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Уильям Сомерсет Моэм Театр William Somerset Maugham

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Уильям Сомерсет Моэм



William Somerset Maugham


Роман адаптировала Ольга Ламонова Под редакцией Ильи Франка  

THE door opened and Michael Gosselyn looked up. Julia came in.

"Hulloa! I won't keep you a minute. I was just signing some letters."

"No hurry. I only came to see what seats had been sent to the Dennorants.

What's that young man doing here?"

With the experienced actress's instinct to fit the gesture to the word, by a

Movement of her neat head she indicated the room through which she had

Just passed.

"He's the accountant. He comes from Lawrence and Hamphreys. He's been

here three days."

"He looks very young."

"He's an articled clerk. He seems to know his job. He can't get over the way

Our accounts are kept. He told me he never expected a theatre to be run on

Such businesslike lines. He says the way some of those firms in the city keep

Julia smiled at the complacency on her husband's handsome face. "He's a young man of tact."  

Michael did not notice the faint irony of her tone.

"I won't ask him if you don't want him. I merely thought it would be a treat

for him. He admires you tremendously. He's been to see the play three times.

He's crazy to be introduced to you." Michael touched a button and in a

Moment his secretary came in.

afternoon?"   Julia with half an ear (Джулия в пол-уха; ear — ухо, слух) listened to the list

Julia with half an ear listened to the list Margery read out and, though she

Knew the room so well, idly looked about her. It was a very proper room for


The manager of a first-class theatre. The walls had been panelled (at cost

Price) by a good decorator and on them hung engravings of theatrical pictures

By Zoffany and de Wilde. The armchairs were large and comfortable. Michael

Sat in a heavily carved Chippendale chair, a reproduction but made by a well-

Known firm, and his Chippendale table, with heavy ball and claw feet, was

Immensely solid. On it stood in a massive silver frame a photograph of herself

And to balance it a photograph of Roger, their son.

Between these was a magnificent silver ink-stand (между ними располагался: «был» великолепный чернильный прибор; ink — чернила) that she had herself given him (который она сама подарила: «дала» ему) on one of his birthdays (на

Between these was a magnificent silver ink-stand that she had herself given

Him on one of his birthdays and behind it a rack in red morocco, heavily gilt,

In which he kept his private paper in case he wanted to write a letter in his

Own hand. The paper bore the address, Siddons Theatre, and the envelope his

crest, a boar's head with the motto underneath: Nemo me impune lacessit. A

Bunch of yellow tulips in a silver bowl, which he had got through winning the

theatrical golf tournament three times running, showed Margery's care. Julia

Gave her a reflective glance. Notwithstanding her cropped peroxide hair and

Her heavily-painted lips she had the neutral look that marks the perfect


She had been with Michael for five years (она работала: «была» с Майклом уже пять лет). In that time (за это время) she must have got to know him (она, должно быть, узнала его) inside and out (вдоль и поперек: «внутри и

She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to

Know him inside and out. Julia wondered if she could be such a fool as to be in

Love with him.

But Michael rose from his chair.

"Now, darling, I'm ready for you."

Margery gave him his black Homburg hat and opened the door for Julia and

Michael to go out. As they entered the office the young man Julia had noticed

Turned round and stood up.


Air of an ambassador presenting an attachй to the sovereign of the court to

some order into the mess we make of our accounts."   The young man went scarlet (молодой человек зарделся; scarlet — ярко-

Ready smile and she felt the palm of his hand wet with sweat when she

Cordially grasped it. His confusion was touching. That was how people had felt

When they were presented to Sarah Siddons. She thought that she had not

Been very gracious to Michael when he had proposed asking the boy to

Luncheon. She looked straight into his eyes. Her own were large, of a very

Dark brown, and starry. It was no effort to her, it was as instinctive as

Brushing away a fly that was buzzing round her, to suggest now a faintly

Amused, friendly tenderness.

"I wonder (мне интересно) if we could persuade you (сможем ли мы уговорить вас; to persuade — убеждать, склонять) to come and eat a chop with us (поехать: «пойти» и съесть по отбивной /котлете/ с нами). Michael will drive

The car was waiting for them at the stage door, a long car in black and

chromium, upholstered in silver leather, and with Michael's crest discreetly

Emblazoned on the doors. Julia got in.

  They lived in Stanhope Place (они жили на /улице/ Стэнхоуп-плейс), and when … they arrived (и когда они приехали; to arrive — прибывать, приезжать,

They lived in Stanhope Place, and when they arrived Julia told the butler to

Show the young man where he could wash his hands. She went up to the

Drawing-room. She was painting her lips when Michael joined her.

"I've told him to come up as soon as he's ready."

"By the way, what's his name?"

"I haven't a notion."

"Darling, we must know. I'll ask him to write in our book."

"Damn it, he's not important enough for that." Michael asked only very

distinguished people to write in their book. "We shall never see him again."

At that moment the young man appeared. In the car Julia had done all she

Could to put him at his ease, but he was still very shy. The cocktails were

Waiting and Michael poured them out. Julia took a cigarette and the young

Man struck a match for her, but his hand was trembling so much that she

Thought he would never be able to hold the light near enough to her cigarette,

So she took his hand and held it.

his whole life. What fun it'll be for him when he tells his people. I expect he'll be a blasted little hero in his office."  

Herself her language was racy. She inhaled the first whiff of her cigarette with

Delight. It was really rather wonderful, when you came to think of it, that just

To have lunch with her and talk to her for three quarters of an hour, perhaps,

Could make a man quite important in his own scrubby little circle.

The young man forced himself to make a remark.


She gave him the quick, delightful smile, with a slight lift of her fine eyebrows,

Which he must often have seen her give on the stage.

"I'm so glad you like it." Her voice was rather low and ever so slightly hoarse.

You would have thought his observation had taken a weight off her mind.


Michael gave the room a complacent glance.

"I've had a good deal of experience. I always design the sets myself for our

Plays. Of course, I have a man to do the rough work for me, but the ideas are

  They had moved into that house two years before (они переехали в этот дом… года назад; to move — двигаться, переезжать), and he knew (и он знал), and

They had moved into that house two years before, and he knew, and Julia

Knew, that they had put it into the hands of an expensive decorator when they

Were going on tour, and he had agreed to have it completely ready for them,

At cost price in return for the work they promised him in the theatre, by the

Time they came back. But it was unnecessary to impart such tedious details to

A young man whose name even they did not know. The house was furnished in

Extremely good taste, with a judicious mixture of the antique and the modern,

and Michael was right when he said that it was quite obviously a gentleman's



Julia, however, had insisted (Джулия, однако, настояла) that she must have her

bedroom as she liked (что у нее должна быть спальная комната в ее вкусе: «как

она хотела»), and having had exactly the bedroom that pleased her in the old

house in Regent's Park (и так как у нее была спальня, которой она полностью

была довольна, в /их/ старом доме в Риджент Парке) which they had occupied

since the end of the war (который они занимали с конца войны; to occupy —

занимать, заполнять, оккупировать) she brought it over bodily (она целиком

перенесла ее /сюда/; bodily — лично, собственной персоной; целиком). The

bed and the dressing-table (кровать и туалетный столик /с зеркалом/) were

upholstered in pink silk (были обтянуты розовым шелком), the chaise longue

and the armchair in Nattier blue (шезлонг и кресло /были обтянуты/ голубым

/шелком, цветом, любимым/ Натье; Nattier — Натье Жан Марк (1685-1766),

французский портретист); over the bed there were fat little gilt cherubs (над

кроватью /там/ были толстые маленькие золоченые херувимчики) who

dangled a lamp with a pink shade (которые поддерживали: «раскачивали»

лампу с розовым абажуром), and fat little gilt cherubs swarmed all round the

mirror on the dressing-table (и толстые маленькие золоченые херувимчики

толпились вокруг зеркала на туалетном столике). On satinwood tables were

signed photographs (на столе из атласного дерева стояли: «были»





подписанные фотографии; to sign — подписывать, подавать знак,

отмечать), richly framed (богато обрамленные), of actors and actresses

(актеров и актрис) and members of the royal family (и членов королевской

семьи). The decorator had raised his supercilious eyebrows (декоратор

/удивленно/ поднял свои надменные брови /на это/; to raise — подняться,

повышать, взметать), but it was the only room in the house (но это была

единственная комната в доме) in which Julia felt completely at home (в которой

Джулия чувствовала себя полностью свободно/непринужденно). She wrote

her letters at a satinwood desk (она писала свои письма за столом из атласного

дерева), seated on a gilt Hamlet stool (сидя на золоченном табурете).


upholstered [Ap'hqVlstqd] chaise longue ['SeIz'lON] cherub ['tSerqb]

supercilious ["s(j)u:pq'sIlIqs]


Julia, however, had insisted that she must have her bedroom as she liked, and

having had exactly the bedroom that pleased her in the old house in Regent's

Park which they had occupied since the end of the war she brought it over

Bodily. The bed and the dressing-table were upholstered in pink silk, the

Chaise-longue and the armchair in Nattier blue; over the bed there were fat

Little gilt cherubs who dangled a lamp with a pink shade, and fat little gilt

Cherubs swarmed all round the mirror on the dressing-table. On satinwood

Tables were signed photographs, richly framed, of actors and actresses and

Members of the royal family. The decorator had raised his supercilious

Eyebrows, but it was the only room in the house in which Julia felt completely

At home. She wrote her letters at a satinwood desk, seated on a gilt Hamlet



Luncheon was announced (ланч был объявлен; to announce — объявлять,

оповещать, анонсировать) and they went downstairs (и они спустились к

столу: «пошли вниз»).





