistakes if he or she has any.

/tɪǝ/ – /teǝ/ - /tʊǝ/ /ǝˈrɪǝ ˈkɔːnǝ/ /ˈbɒtl/ /ˈrɒtn/

/dɪǝ/ – /deǝ/ - /dʊǝ/ /ǝˈspeǝ ˈmɪnɪt/ /ˈdʌbl/ /ˈpætn/

/mɪǝ/ – /meǝ/ - /mʊǝ/ /ǝˈpʊǝr ˈænɪmǝl/ /ˈsɪmpl/ /ˈhɪdn/

/ˈrɪdl/ /fǝˈbɪdn/


Ex.10.17. Read, indicate the intonation patterns, transcribe and draw the staves.

1. Can he speak English? Yes, he can. No, he can’t. No, he can not.

2. May I come in? Yes, please. Do, please. Yes, you may. No, you mustn’t, it’s too late.

3. Must we write it down? Yes, you must. It’s a very good proverb. No, you needn’t.

4. Switch on the tape recorder and listen to it again.






Lesson Eleven

· Intonation: Complex sentences · Text: Dialogue · Poem: Roadways

Pronouns, possessives, conjunctions, prepositions, articles.

Example: w w 1. A: Are you going to talk to him? B: No, I think he should talk to me… 2. A: Shall I phone her? B: Yes, I think you should.

Comings and goings.

What did she say?

Don’t send her away

Give her a chance

Ask her to dance

Give us a drink

What do you think?

Ask them to wait

Tell them it’s late

What shall we do?

Shall we wait here for you?

Please don’t delay.

    Ex.11.4. Read the poem and learn them by heart. Mind your pronunciation and… Roadways

Text 8


Alex: Excuse me, what country are you from?

Voitek: I am from Poland.

Alex: Do you live in Warsaw?

Voitek: No, I don’t. I live in a small town in the North of Poland. Let me introduce you to my friend Lucy.

Alex: I am ever so glad to meet you.

Voitek: Lucy is from France, from Paris. She is French. By the way, do you speak French?

Alex: I am afraid, I don’t. I speak only two foreign languages, English and Spanish.

Alex: And I prefer to speak Spanish, as I know it much better than English.

Voitek: Oh, that’s fine! Lucy speaks Spanish rather well. Her mother is from South America. As for me I can’t speak Spanish but I understand nearly everything. Lucy and I are pen friends.

Alex: Would you like to join me and my fellow-students? We can have a good time together.

Voitek: That’d be lovely.

Alex: Come on, then.

Ex.11.6. Transcribe the following sentences, indicate the intonation patterns and draw the staves.

1. And I prefer to speak Spanish as I know it much better than English.



2. As for me I can’t speak Spanish but I understand nearly everything.



3. I live in a small town in the North of Poland.


Ex.11.7. Listen, read and mind the stress.

/ˈselɪbreɪt/ - /ˌselɪˈbreɪʃn/ /ˈɪnðə ˈnɔːθ/

/ˈdemənstreɪt - ˌdemənˈstreɪʃn/ /ˈɪnðə ˈsaʊθ/

/ˈsɪtjʊeɪt - ˌsɪtjʊˈeɪʃn/ /ˈɪnðə ˈwest/

/ˈɪmɪteɪt - ˌɪmɪˈteɪʃn/ /ˈɪnðiˑ ˈiːst/

/ɪˈljuːmɪneɪt - ɪˌljuːmɪˈneɪʃn/ /ˈɪnðə pəˈsɪfɪk ˈəʊʃn/

/ˈɔːgənaɪz - ˌɔːgənaɪˈzeɪʃn/ /ˈɪnðiˑ ətˈlæntɪk ˈəʊʃn/

/ˈdekəreɪt - ˌdekəˈreɪʃn/ /ˈɪnðiˑ ænˈtɑːktɪk/


Ex.11.8. Read and transcribe. Mind the stress.

1. anniversary /ˌænɪˈvɜːs(ə)ri/ 8. explanation /
2. demonstration / 9. celebration /
3. revolution / 10. invitation /
4. illumination / 11. assimilation /
5. the Missisipi / 12. conversation /
6. nationality / 13. congratulation /
7. Japanese / 14. palatalization /

Ex.11.9. Read, indicate the stresses.

illustrate – illustration constitute – constitution

liberate – liberation discriminate – discrimination

immigrate – immigration the race discrimination

stimulate – stimulation the fight for liberation

the new Russian constitution


Ex.11.10. Give the degrees of comparison of the following adverbs and transcribe them.

