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Amp - используемый тег на сайте, здесь можно скачать или скопировать материал при условии соблюдения авторских прав его правообладателя.Amp Все работы по данной метке.

Повышение конкурентоспособности сети мини-отелей "Rinaldi B&B"
Сеть насчитывает 10 отелей с фондами 126 номеров. Стремясь к повышению своей социальной значимости, «Rinaldi B&B», время от… Это напрямую связано с доходами фирмы, снижение которых сделает невозможным дальнейшее развитие сети, открытие новых…

  1. Концептуальный этап

California & Los-Angeles. Places of interest
In my work I ve tried to cover all these most interesting questions, including history, places of interest their description and even parks entrance… I.California. 1.California today. California is perhaps the most unique state… Such well-known places as Hollywood Disneyland, Death Valley, and the San Diego Zoo are located in California. First…

  1. California today
  2. The History of Los Angeles County
  3. Los Angeles now

История развития компьютеров (Silicon Valley, its history & the best companies)
Geographically, it is the northern part of the Santa Clara County, an area stretching from the south end of the San Francisco Bay Area to San Jose,… Silicon was chosen because it is the material from which semiconductor chips… Silicon Valley saw the development of the integrated circuit, the microprocessor, the personal computer and the video…

  1. HP Foundation and first years
  2. The rise of HP up to the present
  3. The HP Way - an example of corporate culture for a whole industry
  4. HP today
  5. The rise of Silicon Valley
  6. Importance of military funding
  7. Intel Corp
  8. Foundation in
  9. First products - Moore s Law
  10. Ted Hoff s first microprocessor
  11. Cooperation with IBM in the
  12. Intel today
  13. Altair - the first PC
  14. Woz and Jobs - the two Steves
  15. Building up the company
  16. Apple II - starting the personal computer boom

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