"I hope you'll have enough to eat (я надеюсь, что вы наедитесь: «будете иметь

достаточно что поесть»)," said Julia (сказала Джулия). "Michael and I have very

small appetites (у Майкла и меня очень скромный: «маленький» аппетит)."

In point of fact (на самом деле) there was grilled sole (была /подана/ запеченная

камбала; to grill — жарить на решетке), grilled cutlets and spinach

(запеченные котлеты со шпинатом), and stewed fruit (и компот; to stew —

тушить, томить). It was a meal designed to satisfy legitimate hunger (пища

предназначалась для удовлетворения оправданного: «законного» голода), but

not to produce fat (но не приводящая к набору веса: «но не производить жир»;

fat — жир, сало, полнота, тучность). The cook (повар), warned by Margery

that there was a guest to luncheon (предупрежденный Марджери, что к ланчу

будет гость; to warn — предупреждать, предостерегать) had hurriedly made

some fried potatoes (в спешке приготовил немного жареного картофеля; to fry

— жарить). They looked crisp and smelt appetizing (он: «они» выглядел

хрустящим и аппетитно пахнул; to smell — чувствовать запах, нюхать,

пахнуть). Only the young man took them (только молодой человек ел его:

«взял их»). Julia gave them a wistful look (Джулия тоскливо посмотрела на

него /картофель/; wistful — томящийся, мечтательный) before she shook her

head in refusal (до того, как отказалась /от него/: «покачала головой в знак

отказа»; to shook — трясти, встряхивать, качать, дрожать). Michael stared

at them gravely (Майкл уставился на картофель: «на них» серьезно; to stare —

пристально смотреть, уставиться) for a moment (на какое-то мгновение) as

though he could not quite tell what they were (как будто он не мог с

определенностью сказать, что это было: «чем они были»), and then with a little

start (и затем, слегка вздрогнув; start — начало, отправление; вздрагивание,

рывок), breaking out of a brown study (вырвавшись из мрачной задумчивости),

said No thank you (сказал: нет, спасибо).


appetite ['xpItaIt] spinach ['spIn IdZ, -ItS| ] legitimate [lI'dZItImIt]







Luncheon was announced and they went downstairs.

"I hope you'll have enough to eat," said Julia. "Michael and I have very small


In point of fact there was grilled sole, grilled cutlets and spinach, and stewed

Fruit. It was a meal designed to satisfy legitimate hunger, but not to produce

Fat. The cook, warned by Margery that there was a guest to luncheon had

Hurriedly made some fried potatoes. They looked crisp and smelt appetizing.

Only the young man took them. Julia gave them a wistful look before she

Shook her head in refusal. Michael stared at them gravely for a moment as

Though he could not quite tell what they were, and then with a little start,

Breaking out of a brown study, said No thank you.

They sat at a refectory table (они сидели за длинным обеденным столом; refectory — трапезная в монастыре), Julia and Michael at either end (Джулия… Майкл с противоположных концов: «на каждом конце») in very grand Italian

They sat at a refectory table, Julia and Michael at either end in very grand

Italian chairs, and the young man in the middle on a chair that was not at all

Comfortable, but perfectly in character. Julia noticed that he seemed to be

Looking at the sideboard and with her engaging smile, leaned forward.

"What is it?"

He blushed scarlet.

"I was wondering if I might have a piece of bread."

"Of course."

She gave the butler a significant glance; he was at that moment helping

Michael to a glass of dry white wine, and he left the room.

"Michael and I never eat bread (Майкл и я никогда не едим хлеб). It was stupid of Jevons (это было глупо со стороны Джевонса) not to realize that you might … want some (не понять, что вам может понадобится немного /хлеба/)."

He still had at fifty-two a very good figure. As a young man, with a great mass

Of curling chestnut hair, with a wonderful skin and large deep blue eyes, a

Straight nose and small ears, he had been the best-looking actor on the English



The only thing that slightly spoiled him (единственное: «единственная вещь,

которая» что слегка портило его; to spoil — портить) was the thinness of his





mouth (так это /был/ тонкий рот: «тонкость его рта»). He was just six foot tall

(он был всего шести футов ростом; foot — зд. фут — мера длины, равная

30,48 см) and he had a gallant bearing (и у него была великолепная осанка;

bearing — поведение, манера держаться, осанка, выправка). It was his

obvious beauty (именно его очевидная красота) that had engaged him to go on

the stage (побудила его пойти в актеры: «пойти на сцену»; to engage — зд.

разг. побеждать, убеждать, склонять) rather than to become a soldier (вместо

того, что бы стать военным: «солдатом») like his father (как его отец). Now his

chestnut hair was very grey (сейчас его каштановые волосы были совершенно:

«очень» седыми; grey — серый, седой, землистого цвета), and he wore it much

shorter (и он носил их гораздо короче); his face had broadened (его лицо

расширилось = расплылось) and was a good deal lined (и было достаточно

сильно покрыто морщинами); his skin no longer had the soft bloom of a peach

(его кожа больше не напоминала мягкий плод персика; bloom — цветение,

цветок, пушок на плодах; здоровый румянец) and his colour was high (и лицо

его было красным; high color — яркий румянец, краснота). But with his

splendid eyes (но, с его великолепными глазами) and his fine figure (и его

прекрасной фигурой) he was still a very handsome man (он все еще оставался

очень красивым мужчиной). Since his five years at the war (со времени /его/

пяти лет /проведенных/ на войне) he had adopted a military bearing (он

приобрел военную выправку; to adopt — усыновлять, удочерять;

перенимать, усваивать), so that if you had not known who he was (так, что

если вы не знали, кем: «кто» он был) (which was scarcely possible (что /было/

вряд ли возможно), for in one way and another (так как по тому или иному

поводу: «одним путем или другим») his photograph was always appearing in the

illustrated papers (его фотография всегда появлялась в иллюстрированных

изданиях: «газетах»; to appear — появляться, показываться)) you might have

taken him (вы могли бы принять его; to take smb. for smb — принимать кого-

либо за кого-либо) for an officer of high rank (за офицера высокого чина). He

boasted (он хвастался /тем/) that his weight (что его вес) had not changed since





he was twenty (не изменился с того момента, когда ему было двадцать /лет/),

and for years (и многие годы), wet or fine (/неважно/, в мокрую или ясную

/погоду/), he had got up every morning at eight (он вставал каждое утро в

восемь часов) to put on shorts and a sweater (чтобы надеть шорты и свитер) and

have a run round Regent's Park (и пробежаться вокруг Риджент Парка).


gallant ['gxlqnt] obvious ['ObvIqs] scarcely ['skεqslI] weight [weIt]

sweater ['swetq]


The only thing that slightly spoiled him was the thinness of his mouth. He was

Just six foot tall and he had a gallant bearing. It was his obvious beauty that

Had engaged him to go on the stage rather than to become a soldier like his

Father. Now his chestnut hair was very grey, and he wore it much shorter; his

Face had broadened and was a good deal lined; his skin no longer had the soft

Bloom of a peach and his colour was high. But with his splendid eyes and his

Fine figure he was still a very handsome man. Since his five years at the war he

Had adopted a military bearing, so that if you had not known who he was

(which was scarcely possible, for in one way and another his photograph was

Always appearing in the illustrated papers) you might have taken him for an

Officer of high rank. He boasted that his weight had not changed since he was

Twenty, and for years, wet or fine, he had got up every morning at eight to put

  "The secretary told me (/ваш/ секретарь сказала мне) you were rehearsing… morning, Miss Lambert (что вы репетировали сегодня утром, Мисс Лэмберт; to

Make something out of it. Of course we had to cut the other woman a lot in

  "I don't say we rewrote the play (я не говорю, что мы переписали… Michael, "but I can tell you (но я скажу вам: «могу сказать») it was a very

Was not particularly good-looking, but he had a frank, open face and his

Shyness was attractive. He had curly light brown hair, but it was plastered

Down and Julia thought how much better he would look if, instead of trying to

Smooth out the wave with brilliantine, he made the most of it. He had a fresh

Colour, a good skin and small well-shaped teeth. She noticed with approval

That his clothes fitted and that he wore them well. He looked nice and clean.