1. slowly slower /ˈsləʊə/ 9. early    
2. fast     10. far    
3. hard     11. near    
4. badly     12. often    
5. much     13. late    
6. well     14. quietly    
7. easily     15. seriously    
8. little     16. comfortably    

Ex.11.11. Read the words and word combinations.

/ˈtraɪəl/ /əˈfeɪməs ˈsaɪəntɪst/ /ˈtaɪərənt/ /əˈkəʊld ˈʃaʊə/

/ˈkwaɪət/ /əˈfreɪgrənt ˈvaɪəlɪt/ /ədˈmaɪə/ /əˈkliːn ˈtaʊəl/

/dɪˈzaɪə/ /əˈfrʌnt ˈvaʊəl/

Ex.11.12. Read the words and word combinations.

/sɪn/ - /sɪŋ/ - /sɪŋk/ /sɪŋ/ - /ˈsɪŋɪŋ/

/θɪn/ - /θɪŋ/ - /θɪŋk/ /rɪŋ/ - /ˈrɪŋɪŋ/

/wɪn/ - /wɪŋ/ - /wɪŋk/ /brɪŋ/ - /ˈbrɪŋɪŋ/

/ræn/ – /ræŋ/– /ræŋk/ /bæŋ/ - /ˈbæŋɪŋ/

Ex.11.13. Read the exercise. Listen to your fellow-student – detect his errors.

/ˈsɪŋ əˈsɒŋ/ /ˈgəʊɪŋ ʌpðəˈstriːt/ /wɜːk/ - /wɔːk/ - /wəʊk/

/ˈstraɪk əˈgɒŋ/ /ˈlʊkɪŋ ətðəˈpɪkʧə/ /wɜːl/ - /wɔːl/ - /wəʊld/

/ˈpleɪ əˈgeɪm əvpɪŋˈpɒŋ/ /ˈwɜːkɪŋ ətðəˈprɒbləm/ /wɜːm/ - /wɔːm/ - /ˈwəʊsəm/


Ex.11.14. Read the following sentences, pay attention to the intonation of the word please. Indicate the intonation patterns.

1. Please, bring me that newspaper. 2. Please, pronounce the sentence once more. 3. Please, tell me your name. 4. Please, take some salad for me. 5. Please, show me the Caucasus on the map! 6. Will you, please, come up to me? 7. Will you, please, pass me the book? 8. Will you, please, turn on the tape-recorder? 9. Will you, please, say it again? 10. Stand up, please! 11. Stop talking, please. 12. Step aside, please! 13. Help yourself to some pie, please.


Ex.11.15. Read the following sentences, pay attention to the intonation of direct address.
Indicate the intonation patterns.

1. Ann, will you please fetch some milk from the kitchen? 2. Shall I put some more sugar on your cornflakes, John? 3. No more, Mum. 4. Why aren’t you eating anything, Kitty? 5. Give me a little more cornflakes, dear.


Ex.11.16. Read the following sentences. Indicate the intonation patterns.

1. You are wrong, I am afraid. 2. As for me, I prefer bananas to tangerines. 3. Well, she says, it’s time to have a bite. 4. As far as I know, Japanese is more difficult than Spanish. 5. Tastes differ, he says. 6. To tell the truth, I don’t like this beefsteak. 7. Besides, I’d like to be in time for the beginning of the party.


Ex.11.17. Read the following compound nouns. Don’t stress the second element.

a dining room a fountain-pen a reading-hall

a looking glass a bathroom a smoking-car

a blackboard a bedroom a dress-maker


Ex.11.18. Transcribe the following sentences indicate the intonation patterns and draw the staves.

  1. Hello, Mary! _____________________________________________________________
  2. Look here, Mary, there is a concert this evening at our club.


  1. Well, we haven’t been there for ages.


  1. Let me have a look at it. ____________________________________________________
  2. We’re going to be late, I’m afraid.


  1. How are things? __________________________________________________________
  2. Don’t you find it difficult to study mathematics?


  1. Do you have time to go in for sports?


  1. Hope to see you some day! _________________________________________________
  2. So you are a student now, aren’t you? ________________________________________
  3. Will you invite me to our party? ______________________________________________

Appendix 1

Intonation of questions.






