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Traditions - используемый тег на сайте, здесь можно скачать или скопировать материал при условии соблюдения авторских прав его правообладателя.Traditions Все работы по данной метке.

Great Britain. Culture & Traditions.
Great Britain Culture amp Traditions... План лекції... England the country with the character Teenagers and students life in England Dating and marriage...

  2. Teenagers and students life in England. Dating and marriage customs in Britain.
  3. Marriage.
  4. Eating.
  5. Invitations.
  6. Dining.
  8. DINNER.
  9. Typical Traditional British Dishes.
  10. Afternoon Tea and High Tea in England.
  11. English Cheeses.
  12. English cuisine in details.
  13. Cheese.
  14. Fish and seafood.
  15. Pies, pastries and savoury puddings.
  16. Sausages.
  17. Salted, smoked, pickles, preserves and condiments.
  18. Full English breakfast with bubble and squeak, sausage, bacon, grilled tomatoes and eggs.
  19. The Sunday roast.
  20. Dessert.
  21. Savoury dishes. Steak and Kidney Pudding
  22. Indian and Anglo-Indian cuisine
  23. Hot drinks.
  24. Soft drinks.
  25. Beer and cider.
  26. Wine and mead.
  27. International reputation.
  28. Illustrations.
  29. How to eat with a knife and fork in England.
  30. Savoury dishes
  31. Sweet dishes
  32. Food writers and chefs
  33. The culture of the United Kingdom (watching films).
  34. Relations and attitudes to other countries.
  35. Culture.
  36. Table Manners for a Typical Evening Meal.
  37. Seafood.
  38. Common ingredients.
  39. Fats and oils.
  40. Southern variations.
  41. Th century—21st century.
  42. New England.
  43. Ethnic and immigrant influence.
  44. Early ethnic influences.
  45. Later ethnic and immigrant influence.
  46. Notable American chefs.
  47. Illustrations.
  48. Seafood
  49. History.
  50. Attire.
  51. Ceremony and Reception.
  52. After the Wedding.
  53. American Traditions.
  54. Destination.
  55. Prices in United States.
  56. Money needed for food (2000 calories, balanced).
  57. Property Prices in United States.
  58. Taxi Fares in United States.

Holidays and traditions in english-speaking countries
All the public holidays, except Christmas Day and Boxing Day observed on December 25th and 26th respectively, are movable, that is they do not fall… Besides public holidays, there are other festivals, anniversaries and simply… Some people ignore it completely and go to bed at the same time as usual on New Year s Eve. Many others, however, do…

Traditions and holidays of Great Britain
There are songs, saying and superstitions.They are all part of the British way of life. You cannot really imagine Britain without all its… What about royal traditions There are numerous royal traditions in Britain,… It is a big parade with brass bands and hundreds of soldiers at Horse Guard s Parade in London. A regiment of the…

Customs and traditions of Great Britain
The East End is the district inhabited by the workers, and the West End is a fashionable shopping and entertaining center. English people like to… They eat eggs and bacon with toasts for breakfast, pudding or apple pie for… Englishmen have many traditional holidays, such as Christmas, St.Valentines Day, Mothers day, Easter and others. Some…

Customs and Traditions
To know the customs traditions means to understand the people, their art culture better. In the matter of holidays the British are less well off… England has preserved its old ceremonies traditions to a greater extend than… But what about the others Who was Guy Fawkes Why does the Queen have two birthdays And what is the word pub short for…

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