"I suppose (я полагаю) you've never had anything to do with the theatre from the inside before (вы никогда раньше не сталкивались с театром изнутри: «вы никогда не имели отношения к театру с внутренней стороны»)?" she said.

Michael and Julia smiled on him kindly. His admiration made them feel a

Little larger than life-size.

you almost belong to the theatre, and I wouldn't mind making an exception in your favour if it would amuse you to come." "That would be terribly kind of you. I've never been to a rehearsal in my life.

Used to write when I was a young fellow. What the French call a raisonneur.

You know the sort of thing I mean, a duke, or a cabinet minister, or an

Eminent K.C. who says clever, witty things and turns people round his little

write good lines any more. Bricks without straw; that's what we actors are expected to make nowadays. And are they grateful to us? The authors, I mean. You'd be surprised if I told you the terms some of them have the nerve

Julia gave the young man a delightful, but slightly deprecating smile.

"You mustn't take my husband too seriously (вы не должны воспринимать моего мужа слишком серьезно). I'm afraid we must admit (я боюсь, мы должны …  

Presently Michael looked at his watch.

"I think when you've finished your coffee, young man, we ought to be going."

The boy gulped down what was left in his cup and Julia rose from the table.

"I think there are some in Michael's den. Come along and we'll choose one."   She took him into a fair-sized room (она провела: «взяла» его в довольно

She took him into a fair-sized room behind the dining-room. Though it was

supposed to be Michael's private sitting-room — "a fellow wants a room

where he can get away by himself and smoke his pipe" — it was chiefly used

As a cloak-room when they had guests. There was a noble mahogany desk on

Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the

chimney-piece was an old copy of Lawrence's portrait of Kemble as Hamlet.

On a small table was a pile of typescript plays.

The room was surrounded by bookshelves under which were cupboards, and

From one of these Julia took a bundle of her latest photographs. She handed

One to the young man.

"It's lovely." "Then it can't be as like me as I thought." "But it is. It's exactly like you."

She gave him another sort of smile, just a trifle roguish; she lowered her

Eyelids for a second and then raising them gazed at him for a little with that

Soft expression that people described as her velvet look. She had no object in

Doing this. She did it, if not mechanically, from an instinctive desire to please.

The boy was so young, so shy, he looked as if he had such a nice nature, and

she would never see him again, she wanted him to have his money's worth;

She wanted him to look back on this as one of the great moments of his life.

She glanced at the photograph again. She liked to think she looked like that.

The photographer had so posed her, with her help, as to show her at her best.

Her nose was slightly thick, but he had managed by his lighting to make it

Look very delicate, not a wrinkle marred the smoothness of her skin, and there

Was a melting look in her fine eyes.

"All right (хорошо). You shall have this one (вы получите эту). You know I'm not a beautiful woman (вы знаете, что я не красивая женщина), I'm not even a … very pretty one (я даже не хорошенькая); Coquelin always used to say (Коклен

Not even a very pretty one; Coquelin always used to say I had the beautй du

diable. You understand French, don't you?"

"Enough for that."

"I'll sign it for you."

She sat at the desk and with her bold, flowing hand wrote: Yours sincerely,

Julia Lambert.

    WHEN the two men had gone (когда мужчины: «двое мужчин» ушли) she

WHEN the two men had gone she looked through the photographs again

Before putting them back.

"Not bad for a woman of forty-six," she smiled. "They are like me, there's no

denying that." She looked round the room for a mirror, but there wasn't one.

"These damned decorators. Poor Michael, no wonder he never uses this room.

Of course I never have photographed well."

She had an impulse to look at some of her old photographs. Michael was a

Tidy, business-like man, and her photographs were kept in large cardboard

Cases, dated and chronologically arranged. His were in other cardboard cases

In the same cupboard.

"When someone comes along (когда появится: «придет» некто) and wants to write the story of our careers (и захочет написать историю нашей карьеры)… find all the material ready to his hand (он обнаружит: «найдет», /что/ все

With the same laudable object he had had all their press cuttings from the

Very beginning pasted in a series of large books.

There were photographs of Julia when she was a child, and photographs of

Her as a young girl, photographs of her in her first parts, photographs of her

As a young married woman, with Michael, and then with Roger, her son, as a






Baby. There was one photograph of the three of them, Michael very manly

And incredibly handsome, herself all tenderness looking down at Roger with

Maternal feeling, and Roger a little boy with a curly head, which had been an

Enormous success.

All the illustrated papers (все иллюстрированные издания; paper — бумага, газета, журнал) had given it a full page (разместили ее: «дали ей» на целой … странице) and they had used it on the programmes (и они /сами/ разместили ее:

All the illustrated papers had given it a full page and they had used it on the

Programmes. Reduced to picture-postcard size it had sold in the provinces for

Years. It was such a bore that Roger when he got to Eton refused to be

Photographed with her any more. It seemed so funny of him not to want to be

In the papers.

"People will think (люди подумают, что) you're deformed or something (ты уродливый или что-нибудь еще; to deform — обезображивать, уродовать, деформировать)," she told him (говорила она ему). "And it's not as if it weren't

Society people how they mob the photographers, cabinet ministers and judges

and everyone. They may pretend they don't like it, but just see them posing

when they think the camera-man's got his eye on them."

But he was obstinate.

Julia came across a photograph of herself as Beatrice (Джулия натолкнулась на свою фотографию в роли Беатриче). It was the only Shakespearean part (эта была единственная роль в /пьесе/ Шекспира) she had ever played (которую она

Julia came across a photograph of herself as Beatrice. It was the only

Shakespearean part she had ever played. She knew that she didn't look well in

Costume; she could never understand why, because no one could wear modern

Clothes as well as she could. She had her clothes made in Paris, both for the

Stage and for private life, and the dressmakers said that no one brought them

More orders. She had a lovely figure, everyone admitted that; she was fairly

Tall for a woman, and she had long legs.

It was a pity (как жалко; pity — жалость, сожаление, печальный факт) she had never had a chance (что ей никогда не выпал шанс: «не было шанса») of playing Rosalind (сыграть Розалинду), she would have looked all right (она бы

It was a pity she had never had a chance of playing Rosalind, she would have

looked all right in boy's clothes, of course it was too late now, but perhaps it

was just as well she hadn't risked it. Though you would have thought, with

Her brilliance, her roguishness, her sense of comedy she would have been

perfect. The critics hadn't really liked her Beatrice. It was that damned blank

Verse. Her voice, her rather low rich voice, with that effective hoarseness,

Which wrung your heart in an emotional passage or gave so much humour to

A comedy line, seemed to sound all wrong when she spoke it.

And then her articulation (и, кроме того, ее дикция; articulation — членораздельное произношение, артикуляция); it was so distinct that (она… настолько четкой, что), without raising her voice (не повышая: «не поднимая»

And then her articulation; it was so distinct that, without raising her voice,

She could make you hear her every word in the last row of the gallery; they


Said it made verse sound like prose. The fact was, she supposed, that she was

Much too modern.

Michael had started with Shakespeare. That was before she knew him. He had

Played Romeo at Cambridge, and when he came down, after a year at a

Dramatic school, Benson had engaged him. He toured the country and played

A great variety of parts. But he realized that Shakespeare would get him

Nowhere and that if he wanted to become a leading actor he must gain

Experience in modern plays.

