рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект

Часткова пневмонія. Лікування часткової пневмонії

Часткова пневмонія. Лікування часткової пневмонії - раздел Образование,     Посібник   З Ангдійськ...













Часткова пневмонія. Лікування часткової пневмонії. 3-10
Туберкульоз легенів. 11-15
Ревматичний ендокардит. 16-20
Стенокардія. 21-26
Шлункові та дванадцятипалові виразки. 27-31
Гострий аппендицит. 32-36
Гострий холецестит. 37-40
Атеросклероз. 41-45
Гіпертонія. 46-49
Інфаркт міокарду. 50-57
Захворювання верхніх дихальних шляхів. 58-61
Захворювання нижніх дихальних шляхів. 62-65
Гастрит. 66-73
Гострий нефрит. 74-79
Пієлонефрит. 80-84
Нефролітіаз. 85-89
Безпліддя. 90-92
Цукровий діабет. 93-98
Зоб. 99-103
Ожиріння. 104-114
Грипп. 115-119
Правець. 120-126
Дифтерія. 12-131
Малярія. 132-136
СНІД. 137-145
Види ран. 146-155
Шок. 156-161
Типии пухлин. 162-170
Рак. 171-175
Головний біль. 176-181
Неврози. 182-190
Інсульт. 191-195
Епілепсія. 196-199
Анотації до лікарських препаратів. 200-206
Антибіоткики. 207-212
Серцево-судинні препарати. 213-2020
ЦНС препарати. 221-227
Зубний карієс. 228-233
Пульпіт. 234-238
Гігієна ротової порожнини. 239-245



LOBULAR PNEUMONIA - Часткова пневмонія



I. Read and translate the following words:

Alveolus (alveoli) [æl’vi əl əs] (æl’vi əlai) альвеола, альвеоли

Fungus (fungi) [‘fʌngəs] (‘fʌngai) грибок, грибки

Mucus [‘m ϳu:kəs] слизь

Sputum [‘sp ϳu:təm] мокротиння

Rale [r ɑ:l] хрип

Mortality [m ɔ: ‘təliti] смертність

Inspiration [‘inspə’reiʃ(ə)n] вдих

Confusion [kən’f ϳu: ʒәn] запаморочення


II. Raed and translate into Ukrainian the following words abd word-combinations:

Occlusion: the occlusion of the artery, the occlusion of the small intestine, to reveal the intestine occlusion.

Sputum: purulent sputum, thick sputum, the analysis of the sputum failed to reveal cellular elements.

Sign: abnormal sign, the signs of the disease, these signs indicated the presence of inflammation.

Severe: a severe form of the disease, a severe inflammation, to suffer from a severe cardiovascular disease.

Rales: dry rales, moist rales, rales were heard in the left lung, to reveal rales by auscultation.

Mucus: greyish mucus, purulent mucus, bloody mucus, mucus was found in sputum.

Cough: dry cough, moist cough, barking cough, productive cough, chronic cough, the cough with sputum.

Pain: acute pain, unbearable pain, stabbing pain, sharp pain, severe pain, burning pain.


III. Answer the questions:

а) Назвіть формулу часу групи Continuous.

б) Поставте дієслово to be у Perfect та скажіть, формулу якої групи часу ви отримали.

в) Яке допоміжне дієслово змінюється у цій формулі?

г) Прочитайте приклади й скажіть, яку дію показує дієслово у Perfect Continuous й коли ця дія відбулась?

I have been examining the patient for 1 hour. - Я оглядаю цього хворого вже цілу годину.

I had been examining the patient for 1 hour when you came. - Я оглядав цього хворого вже цілу годину, коли ти прийшов.

IV. Translate the sentences into your native language paying attention to the used tenses:

Назвіть формулу по якій вони збудовані присудки. Перекладіть речення на рідну мову.

1. The patient has been making a slow recovery for a month.

2. We shall have been investigating this case for 3 weeks by the end of the year.

3. The patient had been coughing for a month by the time he was admitted to the hospital.

4. This female had been suffering from a severe pain in the substernal area for three months before she was hospitalized.

5. He hasn`t been working at this hospital since 2000.

6. George has been feeling not very well recently.

V. Перепишіть пари речень, підкресліть присудок та визначте їх різницю. Перекладіть речення на рідну мову:

1. a) I am waiting for the findings of my blood analysis. b) I have been waiting for the findings of my blood analysis for 1 hour.

2. a) Dry rales are disappearing slowly. b) Dry rales have been disappearing during a week.

3. a) A nurse is giving an injection. b) A nurse has been giving the injections for half an hour.

4. a) The professor is dictating a lot of new facts. b) The professor has been dictating a lot of new facts for 2 hours.

5. a) The patient is waiting for the doctor for 1 hour. b) The patient has been waiting for the doctor since seven o`clock.


VI. Поставте дієслова у необхідну форму. Перекладіть речення на рідну мову:

1. I (to read) the text on types of tumours for half an hour.

2. She (to write) the test in Histology for 40 minutes.

3. The patient (to wait) for the doctor since seven o`clock.

4. He (to learning) English since 2009.

5. They (to make) laboratory tests since nine o`clock.

6. Ann (to prepare) for her exam in Anatomy for the whole night.


VII. Перед читанням тексту дайте відповіді на запитання:

1. What is pneumonia?

2. What kind of disease is pneumonia? Infectious? Bacterial?

3. Is it a contagious disease?

4. How can a person get ill with pneumonia?

5. Is it a primary or secondary disease?

6. What are the symptoms?

8. What examinations are necessary?


VIII. Read and translate the text:


Pneumonia is an inflammatory condition of the lung, especially affecting alveoli, which is associated with fever, chest symptoms, and consolidation in the lungs shown on a chest X-ray. This disease is typically caused by an infection but there are a number of other causes. Infectious agents include: bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. Pneumonia can range in seriousness from mild to life-threatening. It often is a complication of another condition, such as the flu.

People with infectious pneumonia often have a productive cough (in some types of pneumonia patient may cough up greenish or yellow mucus, or even bloody mucus), fever accompanied by shaking chills, shortness of breath, excessive sweating, sharp or stabbing chest pain during deep breaths or cough, confusion – in elderly people, and an increased respiratory rate.

Diagnostic tools include x-rays and examination of the sputum.

Physical examination may sometimes reveal low blood pressure, a high heart rate. Respiratory rate is likely to be faster than normal. During auscultation, rales may be heard over the affected area during inspiration. Pneumonia is typically diagnosed based on a combination of physical signs and a chest X-ray.

Vaccines to prevent certain types of pneumonia are available.

Treatment depends on the underlying cause. Typically, oral antibiotics, rest, simple analgesics, and fluids suffice for complete resolution. Bacterial pneumonia is treated with antibiotics. With treatment, most types of bacterial pneumonia can be cleared within two to four weeks and mortality is very low.

Sepsis and septic shock and lung abscess are potential complications of pneumonia. Sepsis most often occurs with bacterial pneumonia. Lung abscess is a cavity containing pus which forms within the area affected by pneumonia.


IX. Ознайомившись з текстом, дайте відповіді на запитання:

1. What disease is called pneumonia?

2. What is the cause of the disease?

3. What are the infectious agents of pneumonia?

4. Is it a primary or secondary disease?

5. What are the symptoms?

6. What are the types of examination necessary to make a diagnosis?

7. What should physical examination include?

8. What should instrumental examination include?

9. Are there any laboratory analyses necessary?

10. What types of medications should be prescribed?

11. What complications can appear?


X. Перекладіть на англійську мову наступні словосполучення:

Ущільнення в легенях, запаморочення у людей похилого віку, ймовірні ускладнення, повне відновлення (одужання), сильне потовиділення, продуктивний кашель з слиззю, супроводжуватися лихоманкою, хрипи при вдиху, задишка, загрозлива для життя хвороба, прискорена (збільшена) частота дихання, колючий біль.


XI. Переклади на англійську мову слова, написані українською.

1. People with pneumonia mostly suffer from кашель з мокротинням.

2. Мокротиння з слиззю was revealed after laboratory studies.

3. Ймовірнi ускладнення pneumonia can cause serious problems to sufferer.

4. The seriousness of pneumonia can vary from mild to загрозливої до життя.

5. Productive cough can супроводжується by fever.

6. Elderly people can suffer from запаморочення and задишки.

7. During вдиху a doctor determined сухі хрипи which were heard over the affected area of the lung.



TREATMENT OF LOBULAR PNEUMONIA - Лікування часткової пневмонії

I. Запам’ятайте читання слідуючих слів та знайдіть їх переклад нижче:

Lobular [‘lobϳulə] Focus [‘foukəs] (foci) [‘fousai]

Cyanosis [‘saiə’nousis] Bronchiole [‘bronkioul]

Crepitation [‘krepi’teiʃn] Diffuse[di’fϳu:s]

Differentiate [‘difə’renʃieit] Pleurisy [‘pluərisi]

Диференціювати; бронхіола; крепітація, хруст; плеврит; ціаноз, синюшність; спалах; дольовий; глобулярний, дифузний.


II. Прочитайте та запам’ятайте граматичне правило:

I have been writing a test. – Have I been writing a test?

You have been writing a test. - Have You been writing a test?

She (he, it) has been writing a test. - Has She (he, it) been writing a test?

We have been writing a test. – Have we been writing a test?

They have been writing a test. – Have they been writing a test?


What have I, you, We, They     been writing?
Where has She He It
How long


III. Поставте дієслова у необхідну форму.

1. How long Prof. Nikov (to teach) Anatomy at our university?

2. What this laboratory assistant (to do) here since morning?

3. How many months they (to build) this polyclinic?

4. How long you (to stay) in hospital?

5. Why you (to carry out) this laboratory test for so long?

6. Since what time this patient to take abtibiotics?


IV. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст на рідну мову:


Patient Smirnov aged 48 was admitted to the hospital with the diagnosis of lobular pneumonia. He had been developing lobular pneumonia gradually. A week before the admission to the hospital he had had bronchitis after which his condition didn’t improve. Fever had an irregular course and the temperature changes were caused by the appearance of the new foci of inflammation in the pulmonary tissue. Fever had been persisting for a few days and had been decreasing gradually. The patient’s breathing was rapid with 30-40 respirations per minute. There was breathlessness and cyanosis of the face associated with accompanying bronchitis, decrease in the respiratory surface and occlusion of numerous bronchioles and alveoli.

The patient complained of the pain in the chest particularly on deep breathing in and cough with purulent sputum. The pulse rate was accelerated and the arterial pressure was reduced.

On physical examination dullness in the left lung, abnormal respiration, numerous rales and crepitations were revealed. Dry rales caused by diffuse bronchitis were heard all over the lungs. The liver and spleen were not enlarged. The examination of the organs of the alimentary tract failed to reveal any abnormal signs but the tongue was coated.

The blood analyses revealed leucocytosis in the range of 12,000 to 15,000 per cu mm of blood and accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR).

The urine contained a small amount of protein and erythrocyte. The X-ray examination of the lungs revealed numerous foci of inflammation of various size, irregular form and different intensity. Shadowing was particularly marked at the root of the left lung due to the enlargement of the lymphatic glands.

It was a severe form of lobular pneumonia which was difficult to differentiate from pulmonary tuberculosis or pleurisy. Yet the physician made a correct diagnosis.


V. Дайте відповіді на запитання до тексту:

1. What had the patient suffered from a week before the admission to the hospital?

2. What symptoms did he have?

3. What were fever and the temperature changes caused by?

4. What type of cough did the patient have?

5. What types of examination did the doctor use to make a diagnosis?

6. What did physical examination reveal?

7. What did laboratory studies show?

8. What was seen on X-ray?

9. What diagnosis did a doctor make?


VI. Заповніть таблицю англо-українськими еквівалентами:

English Ukranian
1. Life-threatening 1.
2. 2. покращувати
3. 3. закупорка
4. purulent 4.
5. 5. супроводжувати хворобу
6. foci 6.
7. 7. зменшувати, знижувати
8. accelerate 8.
9. 9. селезінка
10. intensity 10.
11. 11. Збільшувати
12. shadow 12.
13. 13. Ускладнення
14. сonsolidation 14.

VII. Заповніть таблицю необхідною інформацію, використовуючи лексику за темою «Часткова пневмонія»:

1. Patient’s complains  
2. Data of the physical examination  
3. Laboratory data  
4. Data of the instrumental examination  


VIII. Доповніть речення необхідними висловлюваннями з тексту:

1. In lobular pneumonia the temperature changes were caused by ______________.

2. On physical examination the doctor revealed ____________________________.

3. The pulse rate was ___________ and the arterial pressure was ____________.

4. The X-ray examination of the lungs revealed ____________________________.

5. ___________ caused by diffuse bronchitis were heard all over the lungs.

6. There was breathlessness and cyanosis of the face associated with ____________.

7. The tongue was ____________________.

8. Shadowing at the root of the left lung was due to __________________________.


IX. Напишіть питання до виділених слів:

1. My mother has been suffering from a bad pain in the substernal area for 3 hours.

2. The patient had been complaining of a considerable muscular pain before he was admitted to the hospital.

3. By 3 o’clock the professor will have been delivering the lecture for half an hour.

4. Moist rales have been disappearing during 2 weeks.

5. She has been complaining of pain in the left shoulder since 2007.

6. I had been waiting for findings of my blood analysis for an hour when my doctor came.

7. The patient has been sleeping after the operation for appendicitis for 2 hours.


X. Поставте дієслова у необхідну форму. Перекладіть речення на рідну мову:

1. Despite the patient (to receive) injection of antibiotics for 10 days, the results of his analyses didn’t improve.

2. The patient stated that he (to suffer) from a dry cough for 2 weeks.

3. The temperature (to persist) to 5 days.

4. The surgeons (to operate) this patient for 4 hours.

5. The patient’s general condition (to improve) after he was administered antibiotic injections.

6. The girl developed a permanent loss of appetite and she (not to increase) in weight for several months.

7. The students (to discuss) the effectiveness of vaccine usage in preventing some types of influenza since eight o`clock.


XI. Поясніть кожен термін у 5 реченнях.

Bronchitis, pneumonia, cough, tracheitis, lung.



1. Complications of pneumonia can be ….

a) bronchitis and tracheitis b) lung abscess and sepsis c) pulmonary tuberculosis d) tonsillitis and pharyngitis


2. Diagnostic tools for diagnosing pneumonia are….

a) percussion and palpation b) x-rays and examination of the sputum

c) blood analyses and ECG d) auscultation and encephalogram


3. People with infectious pneumonia often have such symptoms as …..

a) productive cough, fever, dyspnea, b) chest pain, dry cough, constipation

c) sweating, vomiting and cough d) nausea, fever, cough with sputum


4. In pneumonia fever can be accompanied by ….

a) productive cough b) dyspnea c) sleeplessness d) indigestion


5. ….. is a cavity containing pus which forms within the lungs.

a) pneumonia b) lung abscess c) pharyngitis d) a cold


6. In pneumonia X-ray shows….

a) cavities in the lungs b) consolidation c) redness in the throat

d) inflammation of the tonsils


7. Pneumonia is mostly treated with….

a) sulfanilamides b) antibiotics c) antipyretics d) antifungal


8. ….. often is a complication of another condition, such as the flu.

a) tonsillitis b) pneumonia c) a cold d) tuberculosis


9. Shadowing was marked at the root of the lung …. the enlargement of the lymphatic glands.

a) out of b) due to c) because d) on with


10. What is pneumonia?

a) inflammation of alveoli b) inflammation of the bronchioles

c) shadowing in the bronchi d) foci of inflammation in tonsils


11. Bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites …. pneumonia.

a) occur in b) contribute to c) happen in d) avoid


12. Suspecting pneumonia …. is done in the 1st turn.

a) X-ray b) ECG c) urine test d) blood analysis


12. During auscultation the doctor may reveal ….

a) heart murmurs b) crepitations c) low blood pressure d) a high heart rate


13. Sometimes it is difficult to differentiate lobular pneumonia from ….

a) tonsillitis b) a cold c) pleurisy d) diphtheria


14. With treatment, most types of bacterial pneumonia can be cleared ….

a) during one week b) within 2 to 4 weeks c) within 2 or 4 months

d) within a definite period of time


15. During auscultation, rales may be heard ….the affected area during inspiration.

a) below b) over c) under d) behind


16. Blood analyses may reveal…..

a) accelerated ESR b) elevation of protein level c) erythrocytes

d) leukocytes


17. Pneumonia can range in seriousness from mild to …….

a) serious b) severe c) uncomplicated d) life-threatening


18. Vaccines to prevent certain types of pneumonia are …….

a) unavailable b) available c) not used d) all variants are true


19. In pneumonia X-ray may reveal …….. in the lungs

a) redness b) consolidation c) occlusion d) obstruction


20. …… is a cavity in the lungs containing pus which forms within the area affected by pneumonia.

a) tuberculosis b) lung abscess c) pneumonia d) all variants are true



PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS – Туберкульоз легенів


Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation of the following words. Translate them into Ukrainian:

affect [ə'fekt], causative agent ['kɔ:zətiv 'eidʒənt], stage [steidʒ], malaise [mæ'leiz], fatigue [fə'ti:g], loss [lɔs], pus [pʌs], involve [in'vɔlv], profuse [prə'fju:s],permanent ['рɜ:mənənt],benign [bi'nain], elevation [,eli'veiʃn], perspiration [,pɜ:spə'reiʃn],evidence ['evidəns]


Exercise 2. Read the following word-combinations and translate them into Ukrainian:

1. malaise [mæ'leiz]: a general malaise, to complain of a general malaise, a general malaise is one of the symptoms of tuberculosis;

2. fatigue [fə'ti:g]: a considerable fatigue, a marked fatigue, to suffer from a slight fatigue;

3. pus [pʌs]: a thick pus, the discharge containing much 'pus, much pus was found in the sputum;

4. benign [bi'nain]: a benign disease, a benign tumour was revealed in the lungs, benign growth of the kidney.


Exercise 3. Match the following diseases with their descriptions and translate them into Ukrainian:

1. pneumonia a) a disease that is caused by a deficiency of ascorbic acid (or vitamin C). The first signs of it are swollen bleeding gums and rash of tiny bleeding spots around the hair follicles.
2. tuberculosis b) an infectious disease caused by Plasmodium in the red blood cells; it’s transmitted by mosquitoes and is confined mainly to tropical areas.
3. scurvy c) pus in the space between the tonsil and the wall of the pharynx; the patient has severe pain with swallowing.
4. quinsy d) a lesion in the stomach, caused by the action of gastric acid and pepsin on the stomach lining; symptoms include vomiting and pain in the upper part of the abdomen soon after eating.
5. malaria e) inflammation of the lung caused by bacteria, in which the air sacs (alveoli) become filled with inflammatory cells and the lung becomes solid; the symptoms include fever, malaise, headaches, together with cough and chest pain.
6. angina pectoris f) inflammation of the lining of the heart cavity and valves; it’s due to rheumatic fever or results from bacterial infection. This disease leads to the heart damage; signs are changing heart murmurs and heart failure.
7. gastric ulcer g) an infectious disease caused by the bacillus first discovered by R.Koch in 1882; it’s characterized by the formation of nodular lesions in the tissues; symptoms include fever, night perspiration, weight loss, spitting of blood. This disease may smoulder for months or years in patients, that’s why they show no signs of it, others may develop a chronic infection.
8. endocarditis h) pain in the centre of the chest, which is caused by physical activity and relieved by rest, it may spread to the jaws and arms. This disease occurs when the demand for blood by the heart increases the supply of the coronary arteries and it results from coronary artery atheroma.


Exercise 4. Find the corresponding equivalents:

pulmonary tuberculosis a зміни в легенях
elevation of temperature b збудник захворювання
changes in the lungs c загальне нездужання
to affect the organs d підвищення температури
causative agent e постійні симптоми
general malaise f виділення мокротиння
discharge of sputum g туберкульоз легенів
permanent symptoms h вражати органи


Exercise 5. Translate the following word-combinations into your own language and make up your own sentence with one of them:

to be caused by, to be discovered by, to be accompanied by, to be involved in, to be marked, to produce characteristic changes, to affect other organs, to complain of, dry or productive cough, considerable, sputum discharge, to become worse at night, to reveal pus corpuscles, the first sign of tuberculosis, to become profuse, in benign processes, tuberculous intoxication, metabolic rate, loss of appetite.




Distinctive Stress

to increase [in'kri:s] – an increase ['inkri:s]

to present [pri'zent]– a present ['presənt]



Exercise 6. Read the pair of words paying attention to their stress:

to record – record; to conduct – conduct; to import – import; to perfect – perfect; to absent – absent; to permit – permit; to perfume – perfume; to object – object; to insult – insult.


Exercise 7. Read and translate the text:

Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Pulmonary tuberculosis is caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis, which produces characteristic tuberculous changes in the lung. This disease may also affect other organs: bones, joints, lymphatic glands, kidneys, etc. The causative agent of tuberculosis was discovered by Koch in 1882.

In the early stage of tuberculosis the patient usually complains of a general malaise, fatigue, loss of appetite and bodyweight. Cough may be dry or productive, i. e. with sputum discharge. Coughing becomes worse at night and in the morning. In patients with cavities in the lungs coughing is accompanied by a considerable discharge of sputum.

Sputum is mucopurulent. Its microscopic examination reveals a large number of pus corpuscles, erythocytes, and tuberculous organisms. Blood in the sputum is sometimes the first sign of tuberculosis. If large blood vessels are involved the discharge of blood may become profuse.

Fever is one of the permanent symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis. In benign processes the body temperature is often subfebrile. In active forms it may range from 38° to 39°C. A considerable elevation of temperature is observed in pneumonic forms, when fever persists at a level of 38°C and higher for several months.

Cold profuse perspiration at night is sometimes evidence of a severe form of tuberculosis. Loss of body weight is one of the typical signs of pulmonary tuberculosis. It is caused by tuberculous intoxication, a sharp increase in the metabolic rate and loss of appetite. Loss of body weight is particularly marked in progressive forms of the disease.


