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Air - используемый тег на сайте, здесь можно скачать или скопировать материал при условии соблюдения авторских прав его правообладателя.Air Все работы по данной метке.

AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM General The ATC transponder also replies to mode S interrogations... ATC SYSTEM COMPONENT LOCATION... Flight Compartment...

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Working out of the search algorithm of failures of Air Conditioning System of TU-154
Air is taken from the 9th compressor stage of three engines in amount of 5000-5500 kg/h, temperature is between 240 - 350 °C and differential… It is maintained by air flow regulation. Air supply to the air conditioning… Passing bleed air through a primary heat exchanger, an air cycle machine, and a secondary heat exchanger cools the air…

Air pollution
The major sources that enable carbon monoxide to enter the atmosphere are the exhausts of cars, the burning of fossil fuels, and the oxidation of… Hydrocarbons are caused by the combustion of oil and petrol and it effects the… It is caused by industrial chimneys, car exhaust, and volcanic eruptions and it effects the environment by toxic…

Air contamination caused by human activity
The ashes of these eruptions were spread over large part of the surface of the Earth andhas caused the reduction of solar radiation by 10-20 that… They can render various effects onatmosphere direct - on state of the… It s potentially enough bad to destroy ecosystem and to make theEarth uninhabited. 2. AIR CONTAMINATION IIONThe…

Air Pollution
The major sources thatenable carbon monoxide to enter the atmosphere are the exhausts of cars, theburning of fossil fuels, and the oxidation of… Carcinogen is a chemical agent that causes cancer. Sulphur dioxideis certainly… It is caused by industrial chimneys, carexhaust, and volcanic eruptions and it effects the environment by toxic…

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