A man called James Langton (человек по имени Джеймс Лэнгтон) was running a repertory theatre at Middlepool (управлял репертуарным театром в Миддлпуле; … repertory theatre — театр с постоянной труппой и с определенным

A man called James Langton was running a repertory theatre at Middlepool

That was attracting a good deal of attention; and after Michael had been with

Benson for three years, when the company was going to Middlepool on its

Annual visit, he wrote to Langton and asked whether he would see him.

Jimmie Langton, a fat, bald-headed, rubicund man of forty-five, who looked

like one of Rubens' prosperous burghers, had a passion for the theatre. He

Was an eccentric, arrogant, exuberant, vain and charming fellow. He loved

Acting, but his physique prevented him from playing any but a few parts,

Which was fortunate, for he was a bad actor.

He could not subdue (он не мог подавить) his natural flamboyance (свою природную: «натуральную» чрезмерную пышность /манер/), and every part he played (и каждую роль, которую он играл), though he studied it with care (хотя

He could not subdue his natural flamboyance, and every part he played,

Though he studied it with care and gave it thought, he turned into a grotesque.

He broadened every gesture, he exaggerated every intonation. But it was a

Very different matter when he rehearsed his cast; then he would suffer

Nothing artificial. His ear was perfect, and though he could not produce the

Right intonation himself he would never let a false one pass in anyone else.

The stage is make-believe. But seem natural."    

He worked his company hard. They rehearsed every morning from ten till

two, when he sent them home to learn their parts and rest before the evening's

Performance. He bullied them, he screamed at them, he mocked them. He

Underpaid them. But if they played a moving scene well he cried like a child,

And when they said an amusing line as he wanted it said he bellowed with

Laughter. He would skip about the stage on one leg if he was pleased, and if he






Was angry would throw the script down and stamp on it while tears of rage

Ran down his cheeks.

The company laughed at him (труппа смеялась над ним) and abused him (и злоупотребляла им = обманывала его; to abuse — поносить, ругать, портить, неосторожно пользоваться; злоупотреблять) and did everything

The company laughed at him and abused him and did everything they could

To please him. He aroused a protective instinct in them, so that one and all

they felt that they couldn't let him down. Though they said he drove them like

slaves, and they never had a moment to themselves, flesh and blood couldn't

Stand it, it gave them a sort of horrible satisfaction to comply with his

outrageous demands. When he wrung an old trooper's hand, who was getting

seven pounds a week, and said, by God, laddie, you're stupendous, the old

Trooper felt like Charles Kean.

It happened (так /уж/ случилось) that when Michael kept the appointment he had asked for (что когда Майкл пришел на встречу, о которой просил; to keep an … appointment — прийти в назначенное время и место, прийти на (деловое)

It happened that when Michael kept the appointment he had asked for,

Jimmie Langton was in need of a leading juvenile. He had guessed why

Michael wanted to see him, and had gone the night before to see him play.

Michael was playing Mercutio and he had not thought him very good, but

When he came into the office he was staggered by his beauty. In a brown coat

And grey flannel trousers, even without make-up, he was so handsome it took

Your breath away. He had an easy manner and he talked like a gentleman.

While Michael explained the purpose of his visit Jimmie Langton observed

Him shrewdly. If he could act at all, with those looks that young man ought to

Go far.

"I saw your Mercutio last night (я видел вас /в роли/ Меркуцио: «вашего Меркуцио» прошлым вечером)," he said (сказал он). "What d'you think… yourself (что вы думаете о ней /роли/ сами)?"

The result of the interview was that Michael got an engagement. He stayed at

Middlepool for two years. He soon grew popular with the company. He was

Good-humoured and kindly; he would take any amount of trouble to do

Anyone a service. His beauty created a sensation in Middlepool and the girls

Used to hang about the stage door to see him go out.

They wrote him love letters (они писали ему любовные письма) and sent him flowers (и посылали ему цветы). He took it as a natural homage (он воспринимал /все/ это как естественные /знаки/ почтения), but did not allow it

They wrote him love letters and sent him flowers. He took it as a natural

Homage, but did not allow it to turn his head. He was eager to get on and

Seemed determined not to let any entanglement interfere with his career. It

Was his beauty that saved him, for Jimmie Langton quickly came to the

Conclusion that, notwithstanding his perseverance and desire to excel, he

Would never be more than a competent actor. His voice was a trifle thin and in

Moments of vehemence was apt to go shrill. It gave then more the effect of

Hysteria than of passion.

But his gravest fault as a juvenile lead was (но его серьезнейшим недостатком как молодого героя было то; grave — серьезный, веский, мрачный, fault — недостаток, дефект, ошибка) that he could not make love (что он совершенно

But his gravest fault as a juvenile lead was that he could not make love. He

Was easy enough in ordinary dialogue and could say his lines with point, but

When it came to making protestations of passion something seemed to hold

Him back. He felt embarrassed and looked it.

"Damn you, don't hold that girl as if she was a sack of potatoes," Jimmie

Langton shouted at him. "You kiss her as if you were afraid you were

standing in a draught. You're in love with that girl. You must feel that you're

In love with her. Feel as if your bones were melting inside you and if an

Earthquake were going to swallow you up next minute, to hell with the

  But it was no good (но все было бесполезно; no good — никудышный, бесполезно, ни к чему не ведет, без толку). Notwithstanding his beauty

But it was no good. Notwithstanding his beauty, his grace and his ease of

Manner, Michael remained a cold lover. This did not prevent Julia from

falling madly in love with him. For it was when he joined Langton's repertory

Company that they met.

Her own career had been singularly lacking in hardship. She was born in


Jersey, where her father, a native of that island, practised as a veterinary

surgeon. Her mother's sister was married to a Frenchman, a coal merchant,

Who lived at St. Malo, and Julia had been sent to live with her while she

Attended classes at the local lycee. She learnt to speak French like a


She was a born actress (она была прирожденная актриса) and it was an understood thing (и это было делом решенным: «понятной вещью») for as long as she could remember (сколько она /себя могла/ помнить) that she was to go on

She was a born actress and it was an understood thing for as long as she could

Remember that she was to go on the stage. Her aunt, Madame Falloux, was

"en relations" with an old actress who had been a societaire of the Comedie

Franзaise and who had retired to St. Malo to live on the small pension that

One of her lovers had settled on her when after many years of faithful

Concubinage they had parted. When Julia was a child of twelve this actress

Was a boisterous, fat old woman of more than sixty, but of great vitality, who

Loved food more than anything else in the world. She had a great, ringing

laugh, like a man's, and she talked in a deep, loud voice. It was she who gave

Julia her first lessons.

She taught her all the arts (она преподала ей все умения: «хитрости мастерства») that she had herself learnt at the Conservatoire (которым она… обучилась в музыкальном училище: «консерватории») and she talked to her of

She taught her all the arts that she had herself learnt at the Conservatoire and

She talked to her of Reichenberg who had played ingenues till she was seventy,

Of Sarah Bernhardt and her golden voice, of Mounet-Sully and his majesty,

And of Coquelin the greatest actor of them all. She recited to her the great

Tirades of Corneille and Racine as she had learnt to say them at the Franзoise

And taught her to say them in the same way. It was charming to hear Julia in

Her childish voice recite those languorous, passionate speeches of Phedre,

Emphasizing the beat of the Alexandrines and mouthing her words in that

Manner which is so artificial and yet so wonderfully dramatic.

Jane Taitbout must always have been a very stagy actress (Жанна Тэбу должно быть всегда была очень показной: «театральной» актрисой), but she taught Julia to articulate (но она научила Джулию произносить /слова/; to teach

Jane Taitbout must always have been a very stagy actress, but she taught

Julia to articulate with extreme distinctness, she taught her how to walk and

How to hold herself, she taught her not to be afraid of her own voice, and she

Made deliberate that wonderful sense of timing which Julia had by instinct

have a reason for it," she thundered, banging with her clenched fist on the table at which she sat, "but when you pause, pause as long as you…  

When Julia was sixteen and went to the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in

Gower Street she knew already much that they could teach her there. She had

To get rid of a certain number of tricks that were out of date and she had to

Acquire a more conversational style. But she won every prize that was open to

Her, and when she was finished with the school her good French got her

Almost immediately a small part in London as a French maid. It looked for a

While as though her knowledge of French would specialize her in parts

Needing a foreign accent, for after this she was engaged to play an Austrian



It was two years later that Jimmie Langton discovered her. She was on tour in

A melodrama that had been successful in London; in the part of an Italian

Adventuress, whose machinations were eventually exposed, she was trying

Somewhat inadequately to represent a woman of forty. Since the heroine, a

Blonde person of mature years, was playing a young girl, the performance

Lacked verisimilitude. Jimmie was taking a short holiday, which he spent in

Going every night to the theatre in one town after another. At the end of the

Piece he went round to see Julia. He was well enough known in the theatrical

World for her to be flattered by the compliments he paid her, and when he

Asked her to lunch with him next day she accepted.