Exercise 8. Answer the following questions:

1. What kind of disease is pulmonary tuberculosis?

2. What is the causative agent of this disease? Who was it discovered by and when?

3. What may pulmonary tuberculosis affect besides lungs?

4. What are the complaints of a patient in the early stages of tuberculosis?

5. What may be present in the sputum that indicates tuberculosis immediately?

6. When may the discharge of blood become profuse?

7. What are the ranges of temperature in different forms of tuberculosis?

8. What else serves as evidence of pulmonary tuberculosis?


Exercise 9. Find the English equivalents in the text:

Туберкульоз легенів; викликаний мікобактерією; викликати характерні туберкульозні зміни в легенях; вражати кісти, суглоби, лімфатичні вузли, нирки; збудник захворювання; на ранній стадії туберкульозу; загальне нездужання; втома, втомленість; втрата ваги; сухий кашель; кашель з виділенням мокротиння; кров в мокротинні; значне підвищення температури; температура тримається на рівні 38 градусів; надмірне потовиділення; бути ознакою захворювання; прогресивні форми туберкульозу.


Exercise 10. Re-write the sentences translating the words and word-combinations in brackets:

1. It is sometimes difficult to make a correct diagnosis (на ранніх стадіях) of some diseases. 2. (Втрата апетиту) is a very important symptom, which a physician must always pay particular attention to. 3. (Підвищення температури) has been persisting for several months since it was a pneumonic form of tuberculosis. 4. Dullness in the lungs, accelerated respiration, dry or moist rales and crepitation may be (доказом) of lobular pneumonia. 5. (Різке збільшення) of the number of leucocytes is often the evidence of a certain inflammatory process in the human body. 6. Productive cough can (супроводжується) by fever. 7. People with (туберкульозом легенів) usually suffer from (втрати апетиту та втрати ваги). 8. During (вдиху) (сухі хрипи) may be heard over the affected area of the lung.


Exercise 11. Fill in the table with appropriate translation of the terms:

English Ukrainian English Ukrainian
1. tuberculosis 1. 6. 6. рясне виділення крові
2. 2. мокротіння 7. 7.доброякісні процеси
3. 3. гнійні тільця 8. in the early stage 8.
4. bones, joints, lymphatic glands, kidneys 4. 9. 9.різке підвищення
5. 5. кров’яні сосуди 10. bodyweight 10.


Exercise 12. Put questions to the underlined word(s):

1. Pulmonary tuberculosis is caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis.

2. This disease may also affect other organs: bones, joints, lymphatic glands, kidneys.

3. Cough may be dry or productive.

4. Coughing becomes worse at night and in the morning.

5. A considerable elevation of temperature is observed in pneumonic forms.

6. Loss of body weight is one of the typical signs of pulmonary tuberculosis.

7. Cold profuse perspiration at night is the evidence of a severe form of tuberculosis.

8. Loss of body weight is particularly marked in progressive forms of the disease.


Exercise 13. Put the verb in brackets into he correct form:

1. Mycobacterium tuberculosis (produce) characteristic tuberculous changes in the lung.

2. The causative agent of tuberculosis (to discover) by Koch in 1882.

3. In the early stage of tuberculosis the patient (to complain) of a general malaise, fatigue, loss of appetite and bodyweight.

4. The microscopic examination (to reveal) a large number of pus corpuscles in sputum.

5. Fever (to persist) at a level of 38°C and higher for several months.

6. Cold profuse perspiration at night (to serve) sometimes evidence of a severe form of tuberculosis.

7. A considerable elevation of temperature (to observe) in pneumonic forms, when fever (to persist) at a level of 38°C and higher for several months.

8. Loss of body weight (to cause) by tuberculous intoxication, a sharp increase in the metabolic rate and loss of appetite.


Exercise 14. Explain the following terms:

pulmonary tuberculosis; cough; sputum


1. Pulmonary tuberculosis is caused by …

a) mycobacterium tuberculosis b) Bacillus tetani

c) Plasmodium malariae d) HIV


2. Pulmonary tuberculosis produces characteristic tuberculous changes in the …

a) liver b) intestines c) lungs d) bones


3. The causative agent of tuberculosis was discovered by …

a) Fleming b) Ivanovskiy c) Koch d) Pirogov


4. In patients with cavities in the lungs coughing is accompanied by a considerable discharge of ...

a) blood b) sputum c) pus d) saliva


5. If large … are involved the discharge of blood may become profuse.

a) blood vessels b) aorta c) intestine d) veins


6. … is one of the permanent symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis.

a) allergy b) fever c) confusion d) shortness of breath


7. A(n) … of temperature is observed in pneumonic forms of tuberculosis.

a) decrease b) increase c) ordinary level d) abnormal level


8. … at night is sometimes evidence of a severe form of tuberculosis.

a) cough b) loss of bodyweight c) loss of appetite d) sweat


9. …is caused by tuberculous intoxication, a sharp increase in the metabolic rate and loss of appetite.

a) increase of temperature b) cough with sputum

c) loss of bodyweight d) profuse perspiration


10. Pulmonary tuberculosis is a … disease.

a) mild b) harmless c) not serious d) life-threatening


RHEUMATIC ENDOCARDITIS – Ревматичний ендокардит


I.Learn the new words and word-combinations:

Palpitation [pəlpi’tei∫n] – сильне серцебиття, тріпотіння Onset [‘onsət] – початок, напад Precede [pri’si:d] - передувати Moderate [‘mod(ə)rit] - помірний Readings [ri:diŋz] – показники (пристрою) Slight [‘slait] – легкий, незначний, тонкий Confirm [kən’fέ:m] - підтверджувати Murmur [‘mέ:mə] – шум (в серці) Duration [‘dju’rei∫n] - тривалість Insist [in’sist] – наполягати (on) Strict [‘strikt] - суворий

II.Translate the following word-combinations into your language:

Fatigue, to insist on bed regimen; to have complains of palpitation; accelerated pulse rate, to confirm a diagnosis; the disease was preceded by high temperature; elevated ESR, to confirm, murmur at the apex of the heart; to vary in intensity and duration, tricuspid valve, the onset of influenza; readings of ECG; moderate leucocytosis; to be slightly decreased; to keep to a strict diet; duration of disease.


III. Compare two sentences and answer the questions:

а). I know that he studies. = б). I know him to study

Я знаю, що він вчиться. = Я знаю…

Pronoun в Objective Case

Підмет + присудок + + Infinitive

Noun Common Case


III a). Pay attention to the translation of Infinitives which are the part of Complex Object:

a) I know this surgeon (him) to operate on successfully. – Я знаю, що цей хірург (він) оперує успішно.

b) I know this surgeon (him) to have operated on successfully. - Я знаю, що цей хірург (він) оперував успішно.

a) I know this patient (him) to be operated on at our clinic. – Я знаю, що цей хворий (він) оперується в нашій лікарні.

b) I know this patient (him) to have been operated on successfully. - Я знаю, що цей хворий (він) був прооперован в нашій лікарні.


III b). Read and compare the sentences:

a) The patients saw the doctor enter the ward. – Пацієнти бачили, як лікар входить до палати.

b) He felt the pain increase. – Він відчував, що біль посилюється.

c) The students watched the nurse give an injection. – Студенти спостерігали, як медсестра робить укол.


III c). Read and compare the sentences:

a). We saw him recover gradually. Ми бачили, як він поступово

We saw him recovering gradually. одужує.

b). We watched the doctor examine the patient. Мы наблюдали, как врач

We watched the doctor examining the patient. осматривает больного.


IV.Read and translate the pairs of sentences with Complex Object.

1. It is known that all patients are operated on by the leading cardiac surgeon of the hospital. 2. It is known that all patients have been operated on by the leading cardiac surgeon of the hospital. 3. The nurse saw him enter the emergency room. 4. The nurse saw him to have entered the emergency room. 5. We watched the doctor examine our son. 6. We watched the doctor examining our son.


V.Read and translate the text:

Rheumatic Endocarditis

The patient complained of a general malaise, early fatigue on exertion, cardiac discomfort and palpitation.

The physician found him to have been having an increase of body temperature to a subfebrile level for a prolonged period of time. The patient stated that the onset of the disease had been preceded by tonsillitis. The patient’s pulse rate had become irregular and accelerated on physical exertion.

The blood analyses revealed moderate leucocytosis and an elevated ESR. The electrocardiogram showed the changes in the most important readings. On percussion the doctor determined the heart to be slightly enlarged. These findings of the physical examination were confirmed by the X-ray examination.

While listening to the patient’s heart the doctor found a soft systolic murmur to be heard at the heart apex. These symptoms were accompanied by diastole murmur heard at the apex and base of the heart. The doctor estimated the murmur to be varying in their intensity and duration. It was evidence of an inflammatory process in the valves. The doctor determined the organic changes in the mitral, aortic, and tricuspid valves to be clearly marked.

The physician considered the patient to be ill with rheumatic endocarditis and insisted on his following a strict bed regimen at the in-patient department.


VI.Answer the questions:

1. What is rheumatic endocarditis?

2. What organs are affected in rheumatic endocarditis?

3. Is it a contagious disease or viral?

4. What is the cause of the disease?

5. How can a person get ill with rheumatic endocarditis?

6. What should physical examination include?

7. What other examinations are necessary to make a diagnosis?

8. What should be prescribed?

9. Should the patient be treated at home or in the in-patient department?

10. Are symptoms of rheumatic endocarditis clearly defined?


VII.Find synonyms to the following words:

Infectious – Illness – Sore throat – Day and night clinic – The beginning of disease - Increase - Heart readings – Healthy nourishment – Length, continuance – Results -


VIII.Translate following words and word-combinations:

Загальне нездужання, при фізичному навантаженні, важливі показники ЕКГ, чітко виражений, на верхушці серця, змінюватися за плотністю та тривалістю, доказ (свідоцтво) хвороби, наполягати на дотриманні суворого постільного режиму, прискорене серцебиття, супроводжуватися високою температурою, в тяжкій формі, абсцес легені.


IX.Fill in the gaps:

1. The patient stated that the onset of the disease ____________________________.

2. ________________________ showed the changes in the most important readings.

3. While listening to the patient’s heart _________________________________ to be heard at the heart apex

4. The doctor determined the organic changes in the _________________________ to be clearly marked.

5. The physician considered the patient ______________________________ and __________________________________________ at the in-patient department


X.Choose the correct answer:

1. What disease may the onset of rheumatic endocarditis be preceded by? A) It may be preceded by tonsillitis B) It may be preceded by lung abscess 2. What examination can the enlargement of the heart be determined by? A) It can be determined by percussion and X-ray B) It can be determined by ECG 3. What must the diet of a patient with rheumatic endocarditis contain? A) It must contain mush salt B) It must contain vitamins


XI.Use Complex Object instead of subordinate clause:

1. The physician didn’t think that chills would recur after the course of treatment. 2. After the follow-up examination the doctor noticed that the patient had become better nourished. 3. Everybody believed that the initial diagnosis would be confirmed by X-ray and laboratory analyses. 4. We know that obesity occurs as a result of metabolic disturbances. 5. It is known that leucocytosis develops in inflammation.


XII.Use either bare Infinitive (without to) or Gerund of the verbs in brackets. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. They say the nurse (to leave) the ward.

2. She didn’t notice anybody (to come into) the operation room.

3. I felt my knees (to tremble) because of pain.

4. The students watched the doctor (to listen) to the patient’s heart.

5. Did you hear her (to complain) of a severe headache?


XIII. Use Complex Object:

1. I have never seen Як ти працюєш Як він оперує Як вона робить уколи


2. I have never heard Як він розмовляє англійською Як вони обговорюють сучасні питання кардіохірургії Як ти співаєш


3. I didn’t notice Як лікар зайшов до операційної Як він застудився Як ви взяли мій зошит з хімії


4. We watched Як лікар оглядав дітей Як вони дарували вчителям квіти Як ти робила кардіограму


5. Who made you Так багато працювати? Допомагати цьому лікарю? Робити переливання крові?


6. Don’t let Йому брати аналізи у пацієнтів Їм покинути навчання


XIII.Translate into Russian paying attention to Complex Object:

1. We expect the professor to explain it to us.

2. Everybody knows her to be a good student.

3. The teacher wants the students to remember the rule.

4. He let them finish the work at home.

5. Who made you do it?

6. Nobody can order you do something illegal.

7. We all know him to be ill.

8. Does the teacher consider him to be a good student?

9. Did they expect her to be there?

10. Nobody saw him leave the room.


XIV.Put questions to underlined words:

1. The patient’s pulse rate accelerated on physical examination.

2. The blood analyses revealed an elevated ESR.

3. The ECG showed the changes in the readings.

4. The physician considered the patient to be ill with rheumatic endocarditis.

5. The doctor found a soft systolic murmur to be heard at the heart apex.


XV.Explain the following terms in English:

ECG, malaise, subfebrile temperature, inflammatory process, early fatigue



1. The patient complained … a general malaise, early fatigue on exertion, cardiac discomfort and palpitation.

a) on b) of c) with d) from


2. The physician found him to have been having an increase of body temperature to a subfebrile level … a prolonged period of time.

a) on b) of c) with d) for


3. The patient’s pulse rate had become irregular and accelerated … physical exertion.

a) on b) of c) with d) for


4. … percussion the doctor determined the heart to be slightly enlarged.

a) on b) in c) with d) for


5. These symptoms were accompanied … diastole murmur heard at the apex and base of the heart.

a) on b) in c) with d) by


6. The doctor estimated the murmur to be varying … their intensity and duration.

a) on b) in c) with d) by


7. The physician considered the patient to be ill … rheumatic endocarditis.

a) on b) in c) with d) by


8. The physician insisted … his following a strict bed regimen.

a) on b) in c) with d) by


9. The physician insisted on his following a strict bed regimen … the in-patient department.

a) on b) in c) with d) at


10. While listening … the patient’s heart the doctor found a soft systolic murmur to be heard at the heart apex.

a) on b) in c) to d) at





I. Learn the following words:

Note – отмечать disturbance – расстройство, нарушение

Radiate - распространяться diminish - уменьшаться

Frequently - часто deviate – отклоняться (от нормы)

Incidence – число случаев, частота adequate - соответствующий

Overstrain - перенапряжение rise (rose, risen) – подниматься

Exacerbate – погіршувати obstruction - закупорка


II. Translate the following words:

The pain radiated to the back, considerable disturbance of metabolic rate, a frequent sharp pain in the substernal area, the diminished waves of ECG, marked deviation in the ECG readings, the overstrain may produce nervous system disturbances, to administer an adequate dose of this drug, these medications exacerbated the condition of the patient, pain was due to the obstruction of the coronary arteries.


III. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to Complex Object:

1. The nurse on duty didn’t hear the patient leave the room.

2. Mother wanted me to become a doctor.

3. The newspapers report a vaccine against flu to be used successfully.

4. Scientists believe the treatment for cancer to be found out soon.

5. I haven’t seen the surgeons close wounds.

6. Everybody knows the rupture of spleen to be dangerous for life.


IV. Answer the questions:

1. What is Angina Pectoris?

2. What organs are affected in Angina Pectoris?

3. Is it a contagious disease?

4. What is the cause of the disease?

5. How can a person get ill with Angina Pectoris?

6. What should physical examination include?

7. What other examinations are necessary to make a diagnosis?

8. What should be prescribed?

9. Should a patient be treated at home or in the in-patient department?


V. Read and translate the text:


Angina pectoris, commonly known as angina, is chest pain due to ischemia (a lack of blood, thus a lack of oxygen supply and waste removal) of the heart muscle, generally due to obstruction or spasm of the coronary arteries (the heart's blood vessels). Coronary artery disease, the main cause of angina, is due to atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries.

Most patients with angina complain of chest discomfort rather than actual pain: the discomfort is usually described as a pressure, heaviness, squeezing, or burning sensation. Apart from chest discomfort, anginal pains may also be experienced in the epigastrium (upper central abdomen), back, neck area, jaw, or shoulders.

Major risk factors are: Age (≥ 55 years for men, ≥ 65 for women), Cigarette smoking, Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Kidney disease, Obesity.

Conditions that exacerbate or provoke angina are: Medications, vasodilators, excessive thyroid replacement, vasoconstrictors.

Angina results when there is an imbalance between the heart's oxygen demand and supply. This imbalance can result from an increase in demand (e.g. during exercise) without a proportional increase in supply (e.g. due to obstruction or atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries).


Case history

Patient Maslov (age 47, white male) was admitted to the in-patient department at 18.35 on the 4th July. The patient complained of pain in the chest. He had been suffering from pain of various intensity in the chest and behind the breastbone for several weeks. The patient noted the pain to radiate to the left shoulder and down the arm. The patient also observed the pain have been growing worse on moving and on physical exertion. He stated that it frequently began suddenly at night during sleep.

During the attacks of pain he was covered with cold perspiration and his face was pale. The incidence of attacks was frequently associated with the physical and mental overstrain. On physical examination the doctor revealed areas of very sensitive skin from the 7th cervical vertebra to the 5th upper thoracic one. On percussion, palpation and auscultation of the heart no significant abnormality was revealed.

The electrocardiogram taken during the attacks showed a disturbance in the blood flow. The most important readings of the electrocardiogram were either diminished or deviated. By having repeated the electrocardiogram after the end of the attack the cardiologist found the adequate readings of the electrocardiogram to return to normal ones.

During the attacks of moderate pain no changes in the peripheral blood or elevation of body temperature were noted. However the temperature rose significantly and there was an accompanying slight leukocytosis when the attacks of pain were particularly severe. The doctor made the diagnosis of angina pectoris with a severe course. Its main cause was atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries.


V. Translate the words into English using lexics from the text:

Фізичне навантаження, стенокардія, судино-звужуючі препарати, поставити діагноз, закупорка судин, потіння, спровокувати захворювання, супроводжуватися біллю, судино-розширюючі препарати, психічне навантаження, відчувати дискомфорт, частота приступів, визначити (4 синоніма), постачання кисню, порушення кровообігу, погіршити стан здоров’я, зменшуватися (3 синоніма), видалення продуктів розпаду, підвищуватися (3 синоніма), причина хвороби, тиснучий біль, викликати захворювання, приводити до захворювання, погіршуватися.


VI. Continue the sentences according to the text:

1. Ischemia of the heart muscle is ……..

2. Coronary artery disease is due to ……..

3. Most patients with angina complain of …….

4. The patient admitted to the in-patient department complained of …….

5. The patient had pains in ……..

6. The pain radiates to …….

7. The pain becomes worse ……..

8. The pain could also begin suddenly ……

9. During the attacks he ……..

10. The following examinations were made ……

11. Physical examination revealed…….

12. During the attacks the body temperature was …..

13. The cause of angina pectoris was ……


VII. Answer the questions to the text:

1. What disease is angina pectoris?

2. What are the causes of angina?

3. What do most patients with angina complain of?

4. What is the character of pain in angina?

5. What are major risk factors?

6. What are the conditions that exacerbate or provoke angina?

7. What conditions of patient’s health result in angina?


VIII. Fill in the table with appropriate translation of the words and terms:

English Ukrainian English Ukrainian
1. exacerbate 1. 6. 6. грудина
2. 2. тиснучий біль 7. exertion 7.
3. diabetes mellitus 3. 8. 8. судино-звужуючі
4. 4. ожиріння 9. to deviate 9.
5. in-patient department 5. 10. 10.амбулаторне відділення

IX. Fill in the patient’s case history with all necessary information from the text:

1. Name, age, date of admission  
2. Complaints  
3. Carried out examinations - - -
4. Results of examination - - -
5. Diagnosis  

X. Choose the appropriate continuation of the sentence:

1. For several days patient had been suffering from …. A) pains behind the breastbone. B) severe attacks of cough.

2. It was revealed that the patient had areas of sensitive skin … a) over the anterior surface of the chest from the 2nd to the 4th rib. B) from the 7th cervical vertebra to the 5th upper thoracic one.

3. As the condition of the patient had been gradually improving his temperature …… considerably (reduced, rose).

4. Severe attacks of angina pectoris are accompanied by …. A) pain radiating down the back. B) pain radiating down the arm.

5. If the patient is suffering from rheumatic endocarditis, his pulse becomes …. on physical exertion. (accelerated, slow)

6. Partial arrest of blood circulation often results in …. to brain cells. (the recovery, the damage)


XI. Translate Russian words in brackets into English:

1. Last year for several weeks the patient had been suffering from constant cardiac pain (яка поширюється вздовж лівого боку).

2. (Порушення кровотоку) was revealed by examination.

3. After a course of (відповідні ин’єкції) the patient stated that the cardiac pain considerably (уменьшилась).

4. (Фізичне та психічне навантаження) increases the incidence of heart attacks in patients with angina pectoris.

5. During the attacks of pain the temperature rose significantly and (супроводжувалася легким лейкоцитозом).

6. The incidence of attacks (було пов’язано з) high blood pressure.


XII. Rewrite sentences using Complex Object and translate them into Russian:

1. The physician considered that the incidence of heart attack is associated with the nervous overstrain.

2. The doctor tells me that I should undergo antibiotic treatment.

3. We noticed that the pain in angina pectoris had been eliminated by the use of nitroglycerin.

4. They have observed that the direct association between infarctions and the nerves occurs only at the age-group of patients over 40.

5. Cardiologists have observed that patients with angina pectoris have no clinical manifestations until the 1st attack.

6. The professor thinks that the post-operative cause of the patient will be uneventful.


XIII. Combine two sentences into one using Complex Object.

He saw two men. They were looking for something on the floor. – He saw two men looking for something on the floor.


1. The watched the doctor. He was examining their son.

2. The needle fell on the floor. We saw it.

3. The patient was moaning all night long. The nurse heard it.

4. He is a very experienced surgeon. Everybody knows it.

5. He will be well again soon. His friends expect that.

6. We have to do all the exercises in writing. Our teacher insisted on it.

7. We could use our dictionaries at the test. The teacher allowed us to do it.

XIV. Translate into English using Complex Object:

1. Медсестра чула, як пацієнт у палаті № 8 кашляв усю ніч.

2. Ми бачили, як данні ЕКГ повільно змінювалися.

3. Студенти спостерігали, як лікар прослуховував серце хворого.

4. Лікарь очікував, що порушення кровообігу буде усунено після призначення атропіну.

5. Пацієнт сказав, що підвищення температури тіла супроводжувалося потовідділенням.

6. Вони ніколи не чули, щоб цей пацієнт скаржився.


