
Реферат Курсовая Конспект

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Lecture 1 The Subject Matter of Grammar
The Subject Matter of Grammar... Grammar is the study of the structure of human language Grammar studies the formal properties of words and sentences It cosists of morphology and syntax Morphology describes how words are structured and...

  1. The Evolution of English Grammars
  2. The Asymmetry of a Linguistic Sign
  3. Transformational and Transformational Generative Grammar
  4. Semantic Syntax
  5. The Oppositional Method
  6. The Distributional method
  7. The Transformational Method
  8. The Method of Deep and Surface Structures
  9. The Componential Method
  10. The Contextual Method
  11. The Morphological Structure of ME
  12. The Classifications of Morphemes
  13. Paradigmatics and Syntagmatics
  14. Classifications of Parts of Speech.
  15. Notionals and Functionals
  16. Heterogeneity
  17. The Category of Gender.
  18. The Category of Number
  19. Debated Problems within the Category of Case
  20. Debated Problems
  21. The Functions of Articles in a Sentence
  22. The General Properties of a Verb
  23. Classifications of Tenses
  24. The Future Tense
  25. The Present Tense
  26. The Category of Aspect
  27. The Category of Voice
  28. The Subjunctive Mood
  29. Points of Similarities with the Finites
  30. Points of Differences with the Finites
  31. Types of Syntax
  32. Devices of Connecting Words in a Phrase
  33. Debated Problems within the Theory of the Phrase
  35. The Definition of a Sentence
  36. Syntactic Modelling of the Sentence
  37. Semantic Modelling of the Sentence
  38. The Notion of a Syntactic Paradigm
  39. Structural Classification of Simple Sentences
  40. Syntactic Ties
  41. Within a simple sentence we distinguish primary and secondary (independent/ dependent) elements, the structural nucleus and its adjuncts.
  42. Syntactic Processes
  43. The Principal Parts of a Simple Sentence
  44. An Object
  45. Debated Problems within a Simple Sentence
  47. A Compound Sentence
  48. The Status of the Subordinate Clause.
  49. Classifications of Subordinate Clauses.
  50. Types of Subordinate Clauses.
  51. Connections between the Principal and the Subordinate Clause.
  52. Neutralization between Subordination and Coordination.
  53. Communicative Dynamism within a Composite Sentence( Compound and Complex) and a Supra-phrasal Unit.

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