They had no sooner sat down to table (как только они сели за стол: «они не намного раньше сели за стол») than he went straight to the point (он перешел … сразу прямо к делу: «чем он перешел прямо к делу»).

They had no sooner sat down to table than he went straight to the point.

"I never slept a wink all night for thinking of you," he said.

"This is very sudden. Is your proposal honourable or dishonourable?"

He took no notice of the flippant rejoinder.

hand, a stage-manager, an actor, a publicity man, damn it, I've even been a critic. I've lived in the theatre since I was a kid just out of a board… what I don't know about acting isn't worth knowing. I think you're a genius."

Look anything, even beautiful, the face that can show every thought that passes

weren't really thinking about what you were doing every now and then the words you were saying wrote themselves on your face." "It's such a rotten part. How could I give it my attention? Did you hear the

Get an audience to look at you before you speak. You make up too much. With

"Who wouldn't?"   "Come to me (приходи ко мне /в труппу/) and I'll make you the greatest actress

Play twenty parts a year. Ibsen, Shaw, Barker, Sudermann, Hankin,

use it." He chuckled. "By God, if you had, that old hag would have had you  

One can give it you, but if you have you can be taught how to use it. I tell you,

you've got the makings of a great actress. I've never been so sure of anything

in my life."

"I know I want experience. I'd have to think it over of course. I wouldn't

mind coming to you for a season."

"Go to hell. Do you think I can make an actress of you in a season? Do you

think I'm going to work my guts out to make you give a few decent

Performances and then have you go away to play some twopenny-halfpenny

me for? I'll give you a three years' contract, I'll give you eight pounds a week and you'll have to work like a horse."  

Julia had been on the stage for three years and had learnt a good deal.

Besides, Jane Taitbout, no strict moralist, had given her a lot of useful


let you sleep with me as well?"   "My God (Бог мой), do you think (неужели ты думаешь), I've got time (что у

Time or much inclination to make love to anybody. When you go to bed all

you'll want to do is to sleep."

But Jimmie Langton was wrong there.

    JULIA, taken by his enthusiasm (Джулия, охваченная его энтузиазмом; to take

JULIA, taken by his enthusiasm and his fantastic exuberance, accepted his

Offer. He started her in modest parts which under his direction she played as

She had never played before. He interested the critics in her, he flattered them

By letting them think that they had discovered a remarkable actress, and

Allowed the suggestion to come from them that he should let the public see her

As Magda. She was a great hit and then in quick succession he made her play

  Middlepool was delighted to discover (Миддлпул был счастлив обнаружить; to discover — открывать, делать открытие, обнаруживать) that it had in its

Middlepool was delighted to discover that it had in its midst an actress who it

Could boast was better than any star in London, and crowded to see her in

Plays that before it had gone to only from local patriotism. The London

Paragraphers mentioned her now and then, and a number of enthusiastic

Patrons of the drama made the journey to Middlepool to see her. They went

Back full of praise, and two or three London managers sent representatives to

Report on her. They were doubtful. She was all very well in Shaw and Ibsen,


The managers had had bitter experiences. On the strength of an outstanding

Performance in one of these queer plays they had engaged an actor, only to

Discover that in any other sort of play he was no better than anybody else.

When Michael joined the company Julia had been playing in Middlepool for a

year. Jimmie started him with Marchbanks in Candida. It was the happy

Choice one would have expected him to make, for in that part his great beauty


Was an asset and his lack of warmth no disadvantage.

Julia reached over to take out (Джулия вытянулась, чтобы достать; to reach — тянуться, дотягиваться, простираться) the first of the cardboard cases (первую из /тех/ картонных коробок) in which Michael's photographs were kept

Julia reached over to take out the first of the cardboard cases in which

Michael's photographs were kept. She was sitting comfortably on the floor.

She turned the early photographs over quickly, looking for that which he had

Taken when first he came to Middlepool; but when she came upon it, it gave

Her a pang. For a moment she felt inclined to cry. It had been just like him

Then. Candida was being played by an older woman, a sound actress who was

Cast generally for mothers, maiden aunts or character parts, and Julia with

Nothing to do but act eight times a week attended the rehearsals.

She fell in love with Michael (она влюбилась в Майкла) at first sight (с первого взгляда). She had never seen a more beautiful young man (она никогда раньше … не видела более красивого молодого человека), and she pursued him

She fell in love with Michael at first sight. She had never seen a more beautiful

Young man, and she pursued him relentlessly. In due course Jimmie put on

Ghosts, braving the censure of respectable Middlepool, and Michael played

The boy and she played Regina. They heard one another their parts and after

rehearsals lunched, very' modestly, together so that they might talk of them.

Soon they were inseparable. Julia had little reserve; she flattered Michael

Outrageously. He was not vain of his good looks, he knew he was handsome

And accepted compliments, not exactly with indifference, but as he might have

Accepted a compliment on a fine old house that had been in his family for


It was a well-known fact (было хорошо известно: «это был хорошо известный факт») that it was one of the best houses of its period (что это был один из … наилучших домов, характерных для того времени), one was proud of it (им

It was a well-known fact that it was one of the best houses of its period, one

Was proud of it and took care of it, but it was just there, as natural to possess

As the air one breathed. He was shrewd and ambitious. He knew that his

Beauty was at present his chief asset, but he knew it could not last for ever and

Was determined to become a good actor so that he should have something

Besides his looks to depend on. He meant to learn all he could from Jimmie

Langton and then go to London.


Julia soon discovered that he did not much like spending money, and when

They ate a meal together, or on a Sunday went for a small excursion, she took

Care to pay her share of the expenses. She did not mind this. She liked him for

Counting the pennies, and, inclined to be extravagant herself and always a

Week or two behind with her rent, she admired him because he hated to be in

Debt and even with the small salary he was getting managed to save up a little

Every week. He was anxious to have enough put by so that when he went to

London he need not accept the first part that was offered him, but could

Afford to wait till he got one that gave him a real chance. His father had little

More than his pension to live on, and it had been a sacrifice to send him to

Cambridge. His father, not liking the idea of his going on the stage, had

Insisted on this.

"If you want to be an actor (если ты хочешь быть актером) I suppose (я полагаю) I can't stop you (я не могу остановить тебя)," he said,… (но черт все побери), I insist (я настаиваю) on your being educated like a

Colonel, it impressed her to hear him speak of an ancestor who had gambled

away his fortune at White's during the Regency, and she liked the signet ring

Michael wore with the boar's head on it and the motto: Nemo me impune


"I believe you're prouder of your family than of looking like a Greek god,"

She told him fondly.

everyone can belong to a decent family. To tell you the truth I'm glad my governor's a gentleman."  

Julia took her courage in both hands.

"My father's a vet."

For an instant Michael's face stiffened, but he recovered himself immediately

And laughed.

"Of course it doesn't really matter what one's father is. I've often heard my

Father talk of the vet in his regiment. He counted as an officer of course. Dad

always said he was one of the best."

And she was glad he'd been to Cambridge. He had rowed for his College and

At one time there was some talk of putting him in the university boat.

stage. I'd have got a lot of advertisement out of it."   Julia could not tell (Джулия не могла сказать) if he knew (знал ли он о том) that

Julia could not tell if he knew that she was in love with him. He never made

Love to her. He liked her society and when they found themselves with other

People scarcely left her side. Sometimes they were asked to parties on Sunday,

Dinner at midday or a cold, sumptuous supper, and he seemed to think it

Natural that they should go together and come away together. He kissed her

When he left her at her door, but he kissed her as he might have kissed the

Middle-aged woman with whom he had played Candida. He was friendly,

Good-humoured and kind, but it was distressingly clear that she was no more

To him than a comrade.

Yet she knew (в тоже время она знала) that he was not in love with anybody else (что он не был влюблен ни в кого еще). The love-letters that women wrote to …  

Yet she knew that he was not in love with anybody else. The love-letters that


Women wrote to him he read out to Julia with a chuckle, and when they sent

Him flowers he immediately gave them to her.

"What blasted fools they are," he said. "What the devil do they think they're

going to get out of it?"