Appendix 2

Appendix 2A more tongue twisters

1. That’s the man who sat on my hat in the tram. 2. Once there lived a lad who was always very sad. For he hadn’t any mother and he hadn’t any dad.

Additional texts

(Listen, idicate the intonatio, define phonetic patterns, read)

Text 9


“Yes, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.” “Now, let’s assume that today is Wednesday. What day will tomorrow be?” “Thursday.”

Text 10

“Have we time for another coffee?”

“I think so.”

“Shall I give you some?”

“Yes, please.”

“Do you take sugar?”

“No, thank you.”

“Will you have a cigarette?”

“In a moment.”

“Have you paid the bill?”

“Not yet.”

“Shouldn’t we be going now?”

“All right.”

“Oughtn’t we to take a taxi?”

“If you like.”


Text 11

“How long will you be out?”

“Not long.”

“When will you be back?”

“Soon after ten.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Nothing very interesting.”

“Where are you going?”

“Just down the road.”

“Who are you going to see?”


“Why are you going to see him?”

“Just for a little chat”

“What about?”

“Nothing in particular.”

Text 12


In the centre of the mantelpiece there’s a clock and above it an oval mirror. On the right you can see a standard lamp. Opposite the fireplace you…  

Text 13

- You’re on holiday, aren’t you?

- No, I’m not.

- You’re not working, are you?

- Yes, I am.

- You work in London, don’t you?

- No, I don’t.

- It’s nearly time for tea, isn’t it?

- No, it isn’t.

- You’re not hungry, are you?

- Yes, I am.

- You’ll soon be going home, won’t you?

- No, I shan’t.

Text 14

- Is it going to rain?

- I hope not.

- Ought we to take our coats?

- I think so.

- Shall we be late?

- We might be.

- Is the car all right?

- I expect so.

- Will it break down?

- I doubt it.

- Have you got enough petrol?

- I hope I have.


Text 15


One day a woman friend brought him a young boy’s exercise book. She said that she wanted to know what Balzac thought of the boy’s character. Balzac studied the handwriting carefully for a few minutes. The woman,… “All right,” said Balzac. “I shall tell you the truth” and he said that the boy was a bad lazy fellow.

Text 16


“Why are you eating here alone?” “Well, sir,” answered the farmer after a short pause, “the chimney smokes.” … “That is too bad,” said the professor. “You must have it repaired. Let’s have a look at it.”

Text 17

- When I went out it was dark

- Was it?

- Just at first I couldn’t see.

- Couldn’t you?

- After a while I got used to it.

- Did you?

- I went to Tom’s and he wasn’t there.

- Wasn’t he?

- So I walked around and then came back home.

- Oh? And now if you like we’ll go to the pictures.

- Lovely.


Text 18


Then Mark Twain went to sleep. Later, when he woke up, it was night-time and the train was in Paris already. He realized at once that the conductor… The conductor looked at him calmly. “You’re not half so angry as the American…

Text 19


“Well, I don’t know. I should like to take my sister for a tour to the Baltic Sea, but then she can’t very well leave her children. What are you… “We shall go to the sea, I expect – for part of the time, anyhow. Then my wife… “Leaving the rest of the family behind, I suppose!”

Text 20


A man once called on a general, and showed him a jacket which he had invented for soldiers, and which, he said, was bullet-proof.

“Oh!” said the general. “Put it on!”

Then he rang the bell, and said to the servant: “Tell the captain to load his gun and come here.”

The inventor of the bullet-proof jacket disappeared, and the general never saw him again.


Text 21


A beggar made up his mind that he would pretend to be dumb. He arrived at a town where he had begged before. In one of the streets a gentleman who had given him money, and so remembered his face, met him and spoke to him.

The beggar did not say a word. “Hello!” cried gentleman, “How long have you been dumb?” “Ever since I was a baby,” answered the beggar.


Text 22


He called the bell-boy and said: “Run up to Room 48 and see whether I left a box on the table. Be quick, I am in a hurry.” The boy ran up the stairs. Five minutes past, and the gentleman was walking up… At last the boy came back.

Text 23

He closed his ears to the sound of the lunch bell. When dinner time came he refused the invitation to accompany a fellow traveller to the saloon… “I’m going to eat,” he said, “even if they throw me overboard afterwards.” At dinner he ate everything the steward put in front of him and felt ready for the coming row.