XV. Put verbs in brackets into the correct form.

Last year my father (to be) ill with angina pectoris. He (to admit) to the in-patient department in a very poor condition. He (to experience) acute pain in the substernal area for 5 days. After he (to undergo) all examinations and several ECG (to take), doctor (to make) a diagnosis of angina pectoris which (to cause) by obstruction of coronary arteries. The cardiologist (to administer) him an adequate treatment. To relieve pain my father (to give) the course of injections. My father (to stay) in the hospital for 2 weeks and now he (to follow-up) at the out-patient department. His condition already considerably (to improve) and soon he (to return) to work again.

XVI. Make questions to underlined words:

1. The patient complained of pain in the chest.

2. The patient had been suffering from pain in the substernal area.

3. During the attacks of pain he was covered with cold perspiration.

4. The surgeons have already finished the operation.

5. Attacks of angina pectoris are accompanied by severe pain.

6. The usage of nitroglycerin eliminates the pain in angina pectoris.


XVII. Explain the following words in 5 sentences:

Atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, blood, artery.



1. What is angina pectoris?

a) Heart failure b) chest pain c) heart attack d) chest discomfort


2. Angina pectoris is due to….

a) heart failure b) ischemia c) disturbance in blood flow

d) atherosclerosis


3. What is ischemia?

a) a lack of oxygen supply and waste removal b) heart failure

c) imbalance between the heart's oxygen demand and supply d) all variants


4. Major risk factors are: …….

a) Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension. b) obstruction of coronary arteries

c) a cold and pneumonia d) insufficient physical activities


5. Conditions that exacerbate or provoke angina are: ….

a) Medications, vasodilators, vasoconstrictors b) Mental and physical overstrain

c) thrombosis of a coronary artery d) indulgence in alcohol


6. Patients with angina may experience …..

a) pains in abdomen b) general malaise and fatigue

c) pains in the left arm and shoulder d) pains behind the breastbone


7. The main examinations in angina pectoris are…..

a) blood analyses b) ECG c) X-ray d) encephalogram


8. The incidence of attacks is frequently associated with ……

a) physical and mental overstrain b) the use of vasodilators

c) spasms of coronary arteries d) dietary changes


9. Medications, vasodilators, vasoconstrictors ….. angina.

a) contribute b)serve c) prevent d) exacerbate


10. The electrocardiogram taken during the attacks showed …..

a) elevation of blood pressure b) a disturbance in the blood flow

c) atherosclerosis d) all variants are true


Gastric and Duodenal Ulcers – Шлункові та дванадцятипалові виразки


Exercise l. Topic Vocabulary

Ulcer - виразка

Sore - виразка, ранка

Lesion [‘li:Zn] - ушкодження, ураження

To contribute (to) - сприяти

To weaken - ослаблювати

Susceptible - чутливий

Recurrence [ri’k'^rens] - рецидив (повернення хвороби)

Aggravate - погіршувати, посилювати (біль)

Consumption - споживання

Vulnerable [`v^lnǝrǝbl] - уразливий, чутливий

Gnawing (pain) [no:iƞ] - ниючий (біль)

Belching - відрижка

Nausea [‘no:sia, -zis] - нудота

Vomiting - блювання (рвота)

Tarry stool - дьогтеподібний стул

Perforation - прорив, перфорація

Obstruction - непрохідність, закупорювання


Exercise 2. Give the Ukrainian equivalents to the given word-combinations

A lesion on the skin, gastric ulcers, lifestyle factors, to cause a duodenal ulcer, stomach acids, the primary cause, to weaken the stomach protective mucosa, damaging effect of acid, to be more susceptible, the healing process, to contribute to ulcer recurrence, to stimulate acid secretion in the stomach, to aggravate the pain, heavy alcohol consumption, to be vulnerable to the harmful effects of acid, a burning pain, between the breastbone and the navel, belching and nausea, to avoid spicy foods, to reduce the amount of acid in the stomach, to prevent ulcers from recurring


GRAMMAR [Nominative Infinitive Construction (Complex Subject)]


This drug is known* to help patients with ulcers.

Відомо, що ці ліки допомагають хворим з виразками.



• Verbs to seem, to appear, to prove, to turn out, to happen are used in Active

* To be likely (схоже на me, ймовірно), to be unlikely, to be sure, to be certain are often used with Complex Subject


Exercise 3. Translate into Ukrainian

1) Some lifestyle factors are thought to cause ulcers.

2) Specific bacteria are considered to be the primary cause of gastric ulcers.

3) Gastritis is known to be an inflammatory process in the stomach.

4) Caffeine seems to aggravate the pain of an existing ulcer.

4) Heavy alcohol consumption is likely to play a role in the development of stomach or duodenal ulcers.

5) Smoking is known to slow the healing process of ulcers.

6) Complications are likely to be caused by profuse bleeding.

7) Some drugs proved to make the stomach vulnerable to the harmful effects of gastric acid.

8) Emotional stress is no longer thought to be the primary cause of ulcers.

9) Patients with duodenal ulcer were found to be too nervous.


Exercise 4. Read the text and write out the key words

Gastric and Duodenal Ulcers

An ulcer is an open sore, or lesion, usually found on the skin or mucous membrane areas of the body. When the ulcer is in the stomach, it is called a gastric ulcer. When the ulcer is in the duodenum, it is called a duodenal ulcer.

In the past lifestyle factors, such as stress and diet, were believed to cause ulcers. Later, researchers determined that stomach acids contributed to ulcer formation. Today, research shows that most ulcers (80 percent of gastric ulcers and 90 percent of duodenal ulcers) develop as a result of infection with a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori).

Although all three of these factors — lifestyle, stomach acid and H. pylori — are believed to play a role in ulcer development, H. pylori is considered to be the primary cause.

Factors suspected of playing a role in the development of stomach or duodenal ulcers are: Helicobacter pylori. The bacterium produces substances that weaken the stomach's protective mucosa and make it more susceptible to the damaging effects of acid and pepsin.

Smoking. Smoking increases the chances of getting an ulcer, slows the healing process of existing ulcers, and contributes to ulcer recurrence.

Caffeine. Caffeine seems to stimulate acid secretion in the stomach, which can aggravate the pain of an existing ulcer

Alcohol. Ulcers are often linked to heavy alcohol consumption.

Stress. Although emotional stress is no longer thought to be a cause of ulcers, people with ulcers often report that emotional stress increases ulcer pain.

Acid and pepsin. The stomach's inability to defend itself against gastric acids - hydrochloric acid and pepsin - is believed to contribute to ulcer formation.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These drugs (such as aspirin, ibuprofen. and others) make the stomach vulnerable to the harmful effects of acid and pepsin.

The most common ulcer symptom is a gnawing or burning pain in the abdomen between the breastbone and the navel. The pain often occurs between meals and early in the morning. It may last from a few minutes to a few hours. Less common ulcer symptoms include belching, nausea, vomiting, bloody or dark tarry stools, poor appetite, loss of weight, malaise, and fatigue.

People with ulcers may experience serious complications. The most common problems include bleeding, perforation, narrowing and obstruction of intestinal opening, peritonitis.

Recommended treatment may include:

Lifestyle changes. People with ulcers should avoid spicy, fatty, or acidic foods. Smoking has been shown to delay ulcer healing and has been linked to ulcer recurrence; therefore, people with ulcers should not smoke.

Medications. Gastric and duodenal ulcers are treated with several types of medications to reduce the amount of acid in the stomach. When treating H. pylori, these medications are often used in combination with antibiotics.

Surgery. In most cases, anti-ulcer medicines heal ulcers quickly and effectively, and eradication of H. pylori prevents most ulcers from recurring. However, people who do not respond to medication or who develop complications may require surgery.


Exercise 4. Complete the sentences and answer them

1 What ulcers are called ... ?

2 What lifestyle factors were believed ...?

3 What is the ... cause of ulcers?

4 How does H. pylori affect the stomach and cause ...?

5 Why does smoking play a role in ...?

6 ... increases ulcer pain?

7 What complications ...?

8 ... should people with ulcers avoid?

9 What types of medications ...?

10 When may a surgical operation ...?


Exercise 5. Look through the text and find out expressions synonymic to the given ones

The major cause, to make pain worse, bad effects, acid production, to decrease the amount of acid, alcohol intake, need the operation, hemorrhage, medicines for ulcer.


Exercise 6. What ulcer symptoms are described below?

1 the feeling of being about to vomit;

2 expelling wind from the stomach noisily through the mouth;

3 a general feeling of being unwell;

4 the reflex action of ejecting the content of the stomach through the mouth;

5 mental or physical tiredness;

6 the creation of a hole in the intestines

Exercise 7. Fill in the table “Gastric and duodenal ulcers”



Exercise 8. Finish the sentence using Complex Subject

а) спричиняються різними факторами;

б) характеризуються ниючим або гострим болем у верхній частині живота;

Gastric and duodenal ulcers

are known .. . в) призводять до внутрішнькровотечі;

г) часто розвиваються у курців;

д) часто пов'язані з надмірним вживанням алкоголю;

е) лікуються швидко та ефективно;

є) викликають нудоту, відрижку, блювання


Exercise 9. Change the sentences using Complex Subject

1 It is known that spring and autumn are those seasons when the patients with ulcer suffer from the recurrence of the disease.

2 It is considered that constant fatigue, the lesion of the nervous system and past diseases contribute to the onset of gastritis.

3 It has been found that gastric and duodenal ulcers develop more frequently in men than in women.

4 It is considered that too hot or too cold food contributes to the development of gastric disorders.

5 It is known that excessive amount of gastric acids causes irritation of the stomach mucosa.

6 It was supposed that complications were caused by profuse haemorrhage.

7 It is likely that the patient has obstruction of intestinal opening.

8 It is observed that in severe forms of gastritis acid secretion is completely reduced.


Exercise 10.* Compose a case history of the patient with ulcer. Use the given expressions

Patient B. was admitted ....

He/she complained of ...

On physical examination ...

Analyses of gastric juice ...

Stool tests ...

The endoscopic examination ...

The patient was administered ...

The course of the disease was ...

The patient was recommended ...

The patient was discharged ...


1. Smoking …

a) speeds up the healing of ulcers; b) facilitates the ulcer healing;

c) prevents ulcer recurrence


2. Aspirin makes the stomach …

a) bloody; b) harmful; c) vulnerable


3. The most common ulcer symptom is a … pain in the abdomen between the breastbone and the navel.

a) gnawing or burning; b) throbbing or pressing; c) sharp or irradiating


4. The treatment of ulcers includes medications …

a) preventing the production of gastric juice;

b) reducing the amount of gastric acids; c) contributing to pepsin production


5. Gastric and duodenal ulcers develop more frequently in … .

a) children; b) women; c) men


6. Eradication of H. pylori … most ulcers from recurring.

a) prevents; b) have prevented; c) prevent


7. Pain may … from a few minutes to a few hours.

a) lasting; b) to last; c) last


8. Constant fatigue … to the onset of gastritis.

a) consider to contribute; b) is consider to contribute;

c) is considered to contribute


9. Anti-ulcer medications are often used in combination … antibiotics.

a) to; b) with; c) of


Caffeine stimulates acid secretion in the stomach, … can aggravate the pain of an existing ulcer.

a) which; b) what; c) who


ACUTE APPENDICITIS – Гострий апендицит


I. Learn the following words:

Infant – ['ɪnfənt] - немовля

Appendix - [ə'pendɪks] - червоподібний відросток, апендикс

Appendicitis - [əˌpendɪ'saɪtɪs] – апендицит

Nausea - ['nɔːsɪə] - нудота

To radiate - ['reɪdɪeɪt] – поширюватися

Rupture - ['rʌpʧə] – розрив

Adhesion – [əd’hi: ʒən] – спайка

Occlusion – [ɔ’klu: ʒən] - закупорка


II. Translate the following sentences:

Retention – затримка

The retention of urine is one of the clinical manifestations of a kidney disease.

Stool – стул, випорожнення

The laboratory analysis of the stool failed to reveal any blood.

Tenderness – хворобливість

The patient complained of a moderate tenderness on palpation.

Remove – видаляти

The surgeon removed the tumor which had involved the stomach.

Mortality – смертність

In untreated cases, mortality is high because of the risk of rupture leading to peritonitis.


III. Find definition to the following words:

Infant   Nausea   Abdomen Anaesthesia Appendix the part of the body of a vertebrate containing the digestive and reproductive organs a tube-shaped sac attached to and opening into the lower end of the large intestine a feeling of sickness with an inclination to vomit a child at the earliest stage of its life local or general loss of bodily sensation


IV. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to Complex Subject:

1) He is considered to be an able student.

2) They were expected to come on time.

3) She appeared to be seriously ill.

4) The doctor is likely to have finished examining him.

5) The weather is reported to get better soon.

6) They are sure to understand us.

7) The children seem to be tired.

8) He happened to come there just at that moment.

V. Read and translate the text:


Appendicitis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the appendix. It is classified as a medical emergency and many cases require removal of the inflamed appendix, either by laparotomy or laparoscopy. Untreated, mortality is high, mainly because of the risk of rupture leading to peritonitis.

Acute appendicitis is known to occur in all age groups. Its incidence varies in different sex groups: it’s more frequent in women from 20 to 40 years of age. Cases of appendicitis have been noted to occur even in infants and even in very old age.

On the basis of experimental evidence, acute appendicitis seems to be the end result of a primary obstruction of the appendix lumen. Once this obstruction occurs, the appendix subsequently becomes filled with mucus and swells, increasing pressures within the lumen and the walls of the appendix, resulting in thrombosis and occlusion of the small vessels, and stasis of lymphatic flow.

Acute appendicitis is known to begin suddenly with sharp pain which is at first felt in epigastrium but then becomes generalized in the abdomen. The pain becomes worse on deep breathing in and coughing, it does not radiate but is accompanied by nausea, retention of stools and gases.

The temperature is normal or subfebrile and there is moderate leucocytosis. The ESR is initially normal. With the development of the disease temperature elevation is observed and ESR becomes increased. The pulse is quick but it is found to be not more than 90-100 beats per minute. The tongue is coated and dry.

The attack of acute of acute appendicitis is known to last from 3-4 days. Then the temperature returns to normal, abdominal pains decrease and only a moderate tenderness is felt in the right lower part of the abdomen on palpation.

Acute appendicitis is treated surgically. The surgical procedure for the removal of the appendix is called an appendicectomy. Often now the operation can be performed via a laparoscopic approach, or via three small incisions with a camera to visualize the area of interest in the abdomen. If the findings reveal suppurative appendicitis with complications such as rupture, abscess, adhesions, etc., conversion to open laparotomy may be necessary.

The appendix is removed immediately to prevent its rupture which may result in peritonitis. Such forms of appendicitis as gangrenous and perforating are particularly dangerous to life. But sometimes even a mild form of appendicitis may take a severe course and to result in perforation.

Full recovery from appendectomies takes about four to six weeks, but can be prolonged to up to eight weeks if the appendix had ruptured.


VI. Give English equivalents:

Частота випадків, немовля, вдох, кашель, супроводжуватися (2 синоніма), підвищуватися (3 синоніма), язик обкладено, зменшуватися (2 синоніма), розрив, приводити до прободіння.


VII. Complete the sentences according to the text:

1. Acute appendicitis occurs mostly in _________ than in ________.

2. At first patient feels _________________________________.

3. The pain becomes worse ______________________________.

4. Further, the temperature ______________________________.

5. The attacks last for _____________________________.

6. While examination the tongue is _______________.

7. After the attack the temperature and the pains ____________

8. If not treated, acute appendicitis may result in _________________________.


VIII. Answer the questions to the text:

1. What is acute appendicitis?

2. What predisposes the onset of acute appendicitis?

3. Who can get ill with acute appendicitis?

4. What are the complaints of the patient?

5. What examinations are necessary to make a diagnosis?

6. What can the examination reveal?

7. How can acute appendicitis be treated?


IX. Approve or contradict.

1. Appendicitis can be of acute, chronic, gangrenous form.

2. Acute appendicitis occur more in man than in women at the age from 25 to 40.

3. Acute appendicitis begins with pain in substernal area.

4. The pain is accompanied by fever, perspiration and discharge of sputum.

5. Patients with acute appendicitis are administered antibiotics.

6. The rupture of appendix can lead to peritonitis.


X. Translate the words in brackets in English.

1. The patient complains of pain (яка супроводжувалася нудотою).

2. The doctor (визначив) subfebrile temperature and (підвищенну) ESR.

3. The operation on acute appendicitis (проводилася) under (загальна) aneasthesia.

4. After the examination the surgeon (поставив діагноз) of acute appendicitis which need surgical operation because it can (привести до прободіння).

5. The surgeon (видалив) the appendix to prevent its (розрив).

6. Suppurative appendicitis may cause (ускладнення) such as (розрив), abscess, (спайки).


XI. Put questions to underlined words:

1. Cases of appendicitis have been noted even in infants.

2. The appendix is removed immediately to prevent its rupture.

3. The rupture of appendix can lead to peritonitis.

4. Acute appendicitis begins suddenly with sharp pain.

5. Patients with acute appendicitis are administered antibiotics.

6. On admission to the hospital the patient complained of a severe pain in epigastria area.


XII. Open the brackets and put the verbs in a correct form:

1. The doctor (to study) the patient’s sensitivity to penicillin before the treatment (to begin).

2. The patient (not to operate) yet as not all analyses (to make).

3. The doctor (to write) a prescription when a nurse (to enter) the room.

4. If the patient (to survive) the first week, his chances of recovery greatly (to improve).

5. I never (to suffer) from such horrible headache.

6. All food (to consist) of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.


XIII. Open the brackets using the correct form of the infinitive and translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. He appears (to know) French.

2. The man doesn’t seem (to recognize) you.

3. He is said (to spend) his youth in Paris.

4. She is sure (to help) you, if you ask her to.

5. They seem (to quarrel) now.

6. She is likely (to forget) al about it. Do you think we should remind her?


XIV. Change the following complex sentences into simple using Complex Subject.

1. It is known that infectious diseases are caused by viruses and microbes.

2. They say that a new epidemic of the flu will come soon.

3. It is likely that your son has measles.

4. It is supposed that the operation will be performed next week.

5. It is likely that the wound will heal in about a week.

6. It is likely that the reaction will be prolonged.

XV. Explain the following terms in 5 sentences:

Appendix, appendicitis, peritonitis, abdomen



1. Appendicitis is a condition characterized by _____________.

a) Adhesions in appendix b) inflammation of the appendix c) ulcers in appendix


2. Mortality is high because of the risk of rupture leading to

a) Gastritis b) peritonitis c) angina pectoris


3. Suppurative appendicitis may lead to complications such as

a) Gastric ulcer b) rupture, abscess, adhesions c) pyelonephritis


4. Acute appendicitis is treated

a) by antibiotics b) surgically c) by sulfanilamides


5. Acute appendicitis seems to be the end result of

a) Erosions in the appendix mucosa b) obstruction of the appendix lumen

c) inflammation of the intestines


6. The appendix is removed to prevent its rupture which may result in

a) Pyelonephritis b) peritonitis c) nephrolithiasis


7. The pain in acute appendicitis is accompanied by

a) Diarrhea, belching b) vomiting, heartburn c) nausea, retention of stools and gases


8. Acute appendicitis is known to occur

a) Mostly in elderly people b) in all age groups c) in youth


9. Symptoms of acute appendicitis are

a) Pains, heartburns, retention of gases b) acute pains, nausea, retention of gases

c) diarrhea, high fever


10. Full recovery from appendectomies takes about

a) four to six weeks b) up to 8 weeks c) no more than 3 weeks


Acute Cholecystitis – Гострий холецестит


Exercise 1. Practice pronunciation of the following words:

cholecystitis [kolisis'taitis], intrahepatic [intrahi'paetik], extrahepatic [ekstrahi'paetik], hyppchondrium [haipo'kondriəm], [mbi'laikal], peritoneum [,perito(u)'ni:əm], chemotherapy [kemo(u)'θerapi], irritation [iri'tei∫n],

approximately [a'proksimitli],emergency [i'mə:dʒnsi]


Exercise 2. Translate the following word-combinations:

Onset of pain, involvement of the liver, intense pain, physical and mental overstrain, umbilical area, fatty food, clinical manifestation, cold perspiration, severe tenderness, irritation of the peritoneum, severe course, to result from the effect of toxic substances, prolonged therapy, sharp physical movement, health person


Exercise 3. Translate into Russian paying attention to the Complex Subject

1. Cholecystitis is known to occur rarely in isolate condition.

2. The patient with cholecystitis is known to complain of intense pain, it being localized in the right hypochondrium and in the umbilical area.

3. Sometimes pain is observed to appear suddenly in quite healthy persons.

4. The chemical blood analysis is known to reveal some changes, they resulting from the effect of toxic substances in the liver.

5. The chemical blood analysis is known to reveal some changes, they resulting from the effect of toxic substances in the liver.


Exercise 4. Read and translate the text:

Acute Cholecystitis

Among inflammatory diseases of bile ducts the most frequent is cholecystitis or the inflammation of the gal bladder. Cholecystitis is known to occur rarely in isolate condition, inflammatory processes both in the intrahepatic and extrahepatic ducts, sometimes with the involvement of the liver being associated with it. The main forms of cholecystitis are the following: catarrhal, purulent and gangrenous.

The patient with cholecystitis is known to complain of intense pain, it being localized in the right hypochondrium and in the umbilical area. An attack of pain is usually preceded by physical and mental overstrain, sharp physic movements or abnormalities in diet, fatty food and alcohol being responsible for the onset of pain. But sometimes pain is observed to appear suddenly in quite healthy persons. Pain may radiate to the right shoulder, right arm, sternum, and lumbar area, its intensity depending on the form of cholecystitis and the patient's sensitivity. The pain grows much worse when the patient is lying on his right side.

Dryness in the mouth, vomiting, nausea, and constipation are the characteristic clinical manifestations of the disease.

During the attack of pain the face is moist with cc perspiration, the skin is pale, and the tongue and lips are dry. Even a slight palpation reveals severe tenderness, it being due to irritation of the peritoneum. Approximately in 50% of cases there is slight jaundice of sclerae. The chemical blood analysis is known to reveal some changes, they resulting from the effect of toxic substances in the liver.

Purulent form of cholecystitis is highly dangerous to life and requires an emergency operation. An even more severe course is observed in gangrenous cholecystitis. Recov­ery is achieved by surgical treatment, it being followed by prolonged antibiotic therapy and chemotherapy.