"I shouldn't have thought it very hard to guess that," said Julia dryly.

Although she knew he took these attentions so lightly she could not help

Feeling angry and jealous.

"I should be a damned fool if I got myself mixed up with some woman in

Middlepool. After all, they're mostly flappers. Before I knew where I was I'd

Have some irate father coming along and saying, now you must marry the

  She tried to find out (она попыталась выяснить) whether he had had any adventures (были ли у него приключения) while he was playing with Benson's

She tried to find out whether he had had any adventures while he was playing

with Benson's company. She gathered that one or two of the girls had been

Rather inclined to make nuisances of themselves, but he thought it was a

Terrible mistake to get mixed up with any of the actresses a chap was playing

With. It was bound to lead to trouble.

"And you know how people gossip in a company. Everyone would know

Everything in twenty-four hours. And when you start a thing like that you

  When he wanted a bit of fun (когда он хотел чуть-чуть развлечься) he waited … (он ждал) till they were within a reasonable distance of London (когда они

When he wanted a bit of fun he waited till they were within a reasonable

Distance of London and then he would race up to town and pick up a girl at

The Globe Restaurant. Of course it was expensive, and when you came to

think of it, it wasn't really worth the money; besides, he played a lot of cricket

in Benson's company, and golf when he got the chance, and that sort of thing

Was rotten for the eye.

Julia told a thumping lie.

"Don't you believe it. He's just a dirty old man. With him, I suppose. I mean, you might just as well say that I'd give a better performance of Marchbanks… I wrote poetry."

They talked so much together that it was inevitable for her at last to learn his






Views on marriage.

"I think an actor's a perfect fool to marry young. There are so many cases in

which it absolutely ruins a chap's career. Especially if he marries an actress.

He becomes a star and then she's a millstone round his neck. She insists on

playing with him, and if he's in management he has to give her leading parts,

And if he engages someone else there are most frightful scenes. And of course,

for an actress it's insane. There's always the chance of her having a baby and

she may have to refuse a damned good part. She's out of the public eye for

Months, and you know what the public is, unless they see you all the time they

  Marriage (жениться: «женитьба»)? What did she care about marriage (какое ей … было дело до женитьбы)? Her heart melted within her (ее сердце таяло внутри

When she looked into his deep, friendly eyes, and she shivered with delightful

Anguish when she considered his shining, russet hair. There was nothing that

He could have asked her that she would not gladly have given him. The

Thought never entered his lovely head.

he even admires me, but I don't attract him that way."   She did everything to seduce him (она делала все, чтобы соблазнить его) except

She did everything to seduce him except slip into bed with him, and she only

Did not do that because there was no opportunity. She began to fear that they

Knew one another too well for it to seem possible that their relations should

Change, and she reproached herself bitterly because she had not rushed to a

Climax when first they came in contact with one another. He had too sincere

An affection for her now ever to become her lover. She found out when his

Birthday was and gave him a gold cigarette case which she knew was the thing

He wanted more than anything in the world. It cost a good deal more than she

Could afford and he smilingly reproached her for her extravagance. He never

Dreamt what ecstatic pleasure it gave her to spend her money on him.

When her birthday came along (когда наступил: «пришел» ее день рождения) he gave her half a dozen pairs of silk stockings (он подарил ей полдюжины… шелковых чулок; dozen — дюжина). She noticed at once (она сразу же

When her birthday came along he gave her half a dozen pairs of silk

Stockings. She noticed at once that they were not of very good quality, poor

Lamb, he had not been able to bring himself to spring to that, but she was so

Touched that he should give her anything that she could not help crying.

"What an emotional little thing you are," he said, but he was pleased and

Touched to see her tears.

She found his thrift rather an engaging trait. He could not bear to throw his

Money about. He was not exactly mean, but he was not generous. Once or

Twice at restaurants she thought he undertipped the waiter, but he paid no

Attention to her when she ventured to remonstrate. He gave the exact ten per

Cent, and when he could not make the exact sum to a penny asked the waiter

For change.

  When some member of the company (когда кто-нибудь из членов труппы), momentarily hard up (временно находящийся в затруднительном положении;

When some member of the company, momentarily hard up, tried to borrow

From him it was in vain. But he refused so frankly, with so much heartiness,

That he did not affront.

"My dear old boy, I'd love to lend you a quid, but I'm absolutely stony. I don't

know how I'm going to pay my rent at the end of the week."

For some months Michael was so much occupied with his own parts that he

Failed to notice how good an actress Julia was. Of course he read the reviews,

And their praise of Julia, but he read summarily, without paying much

Attention till he came to the remarks the critics made about him. He was

Pleased by their approval, but not cast down by their censure. He was too






Modest to resent an unfavourable criticism.

"I suppose I was rotten (я полагаю, что был отвратительным)," he would say ingenuously (говорил он /по таким случаям/ искренне). His most engaging trait (его наиболее привлекательной чертой) was his good

Abuse with equanimity. When tempers grew frayed during a long rehearsal he

Remained serene. It was impossible to quarrel with him. One day he was


Sitting in front watching the rehearsal of an act in which he did not appear. It

Ended with a powerful and moving scene in which Julia had the opportunity

To give a fine display of acting. When the stage was being set for the next act

Julia came through the pass door and sat down beside Michael.

He did not speak to her (он не заговорил с ней), but looked sternly (но смотрел угрюмо: «сурово, жестко») in front of him (перед собой). She threw him a surprised look (она с удивлением взглянула на него; «она бросила на него

He did not speak to her, but looked sternly in front of him. She threw him a

Surprised look. It was unlike him not to give her a smile and a friendly word.

Then she saw that he was clenching his jaw to prevent its trembling and that

His eyes were heavy with tears.

"What's the matter, darling?"

"Don't talk to me. You dirty little bitch, you've made me cry."


The tears came to her own eyes and streamed down her face. She was so

Pleased, so flattered.

"Oh, damn it," he sobbed. "I can't help it."

He took a handkerchief out of his pocket and dried his eyes.

  Presently (тем временем: «теперь») he blew his nose (он высморкался; to blow … one's nose — сморкаться; to blow — дуть).

Presently he blew his nose.

"It's not a bad scene, is it?" "The scene be damned, it was you. You just wrung my heart. The critics… right, damn it, you're an actress and no mistake."


"Then you must go into management yourself and make me your leading


He paused. He was not a quick thinker and needed a little time to let a notion

Sink into his mind. He smiled.

"You know that's not half a bad idea."

They talked it over at luncheon. Julia did most of the talking while he listened

To her with absorbed interest.


The money was the difficulty. They discussed how much was the least they

Could start on. Michael thought five thousand pounds was the minimum. But

how in heaven's name could they raise a sum like that? Of course some of

Those Middlepool manufacturers were rolling in money, but you could hardly

Expect them to fork out five thousand pounds to start a couple of young actors

Who had only a local reputation. Besides, they were jealous of London.

"You'll have to find your rich old woman," said Julia gaily.

She only half believed all she had been saying, but it excited her to discuss a

Plan that would bring her into a close and constant relation with Michael. But

He was being very serious.

"I don't believe (я не верю) one could hope to make a success in London (что кто- то может надеяться добиться успеха в Лондоне) unless one were pretty well known already (до тех пор, пока он не станет уже хорошо известным). The

Pretty well known already. The thing to do would be to act there in other

managements for three or four years first; one's got to know the ropes. And

The advantage of that would be that one would have had time to read plays. It

Would be madness to start in management unless one had at least three plays.

  "Of course if one did that (конечно, если сделать это), one ought to make… of acting together (то следует и особенно подчеркнуть важность того, что мы

IT was getting on for Easter, and Jimmie Langton always closed his theatre


For Holy Week. Julia did not quite know what to do with herself; it seemed

Hardly worth while to go to Jersey. She was surprised to receive a letter one

morning from Mrs. Gosselyn, Michael's mother, saying that it would give the

Colonel and herself so much pleasure if she would come with Michael to

Spend the week at Cheltenham. When she showed the letter to Michael he


you along." "You are sweet. Of course I shall love to come."  

Her heart beat with delight. The prospect of spending a whole week with

Michael was enchanting. It was just like his good nature to come to the rescue

When he knew she was at a loose end. But she saw there was something he

Wanted to say, yet did not quite like to.

"What is it?"

He gave a little laugh of embarrassment.

