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Choosing the future profession

Choosing the future profession - раздел Лингвистика, Choosing The Future Profession. When You Leave School You Understand That Th...

Choosing the future profession. When you leave school you understand that the time to choose your future profession has come. It s not an easy task to make the right choose of a job. I have known for a long time that leaving school is the beginning of my independent life, the beginning of a far more serious examination of my abilities and character.At this moment I m a pupil of the ninth form of a secondary school. We speak a lot about this question at the lessons, after school and of course at home with our parents.

There are different kind of job that sometimes it s difficult o decide what job interest you. Of course it s very important to think about how well you can do this work. For example if you enjoy working with the people and helping them, then you can think about the career of a teacher, doctor, nurse, and policeman.If you like to work quietly, then in future you can be an architect, artist, librarian, bank clerk and so on. If you like to be with people and organize things for them, than you can be travel agent, journalists, hotel manager.

After finishing 9th form I d like to continue my education in our school. After Finishing school I d like to enter the university. I have asked myself a lot of times What do I to be when I leave school? A few year ago it was difficult for me to say something. A couple years ago I wanted to become a lawyer, because I wanted to earn a lot of money.But sometime past I have realized that I would fail all the examinations on the subjects I need for my future profession.

Now I have already decided what to do. I d like to be a bookkeeper. It s very difficult to be a good bookkeeper. You should perfectly know math, you must be well-educated and well-informed.

– Конец работы –

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