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The Cultural Heritage of the Kazakh Nation

The Cultural Heritage of the Kazakh Nation - раздел Культура, Introduction The Legend Of Tazy On The South Part Of Kazakhstan There Is Pec...

Introduction The legend of Tazy On the South part of Kazakhstan there is peculiar bird called red duck. Kazakh people call it “It Ala Kaz” which is translated as dog – variegated goose. And kazakh people from the ancient times have legend about these bird and local dog – greyhound, which is called “The sacred gift of Allah.” It happened so many years ago and nobody knows when exactly. But still everybody heard about the story of Tazy, it passed from generation to generation.At that distant time our lands were widely stretching, saxaul were growing, and flock of sheep and horses were rambling.

It was beautiful time. Then kazakh people lead a nomad’s life moving from one place to another with their trim yurts.Already at that time there was a popular belief that very rarely may be once per hundreds years in the eggs of duck was born not just duckling as in other eggs, but the kazakh Tazy. And it was considered as a lucky thing that not everyone can get it. There was one poor kazakh man. Through the whole year from winter to summer he worked at steppe pasturing flock.

It really was matter to him whether it is cold weather or hot, because he was so diligent. And his life was monotonous. But once upon a time a wolf rushed in to the flock and made of with the best sheep. He asked his son to look after the flock of sheep and then he saddled the horse and went to follow after the wolf. Searching process lasted for the whole day till the late evening.As sunset showed up on the horizon he decided to put his horse to graze and fell asleep under the tree. When there was still twilight in the steppe and rabbits jumped on the ground, he waked up from the voice of some bird. He opened his eyes and saw two ducks that were crying to him and were very alarmed with something.

In turned out, it was blasted burrow with ducks’ eggs next to him. It was the reason for their hard feelings.Herdsman tried to find out what is lying inside the burrow and he was shocked.

Among just born ducklings there was a little puppy. He accurately put out the dog and wrapping him into shawl he galloped in the way of his aul with the wonderful discovery. The family of this man looked after and lavish care upon this puppy, they even shared a last piece of meat and feed him with warm milk. He was growing so fast that from fat and clumsy puppy he became beautiful and swift Tazy. From this point onwards his house filled with happiness.Whatever he did and whatever he got down he was always lucky.

In the rest out of his work time he usually went to hunting with his true friend Tazy. He really pleasured with the indefatigability of the dog. He was faster than wind in the vast expanses of steppe and no other can be as quicker as Tazy. He caught all fast animals and even beautiful bustard bird that could not fly up in spite of that fact that bustard is able to run and fly very rapidly.From the fell of fox man’s wife sewed fur-caps for her family, they sell the meat of caught antelope and rabbits making living out of this business.

After that they started live happy and nourishing resulting with many friends. In the weekends his friends always came to him and get fun of hunting. Everybody tried to boast of their ability to hunt and competed with each other’s boldness. Some of them brought really good greyhound Tazy and others brought golden eagles on their feather glove. And entertainment for them was so interesting.But herdsman did not participate in such kind of cheerful fun. He was just hospitable man and good company for his guests. Without boasting he never showed up his beautiful dog’s abilities.

Because it was unnecessary to him. Year by year herdsman still lived in luck and satisfaction, but one day he decided to take out his Tazy on hunting and to show each of his friends how his dog is beautiful.He took part in the hunting games, but suddenly his dog speed far away so much that other famous dogs left behind.

Everybody delighted with the Tazy and offered fantastic things instead of dog and envied to its owner.He was so proud and happy to such an extent that it turned his head. But it lasted not so long as it seemed to him. The day came to an end, the night was over, and new day brought the herdsman’s family misfortune – his dog begun to ache. It refused to eat and just motionless lied in the yurt. Few days passed but resultless eating and drinking nothing. One day in cold dark autumn evening Tazy stood up, licked its master and left the yurt. Since then the dog disappeared from the herdsman’s life. He was so mourned over his sorrow, but there was no way to solve his problem.

The harsh and snowy winter came again and brought new troubles. Most of his cattle died from the wintry harsh.Herdsman lost everything becoming poor as it was in the old days. Since that time nobody disturbs red duck, thus it lives near to auls and does not afraid of man. That’s why, according to this legend, Tazy brings happy and fortune to the hunter’s home. Kazakh Tazy Tazy was very valuable dog in the East already in the ancient times.

Muslim people truly distinguish Tazy from other dogs stating that they are dirty animals. It was even honored too much letting Tazy to stay at master’s home with other people. Grace, harmony, shape, silky hair, general expression of dignity and tenderness of this dog it reminds generous Arab horse. Kazakh Tazy is very good hunter.It chases after rabbits, marmots, fox, wolfs, and other ungulates.

But unusually often it hunts foxes. Tazy could bag for about 30-50 foxes a year which looks very much.

– Конец работы –

Используемые теги: The, Cultural, Heritage, The, Kazakh, Nation0.091

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