Exercise 5. Use the verbs in brackets in the appropriate tense of the Indefinite group. Translate the sentences:

1. Products of protein, fat, and carbohydrate digestion (to be absorbed) from the gastrointestinal tract by the liver in which they (to undergo) furthur chemical processes.

2. The liver (to destroy) toxic substances which usually (to be formed) in the intestinal tract as well as some poisons which (to enter) the body from without.

3. Jaundice (to be known) to be the disease which (to be due to) the presence of a large amount of bilirubin in the blood and tissues.


Exercise 6. Choose the appropriate form of the Infinitive. Translate the sentences:

1. The patient was known ... stool retention accompa­nied by nausea a month before his present admission to the hospital. ( a) to have; b) to have had; c) to be having)

2. Sensitivity to antibiotics was reported ... not only in this patient but in all the other members of the family as well since their early age. ( a) to be present; b) to have been present)

3. Prophylactic vaccination was found ... since no cases of hepatitis were diagnosed after its admin­istration. ( a) to be effective; b) to have been effective)

4. Skin irritation was revealed ... after each parenteral administration of this preparation. ( a) to occur; b) to have occurred; c) to be occurring)


Exercise 7. Translate the sentences paying attention to the construction Complex subject:

1. This diet seems to be good for the patients and should be recommended.

2. The basic mode of action is thought to be the same.

3. An ECG-based diagnosis may prove to be extremely difficult in patients with re-infarction.

4. A new imaging system is expected to give radiology additional information to guide biopsy recommendation.

5. Coronary patients are established to be at an increased risk of cardiac infarction.

6. Environmental factors are known to of significance.

7. Additional studies are required to determine the precise role of protein.


Exercise 8.Match the explanations with the terms.

1. A condition in which bowel evacuations occur infrequently and cause difficulty or pain. a. inflammation
2. A yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes, indicating excess bilirubin in the blood. b. gall-bladder
3. The process of examining part of the body by careful feeling with the hands or fingertips c. constipation
4. A pear-shaped sac lying underneath the right lobe of the liver, in which bile is stored d. palpation
5. The body’s response to injury, which may be acute or chronic. It is characterized by five signs: swelling, pain, redness, warmth and dysfunction e. jaundice


Exercise 9. Answer the questions to the text:

1. What is cholecystitis?

2. What are the main forms of cholecystitis?

3. What are the manifestations of cholecystitis?

4. Where is the pain localized in attack of cholecystitis?

5. When does the pain grow worse in acute cholecystitis?

6. Where can the pain irradiate in case of acute cholecystitis?


Exercise10. Put questions to the underlined words:

1. Hydrochloric acid is greatly diminished or absent in untreated cases of chronic gastritis.

2. Cases of appendicitis have been noted even in infants.

3. Tuberculosis may affect not only the lungs but also other organs.

4. The pain often occurs between meals and early in the morning.

5. Blood pressure involves two measurements.

6. The blood analysis revealed moderate leucocytosis and an elevated ESR.

7. People with ulcers may experience serious complications.

8. The bacterium produces substances that weaken the stomach’s protective mucosa.

9. Symptoms vary with the severity of the inflammation.

10. On admission to the hospital the patient complained of a severe pain in the epigastrium.


Exercise 11. Explain the terms:

Cholecystitis, inflammation


1. Cholecystitis is an inflammation of … .

a) bladder b) gall-bladder c) liver d) bile ducts


2. The patient with cholecystitis complains of pain in the … .

a) right shoulder b) lower abdomen c) right scapula d) right hypochondrium


3. The pain grows worse when the patient is lying… .

a) on his back b) on the right side c) on the left side d) on this abdomen


4. Purulent form of cholecystitis is dangerous to life and requires … .

a) conservative treatment b) intake of a lot of drugs

c) emergency operation d) cleansing enema


5. Usually even a slight palpation of the gall-bladder … severe tenderness.

a) reveal b) is revealing c) reveals d) has revealed


6. Approximately in … of cases there is slight jaundice of sclerae.

a) 30% b) 40% c) 50% d) 60%


7. In cholecystitis pain may radiate to … .

a) the right shoulder b) the upper arm c) the groin d) the right leg


8. The chemical changes in blood result … the effect of toxic substances in the liver.

a) in b) from c) by d) through


9. An attack of pain is usually preceded … physical and mental overstrain, fatty food, etc.

a) in b) with c) from d) by


10. The intensity of pain depends … the form of cholecystitis and the patient’s sensititvity.

a) at b) on c) in d) from



Atherosclerosis - Атеросклероз


Exercise 1. Learn the active vocabulary:

thicken [ˈθɪkən] згущувати(ся) accumulation [əˌkjuːmjʊˈleɪʃən] нагромадження, накопичення cholesterol [kəˈlɛstəˌrɒl] холестерин hardening [ˈhɑːdənɪŋ] твердіння furring [ˈfɜːrɪŋ] утворення нальоту multiple [ˈmʌltɪpəl] численний plaque [plɑːk] кров'яна бляшка enable [ɪnˈeɪbəl] робити можливим, полегшувати, давати змогу overstrain [ˌəʊvəˈstrein] перенапруження cumulative [ˈkjuːmjʊlətɪv] сукупний rupture [ˈrʌptʃə] розриватися


Exercise 2. Match the words from the active vocabulary with their definitions:

1) cholesterol 2) hardening 3) plaque 4) rupture 5) overstrain 6) accumulation a) a fatty deposit inside an arterial wall b) excessive tension c) a white crystalline substance, found in animal tissues and various foods, that is normally synthesized by the liver and is important as a constituent of cell membranes. Its level in the bloodstream can influence the pathogenesis of certain conditions, such as the development of atherosclerotic plaque and coronary artery disease. d) to break or to tear e) gradual gathering of something f) the process of becoming hard or harder


Exercise 3. Translate the following word combinations:

Arteriosclerotic vascular disease, accumulation of fatty materials, hardening or furring of the arteries, formation of multiple plaques within the arteries, remain asymptomatic for decades, meta­bolic disturbances, disturbances of cholesterol exchange, external evidence of the disease, preven­tive measures, follow a certain regimen, sound sleep, enable the nerve cells to rest, exclude mental and physical overstrain, incidence of atherosclerosis, insufficient physical activity, affect unfavourably, sufficient amount of proteins, take in limited doses, dilate peripheral vessels, improve general condition, advanced atherosclerosis.


Exercise 4. Read and translate the text:

Atherosclerosis and Its Treatment

Atherosclerosis (also known as arteriosclerotic vascular disease or ASVD) is a condition in which an artery wall thickens as a result of the accumulation of fatty materials such as cholesterol. It is commonly referred to as a hardening or furring of the arteries. It is caused by the formation of multiple plaques within the arteries. Atherosclerosis is a chronic disease that remains asymptomatic for decades. There is a num­ber of factors which may determine its development.

Atherosclerosis of the blood vessels results from meta­bolic disturbances and particularly from disturbances of cholesterol exchange. These disturbances begin long before there is any external evidence of the disease. Therefore the doctor must prevent its appearance beginning preven­tive measures and treatment as early as possible.

Prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis consist mainly of a certain regimen for the patient, which he must strictly follow. The patient must get up, eat, work, and go to bed at exactly the same time every day.

Sound sleep is very important since it enables the nerve cells to rest. The patient with the signs of atherosclerosis must sleep not less than 7-8 hours and walk before going to bed. Mental and physical overstrain must be excluded.

The incidence of atherosclerosis is high in professional groups with insufficient physical activities. So physical exercises must be part of the prescribed regimen for such persons.

Smoking affects unfavourably the walls of the blood vessels and can result in their spasm, that is why patients suffering from atherosclerosis must not smoke.

The diet of the patients with atherosclerosis must contain sufficient amount of proteins, but fats and carbohy­drates must be taken in very limited doses.

Vitamins are widely used in the treatment of atherosclerosis because some of them improve the metabolic pro­cesses and others dilate the vessels, particularly the periph­eral ones.

Other drugs administered in treating atherosclerosis are the so-called lipotropic substances, which prevent fat from accumulating in the organism.

Since the nervous system affects the metabolic processes in the human body the patients with atherosclerosis are prescribed such drugs as bromide and valerian to improve its general condition.

Complications of advanced atherosclerosis are chronic, slowly progressive and cumulative. Most commonly, soft plaque suddenly ruptures, causing the formation of a thrombus that will rapidly slow or stop blood flow. It will lead to death of the tissues fed by the artery in approximately 5 minutes. This catastrophic event is called an infarction. One of the most common recognized scenarios is called coronary thrombosis of a coronary artery, causing myocardial infarction . The same process in an artery to the brain is commonly called stroke.


Exercise 5. Answer the following questions:

1. What is atherosclerosis?

2. What is atherosclerosis caused by?

3. What does prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis mainly consist of?

4. Why is sound sleep important for patients with atherosclerosis?

5. In which professional groups is the incidence of atherosclerosis high?

6. What must the diet of the patients with atherosclerosis contain?

7. Why are vitamins widely used in the treatment of atherosclerosis?

8. What drugs are administered in treating atherosclerosis?

9. What can advanced atherosclerosis lead to?

10. What does sudden rupture of soft plaque cause?


Exercise 6. Find the equivalents of the following word combinations in the text:

Кількість випадків атеросклерозу; запущений атеросклероз; покращувати загальний стан пацієнта; розширювати периферичні судини; впливати на метаболічні процеси; призначати ліки; приймати у дуже обмежених дозах; містити достатню кількість білків; несприятливо впливати на стінки кровоносних судин; недостатня фізична активність; міцний сон; давати змогу нервовим клітинам відпочити; неухильно дотримуватися певного режиму; порушення холестеринового обміну; зовнішні прояви хвороби; накопичення жирових матеріалів; формування численних бляшок в артеріях.


Exercise 7. Insert the missing prepositions into the gaps:

1) Patients suffering … atherosclerosis must not smoke.

2) Other drugs administered…treating atherosclerosis are the so-called lipotropic substances.

3) Atherosclerosis is commonly referred … as a hardening or furring of the arteries.

4) Atherosclerosis is caused … the formation of multiple plaques … the arteries.

5) Atherosclerosis is a chronic disease that remains asymptomatic … decades.

6) Sound sleep is very important … it enables the nerve cells to rest.

7) The diet … the patients with atherosclerosis must contain sufficient amount … proteins.

8) Smoking affects unfavourably the walls … the blood vessels and can result … their spasm.


Exercise 8. Put questions to the underlined words:

1) The same process in an artery to the brain is commonly called stroke.

2) It will lead to death of the tissues in approximately 5 minutes.

3) Smoking affects unfavourably the walls of the blood vessels.

4) Atherosclerosis is caused by the formation of multiple plaques within the arteries.

5) Mental and physical overstrain must be excluded.

6) Atherosclerosis remains asymptomatic for decades.

7) Atherosclerosis of the blood vessels results from meta­bolic disturbances.

8) These disturbances begin long before there is any external evidence of the disease.


Exercise 9. Open the brackets with the appropriate forms of the verbs:

1) The diet of this patient (to contain) sufficient amount of proteins.

2) The same process in an artery to the brain (to call) stroke.

3) The nervous system (to affect) the metabolic processes in the human body.

4) The patient (to sleep) 8 hours last night.

5) Lipotropic substances (to administer) in treating atherosclerosis.

6) Lipotropic substances (to prevent) fat from accumulating in the organism.

7) He (to go) to bed at the same time every day.

8) Coronary thrombosis of a coronary artery (to cause) myocardial infarction in this patient.


Exercise 10. Explain the terms in 5 sentences:

1) Atherosclerosis

2) Plaque

3) Cholesterol



To report commands or requests we use a reporting verb (advise, ask, beg, offer, order, tell etc) followed by a to-infinitive or a not to-infinitive. Examples:
Direct Speech Reported Speech
She said to me, “Come with me.” He said to her, “Please, don’t tell anyone about it!” She told me to come with her. He asked her not to tell anyone about it.



Exercise 1. Report the doctor’s recommendations to the patient with atherosclerosis:

1. The doctor said to the patient, “Go to bed at exactly the same time every day.”

2. The doctor said to the patient, “Walk before going to bed.”

3. The doctor said to the patient, “Do not smoke.”

4. The doctor said to the patient, “Follow the prescribed regimen strictly.”

5. The doctor said to the patient, “Do not eat a lot of fatty food.”

6. The doctor said to the patient, “Avoid mental or physical overstrain.”

7. The doctor said to the patient, “Do not drink too much coffee.”

8. The doctor said to the patient, “Come for the next check-up in a month”


Exercise 2. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Лікар порадив пацієнту дотримуватися певної дієти.

2. Лікар наказав санітарам відвезти хворого на рентген.

3. Лікар сказав пацієнту не рухатися.

4. Лікар попросив медсестру зробити хворому ін’єкцію.

5. Він сказав їй не хвилюватися.

6. Вона благала лікаря не казати про це її матері.

7. Медсестра попросила хворого лягти на живіт.

8. Вона сказала нам залишатися тут і чекати на неї.



1. Atherosclerosis is a condition in which an artery wall thickens as a result of…

a) high blood pressure b) the accumulation of fatty materials such as cholesterol

c) stressful lifestyle d) viral infection


2. Atherosclerosis is caused by …

a) bacteria and fungi b) low level of hemoglobin

c) the formation of multiple plaques within the arteries d) sedentary lifestyle


3. Atherosclerosis is a…

a) chronic disease b) congenital disease c) hereditary disease

d) viral disease


4. The patient with atherosclerosis must get up, eat, work, and go to bed …

a) at different time every day b) at the same time every day

c) at any time he likes d) only when the doctor tells him to


5. The patient with the signs of atherosclerosis must sleep not less than …

a) 10-11 hours b) 7-8 hours c) 5-6 hours d) 2-3 hours


6. Physical exercises must be part of the prescribed regimen for …

a) people with atherosclerosis b) people with acute appendicitis

c) people with myocardial infarction d) people with cholecystitis


7. The diet of the patients with atherosclerosis must contain …

a) equal amounts of fats, carbohydrates and proteins b) no proteins at all

c) lots of carbohydrates d) sufficient amount of proteins, but fats and carbohydrates must be taken in very limited doses


8. … are widely used in the treatment of atherosclerosis.

a) Minerals b) Antibiotics c) Vitamins d) Diuretics


9. … prevent fat from accumulating in the organism.

a) Barbiturates b) Pain killers c) Lipotropic substances d) Vasodilators


10. The patients with atherosclerosis are prescribed such drugs as bromide and valerian to …

a) improve their general condition b) fight insomnia c) improve appetite

d) stimulate central nervous system



Hypertension - Гіпертонія


Exercise 1. Learn the active vocabulary:

hypertension [ˌhaɪpəˈtɛnʃən] - гіпертонія measurement [ˈmɛʒəmənt] - вимірювання; вимір hypotension [ˌhaɪpəʊˈtɛnʃən] - гіпотонія stroke [strəʊk] - параліч moderate [ˈmɒdərɪt] – помірний, середній persistent [pəˈsɪstənt] - стійкий insufficient [ˌɪnsəˈfɪʃənt] - недостатній asymptomatic [æˌsɪmptəˈmætɪk] - безсимптомний sedentary [ˈsɛdəntərɪ] -сидячий potassium [pəˈtæsɪəm] - калій alcohol intake – споживання алкоголю aging [‘eɪdʒɪŋ] - старіння


Exercise 2. Match the definitions with the words from active vocabulary:

a) the process of growing old or maturing

b) a sudden severe attack of paralysis

c) characterized by much sitting

d) without symptoms

e) abnormally low blood pressure

f) inadequate or deficient

g) insistently repetitive or continuous

h) abnormally elevated blood pressure

i) not extreme or excessive; within due or reasonable limits


Exercise 3. Translate the word combinations:

Cardiac chronic medical condition, systemic arterial blood pressure, primary hypertension, secondary hypertension, obvious medical cause, persistent hypertension, risk factors for stroke, chronic kidney failure, moderate elevation, shortened life expectancy, dietary and lifestyle changes, associated health complications, ineffective or insufficient, accelerated hypertension, direct cause, sedentary lifestyle, potassium deficiency, salt sensitivity, inherited genetic mutations, family history of hypertension.


Exercise 4. Read and translate the text:


Hypertension or high blood pressure is a cardiac chronic medical condition in which the systemic arterial blood pressure is elevated. What that means is that the heart has to work harder than it should to pump the blood around the body. Blood pressure involves two measurements, systolic and diastolic. Normal blood pressure is 120/80 mm/Hg. The first figure is the systolic blood pressure, the pressure there is in the arteries when your heart is contracting. The second, or lower figure, is the diastolic blood pressure, which is the pressure in your arteries between heart beats. High blood pressure is anything above 140/90 mm/Hg. Hypertension is the opposite of hypotension. Hypertension is classified as either primary (essential) hypertension or secondary hypertension. About 90–95% of cases are categorized as "primary hypertension," which means high blood pressure with no obvious medical cause. The remaining 5–10% of cases (Secondary hypertension) are caused by other conditions that affect the kidneys, arteries, heart or endocrine system.

Persistent hypertension is one of the risk factors for stroke, myocardial infarction and heart failure, and is a leading cause of chronic kidney failure. Moderate elevation of arterial blood pressure leads to shortened life expectancy. Dietary and lifestyle changes can improve blood pressure control and decrease the risk of associated health complications, although drug treatment may prove necessary in patients for whom lifestyle changes are ineffective or insufficient.

Mild to moderate essential hypertension is usually asymptomatic. Accelerated hypertension is associated with headache, drowsiness, confusion, vision disorders, nausea, and vomiting.

Although no direct cause for hypertension has been identified, there are many factors such as sedentary lifestyle, smoking, stress, obesity, potassium deficiency, salt sensitivity, alcohol intake, and vitamin D deficiency that increase the risk of developing hypertension. Risk also increases with aging, some inherited genetic mutations, and having a family history of hypertension.

The first line of treatment for hypertension includes some lifestyle changes:

· Dietary changes

· Physical exercise

· Weight loss

If hypertension is high enough to justify immediate use of medications, lifestyle changes are still recommended in combination with medications.


Exercise 5. Answer the questions to the text:

1) What is hypertension?

2) What is hypotension?

3) What two measurements does blood pressure involve?

4) What blood pressure is considered to be normal?

5) What is persistent hypertension a leading factor for?

6) What does moderate elevation of arterial blood pressure lead to?

7) What is accelerated hypertension associated with?

8) What increases the risk of developing hypertension?

9) What is the first line of treatment for hypertension?


Exercise 6. Find the translation of the following word combinations in the text:

Первинна гіпертонія, виправдовувати негайне застосування ліків, стійка гіпертонія, зміни у способі життя, помірне підвищення кров’яного тиску, пряма причина, наявність гіпертонії у сім’ї , дефіцит калію, сидячий спосіб життя, фактори ризику паралічу, фізичні вправи, зміни у харчуванні, успадковані генетичні мутації, чутливість до солі, неефективний та недостатній, скорочена тривалість життя.


Exercise 7. Put questions to the underlined words:

1) The heart has to work harder to pump the blood around the body.

2) Blood pressure involves two measurements.

3) Normal blood pressure is 120/80 mm/Hg.

4) Hypertension is classified as either primary (essential) hypertension or secondary hypertension.

5) Moderate elevation of arterial blood pressure leads to shortened life expectancy.

6) Dietary and lifestyle changes can improve blood pressure control.

7) Accelerated hypertension is associated with headache, drowsiness, confusion, vision disorders, nausea, and vomiting.

8) The first line of treatment for hypertension includes some lifestyle changes.

Exercise 7. Open the brackets put the verbs into the appropriate tense (Active or Passive):

1) Occupation (not to play) an important role in the etiology of hypertension.

2) Hypertension in the older age group (to associate) with loss of elasticity of the aorta and its main branches.

3) Hypertension (to be) more common in the female than in the male.

4) Hypertension (to tolerate) better during the child-bearing years in the female than hypertension in the male.

5) Lifestyle changes (to recommend) together with medications.

6) Accelerated hypertension (to associate) with headache, drowsiness, confusion, vision disorders, nausea, and vomiting.

7) Dietary and lifestyle changes (to decrease) the risk of associated health complications.

8) No direct cause for hypertension (to identify) yet.


Exercise 8. Explain the following terms in English (4-5 sentences):

Hypertension, hypotension



1. Hypertension or high blood pressure is a cardiac chronic medical condition in which the systemic arterial blood pressure is ...

a) normal b) decreased c) elevated d) absent


2. Normal blood pressure is ...

a) 140/90 mm/Hg b) 120/80 mm/Hg c) 110/60 mm/Hg d) 100/50 mm/Hg


3. High blood pressure is anything above ...

a) 140/90 mm/Hg b) 120/80 mm/Hg c) 110/60 mm/Hg d) 100/50 mm/Hg


4. Primary hypertension means …

a) high blood pressure with no obvious medical cause

b) hypertension due to conditions that affect the kidneys

c) hypertension due to conditions that affect arteries

d) hypertension due to conditions that affect endocrine system


5. Persistent hypertension is a leading cause of…

a) heart failure b) myocardial infarction c) stroke d) chronic kidney failure

6. Moderate elevation of arterial blood pressure leads to ...

a) death b) heart diseases c) shortened life expectancy d) kidney failure


7. Mild to moderate essential hypertension ...

a) is associated with headache b) is usually asymptomatic

c) is associated with vision disorders d) is associated with nausea, and vomiting


8. The first line of treatment for hypertension includes …

a) antibiotics b) chemotherapy c) some lifestyle changes

d) surgical intervention


9. … hypertension is associated with headache, drowsiness, confusion, vision disorders, nausea, and vomiting.

a) Mild b) Accelerated c) Moderate d) Primary


10. Sedentary lifestyle, smoking, stress, obesity, potassium deficiency, salt sensitivity, alcohol intake, and vitamin D deficiency increase the risk of developing ...

a) hypertension b) hypotension c) myocardial infarction d) atherosclerosis






Exercise 1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words. Translate them into Ukrainian:

myocardial [ιmaiou'ka:diəl], attack [ə'tæk], blockage [blɔkiʤ'], supply [sə'plai], injury ['inʤəri], restore [ri'stɔ:], irreversible [ιiri'vɜ:səbl], occur [ə'kɜ:], scar [ska:], trigger ['trigə], deprive (of) [di'praiv]


Exercise 2. What disease is described?

a) high pressure (tension) in the arteries;
b) a medical condition when a patient has too much body fat;
c) an inflammation of one or both lungs which is usually caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi;
d) a process of progressive thickening and hardening of the artery walls as a result of fat deposits on their inner lining;
e) chest discomfort that occurs when there is decreased blood oxygen supply to an area of the heart muscle;
f) a chronic condition associated with abnormally high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood;
g) the death of heart muscle from the sudden blockage of a coronary artery by a blood clot;
h) inflammation of the gall bladder due to bacterial infection or the presence of gallstones.