Peter: ______________________________ ___________________________________? Edith: ______________________________.

An interesting film

Lyn: _______________________________? Mrs. Smith: __________________________. Bill: ________________________________


B: _________________________________ ___________________________________? A: _________________________________ ___________________________________. В: _________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________…

Eɪ/ At the railway station

Porter: _____________________________? Mr. Grey: ___________________________. Porter: _____________________________ ___________________________________.

At the butcher's shop

Mrs. Church: ________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. Butcher: ____________________________ ___________________________________? Mrs. Church: ________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________.

L/ A spoilt little boy in a bicycle shop

Uncle Bill: ___________________________! Salesman: __________________________… Uncle Bill: ___________________________!

R/ A proud parent

Mrs. Reed: __________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________. Mrs. Randal: ________________________ ___________________________________? Mrs. Reed: ___________________________ ____________________________________.

Appendix 6

Alphabetic index


Accidental rise – 66

Active organs of speech – 6

Adverbial modifiers – 66

Affricate – 7

Alternative question – 79

Alveolar – 8

Apical – 8

Apposition – 45

Aspiration – 9

Assimilation – 24


Back part of the tongue – 6, 7

Backlingual – 8

Bilabial – 8

Blade – 6, 7


Clear ‘l’ – 14

Complex sentence – 76

Compound adjective – 45

Compound sentences – 66

Consonants – 6, 7, 8


Dark ‘ł’ – 14

Digraph – 44, 64

Diphthong – 8

Diphthongoid – 8

Direct address – 37, 53

Direct speech – 66

Disjunctive question – 79


English Rhythm – 25

Enumeration – 45

Exclamations – 70


Fall-Rise – 53

Forelingual – 8

Fricative – 7

Front part of the tongue – 6, 7

Function words – 37


General question – 79

Geographical names – 64

Glide – 29

Glottal – 8

Glottal stop – 12


Hard palate – 6, 7


Interdental – 8

Intonation – 15

Intonation formula – 30

Intoning – 19

IPA – 6


Labial – 8

Labiodental – 8

Labialized vowel – 8

Lateral plosion – 15

Lingual – 8

Linking ‘j’ – 69

Linking ‘r’ – 48

Linking ‘w’ – 69

Lips – 6

Logical stress – 17

Long vowel – 8

Loss of aspiration – 41

Loss of plosion – 34

Low Fall – 15

Low Rise – 16

Lower lip – 7

Lower teeth – 7


Mediolingual – 8

Monophthong – 8

Mouth cavity – 6


Nasal cavity – 6

Nasal plosion – 28

Nasal sonorant – 7

Noise consonants – 7

Non-labialized vowel – 8

Nuclear Tone – 15

Nucleus – 29

Numerals – 50-51


Oral sonorant – 7

Organs of speech – 6, 7


Palatalization – 11

Palate – 6

Palato-alveolar – 8

Parenthesis – 45

Passive organs of speech – 6

Phoneme – 5

Please – 61

Plosive – 7

Post-alveolar – 8

Preposition after nucleus – 70

Pronunciation of articles – 17


Qualitative reduction – 30

Quantitative reduction – 30


Reduction – 30

Regressive assimilation – 25

Rhythm units - 19

Root of the tongue – 6, 7


Sentence stress – 17

Short vowel – 8

Soft palate – 6, 7

Sonorant – 6, 7

Sonorants with preceding consonants – 52

Special question - 79

Stress – 58

Strong and weak forms – 74

Syllabification – 51

Syntagma – 15


Teeth – 6

Teeth ridge – 6, 7

Thank you – 61

Tip of the tongue – 6, 7

Tongue – 6, 7

Transcription – 6

Triphthong – 8

Types of syllables – 35


Upper lip – 7

Upper teeth – 7

Uvula – 6, 7


Velar – 8

Vocal cords – 7

Voiced consonants – 6, 7

Voiceless consonants – 6, 7

Vowel duration – 12

Vowels – 6, 7, 8


Well – 70

Word stress – 12



Appendix 7

IPA index

Appendix 8

Useful links

2) http://www.macmillanenglish.com/phonemic-chart/ 3) http://www.stuff.co.uk/calcul_nd.htm 4) http://www.antimoon.com/how/pronunc-soundsipa.htm

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