"Well, dear, you know, my father's rather old-fashioned, and there are some

things he can't be expected to understand. Of course I don't want you to tell a

Lie or anything like that, but I think it would seem rather funny to him if he

Knew your father was a vet. When I wrote and asked if I could bring you

"Oh, that's all right."   Julia found the Colonel (Джулия обнаружила, что полковник) a much less

Julia found the Colonel a much less alarming person than she had expected.

He was thin and rather small, with a lined face and close-cropped white hair.

His features had a worn distinction. He reminded you of a head on an old coin

That had been in circulation too long. He was civil, but reserved. He was

Neither peppery nor tyrannical as Julia, from her knowledge of the stage,






Expected a colonel to be. She could not imagine him shouting out words of

Command in that courteous, rather cold voice. He had in point of fact retired

With honorary rank after an entirely undistinguished career, and for many

Years had been content to work in his garden and play bridge at his club.

He read The Times (он читал “Таймз”), went to church on Sunday (ходил в церковь по воскресеньям) and accompanied his wife to tea-parties (и сопровождал свою жену на чаепитиях; tea — чай; party — партия, компания,

He read The Times, went to church on Sunday and accompanied his wife to

Tea-parties. Mrs. Gosselyn was a tall, stoutish, elderly woman, much taller

Than her husband, who gave you the impression that she was always trying to

Diminish her height. She had the remains of good looks, so that you said to

Yourself that when young she must have been beautiful. She wore her hair

Parted in the middle with a bun on the nape of her neck. Her classic features

And her size made her at first meeting somewhat imposing, but Julia quickly

Discovered that she was very shy. Her movements were stiff and awkward.

She was dressed fussily, with a sort of old-fashioned richness which did not

Suit her.

Julia, who was entirely without self-consciousness (Джулия, которая напрочь была лишена: «совершенно без» застенчивости; self-consciousness — чувство неловкости, смущения; самосознание), found the elder woman's deprecating

Deprecating attitude rather touching. She had never known an actress to

Speak to and did not quite know how to deal with the predicament in which

She now found herself. The house was not at all grand, a small detached stucco

House in a garden with a laurel hedge, and since the Gosselyns had been for

Some years in India there were great trays of brass ware and brass bowls,

Pieces of Indian embroidery and highly-carved Indian tables. It was cheap

Bazaar stuff, and you wondered how anyone had thought it worth bringing



Julia was quick-witted (Джулия была сообразительной; quick — быстрый,

проворный, wit — ум, остроумие). It did not take her long (у нее не заняло

много времени; to take long — занимать много времени) to discover that the






Colonel (обнаружить, что полковник), notwithstanding his reserve (несмотря на

его сдержанность), and Mrs. Gosselyn, notwithstanding her shyness (и миссис

Госселин, несмотря на ее застенчивость), were taking stock of her (изучали ее

оценивающе; to take stock of smb. — критически осматривать кого-либо,

осматривать оценивающим взглядом). The thought flashed through her mind (в

ее мозгу промелькнула мысль; to flash — вспыхивать, сверкать; внезапно

приходить в голову) that Michael had brought her down (что Майкл привез ее

сюда) for his parents (чтобы его родители) to inspect her (осмотрели/изучили

ее). Why (зачем: «почему»)? There was only one possible reason (была

единственно возможная причина), and when she thought of it (и когда она

думала об этом) her heart leaped (ее сердце екало; to leap — прыгать,

скакать, перепрыгивать). She saw (она видела) that he was anxious (как он

переживал) for her to make a good impression (чтобы она произвела хорошее

впечатление). She felt instinctively (она чувствовала интуитивно) that she must

conceal the actress (что она должна скрыть /в себе/ актрису; to conceal —

прятать, укрывать), and without effort (и без /всяких/ усилий), without

deliberation (без /долгих/ размышлений), merely because she felt it would please

(просто потому, что она чувствовала, что это доставит удовольствие), she

played the part of the simple (она играла роль простой), modest (скромной),

ingenuous girl (бесхитростной девушки; ingenuous — искренний,

чистосердечный, простодушный) who had lived a quiet country life (которая

вела: «жила» спокойную сельскую жизнь).






anxious ['xNkSqs]

ingenuous [In'dZenjVqs]


Julia was quick-witted. It did not take her long to discover that the Colonel,

Notwithstanding his reserve, and Mrs. Gosselyn, notwithstanding her shyness,

Were taking stock of her. The thought flashed through her mind that Michael


One possible reason, and when she thought of it her heart leaped. She saw that

He was anxious for her to make a good impression. She felt instinctively that

She must conceal the actress, and without effort, without deliberation, merely

Because she felt it would please, she played the part of the simple, modest,

Ingenuous girl who had lived a quiet country life.

She walked round the garden with the Colonel (она гуляла по саду с полковником): and listened intelligently (и слушала с пониманием; intelligent… хорошо соображающий, смышленый) while he talked of peas and asparagus

She walked round the garden with the Colonel and listened intelligently while

He talked of peas and asparagus; she helped Mrs. Gosselyn with the flowers

And dusted the ornaments with which the drawing-room was crowded. She

Talked to her of Michael. She told her how cleverly he acted and how popular

He was and she praised his looks. She saw that Mrs. Gosselyn was very proud

Of him, and with a flash of intuition saw that it would please her if she let her

See, with the utmost delicacy, as though she would have liked to keep it a

Secret but betrayed herself unwittingly, that she was head over ears in love

With him.

"Of course (кончено) we hope he'll do well (мы надеемся, что он преуспеет)," said Mrs. Gosselyn (сказала миссис Госселин). "We didn't much like the… (нам не очень нравилась идея) of his going on the stage (что он пойдет в

The Colonel began to make little jokes with her and sometimes he pinched her

Ear playfully.

delicious glance. "Just because I'm an actress you think you can take liberties with me." "George, George," smiled Mrs. Gosselyn. And then to Julia: "He always was

Mrs. Gosselyn told her about India, how strange it was to have all those

Coloured servants, but how nice the society was, only army people and Indian



They were to leave on Easter Monday because they were playing that night,

And on Sunday evening after supper Colonel Gosselyn said he was going to his

Study to write letters; a minute or two later Mrs. Gosselyn said she must go

And see the cook. When they were left alone Michael, standing with his back

To the fire, lit a cigarette.

dull time." "It's been heavenly."  

Julia looked down as though the extravagance of these compliments was

Almost more than she could bear. Michael came over and stood in front of her.

The thought occurred to her that he looked like a handsome young footman*

Applying for a situation. He was strangely nervous. Her heart thumped

Against her ribs.

  For the last week (всю последнюю неделю) she had asked herself (она задавалась вопросом: «спрашивала себя») whether or not he was going to

For the last week she had asked herself whether or not he was going to

Propose to her, and now that he had at last done so, she was strangely



"Not immediately, I don't mean. But when we've got our feet on the ladder. I

Know that you can act me off the stage, but we get on together like a house on

team. And you know I do like you most awfully. I mean, I've never met anyone who's a patch on you."  

She got on her feet and put up her face to his. He took her in his arms and

Kissed her lips.

"I must tell mother."

He broke away from her and went to the door.

  In a moment (через мгновение) the Colonel and Mrs. Gosselyn came in (вошли полковник и миссис Госселин). They bore a look (у них был вид: «они

In a moment the Colonel and Mrs. Gosselyn came in. They bore a look of

happy expectancy. ("By God, it was a put-up job.")

"Mother, father, we're engaged."

Mrs. Gosselyn began to cry. With her awkward, lumbering gait she came up

To Julia, flung her arms round her, and sobbing, kissed her. The Colonel

wrung his son's hand in a manly way and releasing Julia from his wife's

Embrace kissed her too. He was deeply moved. All this emotion worked on

Julia and, though she smiled happily, the tears coursed down her cheeks.

Michael watched the affecting scene with sympathy.

though mother and Julia were thoroughly upset." "The ladies, God bless ‘em," said the Colonel when glasses were…  

JULIA now was looking at the photograph of herself in her wedding-dress.

"Christ, what a sight I looked."

They decided to keep their engagement to themselves, and Julia told no one

About it but Jimmie Langton, two or three girls in the company and her

Dresser. She vowed them to secrecy and could not understand how within

Forty-eight hours everyone in the theatre seemed to know all about it. Julia






Was divinely happy. She loved Michael more passionately than ever and would

Gladly have married him there and then, but his good sense prevailed.