Exercise 3. Find the corresponding equivalents:

1. blood vessels 2. blood clot 3. heart muscle 4. coronary artery 5. to cause injury 6. irreversible death 7. acute infection 8. heavy alcohol consumption   a) гостра інфекція b) коронарна артерія c) неминуча смерть d) кров’яні судини e) надмірне вживання алкоголю f) кров’яний тромб g) визивати ушкодження h) сердечний м’яз


Exercise 4. Read and translate the following word-combinations:

the death of the heart muscle, the sudden blockage of a coronary artery, to supply with, to cause injury to the heart muscle, chest pressure sensation, to be restored, to occur, to die for 6 to 8 hours, to be replaced by, physical exertion and mental overstrain, lack of physical activity.




Active & Passive Voice

The heart pumps about 5-6 litres of blood every minute.

About 5-6 litres of blood are pumped by the heart every minute.

Does the heart pump about 5-6 litres of blood every minute?

Are about 5-6 litres of blood pumped by the heart every minute?

The heart doesn’t pump about 5-6 litres of blood every minute.

About 5-6 litres of blood aren’t pumped by the heart every minute.



Exercise 5. Re-write the sentences opening brackets and putting the verbs either in the Active or Passive Voice. Then make them negative and interrogative:

1. Shortness of breath (to cause) by physical exertion.

2. An accelerated heartbeat (to describe) as palpitation by patients.

3. Heart size (to measure) by percussion.

4. The murmurs in the heart (not to hear) by the doctor during yesterday’s examination.

5. Fever (to know) as pyrexia.

6. Patient often (to refer) to microbes as germs or bugs.

7. He (to admit) to the hospital with flu-type symptoms.

8. Tumours (to invade) tissues and then (to spread) to distant parts of the body.


Exercise 6. Read and translate the text:


A myocardial infarction (MI), also known as a heart attack, is the death of heart muscle from the sudden blockage of a coronary artery by a blood clot. Coronary arteries are blood vessels that supply the heart muscle with blood and oxygen. Blockage of a coronary artery deprives the heart muscle of blood and oxygen, causing injury to the heart muscle. Injury to the heart muscle causes chest pain and chest pressure sensation. If blood flow is not restored to the heart muscle within 20 to 40 minutes, irreversible death of the heart muscle will begin to occur. Muscle continues to die for six to eight hours at which time the heart attack is usually “complete”. The dead heart muscle is eventually replaced by scar tissue.

Causes of MI

Recently, it has been determined that the high rate of heart attacks is most frequently associated with intense physical exertion and mental overstrain. Nevertheless, such diseases as coronary atherosclerosis, angina pectoris and any acute infection, e.g. pneumonia, can also trigger a myocardial infarction.

Major risk factors are: age (less than 75 years for men and more than 75years for women); high blood pressure; coronary artery diseases; obesity and lack of physical activity; diabetes mellitus; cigarette smoking and heavy alcohol consumption; mental and physical stress; family history of heart diseases, especially of MI.


Exercise 7. Answer the following questions:

1. What is a myocardial infarction?

2. What is MI caused by?

3. What does the blockage of the coronary artery cause?

4. When does irreversible death of the heart muscle occur?

5. How much time does it take a heart muscle to die completely?

6. What is MI most frequently associated with?

7. What diseases may also result in a heart attack?

8. Enumerate all the risk factors for MI.


Exercise 8. Find synonyms in the text to the following words and word-combinations:

obstruction, myocardial infarction, blood circulation, to happen, psychological overstrain, inflammation of the lungs, squeezing of the chest, to result in, physical exercise, elevated blood pressure.


Exercise 9. Give the English equivalents to the following word-combinations:

смерть сердечного м’яза, закупорка (3 синоніма), постачати кров та кисень, пошкодження сердечного м’язу, біль в грудній клітині, відчуття тиснення, замінюватися шрамом, висока частотність сердечних нападів, часто пов’язувати з, привести до (3 синоніма), кров’яний тиск, недостатність фізичних вправ.


Exercise 10. Put questions to the underlined words:

1. A myocardial infarction is also known as a heart attack.

2. A MI means the death of heart muscle.

3. A MI is caused by the sudden blockage of a coronary artery by a blood clot.

4. Coronary arteries supply the heart muscle with blood and oxygen.

5. Blockage of a coronary artery deprives the heart muscle of blood and oxygen.

6. The heart attack is usually “complete” within 6-8 hours.

7. Coronary atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, pneumonia can trigger a MI.

8. Irreversible death of the heart muscle will begin to occur in 20-40 minutes.



Exercise 1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words. Find their translation:

victim ['viktim], experience [ik'spiəriəns], fullness ['fulnəs], heartburn ['ha:tbə:n], indigestion [ιindi'ʤesʧən], vague ['veig], enzyme ['enzaim], prompt ['prɔmpt], percutaneous [ιpɜ:kju'teiniəs]

підшкірний, печія, нетравлення шлунка, відчувати, швидкий, невиразний, ензим, жертва, відчуття наповненості


Exercise 2. Join the words from the two columns and translate the gained word-combinations:

chest malaise
shortness of infarction
life complications
long-term failure
squeezing breath
heart threatening
general pain
myocardial sensation


Exercise 3. Read and translate the text:



Although chest pain or pressure is the most common symptom of a MI, heart attack victims may experience a variety of symptoms including: fullness and squeezing sensation of the chest; shortness of breath; nausea, vomiting; sweating; heartburn and indigestion; arm pain; general malaise.

Even though the symptoms of a MI at times can be vague and mild, it is important to remember that heart attacks producing no symptoms or only mild symptoms can be just as serious and life-threatening as heart attacks that cause severe chest pain.


Complications may occur immediately or may need time to develop. Acute complications may include heart failure if the damaged heart is no longer able to adequately pump blood around the body; aneurysm or rupture of the myocardium; arrhythmias. Longer-term complications include heart failure, atrial fibrillation, and the increased risk of a second MI.


When there is severe chest pain, a heart attack must be suspected in the first turn. A problem arises, when the symptoms do not include chest pain. Then a heart attack may not be suspected, and the appropriate tests may not be performed. ECG will immediately show all the abnormalities in the heart activity during the acute phase.

In patients with vague symptoms of MI, the diagnosis can be made only hours later through blood tests since the latter usually reveal a number of cardiac enzymes (special proteins that are released into the blood by dying heart muscle) that help confirm the diagnosis and show amount of the dead heart muscle.


The most important factor in treating a heart attack is prompt medical attention. Such medications as antiplatelet, anticoagulant, clot dissolving drugs, aspirin, nitroglycerin may be administered. Percutaneous coronary intervention is recommended as well.


Exercise 4. Answer the following questions:

1. What are all possible symptoms of IM?

2. Are the symptoms always clear?

3. May complications appear after the heart attack?

4. What types of complications may MI lead to?

5. Is it difficult to make a diagnosis of MI?

6. What must be done when the symptoms of MI are vague?

7. What is the most important thing in diagnosing and treating a heart attack?

8. What may the medical treatment of a MI include?


Exercise 5. Translate the following words and word-combinations:

Сильний грудний біль, найпоширеніший симптом, відчуття стискання, задишка, нудота та блювання, печія та нетравлення шлунку, загальне нездужання, неясні та загрозливі для життя симптоми, гострі та довго тривалі ускладнення, серцева недостатність, підтверджувати діагноз, швидка медична допомога.

Exercise 6. What symptom is described?

1) difficulty in breathing;

2) process of eliminating fluid through the pores of the skin;

3) burning sensation beneath the breastbone caused by irritation of the esophagus;

4) feeling of unease or a mild sickness;

5) difficulty in digesting food, accompanied by abdominal pain, belching, etc.;

6) pressure in the chest;

7) abnormal sound heard through a stethoscope over the region of the heart;

8) any variation from the normal rhythm in the heartbeat.


Exercise 7. What do these medical terms mean?

dyspepsia a) gases
thrombus b) vomiting
flatulence c) shortness of breath  
emesis d) loss of appetite  
palpitation e) nausea  
retching f) accelerated heartbeat  
dyspnea g) indigestion  
anorexia h) clot  


Exercise 8. Define the meaning of each type of physical examination, then form the verbs from the given nouns:

1. inspection a) listening with a stethoscope
2. palpation b) looking
3. percussion c) feeling with the hands
4. auscultation d) tapping with a finger


Now form the verbs from the given above nouns to define the physical activity of the doctor and memorize them:

e.g. examination – to examine

Exercise 9. Fill in the table “Myocardial Infarction”

Examinations: - physical - blood tests  


Exercise 10. Re-write sentences opening the brackets:

Last year the patient Green, aged 65, (to admit) to the hospital with acute chest pain. He (to experience) shortness of breath and pain that (to radiate) to the left arm. The doctor immediately (to suspect) a heart attack and (to make) the patient (to take) an ECG. The diagnosis (to confirm) by the abnormal reading of the ECG. The blood analyses (to reveal) a number of cardiac enzymes. The cardiologist (to administer) his patient an adequate treatment. To relieve pain he (to give) nitroglycerin. Fortunately, the patient (not to have) any complications, because the doctor’s help (to be) prompt and thorough. Very soon patient Green’s condition (to improve).


Exercise 11. Explain the following terms:

myocardial infarction


chest pain



1. What is meant by the term myocardial infarction?

a) a heart failure b) a heart attack c) brain aneurism d) all variants are correct


2. During the myocardial infarction the heart muscle …

a) recovers b) doesn’t change c) dies d) nothing occurs with it


3. The heart attack is caused by the sudden blockage of a coronary artery by …

a) a blood clot b) an aneurism c) a cholesterol plaque


4. Blockage of a coronary artery deprives the heart muscle of …

a) carbon dioxide b) water c) oxygen d) oxygen and blood


5. Injury to the heart muscle causes …

a) vomiting b) chest pain c) fever d) headache


6. The dead heart muscle is eventually replaced by … tissue

a) new smooth b) striated c) new epithelial d) scar


7. The high rate of heart attacks is most frequently associated with …

a) gastric ulcers b) depression c) physical exertion and stress d) smoking


8. Any acute infection, e.g. pneumonia, can also … a myocardial infarction.

a) trigger b) prevent c) avoid d) escape


9. Family history of … diseases are of great importance in myocardial infarction.

a) nerve b) venereal c) heart d) endocrine


10. Heavy alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking greatly … to IM.

a) contribute b) deprive c) prevent d) serve


11. The symptoms in MI are always …

a) vague b) clear c) unnoticed d) sometimes vague, sometimes clear


12. Heart attacks producing no symptoms can be …

a) life-threatening b) safe c) secure d) mild


13. Acute complications may include …

a) atherosclerosis b) heart failure c) angina pectoris d) headache


14. In MI the … is done in the first turn.

a) blood analysis b) X-ray c) ECG d) urine analysis


15. The blood tests usually reveal a number of …

a) leukocytes b) protein c) cardiac enzymes d) pus corpuscles


16. Enzymes are released into the blood by the …

a) dying heart muscle b) lungs c) liver d) endocrine glands


17. … plays the most important role in diagnosing and treating a heart attack.

a) medications b) prompt medical attention c) chemotherapy d) surgery


18. Medical treatment for heart attacks may include …

a) vasoconstrictors b) antibiotics c) antiplatelets d) anti-inflammatory drugs


19. … intervention is recommended as well.

a) percutaneous b) intramuscular c) intravenous d) no


20. MI … leads to death.

a) never b) always c) sometimes d) if not treated in time


Heart attack facts

1) A heart attack results when a blood clot completely obstructs a coronary artery supplying blood to the heart muscle and heart muscle dies.


2) The blood clot that causes the heart attack usually forms at the site of rupture of an atherosclerotic, cholesterol plaque on the inner wall of a coronary artery.

The most common symptom of heart attack is chest pain.


3) The most common complications of a heart attack are heart failure and ventricular fibrillation.


4) The risk factors for atherosclerosis and heart attack include elevated cholesterol levels, increased blood pressure, tobacco use, diabetes, and a family history of heart attacks at any age.


5) Heart attacks are diagnosed with electrocardiograms and measurement of cardiac enzymes in blood.


6) Early reopening of blocked coronary arteries reduces the amount of damage to the heart and improves the prognosis for a heart attack.


7) Medical treatment for heart attacks may include antiplatelet, anticoagulant, and clot dissolving drugs as well as angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, beta blockers, and oxygen.


8) Further heart attacks can be prevented by aspirin, beta blockers, ACE inhibitors, discontinuing smoking, weight reduction, exercise, good control of blood pressure and diabetes, following a low cholesterol and low saturated fat diet that is high in omega-3-fatty acids, taking multivitamins with an increased amount of folic acid, decreasing LDL cholesterol, and increasing HDL cholesterol.


9) While heart attacks can occur at any time, more heart attacks occur between 4:00 A.M. and 10:00 A.M. because of the higher blood levels of adrenaline released from the adrenal glands during the morning hours. Increased adrenaline, as previously discussed, may contribute to rupture of cholesterol plaques.



Diseases of the upper respiratory tract

(tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis)

Захворювання верхніх дихальних шляхів (тонзиліт, фарингіт, ларінгіт)


1. Topic vocabulary:

On swallowing -при ковтанні

Crypt - ямка

Nonconfluent - незливаючи

To be confined to - обмежуватися

To peel away - сходити

To be inflamed - бути запаленим

Excessive use - надмірне використання

Hoarseness - хрипіння

Apparent - видимий

Tickling - першіння

Steam inhalation - парова інгаляція


2.Give the Ukrainian equivalents:

Pain on swallowing, edematous and hyperemic tonsils, purulent exudate, nonconfluent membrane, symptomatic therapy, adequate treatment, severely inflamed mucous membrane, cervical adenopathy, frequent cause, excessive use, irritating substances, prominent symptom, severity of inflammation, apparent dyspnea, laryngeal edema, marked erythema, voice rest, to relieve discomfort


3.Translate into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the translation of the Passive Voice:

1.Tonsillitis is characterized by sore throat and pain, most marked on swallowing.

2. Tonsillectomy should be considered if acute tonsillitis repeatedly develops after adequate treatment.

3. Chronic tonsillitis may be relieved only briefly by antibiotic therapy.

4. Acute pharyngitis is frequently accompanied by acute tonsillitis.

5. Mucous membrane is covered with mucopurulent secretion.

6. The bacteria may be inhaled into the respiratory passages during contact with ill persons.

7. The pharyngeal mucous membrane may be mildly red or severely inflamed.


4. Read and translate the text:


Acute inflammation of the palatine tonsils, usually due to streptococcal or, less commonly, viral infection. Tonsillitis is characterized by sore throat and pain, most marked on swallowing and often referred to the ears. High fever, malaise, headache, and vomiting are common.


The tonsils are edematous and hyperemic. There may be a purulent exudate from the crypts and a membrane—white, thin, nonconfluent, and confined to the tonsil—that peels away without bleeding.


In viral tonsillitis, symptomatic therapy is as for pharyngitis. Tonsillectomy should be considered if, despite these precautions, acute tonsillitis repeatedly develops after adequate treatment, or if chronic tonsillitis and sore throat persist or are relieved only briefly by antibiotic therapy.


Acute inflammation of the pharynx. Usually viral in origin, it may also be due to a Group A or other bacteria. It is characterized by sore throat and pain on swallowing. Differentiating viral from bacterial pharyngitis on the basis of physical examination alone is difficult. In both, the pharyngeal mucous membrane may be mildly red or severely inflamed and may be covered by a membrane and a purulent exudate. Fever, cervical adenopathy, and leukocytosis are present in both viral and streptococcal pharyngitis but may be more marked in the latter.

Treatment is symptomatic and includes a diet, scald foot baths, warm compresses on the anterior part of the neck, milk with honey, steam inhalations and gargling. Antibiotic therapy is usually administered in severe forms of pharyngitis.


Inflammation of the larynx. The most frequent cause of acute laryngitis is a viral URI. Laryngitis may also occur in the course of bronchitis, pneumonia, influenza, whooping cough, measles, and diphtheria. Excessive use of the voice, allergic reactions, and inhalation of irritating substances such as cigarette smoke can cause acute or chronic laryngitis.

Symptoms and Signs

Unnatural change of voice is usually the most prominent symptom. Hoarseness and even aphonia, together with a sensation of tickling, and a constant wish to clear the throat, may occur. Symptoms vary with the severity of the inflammation. Fever, malaise, dysphagia, and throat pain may occur in the more severe infections; dyspnea may be apparent if laryngeal edema is present. Indirect laryngoscopy discloses a mild to marked erythema of the mucous membrane that may also be edematous.


There is no specific treatment for viral laryngitis. Voice rest and steam inhalations give symptomatic relief and promote resolution of acute laryngitis.


5. Answer the questions:

1. What is tonsillitis?

2. What are the symptoms of tonsillitis?

3. What kind of pharyngitis do you know?

4. What are the most frequent causes of laryngitis?

5. What are the symptoms of laryngitis?

6. What are the symptoms of pharyngitis?

7. What does the treatment of pharyngitis include?


6. Put questions to the underlined words:

1. Catarrhal condition of the throat decreases the patient's work capacity.

2. Bad teeth and chronic inflammation of the tonsils should receive timely treatment.

3. Pain is most marked on swallowing.

4. Dyspnea may be apparent if laryngeal edema is present.

5. Chronic tonsillitis is relieved only briefly by antibiotic therapy.

6. Symptoms vary with the severity of the inflammation.

7. Indirect laryngoscopy discloses marked erythema of the mucous membrane.


7. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the correct tense and voice:

1. Tonsillitis (to characterize) by sore throat and pain, often radiated to the ears.

2. If chronic tonsillitis and sore throat persist, the patient (to perform) tonsillectomy.

3. Pharyngitis (to characterize) by sore throat and pain on swallowing.

4. The most frequent cause of acute laryngitis (to be) a viral URI.

5. Symptoms (to vary) with the severity of the inflammation.

6. In tonsillitis a membrane (to peel away) without bleeding.

7. Indirect laryngoscopy (to disclose) a mild to marked erythema of the mucous membrane.


8. Give English equivalents:

Біль при ковтанні, набряклі мигдалини, гнійний эксудат, симптоматична терапія, тяжке запалення слизової оболонки, часті причини, спричиняючи подразнення речовини, , суворость запалення, набряк глотки, полегшувати дискомфорт


9. Explain the following terms:

Tonsillitis, Pharyngitis, Laryngitis



1. Tonsillitis, pharingytis and laryngitis are clinically similar acute ... disease.

a) nervous b) psychic c) allergic d) infectious


2. Tonsillitis is inflammation of the ...

a) larynx b) tonsils c) head d) pharynx


3. Tonsillectomy should be considered if chronic tonsillitis and sore throat persist or … only briefly by antibiotic therapy.

a) is relieved b) relieve c) relieved d) are relieved


4. Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the pharynx or ... throat.

a) wide b) normal c) regular d) sore


5. Pharyngitis is characterized by sore throat and … .

a) red tonsils b) pain on swallowing c) difficult breathing in d) allergic reaction


6. … is usually administered in severe forms of pharyngitis.

a) surgical treatment b) anti-inflammatory therapy c) antibiotic therapy

d) antipyretic drugs

7. Laryngitis is an inflammation of the …

a) larynx b) tonsils c) head d) pharynx


8. In laryngitis indirect laryngoscopy … a mild to marked erythema of the mucous membrane.

a) is disclosed b) discloses c) is disclosing d) disclosing


9. Unnatural change of … is usually the most prominent symptom in laryngitis.

a) face b) oral mucosa c) tongue colour d) voice


10. There is … specific treatment for viral laryngitis.

a) no b) little c) a certain kind of d) a large quantity of




(bronchitis, pneumonia)

Захворювання нижніх дихальних шляхів (бронхіт, пневмонія)


1. Topic vocabulary:

Eventual - остаточний

Debilitated - ослаблений

URI = upper respiratory infection

Coryza -нежить

Airways – дихальні шляхи

Viscid sputum – в’язке мокротіння

Abundant - рясний

Concomitant disease – супровідна хвороба

Presumptive diagnosis – можливий діагноз

Rusty sputum –мокротіння кольору іржі

Specimen – зразок


2. Give the Ukrainian equivalents:

Acute, self-limited inflammation; complete healing; debilitated patients; critical complication; a common cold; secondary bacterial infection; slight fever; back and muscular pain; onset of bronchitis; small amounts of viscid sputum; abundant and mucoid sputum; a severe uncomplicated case; persistent fever; airways obstruction; prolonged symptoms; oral fluids; to relieve malaise; concomitant chronic pulmonary disease; purulent sputum; the most common causes; persistent chills; additional findings; blood streaked or rusty sputum; lethal complications; poorly aerated lungs, appropriate specimen.


3. Translate into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the translation of the Passive Voice:

1. Acute infectious bronchitis is often preceded by symptoms of a URI.

2. Dyspnea may be noted secondary to the airways obstruction.

3. Oral fluids are advised during the febrile course.

4. Antibiotics are indicated when there is concomitant chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

5. A chest X-ray is indicated if symptoms are serious or prolonged.

6. Pneumococcal pneumonia should be suspected in anyone with an acute febrile illness.

7. A presumptive diagnosis can be based on the history, changes on chest X-ray, culture and gram stains of appropriate specimens.


4. Read and translate the text:


Acute inflammation of the tracheobronchial tree, generally self-limited and with eventual complete healing and return of function. Though commonly mild, bronchitis may be serious in debilitated patients and those with chronic lung or heart disease. Pneumonia is a critical complication.

Acute infectious bronchitis, most prevalent in winter, is often part of an acute URI. It may develop after a common cold or other viral infection of the nasopharynx, throat, or tracheobronchial tree, often with secondary bacterial infection.

Acute infectious bronchitis is often preceded by symptoms of a URI: coryza, malaise, chilliness, slight fever, back and muscle pain, and sore throat. Onset of cough usually signals onset of bronchitis. The cough is initially dry and nonproductive, but small amounts of viscid sputum are raised after a few hours or days; it may later become more abundant and mucoid or mucopurulent. In a severe uncomplicated case, fever to 38.3 or 38.8 C° (101 or 102° F) may be present for up to 3 to 5 days, following which acute symptoms subside though cough may continue for several weeks. Persistent fever suggests complicating pneumonia. Dyspnea may be noted secondary to the airways obstruction.

Diagnosis is usually based on the symptoms and signs, but a chest x-ray is indicated if symptoms are serious or prolonged.

Rest is indicated until fever subsides. Oral fluids (up to 3 or 4 L/day) are advised during the febrile course. An antipyretic analgesic (e.g, for adults aspirin 600 mg or acetaminophen 500 mg 4 to 6 h; for children acetaminophen 10 to 15 mg/kg 4 to 6 h) relieves malaise and reduces fever.

Antibiotics are indicated when there is concomitant chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, when purulent sputum is present, or when high fever persists and the patient is more than mildly ill.


An acute infection of lung parenchyma including alveolar spaces and interstitial tissue.

The most common causes in adults are bacteria.

Pneumococcal pneumonia is often preceded by a URI. The onset is often sudden with a single shaking chill; persistent chills suggest an alternative diagnosis. This is ordinarily followed by fever, pain with breathing on the involved side (pleurisy), cough, dyspnea, and sputum production. The temperature rises rapidly to 38 to 40.5° C (100.4 to 105° F); the pulse is usually 100 to 140/min; and respirations accelerate to 20 to 45/min. Additional common findings are nausea, vomiting, malaise, and myalgias. The cough may be dry initially, but usually becomes productive with purulent, blood-streaked or rusty sputum.

Serious, potentially lethal complications include overwhelming sepsis, sometimes associated with the adult respiratory distress syndrome and/or septic shock.

Laboratory studies usually show a leukocytosis with a shift to the left. There may be blood gas abnormalities due to perfusion of poorly aerated lung resulting in hypoxemia and respiratory alkalosis.

Pneumococcal pneumonia should be suspected in anyone with an acute febrile illness associated with chest pain, dyspnea, and cough. A presumptive diagnosis can be based on the history, changes on chest x-ray, culture and Gram stains of appropriate specimens.

Treatment depends on the kind of pneumonia.


5. Answer the questions:

1. What is acute bronchitis often preceded by?

2. What is bronchitis?

3. What are the symptoms of bronchitis?

4. What is the most common cause of pneumonia?

5. What is pneumonia?

6. What are the symptoms of pneumonia?

7. What are the complications of pneumonia?


6. Put questions to the underlined words:

1. Acute bronchitis may develop after a common cold.

2. Diagnosis is usually based on the symptoms and signs.

3. Oral fluids are advised during the febrile course.

4. Antibiotics are indicated when there is concomitant chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

5. Persistent chills suggest an alternative diagnosis.

6. Lab studies usually show a leucocytosis with a shift to the left.

7. A diagnosis can be based on the history, changes on the chest X-ray.


7. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the correct tense and voice:

1. Rest (to indicate) until fever subsides.

2. The onset of the disease (to be) often sudden with a single shaking chill.

3. Treatment (to depend) on the kind of pneumonia.

4. Dyspnea (to note) secondary to the airways obstruction.

5. Onset of cough (to signal) onset of bronchitis.

6. The cough usually (to become) productive with purulent, blood-streaked sputum.


Exercise 8.Match the explanations with the terms.

1. Inflammation of the lungs caused by bacteria, in which the alveoli become filled with the inflammatory cells and the lung becomes solid a.hypoxemia
2. A rise in body temperature above the normal, i.e. above an oral temperature of 36.6ºC. b. pneumonia
3. Laboured or difficult breathing, it can be due to obstruction to the flow of air into and out of the lungs c. coryza
4. Reduction of the oxygen concentration in the arterial blood, recognized clinically by the presence of central and peripheral cyanosis. d. dyspnea
5. A catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membrane in the nose due to either a cold or hay fever e. fever


9. Explain the following terms:

Bronchitis, Pneumonia



1. What are the symptoms of acute bronchitis?

a) inflammation of the abdomen, purulent sputum

b) inflammation of the tonsils and throat

c) general weakness, headache

d) productive cough, hoarseness, chills, fever, rales in the lungs


2. Acute infectious bronchitis is most prevalent … .

a) in spring b) in summer c) in autumn d) in winter


3. Diagnosis is usually based on the symptoms and signs, but a chest is indicated if symptoms are serious or prolonged.

a) electrocardiogram b) x-ray c) computer tomography d) ultrasound examination


4. In bronchitis persistent fever suggests complicating.

a) pharyngitis b) tonsillitis c) pneumonia d) influenza


5. Acute bronchitis usually ... as a secondary infection.

a) developed b) develops с) has been developing d) was developed

e) is developing


6. The most common causes of pneumonia in adults are … .

a) bacteria b) fungi с) viruses d) spores


7. Pneumococcal pneumonia is often preceded by

a) influenza b) tonsillitis c) pleurisy d) a URI.


8. ... are the classical bacterial infections of the lungs?

a) what b) when c) who d) what kind of


9.... the symptoms of bronchitis and pneumonia coincide?

a) does b) are с) do d) is


10. The cough may be dry initially, but usually … productive with purulent, blood-streaked or rusty sputum.

a) become b) is becoming c) became d) becomes





Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation:

Catarrh [kә ´ta:] Catarrhal [kә ´ta:l]

Indicreation [indis ¢kre∫әn] Enteritis [entә ¢ raitis]

to superadd [s(j)u:pәr¢æd] to supervene [s(j)u:pә¢vi:n]

pyorrhea [ paiә ´ riә] diminution [dimi¢ nju: ∫әn]

lavarge [´lævidʒ] favour [´feivә]

Bicarbonate [bai 'ka:bənət] Sodium [soudiəm]

Tumblerful ['tmbləful] Adequate [' ædikwət]

Anorexia [ænə 'reksiə]


Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary:

Catarrh – катар Catarrhal – катаральне запалення Indiscretion – зловживання, нескромність Enteritis – ентерит to superadd – додавати поверх чогось, доповнювати to supervene – додавати, доповнювати pyorrhea – виділення гною diminution – зменшення, скорочення lavarge –лаваж, промивання favour – підтримувати, сприяти Bicarbonate –двовуглекислий Sodium –натрій Tumblerful – повний стакан Adequate – відносний, достатній Anorexia – анорексія (відсутність апетиту) Throughout – повсюди, по всьому


Exercise 3. Find the stem in the following words. Point out prefixes and suffices.

Excitement, scientific, triumphantly, source, aching, typhoid, cholera, disappear, survival, restless, sleepy, post-operative, doubtful, removal, midline, mucous, perfusion, curettage, avoidance, illegal, warning, blindness


Exercise 4. Form nouns from the given words with the help of the given suffices. Give some more examples of your own. Translate them into Russian.

-ness: weak, ill, polite, like… -ment: develop, require, measure … -ion(ation): examine, incise, oblige … -al: remove, revive, arrive … -ty(ity); ety(ity): cruel, stupid, artificial… -ship: comrade, relation, ownership … -ing: begin, feel, greet … -ance(ence): differ, important, absent … -hood: brother, child, mother … -th: wide, deep, long …


Exercise 5. Form words with the help of negative prefixes:

Comfort, advantage, appear, fortunately, eatable, dependence, ability, patience, proper, logical, regularity, reversible, solve, proper, comfort, order, depend, dramatic, desirable, connect, possible, responsible, valid.


Exercise 6. Find Ukrainian translation.

catarrhal gastritis contaminated food indiscretions in food or alcoholic drinks serious consequences mastication of food excessive secretion of mucus absence of hydrochloric acid essential in treatment gastric lavage administration of a teaspoonful a tumblerful of warm water in adequate amount bad dietary habits in chronic patients the next best substitute Зловживання їжею та алкоголем Найліпша заміна Занадто виділення слизі Пережовування їжі Катаральний гастрит Призначення чайної ложки ліків Стакан теплої води Зрошення шлунка Серйозні наслідки Важливо в лікуванні У пацієнтів з хронічними захворюваннями В достатній кількості Погані звички харчування Відсутність соляної кислоти Заражена їжа


Exercise 7. Match medical terms with the proper definitions:

1. Diarrhea   2. Enteritis   3. Anorexia 4. Diet 5. Mucus 6. Gastritis   7. Lavage 8. gastroenteritis 9. gastric juice 10. secretion   1. Washing out a body cavity, such as the colon or stomach, with water or a medical solution. 2. Inflammation of the small intestine, usually causing diarrhea. 3. Inflammation of the stomach and intestine. It is usually due to acute infection by viruses or bacteria or food-poisoning toxins and causes vomiting and diarrhea. 4. Frequent bowel evacuation or the passage of abnormally soft or liquid feces. 5. Inflammation of the lining (mucosa) of the stomach. 6. The liquid secreted by the gastric glands of the stomach. Its main digestive constituents are hydrochloric acid, mucin, rennin, and pepsinogen. 7. The mixture of foods that a person eats. 8. A viscous fluid secreted by mucous membranes. 9. Loss of appetite. 10. The process by which a gland isolates constituents of the food or tissue fluid and chemically alters them to produce a substance that it discharges for use by the body or excretes.


Exercise 8. Translate into native language paying attention to Participles.

The girl standing at the door, a physician examining patients, a dying person, making physical examination, symptoms determining a disease, prescribed drugs, observed patient, performed operation, carried out analyses, attended lectures, bandaged arm, exhausted patient.


Exercise 9. Translate the word combinations into English.

Ліки, що приносять полегшення; людина, яка спить; дитина, яка плаче; написана контрольна робота; вживаючи ці ліки; зроблений рентген, пом’ятаючи вказівки лікаря; поставлений діагноз; охолоджуючий ефект; пацієнт, виписаний з лікарні; спостерігаючи стан хворого; рана, яка кровоточить; зроблений рентген; пацієнт, прийнятий до лікарні; люди, які відвідують хворого у лікарні, прооперований пацієнт.


Exercise 10. Translate into native language paying attention to Participles.

1. Have you written down the name of the examined patient?

2. Everybody tried to help a moaning man.

3. Listening to the patients complaints, the physician was making notes in his case history.

4. He fell asleep exhausted by the treatment.

5. Being very ill, he couldn’t go to school.

6. The operated man was wheeled to the post-operating ward.

7. Wishing to relieve the patient’s pain, the doctor gave him an injection of a painkiller.

8. The given injection made an immediate relief.


Exercise 11. Read and translate the text:


Acute gastritis. Acute gastritis (catarrhal gastritis) is due to a great variety of causes. Common varieties in practice are the result of indiscretions in food or alcoholic drinks; but contaminated food, “chill" and scarlet fever in its acute stage may also induce very acute gastric catarrh. The inflammation may spread downwards to cause acute gastroenteritis. The cardinal symptom of acute gastritis is vomiting and when enteritis is superadded diarrhea also supervenes.

Chronic gastritis. Chronic gastritis is regarded as an important and by no means infrequent disease. Accurate diagnosis is essential. It is important to treat this disease in as early a stage as possible, not only for the immediate disabilities which arise but still more for the serious consequences such as carcinoma, which may possibly result from it. Much of the treatment is essentially prophylactic and consists in the removal of such well-known causes as alcoholism, oral sepsis (especially pyorrhea) and deficient mastication of food (from bad habits or lack of teeth). The cardinal symptoms and signs of an established case which demand treatment are:

1. Vomiting, especially in the morning and associated always with an excessive secretion of mucus into the stomach.

2. Diminution or frequently complete absence of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice. The prime causes favoring continuation of the disease having been removed, the first essential in treatment is gastric lavage carried out always before breakfast and in the severe cases at intervals during the day, before meals. Treatment by lavage is continued until improvement is manifested when its use can be gradually discontinued. If lavage is for any reason impossible, the next best substitute is the administration of a teaspoonful or more of sodium bicarbonate in a tumblerful of warm water in the morning and again before meals throughout the day.

Hydrochloric acid is so commonly greatly diminished or absent in an untreated case of chronic gastritis that some effort is generally made to remedy the deficiency. It is known that after gastric lavage for some weeks the secretion of hydrochloric acid frequently returns in adequate amount.

3. Anorexia is common in chronic patients especially in the morning when there is a great excess of mucus in the stomach. Later in the day the appetite generally improves. Bad dietary habits are common in these patients. The prescribed diet should be arranged so that attractive small meals are provided at frequent intervals.


Exercise 12. Answer the following questions.

1. What causes may induce acute gastritis?

2. What may cause acute gastroenteritis?

3. What are the cardinal symptoms of acute gastritis?

4. Is it important to treat acute gastritis in as early a stage as possible? Why?

5. What does the treatment of chronic gastritis consist of?

6. What cardinal symptoms and signs of an established case demand treatment?

7. When does vomiting in chronic gastritis usually occur?

8. What acid is frequently absent in the gastric juice in chronic gastritis?

9. What is the first essential in treatment of chronic gastritis?

10. When does the secretion of hydrochloric acid frequently return to adequate amount?

11. When does anorexia occur?

12. What diet should be arranged for the patients with bad dietary habits?


Exercise 13. Complete the following sentences using the text.

1. Acute gastritis (catarrhal gastritis) is due to…

2. Common varieties in practice are the result of indiscretions in…

3. … may spread downwards to cause acute gastroenteritis.

4. The cardinal symptom of acute gastritis is … is superadded diarrhea also supervenes.

… is essential.

5. Much of the treatment is essentially prophylactic and consists in the removal of such causes as …

6. Vomiting… and associated always with an excessive secretion of mucus into the stomach.

7. If lavage is impossible, the next best substitute is … in the morning and again before meals.

8. Anorexia is common in chronic patients especially in the morning ….

9. …should be arranged so that attractive small meals are provided at frequent intervals.


Exercise 14. Read the sentences and say whether the following ones are true to the text:

1. Acute gastritis (catarrhal gastritis) is due to a great variety of causes.

2. The inflammation may spread downwards to cause acute cholecystitis.

3. The cardinal symptom of acute gastritis is belching and when enteritis is superadded constipation also supervenes.

4. Chronic gastritis is regarded as an important and by no means frequent disease.

5. Much of the treatment of chronic gastritis is essentially prophylactic.

6. The cardinal symptoms and signs of an established case which demand treatment are vomiting, diminution and anorexia.

7. Vomiting occurs especially in the morning and is always associated with an excessive secretion of blood into the stomach.

8. Diminution or frequently complete presence of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice.

9. Gastric lavage carried out always after breakfast and in the severe cases at intervals during the day, after meals.

10. Treatment by lavage is continued until improvement is manifested when its use can be gradually discontinued.


Exercise 15. Translate the following word combinations.

Ряд причин, повна відсутність соляної кислоти, погані звички, зловживання алкогольними напоями, занадта секреція слизи, виконувати орошення порожнини, проявляти покращення, повний стакан теплої води, впродовж дня, співвідносна кількість рідини, покращити апетит, профилактичне лікування, виділення гною з порожнини, ентерит, прояв покращення.


Exercise 16. Write the translation of the word.

English Ukrainian English Ukrainian
1. diminution 1. 7. indiscretions in food 7.
2. 2. закреп 8. 8. призначення лікаря
3. contaminated food 3. 9. to induce 9.
4. 4. відрижка 10. 10. ліки
5. consequence 5. 11. to discontinue 11.
6. 6. блювота 12. 12. прояви хвороби


Exercise 17. Translate into English phrases in bold type.

1. Gastritis may be caused by поганого пережовування їжи.

2. If any side effects appear – припинити прийом ліків.

3. Treatment of gastritis складається з mostly appropriate diet.

4. Погані звички харчування are common in patients with gastritis.

5. Treatment by lavage can припинити until improvement з’явиться.

6. It is important to treat gastritis in an early stage to prevent the serious наслідки such as carcinoma.

7. The causes of gastritis may be зловживання алкоголем, переїдання, скарлатина та ін.

8. If there are any side effects – you should зупинити treatment immediately.


Exercise 18. Choose proper variant of Participle:

1. The prescribed/prescribing drug was ineffective.

2. The surgeon observed marked/marking improvement in patient’s condition.

3. Children sleeping/slept in their beds are recovering.

4. Symptoms, accompanying/accompanied flue are fever, muscular pain, vomiting.

5. The wounded/wounding arm was bandaged.

6. The X-ray examination was rather disappointing/disappointed.

7. These drugs left/leaving in a dry, dark place are best to be used during 1 year.

8. She fainted, shocking/shocked by the news.

9. A man injured/injuring in a car crash, was brought into the reception ward.


Exercise 19. Translate phrases with Participles in English.

1. I know the doctor, який лікує цього пацієнта.

2. А man, страждаючий від острого болю, was given an injection of painkillers.

3. Викликаючи лікаря, in panic, we forgot to tell the address.

4. Оглядуючи пацієнта, the doctor discerned rales in the lungs.

5. Прописанні уколи should be given twice a day.

6. Роблячи ранковий обхід, a doctor asked every patient about his complaints.

7. She fell on the ice, поранив руку.

8. Залишаючи лікарню, a patient got a long prescription of different medicine.

9. Оглянутий пацієнт was sent to an in-patient department.

10. Gastritis, ускладнена гастроентеритом, needs treatment with medications.


Exercise 20. Transform the sentences with subordinate clauses in sentences with Participle II.

Example: The patient who was examined by the doctor was sent to the 3d ward. – The patient, examined by the doctor, was sent to the 3d ward.

1. The child that was left alone in the doctor’s cabinet, began to cry.

2. The microbes that caused so many illnesses, was distinguished.

3. A patient, who was X-rayed, was sent for blood analyses.

4. A man, who was vaccinated, managed to catch a flu.

5. The man, who had broken his leg, was discharged from the hospital yesterday.

6. The analyses, which showed the microbes of pneumonia, turned out to be false.

7. A man, who was operated on malignant tumor in his stomach died 3 days ago.


Exercise 21. Put questions to the underlined members of sentences.

1. Acute gastritis (catarrhal gastritis) is due to a great variety of causes.

2. The inflammation may spread downwards to cause acute gastroenteritis.

3. Treatment consists of the removal of such well-known causes as alcoholism, oral sepsis and deficient mastication of food .

4. The first essential in treatment is gastric lavage.

5. In severe cases gastric lavages are carried out at intervals during the day, before meals.

6. After gastric lavage for some weeks, the secretion of hydrochloric acid frequently returns in adequate amount.

7. Later in the day the appetite generally improves.


Exercise 22. Open the brackets and put the verbs in a correct tense.

1. The surgeon (to perform) this operation from 10 till 11 o’clock.

2. Two hours ago, a boy (to bring) to the pediatrician with a cough.

3. Eye drops may (to use) for the prevention of ocular infection after removal of a corneal or conjuctival foreign body.

4. The patients (to examine) by a doctor in charge now.

5. If the patient has TB bacilli in the sputum, he (to stay) in the hospital for six or eight months.

6. The patient cannot be discharged from the hospital because he not (to recover) yet.

7. When we came, the solution (to boil) in the water-heater system.


Exercise 23. Describe the terms.

Gastritis, cholecistitis, gastric lavage, anorexia.


Exercise 24. Read and translate the text. Additional reading.

A Case of Gastritis

A 75 yrs old lady came with the complaint of burning pain in the abdomen. She was made a diagnose of chronic gastritis with ulcerations in the stomach. Chronic indigestion always goes with every meal she takes. She had no history of nausea, vomiting, bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract. Her burning pain was relieved by cold milk. She was on antacids which did not relieve her burning pain at all.

Along with this, she suffered from chronic constipation. She had to take laxatives. She also had backache radiating to both lower limbs. Her backache was aggravated by standing, walking, and was relieved by rest. The patient was also suffering from diabetes mellitus. She had itching all over the body without any eruptions, along with dryness of the skin. Her appetite was good.

Endoscopic features showed hemorrhagic erosions, which were compatible with acute gastric mucosal lesion. Although the lesions disappeared after administration of roxatidine (150mg/day), chief complaints did not disappear but were repeatedly worsened. Serum antibody and histologic examination for Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) showed positive results. The administration was changed for another medication after the use of which repeated endoscopy showed only chronic gastritis with mild mucosal atrophy. Heartburn also disappeared. After 6 months of regular treatment and a strong diet, patient reports of 75 to 80% relief in her burning pain. She can pass stools without the use of laxatives. She is off antacids now.


Exercise 25. Translate into English:

Укривання виразками, розлад травлення, закреп, погіршувати стан, печія, призначення ліків, висипання, цукровий діабет, ураження слизової оболонки шлунка, призначення ліків, сумісний, роз'їдання з кровотечею, випорожняти калові маси.


Exercise 26. Complete the table with necessary information from the text.

1. Patient’s complains  
2. Data of examination  
3. Diagnosis  
4. Treatment  
5. The course of the disease  



1. Acute gastritis (catarrhal gastritis) is due … a great variety of causes.

a. from b. to c. on d. in e. off


2. Contaminated food, “chill" and scarlet fever in … acute stage may induce very acute gastric catarrh.

a. its b. it’s c. her d. his e. your


3. The inflammation may spread downwards to cause acute ……

a. gastritis b. gastroenteritis c. enteritis d.all variant are true e. dyspepsia


4. Chronic gastritis is regarded as an important and by no means … disease.

a. frequent b. common c. general d. infrequent e. rare


5. It is important to treat this disease in as early a stage as possible for the serious consequences such as…, which may possibly result from it.

a. oleoma b.pappiloma c. myolipoma d. dentinoma e. Carcinoma


6. Much of the treatment is essentially prophylactic and consists in … of such well-known causes as alcoholism, oral sepsis and deficient mastification of food.

a. the removal b. the insertion c. the resection d. the implantation e. the grafting


7. The prime causes favoring continuation of the disease… , the first essential in treatment is gastric lavage.

a. have been removed b. has been removed

c. having been removed d. to have been removed e. had been removed


8. Treatment by …is continued until improvement is manifest when its use can be gradually discontinued.

a. lavement b. lavation c. irrigation d. ablution e. lavage


9. The next best substitute of lavage is the administration of a teaspoonful or more of … in a tumblerful of warm water.

a. sodium benzoate b. sodium chloride c. sodium fluoride

d. sodium bicarbonate e. sodium sulfate


10. …is commonly greatly diminished or absent in an untreated case of chronic gastritis.

a. Hydrocyanic acid b. Hydrochloric acid

c. Hydroiodic acid d. Hydrosulfuric acid e. Hydroxyacetic acid

ACUTE NEPHRITIS – Гострий нефрит

Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation:

Appendiceal [əpən'disiəl], media ['mediə], glomeruli [glə'merulai], nitrogen ['naitrədʒən], hematuria [hi:mə'tujəriə], albuminuria [ælbju:mi'njuəriə], albuminuric [ælbju:mi'njuərik], oliguria [ɔli'guriə], edema [i'di:mə], feature ['fi:t∫ə], Hg [hai'fra:rdʒirəm], lesion ['liʒ(ə)n]


Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary:

To precede – передувати Predisposing – сприятливий Glomerulae tufts – громерулярні пучки Lesion – ураження Predominant – переважаючий To line – вистилати To involve – залучати Retention – фіксація, утримання, відкладення Outflow – відтік Scanty – мізерний, убогий Oliguria –відсутність виділення сечі Eye fundus –очне дно Cast – циліндр (уроліт) To be responsible for – відповідати за To look for – шукати To overlook – не помітити


Exercise 3. Find Ukrainian equivalents to the following word combinations:

Suppurative lymph nodes, predominant role, chief changes, acute infection, renal inflammation, clinical features, scanty outflow of urine, unfavourable prognosis, grave sign, extensive involvement of the kidney, mild edema, rare cases, pus cells.


Exercise 4. Match medical terms with the proper definitions

1) kidney   2) nephritis   3) urine   4) stone calculus   5) diabetes   6) ureter   7) creatininc     8) nephrology 1) any disorder of metabolism causing excessive thirst and the production of large volumes of urine; 2) a substance derived from creatine and creatine phosphate in muscles; 3) either of a pair of tubes, 25—30 cm long, that conduct urine from the pelvis of kidneys to the bladder; 4) the branch of medicine concerned with the study, investigation and management of diseases of the kidney; 5) the fluid excreted by the kidneys- which contains many of the body's waste products; 6) a hard pebble-like mass formed within the body, particularly in the gallbladder or anywhere in the urinary tract; 7) either of the pair of organs responsible for the excretion of nitrogenous wastes, principally urea, from the blood; 8) Bright's diseases — inflammation of the kidney


Exercise 5. Read and translate the text:


Etiology. Acute infections practically always precede the onset of acute nephritis. Diphtheria, measles, chicken-pox, suppurative lymph glands, chills, appendiceal abscess, or almost any infection in the body may be responsible for nephritis, but tonsillitis, septic sore throat, and otitis media are the main predisposing diseases.

Pathology. Acute glomerular nephritis is not merely a disease of the kidney, but may involve various systems of the body as well as the glomerulae tufts. The term "acute glomerular nephritis" is used, because the capillaries of the glomeruli are practically always the site of the initial lesion. The chief changes occurring in acute glomerular nephritis are swelling and disintegration of the endothelial cells which line the capillaries of the tufts. The process is a diffuse one involving all glomeruli in the tufts.

Symptoms. Following an acute infection, for example, an upper respiratory infection, the patient may develop the clinical picture of acute nephritis within a period of from two to eight days. The classical textbook picture of hematuria, hypertension, edema, and nitrogen retention is not always present; in fact, it seldom is. More often the patient has only evidences of renal inflammation as shown by the urine examination. Albuminuria, red blood cells, pus cells, and casts in the urine are frequently the only signs, and are often overlooked if symptoms are absent. Edema, hypertension, and nitrogen retention may be present or absent. Disturbances of urination characterized by a scanty outflow of urine or even complete anuria may be present.

Hypertension is the most characteristic symptom. If hypertension makes its appearance and the blood pressure keeps rising little by little after the renal disease is in progress, this is a sign of unfavourable prognosis. Sometimes the blood pressure rises rapidly to 200/ 120 mm Hg. The eye fundus in these cases often shows evidences of the so-called albuminuric retinitis. This is a grave sign, though some of these patients do recover.

Edema is not an important syndrome unless it makes its first appearance after the disease is in progress for a week or two. Sometimes the edema is very mild and hardly recognized by the examining physician.

The rise in the nonprotein nitrogen is a sign of renal insufficiency. Frequently the rise is rapid in the early stages of acute anuria.


Exercise 6. Answer the questions:

1. What always precedes the onset of acute nephritis?

2. What are the main predisposing diseases?

3. Why is the term acute glomerular nephritis used?

4. What is the site of the initial lesion?

5. What is the clinical picture of acute nephritis?

6. How are evidences of renal inflammation shown?

7. What are disturbances of urination characterized by?

8. What is the sign of unfavourable prognosis?


Exercise 7. Find English equivalents to the following word combinations:

Початок захворювання, лімфатичні вузли, будь-яка інфекція, септичний фарингіт, різні системи організму, місце первинного ураження, симптом, що загрожує життю, набухання та розпад, велике залучення, відкладення азоту, незначний набряк, дифузний процес, підвищуватись, порушення виділення сечі, несприятливий прогноз, небілковий азот.


Exercise 8. Choose proper adjectives to the following nouns:

Scanty Acute Clinical Various Respiratory Endothelial Examining Blood Chief Predisposing Initial Grave Nephritis Diseases Systems Lesion Changes Cells Infection Picture Outflow Pressure Sign Physician


Exercise 9. Find antonyms to the following words in the text:

Severe, chronic, rare, lower, partial, favourable, last, slow, late, unknown


Exercise 10. Approve or contradict the following;

1. Acute infections practically always precede the onset of acute scurvy.

2. Acute glomerular nephritis is not merely a disease of the kidney, but may involve various systems of the body as well as a gallbladder.

3. Following an acute infection, for example, an upper respiratory infection, the patient may develop the clinical picture of acute nephritis within a period of from two to eight days.

4. Albuminuria, red blood cells, pus cells, and casts in the urine are the only signs of the disease.

5. If hypertension makes its appearance and the blood pressure keeps rising little by little after the renal disease is in progress, this is a sign of recovery.

6. Sometimes the edema is very mild and hardly recognized by the examining physician.


Exercise 11. Put questions to the underlined words and translate them into Ukrainian:

1. I will hospitalize you as soon as we have a vacant bed.

2. Nervous tissue consists of nerve cells and nerve fibres.

3. The blood was dropping from the wound slowly.

4. The surgeon on duty has arrested a profuse abdominal bleeding.

5. She had an attack of pain behind the breastbone last night.

6. When we came the child had been sleeping for an hour.

7. She has been complaining of pain in the left shoulder since 2010.

8. Aristotle made a mistake – he believed that men had32 teeth and women only 28!

9. The working day of a district doctor begins at 8 o’clock.

10. Third-year students will study cardiosurgery next year.


Exercise 12. Translate the sentences:

1. Клінічна картина гострого нефриту розвивається протягом 2-8 днів.

2. Типові клінічні ознаки гострого нефриту рідкісні.

3. Аналіз сечі показує еритроцити, гній і циліндри.

4. Гіпертонія є найхарактернішим симптомом.

5. Іноді тиск піднімається до 200/120 мм рт.ст.

6. Основні зміни відбуваються в ендотеліальних клітинах, які розбухають і розпадаються.


Exercise 13. Read the text and

a). open the brackets and use the verb in the correct form

b). translate the underlined words into English:

The treatment of nephritis (to depend) on the type and cause of the condition. The aim (to be) to reduce inflammation, limit the ураження to the kidneys and support the body until kidney function (to be) back to normal. Обмеження of sodium (salt), калію, protein and fluids in the diet may be necessary. Sometimes bed rest (to advise). Steroids, or more powerful імунопригнічуючі drugs, may (to give) to reduce the inflammation. Antibiotics may be needed too, although у багатьох випадках the infection that initially triggered the nephritis has long since gone. Medication may also (to need) to control blood pressure. In тяжких cases, renal dialysis may be necessary, although this may only be a временная мера. Adults (to be) slower to recover than children and more likely to develop ускладнення or progress into chronic nephritis. Acute nephritic syndrome is unlikely рецидивувати, but if it does there's at least a one in three chance that an adult (to develop) what is known as 'end-stage kidney disease', leaving them in need of permanent dialysis or a kidney transplant.


Exercise 14. Put verbs from brackets in a proper tense and translate them into Ukrainian:

1. They (to work) hard at that problem for the whole year.

2. Latin (to be) a dead language now, but it (to be) an international language many centuries ago.

3. He knew that I (to study) at the Medical University for 2 years.

4. As soon as all analyses (to be ready) the doctor (to make) the diagnosis.

5. George (to help) the nurse in the hospital.

6. After the patient (to suffer from) profuse external bleeding, he (to develop) severe anemia.

7. The man (to loose) consciousness after he (to be run over) by a car.

8. After the patient (to take) pills, he (to sleep) for some hours.

9. The patient (not to operate) yet as not all analyses (to make).

10. The doctor (to study) the patient’s sensitivity to penicillin before the treatment (to begin).

11. This short-sighted man (to loose) his spectacles. We (to look) for them everywhere but still can’t find.

12. The doctor (to write) a prescription when a short man (to open) the door and (to ask) for help.


Exercise 15. HEALTH. The following problems and pieces of advice have got all mixed up. Can you match them correctly?

1. I keep getting headaches   2. I can't get into my clothes   3. I can't sleep at night   4. My eyes are often sore and I sneeze a lot.   5. I'm going to Nepal on business   6. I've got a bad stomach   7. I feel much better now, doctor   8. I've got a terrible cough a. Good, you needn't come back for a month. b. You really must stop smoking. c. Perhaps you should have an eye test. d. You ought to do more exercise— it's very relaxing. e. You'll have to have a few injections. f. You shouldn't eat so much fried food. g. You really must lose some weight. h. You should have some allergy tests.



1. Acute infections practically always precede the onset of … nephritis.

a) chronic b) acute c) prolonged d) contagious


2. The main predisposing diseases of acute nephritis are:

a) diphtheria, measles b) myocardial infarction c) tonsillitis, sore throat


3. The site of initial lesion in acute nephritis is:

a) capillaries of glomeruli b) tonsils c) throat membrane d) adenoids


4. Acute nephritis may develop within:

a) one-two weeks b) two-eight days c) a month d) half a year


5. Patients are known to suffer from renal inflammation as shown by:

a) X-rays b) blood test c) urinalyses d) renal examination


6. Albuminuria, red blood cells, pus cells, and casts in the urine are frequently the only signs, and are often … if symptoms are absent.

a) indicated b) overlooked c) diagnosed d) present


7. The sign of unfavorable prognosis is:

a) a scanty flow of urine b) chronic migraines c) hypertension


8. The eye fundus in these cases often shows evidences of the so-called …:

a) albuminuric retinitis b) jaundice c) liver cirrhosis


9. Sometimes the edema is … and hardly recognized by the examining physician.

a) severe b) acute c) grave d) very mild


10. The rise in the nonprotein nitrogen is a sign of … .

a) renal insufficiency b) angina pectoris c) heart failure





Exercise 1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words. Find their translation:

pyelonephritis [ˌpaiələuni'fraitis], pyonephrosis [ˌpaiələuni'frəʋsis], urosepsis [ˌjʋərəʋ'sepsis], costovertebral [ˌkɔstə'və:tibrəl], granulomatous [ˌɡrænjʊ'ləʊmətəs], percutaneous [ˌpə:kjʊ'teiniəs], nephrostomy [ni'frɔstəmi], exudative [ˌeksju:'deitiv], xanthogranulomatous [ˌzænƟəuˌɡrænjʊ'ləʊmətəs], pathognomonic [ˌpæƟəɡnə'mɔnik], suppuration [ˌsʌpjə'reiʃn], catheterization ['kæθɪtəˌraɪzəʃn], nephrolithotomy[ˌnifrəli'Ɵɔtəmi]

нефролітотомія (видалення каменя з нирки); марення, розлад свідомості; підшкірний; пієлонефрит; ексудативний, випітний; нагноєння; реберно-хребтовий; піонефроз; нефротомія; ксантогранулематозний; уросепсис; патогномоничний, характерний для даного захворювання; катетеризація; гранулематозний


Exercise 2. Translate the word combinations:

severe cases of pyelonephritis, pus accumulation around the kidney, a systemic inflammatory response of to infection, accelerated heart rate, abdominal pain, to radiate to the back, at the costovertebral angle, on the affected side, decreased blood pressure, a purulent inflammation, bleeding.


Exercise 3. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the use of infinitives and their forms:

1. Severe cases of pyelonephritis can lead to kidney failure and even death.

2. Pyelonephritis may be accompanied by tenderness at the costovertebral angle on the affected side.

3. Pyelonephritis can be acute, chronic or xanthogranulomatous.

4. A clinical picture may resemble renal cell carcinoma and other inflammatory renal diseases.

5. To determine pyelonephritis the following examinations are necessary to make: a urinalysis and urine test strip.


Exercise 4. Read and translate the text:


Kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra are the main components of the urinary tract system. Any part of the urinary system may become infected and this is generally referred to as urinary tract infection (UTI). When a kidney becomes infected, the condition is medically referred to as pyelonephritis. Pyelonephritis is caused by bacteria which gain access to the urinary system from outside through the urethra and, thus, leads to the UTI.

Pyelonephritis is an ascending urinary tract infection that has reached the pelvis of the kidney. Severe cases of pyelonephritis can lead to the following complications: pyonephrosis (pus accumulation around the kidney), urosepsis (a systemic inflammatory response of the body to infection), kidney failure and even death.

Usually, pyelonephritis manifests itself with such symptoms as: fever, accelerated heart rate, painful urination, abdominal pain radiating to the back, nausea, and tenderness at the costovertebral angle on the affected side.

Classification. Pyelonephritis can be acute, chronic or xanthogranulomatous.

Acute pyelonephritis is an exudative purulent localized inflammation of the renal pelvis and kidney. Gross pathology often reveals pathognomonic radiations of bleeding and suppuration through the renal pelvis to the renal cortex.

Chronic pyelonephritis implies recurrent kidney infections, and can result in scarring of the renal parenchyma and impaired function. A perinephric abscess (infection around the kidney) and/or pyonephrosis may develop in severe cases of pyelonephritis.

Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis is an unusual form of chronic pyelonephritis characterized by granulomatous abscess formation and severe kidney destruction. A clinical picture may resemble renal cell carcinoma and other inflammatory renal parenchymal diseases. Most patients complain of recurrent fevers and urosepsis, anemia, and a painful renal mass. Other common manifestations include kidney stones and loss of function of the affected kidney.

To determine pyelonephritis the following examinations are necessary to make: urinalysis to show the signs of urinary tract infection (UTI); a urine test strip to reveal the presence of nitrite and white blood cells; blood tests; microbiological culture of the urine and antibiotic sensitivity testing.

Pyelonephritis requires antibiotic therapy, and sometimes surgical intervention such as percutaneous nephrostomy or percutaneous nephrolithotomy, as well as treatment of any underlying causes to prevent its recurrence.


Exercise 5. Answer the questions:

1. What is pyelonephritis?

2. What can it lead to?

3. What are the symptoms of pyelonephritis?

4. What is the cause of pyelonephritis?

5. What are the types of pyelonephritis?

6. How does acute pyelonephritis manifest itself?

7. What can chronic pyelonephritis result in?

8. What is the clinical picture of xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis?

9. What examinations are necessary to make to determine pyelonephritis?

10. How is pyelonephritis treated?


Exercise 6. Give the English equivalents:

висхідна сечова інфекція, потрапляти з оточуючої середи, нагноєння навколо нирки, серйозні випадки пієлонефриту, болісне сечовипускання, черевний біль, уражений бік, гнійне локалізоване запалення, втрата функції, значна деструкція нирки, лікування антибіотиками, хірургічне втручання.


Exercise 7. Match the corresponding pairs:

1. urinary a. blood pressure
2.renal b. inflammation
3.accelerated c. culture
4.white d. shivering
5.dicreased e. stones
6. antibiotic f. heart rate
7.microbial g. therapy
8.kidney h. blood cells
9.purulent i. infection
10.violent j. pelvis


Exercise 8. Find synonyms to the following words:

treatment – hemorrhage –
sharp – purulence –
reaction – occlusion –
persistent – cancer –
trembling – to find out –


Exercise 9. Fill in the table:

English Ukrainian English Ukrainian
1. пієлонефрит 6.accumulation  
2.UTI   7. хірургічне втручання
3. прискорене дихання 8. підшкірний
4. pyonephrosis   9.require  
5. уражена нирка 10.antibiotic sensitivity  


Exercise 10. Match the following symptoms of the UTI with their definitions:

1. frequency a) urination at night
2. dysuria b) difficulty starting to pass urine
3. nocturia c) involuntary passing of urine
4. urgency d) macroscopic blood in the urine
5. hesitancy e) burning pain in the urethra when passing urine
6. urinary incontinence f) frequent passing of urine
7. haematuria g) urgent need to pass urine


Now match the patients’ descriptions of their symptoms (1-7) with the medical terms (a-g).

1. “I have to pee every half hour or so.”
2. “I get a burning pain when I pass water.”
3. “I have to get up several times to pass water at night.”
4. “I have to rush to go to the toilet.”
5. “I have trouble getting started.”
6. “I can’t hold my water.”
7. “I passed some blood in my urine.”


Exercise 11. Put questions to the underlined words:

Pyelonephritis can lead to pyonephrosis, kidney failure and even death.

Pyelonephritis manifests itself with painful urination, abdominal pain, etc.

Tenderness is one of many symptoms of pyelonephritis.

Pyelonephritis can be acute, chronic or xanthogranulomatous.

Chronic pyelonephritis can result in scarring of the renal parenchyma.

Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis is characterized by severe kidney destruction.

A clinical picture of xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis may resemble renal cell carcinoma.

Patients with xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis complain of painful renal mass.

Pyelonephritis requires antibiotic therapy and sometimes surgical intervention.

Another common manifestation of pyelonephritis includes kidney stones.


Exercise 12. Explain the terms:





1. Kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra are the main components of the …

a) alimentary tract b) circulatory system c) urinary tract system d) nervous system


2. When a kidney becomes infected, the condition is medically referred to as …

a) cystitis b) nephritis c) cholecystitis d) pyelonephritis


3. Severe cases of pyelonephritis can lead to ...

a) kidney failure b) heart failure c) hepatic impairment d) venous insufficiency


4. Usually, pyelonephritis manifests itself with …

a) cough with sputum discharge b) squeezing chest pain c) painful urination

d) heartburn


5. Chronic pyelonephritis implies …

a) localized inflammation b) recurrent infection c) tumour d) suppuration


6. A clinical picture of xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis may resemble …

a) carcinoma b) purulent inflammation c) suppuration d) systemic inflammatory response to infection


7. To determine pyelonephritis it is necessary to make ...

a) percussion b) auscultation c) inspection d) urinalysis


8. A urine test strip helps to reveal the presence of …

a) sugar b) white blood cells c) carbon dioxide d) nitrite


9. Pyelonephritis requires …

a) only antibiotic therapy b) only surgery c) both surgery and antibiotic treatment d) vitamins


10. A surgical procedure to remove stones from the kidney is called …

a) nephrostomy b) nephrolithotomy c) puncture d) catheterization




Exercise 1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words:

Nephrolithiasis [nefrəliθi'eisis], calculi ['kælkjulai], pyelonephritis [paiələuni'fraitis], gravel ['græv(ə)l], rough [rΛf], hydronephrosis [haidrəni'frəusis], ureter [juə'ri:tə], excruciating [iks'kru:∫ieitiŋ], stasis ['stæsis], anuria [ə'njuəriə], uremia [juə'ri:miə], ensue [in'sju:]


Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary:

Calculus (calculi) – камінь (каміння )

Gravel – галька

Stag-horn - розгалужений

Rough – грубий

Persistent - тривалий

Flank – бік, сторона

Groin - пах

Soreness – чутливість, болючість

Intermittent – переривчастий, періодичний

To ensue – виникати

Excruciating – болісний, нестерпний


Exercise 3. Form the verbs from the following nouns and translate them:

Manifestation, infection, destruction, obstruction, radiation, origination, involvement, examination, development, production, migration.


Exercise 4. Translate the word combinations:

Renal calculi, loss of kidney, renal colic, spasm of the abdominal muscles, stasis, albuminuria, haematuria, renal destruction, hydronephrosis, urine, bilateral obstruction of the ureter, pyonephrosis, renal pelvis, cortex of the kidney, shock, examination of the kidneys, migration of the stone.


Exercise 5. Memorize the meaning of the following term-elements.

Nephr(o) – combining form of Greek origin denoting the kidney

Reni- (reno-) - combining form of Greek origin denoting the kidney

Ureter (o) - combining form of Greek origin denoting the ureter

Sphincter (o) – combining form of Greek origin denoting the sphincter

Pyelo(o) – combining form of Greek origin denoting the pelvis of the kidney


Exercise 6. Choose the correct definitions to the following terms:

1) calculus 1) obstruction and infection of the kidney resulting in pus


2) obstruction 2) denoting stoppage of a flow of liquid, stagnation;

3) renal (adj.) 3) a term indicating the blockage of a body vessel. It may

by caused by foreign objects by naturally formed “stones” (gallstones);


4) pyonephritis 4) relating to or affecting the kidney;

5) stasis 5) a stone a hard pebble-like mass formed within the body,

particularly in the gall bladder or in the urinary tract

6) kidney 6) the tube that conveys urine from the kidney to the urinary

bladder or cloaca

7) ureter 7) either of two bean-shaped organs at the back of the

abdominal cavity in man, one on each side of the spinal column. They maintain water and electrolyte balance and filter waste products from the blood, which are excreted as urine


Exercise 7. Read and translate the text:


The manifestations of renal calculi are extremely variable. In many instances stones are carried in the kidneys for years without producing any symptoms. More commonly, a mild infection develops in the pelvis about the stone and gradually involves the cortex of the kidney until a severe pyelonephritis develops. If the stone is large, or several are present, the infection may progress to pyonephrosis, resulting in the destruction and ultimate loss of the kidney.

The size of a calculus varies from very small gravel to a large stag-horn stone which may fill the renal pelvis. Calcium oxalate stones usually are small, dark, rough and hard, while calcium phosphate stones tend to be soft, white, chalky and frequently stag-horn in shape. Migration of a stone may cause obstruction with resultant stasis, infection and clinical manifestations. Persistent or repeated obstruction leads to pyonephrosis or hydronephrosis. When a stone enters and obstructs the ureter, renal colic occurs. There is excruciating pain which originates in the back of flank and radiates across the abdomen and into the groin, genitals and inner aspect of the thigh. There may be nausea, vomiting, sweating, frequency, urgency of urination, chills and shock. Examination reveals slight soreness over the involved kidney and ureter, spasm of the abdominal muscles, albuminuria and microscopic haematuria.

Intermittent or persistent obstruction to the flow of urine leads to stasis, infection, hydronephrosis and renal destruction if the obstruction is bilateral, anuria and uremia ensue.


Exercise 8. Answer the following questions:

1. How are the stones carried in the kidneys for years?

2. Where does a mild infection develop?

3. In what case may the infection progress to pyonephrosis?

3. Where does the pain radiate across?

4. When does renal colic occur?

5. What may the migration of stone cause ?

6.Where does the excruciating pain originate ?

7.What does the examination of the kidneys reveal ?

8. What symptoms may occur in case of excruciating pain?

9. What does the size of a calculus vary from?

10. What is the difference between calcium oxalate stones and calcium phosphate stones?


Exercise 9. Read the text and say whether the following statements are true to the text.

1. When a stone enters and obstructs the ureter, renal colic does not occur.

2. Intermittent or persistent obstruction to the flow of urine leads to stasis, infection, hydronephrosis and renal destruction.

3. Calcium oxalate stones usually are small, white, rough and not hard.

4. The pain in case of calculi originates in the back or flank and radiates across the abdomen and into the groin.

5. There may be only nausea and vomiting in calculi.

6. A mild infection develops in the cortex of the kidney.

7. Migration of a stone may cause obstruction.


Exercise 10. Give the English equivalents:

Повна втрата, випадок, дрібна галька, повторна закупорка, нестерпний біль, болючисть , ниркова різь, клінічні проявлення, , часте сечовипускання, ниркове руйнування, обстеження нирок, течия сечі, блювання, потіння, стегно, застій, поступово, сечовід, пах, черевні м’язи.


Exercise 11. Find antonyms to the following words:

1. acute hard

2. destruction to be absent

3. bilateral to regress

4. microscopic formation

5. soft lateral

6. to progress severe

7.to be present macroscopic


Exercise 12. Make the following sentences interrogative:

1. The manifestations of renal calculi are extremely variable.

2. In many instances stones are carried in the kidneys for years.

3. Persistent or repeated obstruction leads to pyonephrosis or hydronephrosis.

4. Calcium oxalate stones usually are small, dark, rough and hard.

5. Migration of a stone may cause obstruction with resultant stasis.

6. The excruciating pain originates in the back of flank.

7. A mild infection develops in the pelvis.

Exercise 13. Read the definition and fill in the blanks with the words given in brackets:

1. Any non-inflammatory degenerative kidney disease - …. .

2. Pain in a kidney - … .

3. A medical instrument for examination the urethra - … .

4. Inflammation of the urethra - … .

5. Surgical removal of a kidney - … .

6. Plastic surgery on the pelvis - … .

7. Any pelvis disease - … .

( Pyeloplasty, nephrosis, urethritis, nephralgia, urethroscope, pyelitis, nephrectomy)


Exercise 14. Insert modal verbs:

1. If the stone is large, the infection …. progress to pyonephrosis.

2. You … check up your kidneys. Your urinalysis is not good.

3. Examination of the kidneys … reveal slight soreness over the involved kidney.

4. If the obstruction to the flow of urine is bilateral, anuria and uremia … occur.

5. You … be hospitalized immediately because of renal colic.

6. … I take your temperature?

7. You … go for a walk every day to improve your health after uretoplasty.


Exercise 15. Explain the following terms in English:

a) pyelonephritis

b) haematuria

c) urine

d) albuminuria


Exercise 16. Read and try to guess what this dialogue is about:

Doctor: Are you having any trouble with your waterworks?

Mr. Jones: Well , I do seem to have to go to the toilet more often that I used to.

Doctor: How often is that?

Mr. Jones: It depends, but sometimes it’s every hour or even more often.

Doctor: What about at night? Do you have to get up at night?

Mr. Jones: Yes. Nearly always two or three times.

Doctor: Do you get any burning or pain when you pass water?

Mr. Jones: No, not usually.

Doctor Do you have any trouble getting started?

Mr. Jones: No.

Doctor: Is the stream normal? I mean is there still a good strong flow?

Mr. Jones: Perhaps not quite so good as it used to be.

Doctor: Do you ever lose control of your bladder? Any leaking or dribbling?

Mr. Jones: Well, perhaps a little dribbling from time to time.

Doctor: Have you ever passed blood in the urine?

Mr. Jones: No, never.



1. The manifestation of renal calculi are...

a) rare b) frequent c) constant d) variable e) unchangeable


2. In many instances stones are carried in the kidneys for...

a) hours b) days c) years d) weeks e) several minutes


3. More commonly, a mild infection develops in the pelvis about the stone and involves ... of the kidney.

a) nephron b) body c) cortex d) artery e) medulla


4. The infection may progress to...

a) cancer b) pyonephrosis c) nephritis d) pyelonephritis

e) glomerulonephritis


5. Calcium oxalate stones usually are...

a) small and hard b) large and soft c) irregular d) enormous e) tiny


6. Migration of a stone may cause ... with resultant stasis, infection and clinical manifestations.

a) destruction b) inflammation c) necrosis d) cyanosis e) obstruction


7. When a stone enters and obstructs the ureter, ... occurs.

a) inflammation b) renal colic c) necrosis d) pain e) nephritis


8. Persistent or repeated obstruction leads to ... .

a) nephritis b) pyelonephritis c) glomeronephritis d) pyonephrosis

e) acute inflammation.


9. Examination reveals ... over the involved kidney and ureter.

a) acute pain b) severe inflammation c) slight soreness d) calculus

e) no pain


10. Anuria and uremia ensue if the obstruction is ... .

a) lateral b) bilateral c) partial d) complete e) long-term



Infertility - Безпліддя


1. Topic vocabulary:

To refer to - стосуватися

To conceive - зачати

To bypass - обходити

Glue - клей

Volatile solvents –летючий розчинник

Fertilization – запліднення


2. Give the Ukrainian equivalents:

Biological inability, to carry a pregnancy to a full term, medical intervention, thyroid disorders,

environmental factors, chemical dusts, common causes, tubal blockage, age-related factors, previous tubal ligation, in vitro fertilization, a full term pregnancy


4. Read and translate the text:


Infertility primarily refers to the biological inability of a person to conceive. Infertility may also refer to the state of a woman who is unable to carry a pregnancy to full term. There are many biological causes of infertility, some of which may be bypassed with medical intervention.

Causes in either sex

Factors that can cause male as well as female infertility are:

· General factors

o Diabetes mellitus, thyroid disorders, adrenal disease

· Hypothalamic-pituitary factors

· Environmental factors

o Toxins such as glues, volatile organic solvents or silicones, physical agents, chemical dusts, and pesticides. Tobacco smokers are 60% more likely to be infertile than non-smokers.

Common causes of infertility of females include:

· ovulation problems

· tubal blockage

· age-related factors

· uterine problems

· previous tubal ligation

· endometriosis

The main cause of male infertility is low semen quality.

Medical treatments

Prevention · Some cases of infertility may be avoided by doing the following: · Avoid drugs and medications known to cause fertility problems.

Case history #1

An 8-year-old white girl presents for further evaluation of excessive weight gain. She (to bear) at term following a pregnancy complicated by gestational diabetes, and (to have) a birth weight of 4.5 kg. She has a large appetite with excessive calories eaten throughout the day. She has limited activity, and (to watch) 5 to 6 hours of television daily. She (to have)a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy for obstructive sleep apnoea (a temporary inability to breathe) at 6 years of age. There is an extensive family history of obesity, and her father's BMI is 35 and mother's BMI is 45. The child's height is 143 cm, and weight 80 kg, giving her a BMI of 38.8, which (to be) markedly greater than the 95th percentile for age and gender.


Exercise 9. Make up questions to the underlined words:

Case history #2

  Exercise 10. Be ready to speak on the following items: 1. The main causes of childhood obesity.


Exercise 8. Read and translate the text paying attention to Complex Subject Constructions. Put questions to the underlined words. From the Classical Period to the Medieval Period, the body and the soul were… *a martyr ['ma:t ə ] мученик

Most people don't realize that cancer is preventable in many cases. Learning what causes cancer and what the risk factors are is the first step in cancer prevention. Many cancer risk factors can be avoided, thus reducing the likelihood of developing cancer.

Cancers that are closely linked to certain behaviors are the easiest to prevent. For example, choosing not to smoke tobacco or drink alcohol significantly lower the risk of several types of cancer - most notably lung, throat, mouth, and liver cancer. Even if you are a current tobacco user, quitting can still greatly reduce your chances of getting cancer.

Some cancer prevention is based on systematic screening in order to detect small irregularities or tumors as early as possible even if there are no clear symptoms present. Breast self-examination, mammograms, testicular self-examination, and Pap smears are common screening methods for various cancers.


Exercise 7. Answer the questions:

1. What disease is medically known as a malignant neoplasm?

2. How may the cancer usually spread to more distant parts of the body?

3. What tumors are considered to be non-cancerous?

4. What groups are the known cancers that afflict a human classified into?

5. What is known to increase the risk of cancer?

6. What faults within cells to cause the disease?

7. In what ways can cancer be detected?

8. What is cancer usually treated with?

9. What is considered to be the first step in cancer prevention?

10. What are the most common screening methods for various cancers?


Exercise 8. Choose the proper continuation on the right:

1. Carcinomas 2. Sarcomas 3. Lymphomas 4. Leukemias 5. Adenomas   Ø are cancers that arise in the thyroid, the pituitary gland, the adrenal gland, and other glandular tissues. Ø are any malignant tumours derived from epithelial tissue. Ø are tumours, usually benign, occurring in glandular tissue. Ø are usually malignant tumours arising from connective tissue. Ø are any acute or chronic diseases characterized by a gross proliferation of leucocytes, which crowd into the bone marrow, spleen, lymph nodes.


Exercise 9. Memorize the meaning of the following term-elements.

*Cancers are often referred to by terms that contain a prefix related to the cell type in which the cancer originated and a suffix such as -sarcoma, -carcinoma, or just -oma. Common prefixes include:

· Adeno- = gland

· Chondro- = cartilage

· Erythro- = red blood cell

· Hemangio- = blood vessels

· Hepato- = liver

· Lipo- = fat

· Lympho- = white blood cell

· Melano- = pigment cell

· Myelo- = bone marrow

· Myo- = muscle

· Osteo- = bone

· Uro- = bladder

· Retino- = eye

· Neuro- = brain


Exercise 10. Complete the following sentences choosing suitable words from the box. Translate into Ukrainian.

Any tumour composed of nerve tissue.

A malignant tumour of the liver.

A benign tumour composed of muscle tissue

A tumor derived from chondroblasts having the appearance of a mass of well-differentiated cartilage.

A common benign tumour composed of well- -differentiated fatty tissue.

A malignant tumour composed of melanocytes, occurring esp. in the skin, often as a result of excessive exposure to sunlight.

Are tumours of bone caused by proliferation of osteoclast cells.

A rare malignant tumour of the retina occurring in infants.

A malignant tumour that derives from neuroblasts, occurring mainly in the adrenal gland.

A tumour of the brain and spinal cord, composed of neuroglia (glia глия, нейроглия, нервная ткань) cells and fibres.

Exercise 11. Put questions to the underlined words: 1. The chances of surviving the disease vary greatly by the type and location… 2. While cancer can affect people of all ages, and a few types of cancer are more common in children, the risk of…

З медичної точки зору; лімфатична система та кровоток; поведінка; профілактика раку; загальний скринінг; перш за все; зменшувати шанси; виявити злоякісну пухлину; мазок Папаниколау; кидати курити; зменшувати ризик; тісно звязаний з поведінкою; ймовірність захворювання на рак; гістологічне дослідження; зразок тканини; медичне зображення; відсутність фізичної активності; вражати; забруднювачі навколишнього середовища; генетичні помилки (дефект, вада) в клітинах; небезпечний для життя; нерегульований ріст клітин; вражати (про хворобу); самостійне обстеження грудей; ожиріння; доброякісна неоплазма; залозиста тканина.

Exercise 13. Translate into English:

Карцинома (також рак) — злоякісна пухлина з епітеліальної тканини.

Розрізняють такі типи лікування: 1. Хірургічне видалення пухлини з прилеглими тканинами. Ефективне для… 2. Променева терапія застосовується для лікування малодиференційованих пухлин, чутливих до радіації. Також…

Exercise 9. Read the text, fill in the gaps with the words given in the table below. Express your opinion on the contents of the article.

World Cancer Day 2013

One of the most visible events marking the occasion in the United States will be in …………., where the Empire State Building was lit blue and orange… Every year, 7.6 million lives are lost to cancer worldwide – more than AIDS,… This year the UICC focused on dispelling damaging myths and misconceptions about cancer, under the tagline “Cancer -…


3.Calcium Channel Blockers… 4.Cardiovascular medications… 5.An ACE inhibitor…

Case history #1

A 50-year-old man presents to clinic with a complaint of central chest discomfort of 2 weeks' duration, occurring after walking for more than 5 minutes or climbing more than 1 flight of stairs. The chest discomfort resolves with rest within several minutes. He is obese, has a history of hypertension, and smokes 10 cigarettes a day. His father died from a myocardial infarction at the age of 54 years. On examination, his blood pressure is 144/92 mmHg with a heart rate of 82 bpm. The remainder of his examination is normal.

Exercise 11. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

Case history #2

A 60-year-old man with a history of a myocardial infarction (to present) to clinic for follow-up. He (to start) on aspirin, beta-blocker, and statin therapy after his heart attack. In the past 2 weeks the patient (to note) return of chest pressure when he walks rapidly. The chest pressure (to resolve) with sublingual glyceryl trinitrate or a decrease in his activity level. He is a former smoker and (to modify) his diet and activity to achieve his goal body weight. He is normotensive on examination with a heart rate of 72 bpm. The remainder of his examination (to be) normal.

Exercise 12. Approve or disapprove the following Dr. Shelton’s quote:

Cardiovascular Drugs

So drugs are not recommended. They do not produce health but contribute to disease.    





Beta Blockers


Exercise 15. Translate into English using active vocabulary.

Побічна дія лікарських засобів.

  Профілактика побічної дії лікарських засобів є одним із засобів підвищення… Щоб запобігти ускладненням фармакотерапії, потрібно дотримуватись таких правил: 1. Обов'язково з'ясовувати у кожного…

Irreversible pulpitis is the condition where the pulp is irreversibly damaged and cannot recover. For example, decay that has reached the pulp of the tooth introduces bacteria into the pulp. The pulp is still alive, but the introduction of bacteria into the pulp will not allow the pulp to heal and it will ultimately result in necrosis, or death, of the pulp tissue.

Symptoms associated with irreversible pulpitis may include dull aching pain from hot or cold (though cold may actually provide relief), lingering pain after removal of a stimulus, spontaneous pain, or referred pain.

The pulp of a tooth with irreversible pulpitis may not be left alone to heal.

The tooth may be treated by root canal therapy when the pulp is removed and replaced by gutta percha. An alternative is extraction of the tooth. This may be required if there is insufficient coronal tissue remaining for restoration once the root canal therapy has been completed.


Exercise 5. Answer the questions

1) What kind of disease is pulpitis?

2) What are the common symptoms of pulpitis?

3) What are the causes of pulpitis?

4) Why does pain occur in pupitis?

5) What is the diagnosis of pulpitis based on?

6) How can pulpitis be classified?

7) What are the features of reversible pulpitis?

8) How can reversible pulpitis be treated?

9) What are the features of irreversible pulpitis?

10) How is irreversible pulpitis treated?

Exercise 6. Translate into English the words describing pain and related to pain. Then use the appropriate words in sentences.

I. 1)Pain (the character): острая, тупая, ноющая, пульсирующая, иррадиирующая, спонтанная, жгучая, колющая, давящая, сжимающая, невыносимая, стреляющая, кратковременная, затяжная, длительная, рецидивирующая

2)вызывать боль, чувствовать боль, переносить боль, страдать от боли, снимать (облегчать) боль, усиливать боль, предотвращать боль

II. 1) In reversible pulpitis the pain (subsides, prevents) when the stimulus is removed).

2) A (pressing, throbbing) pain may be associated with pulpitis.

3) Pain killers can (exacerbate, relieve) pain only for a short period.

4) A (lingering, transient) pain after removal of a stimulus is a symptom of irreversible pulpitis.

5) In angina pectoris patients (experience, cause) a (recurrent, sharp) pain behind the breastbone.

6) In irreversible pulpitis the pain is (spontaneous, burning), which may wake the patient at night and may (suffer, become worse) when lying down.

7) The symptoms of gastric ulcer may include a (gnawing, squeezing) or burning pain in the middle or upper stomach between meals or at night.

8) The pain may (feel, persist) for several days.


Exercise 7. Choose pairs of words with the similar meaning

Restoration, transient, tooth decay, findings, trauma, throbbing, persist, extraction, convalesce, response, caries, pain, data, filling, reaction, diffuse, temporal, tenderness, removal, injury, continue, recover, dissipate, pulsating


Exercise 8. Read the patient’s question and the dentist’s answer and tell what kind of pulpitis it can be and what treatment can be required in this case. Explain your conclusion.


I presently have mouth pain (dull, not acute) what has previously been described to me as pulpitis. I`ve had it several times before; it`s often triggered by biting or chewing something hard, like crusty bread. Sometimes the pain has gradually gone away by itself, and sometimes I`ve had to see an endodontist for a root canal.

This time the pain is receding slowly. Of course I would like to avoid going back to the endodontist. So other than not eating crunchy food, and patience, are there things I can do at home to facilitate recovery? If you have ideas, I`m very motivated to follow them! Thanks.


There is no home care to heal or prevent the breakdown of the blood vessels or nerves inside your tooth. A visit to the dentist/endododontist could determine if there are any dental problems that can be fixed to prevent needing a root canal.

I would recommend an evaluation. It is important to note that tooth pain will eventually disappear regardless but if there is a problem it will eventually appear again.

Exercise 9. Transform the sentences with direct speech by those with reported speech

1) The patient said, ‘I have mouth pain (dull, not acute) what has previously been described to me as pulpitis’.

2) ‘It is important to note that tooth pain will eventually disappear regardless but if there is a problem it will eventually appear again’ said the dentist to the patient.

3) ‘Can I facilitate recovery at home?’ asked the patient.

4) ‘How do whitening toothpastes work and how effective are they?’ asked Peter his dentist.

5) The dentist said ‘Whitening toothpastes can lighten your tooth's color by about one shade’.

6) ‘Fluoride-containing toothpastes have been shown to prevent cavities,’ explained the dentist.

7) ‘Visit your dentist to determine if there are any dental problems that can be fixed to prevent needing a root canal,’ said the family doctor to Ben.

8) "We are encouraging dentists to select radiographic examinations for their patients on an individual basis," said Dr. Sharon Brooks.


Exercise 10. Open the bracket and translate

1) If the infection (to be) severe, the child will need to be treated in the hospital and receive antibiotics through an intravenous (IV) catheter.

2) Different types of bacteria (to involve) in this process that can lead to an infection in the inside of the tooth.

3) The pain (to reduce) significantly by physiotherapeutic procedures before the patient (to examine) by the endodontist.

4) Avoid medications such as ibuprofen or aspirin to manage toothache as these generally (not to consider) safe during pregnancy.

5) A 9-year-old boy having caries (to refer) to a paediatric dental clinic after two previous extractions in a general practice.

6) The endodontic treatment (to complete) by the end of the next week.

7) Recent studies (to show) a positive relationship between caries and dental erosion and the consumption of soft drinks.

8) To manage dental pain, acetaminophen (Tylenol) (to recommend) for pain relief.


Exercise 11. Have you ever experienced toothache? Was it pulpitis? Tell about you visiting a dentist.



1. Pulpitis may be characterized by … pain.

a) permanent burning; b) prolonged throbbing; c) transient squeezing


2. Pulpitis can be diagnostically divided into … categories.

a) two; b) three; c) many


3. Irreversible pulpitis may be treated by … .

a) elimination of the irritant; b) the placement of a restoration;

c) root canal therapy


4. Pain in pulpitis is caused by … .

a) bacteria; b) increased pressure; c) necrosis


5. … does not allow for pressure dissipation.

a) enamel; b) dentine; c) pulp


6. The doctor asked …in the morning.

a) if the patient feels pain; b) if the patient has felt pain;

c) if the patient felt pain


7. Tooth pain will eventually disappear but if there … a problem it will eventually appear again.

a) is; b) are; c) will be


8. Due to many factors the pulp becomes … .

a) inflaming; b) inflame; c) inflamed


9. Endodontics deals … the tooth pulp and the tissues surrounding the root of a tooth.

a) with; b) about; c) to


10. The endodontic treatment will have been completed … the end of the next week.

a) in; b) at; c) by



ORAL HYGIENE – Гігієна ротової порожнини

Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation of the following words: measure ['meʒə] plaque [pla:k]

Oral Hygiene and the Prevention of Dental Disease

Oral Hygiene Oral hygiene consists simply of keeping the teeth free of food debris,2 thus… Although it is easy enough to brush the teeth or eat an apple after meals at home, it may often be inconvenient…


accessible [ək'sesəbl] massage ['mæsa:ʒ] bristle ['brisl]

Tooth brushing

Toothbrushes with a small head and medium bristles are probably the most effective. The brush is rinsed and toothpaste added. Several strokes are… Each jaw is done in turn1 and the mouth is then thoroughly rinsed with warm… Correct and effective tooth brushing in the way described requires time, knowledge and skill. Many people lack these…

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Соответствующий теме материал
  • Похожее
  • По категориям
  • По работам