They were at present (они в настоящее время были) no more than (не более чем) a couple of provincial actors (парой провинциальных актеров), and to… their conquest of London (и начало покорения Лондона; conquest —

They were at present no more than a couple of provincial actors, and to start

Their conquest of London as a married couple would jeopardize their chances.

Julia showed him as clearly as she knew how, and this was very clearly

Indeed, that she was quite willing to become his mistress, but this he refused.

He was too honourable to take advantage of her.

"I could not love thee, dear, so much (я не мог бы любить тебя, дорогая, так сильно), loved I not honour more (если бы я не любил честь больше)," he … quoted (процитировал он).

He felt sure that when they were married they would bitterly regret it if they

Had lived together before as man and wife. Julia was proud of his principles.

He was a kind and affectionate lover, but in a very short while seemed to take

Her a trifle for granted; by his manner, friendly but casual, you might have

Thought they had been married for years. But he showed great good nature in

Allowing Julia to make love to him.

She adored to sit cuddled up to him (она обожала сидеть, прижавшись к нему; to cuddle — прижимать, крепко обнимать, прижиматься друг к другу) with …  

She adored to sit cuddled up to him with his arm round her waist, her face

Against his, and it was heaven when she could press her eager mouth against

His rather thin lips. Though when they sat side by side like that he preferred

To talk of the parts they were studying or make plans for the future, he made






Her very happy. She never tired of praising his beauty. It was heavenly, when

She told him how exquisite his nose was and how lovely his russet, curly hair,

To feel his hold on her tighten a little and to see the tenderness in his eyes.

"It would be so silly to pretend you weren't divinely handsome."   Julia thought he was (Джулия думала так /что он был красив/), and she said it

Julia thought he was, and she said it because she liked saying it, but she said it

Also because she knew he liked to hear it. He had affection and admiration for

Her, he felt at ease with her, and he had confidence in her, but she was well






Aware that he was not in love with her. She consoled herself by thinking that

He loved her as much as he was capable of loving, and she thought that when

They were married, when they slept together, her own passion would excite an

Equal passion in him.

Meanwhile (тем временем) she exercised all her tact (она использовала весь свой такт; to exercise — тренировать, развивать, применять, использовать) and all her self-control (и все свое самообладание; self-control —

Meanwhile she exercised all her tact and all her self-control. She knew she

Could not afford to bore him. She knew she must never let him feel that she

Was a burden or a responsibility. He might desert her for a game of golf, or to






Lunch with a casual acquaintance, she never let hi m see for a moment that she

Was hurt. And with an inkling that her success as an actress strengthened his

Feeling for her she worked like a dog to play well.

When they had been engaged for rather more than a year (когда они уже были помолвлены больше года) an American manager (американский импресарио), looking for talent (ищущий таланты) and having heard of Jimmie Langton's

When they had been engaged for rather more than a year an American

manager, looking for talent and having heard of Jimmie Langton's repertory

Company, came to Middlepool and was greatly taken by Michael. He sent him

Round a note asking him to come to his hotel on the following afternoon.

Michael, breathless with excitement, showed it to Julia; it could only mean






That he was going to offer him a part. Her heart sank, but she pretended that

She was as excited as he, and went with him next day to the hotel. She was to

Wait in the lobby while Michael saw the great man.

"Wish me luck (пожелай мне удачи)," he whispered (прошептал он), as he turned from her (когда он поворачивался /от нее/) to enter the lift (чтобы… в лифт). "It's almost too good to be true (все: «это» слишком хорошо, чтобы

Julia sat in a great leather armchair willing with all her might the American

Manager to offer a part that Michael would refuse or a salary that he felt it

Would be beneath his dignity to accept. Or alternatively that he should get

Michael to read the part he had in view and come to the conclusion that he

Could not touch it. But when she saw Michael coming towards her half an

Hour later, his eyes bright and his step swinging, she knew he had clicked. For

A moment she thought she was going to be sick, and when she forced on her

Face an eager, happy smile, she felt that her muscles were stiff and hard.

"It's all right (все в порядке). He says it's a damned good part (он говорит, что это чертовски хорошая роль), a boy's part, nineteen (роль юноши девятнадцати … лет). Eight or ten weeks in New York (восемь или десять недель в Нью-Йорке)

It was quite clear that he had accepted with alacrity. The thought of refusing

Had never even occurred to him.

"And I — I," she thought, "if they'd offered me a thousand dollars a week I

wouldn't have gone if it meant being separated from Michael."

Black despair seized her. She could do nothing. She must pretend to be as

Delighted as he was. He was too much excited to sit still and took her out into

The crowded street to walk.

"It's a wonderful chance (это удивительный шанс). Of course America's expensive (конечно, Америка дорогая /страна/), but I ought to be able (но я …  

Able to live on fifty dollars a week at the outside, they say the Americans are

shouldn't save eight thousand dollars in the forty weeks and that's sixteen hundred pounds." ("He doesn't love me. He doesn't care a damn about me. I hate him. I'd like to

She said the words very brightly, so that they sounded polite, but somewhat







year, two years at the outside, well, it passes like a flash of lightning."   Michael had been walking at random (Майкл гулял, не выбирая пути; at random

Michael had been walking at random, but Julia without his noticing had

Guided him in the direction she wished, and now they arrived in front of the

Theatre. She stopped.

"I'll see you later. I've got to pop up and see Jimmie." His face fell.






"You're not going to leave me now! I must talk to somebody. I thought we

might go and have a snack together before the show."

"I'm terribly sorry. Jimmie's expecting me and you know what he is."

Michael gave her his sweet, good-natured smile.

"Oh, well, go on then (ну, хорошо, тогда иди). I'm not going to hold it up against you (я не собираюсь иметь к тебе претензии; to hold it against smb — иметь что-то против кого-то) because for once you've let me down (из-за того, что

He walked on and she went in by the stage door. Jimmie Langton had

Arranged himself a tiny flat under the roof to which you gained access

Through the balcony. She rang the bell of his front door and he opened it

Himself. He was surprised, but pleased, to see her.


She walked past him without a word, and when they got into his sitting-room,

Untidy, littered with typescript plays, books and other rubbish, the remains of

His frugal luncheon still on a tray by his desk, she turned and faced him. Her

Jaw was set and her eyes were frowning.

"You devil!"

With a swift gesture she went up to him, seized him by his loose shirt collar






With both hands and shook him. He struggled to get free of her, but she was

Strong and violent.

  "You devil (ты черт), you swine (ты свинья), you filthy low-down cad… грязная бесчестная скотина)."

He took a swing and with his open hand gave her a great smack on the face.

She instinctively loosened her grip on him and put her own hand up to her

Cheek, for he had hurt her. She burst out crying.

"You put that where the monkey put the nuts, dearie. Didn't you know that when a woman hits me I always hit back?" "I didn't hit you."

Julia looked round for a big chair into which she could conveniently sink.

"Christ, the place is like a pigsty. Why the hell don't you get a charwoman


With an angry gesture she swept the books on to the floor from an armchair,

Threw herself in it, and began to cry in earnest. He poured her out a stiff dose

Of whisky, added a drop of soda, and made her drink it.

  "Michael's going to America (Майкл собирается в Америку)." "Is he (он собирается)?"

She wrenched herself away from the arm he had round her shoulder.

"How could you? How could you?"

"I had nothing to do with it."

"That's a lie. I suppose you didn't even know that filthy American manager

was in Middlepool. Of course, it's your doing. You did it deliberately to

separate us."

"Oh, dearie, you're doing me an injustice. In point of fact I don't mind telling

You that I said to him he could have anyone in the company he liked with the

  Julia did not see the look in Jimmie's eyes (Джулия не видела выражение глаз … Джимми) when he told her this (когда он говорил ей это), but if she had (но,

Would have wondered why he was looking as pleased as if he had pulled off a

Very clever little trick.

"I knew he didn't want women. They've got plenty of their own. It's men they want who know how to wear their clothes and don't spit in the drawing- room."

Julia giggled, and Jimmie felt the worst of the scene was over.

"Now you know (теперь и ты знаешь) just as well as I do (так же хорошо, как и я) that you can act him off his head (что ты с легкостью можешь переиграть его). I tell you (говорю тебе), you're going to be the greatest actress since Mrs.

Julia did not condescend to reply. She was really very unhappy.

away?" "Stay on with me. I'll give you a contract for another year. I've got a… new parts I want to give you and I've got a juvenile in my eye who's a find.

Julia went up to him and stared into his eyes search.

"Have you done all this to get me to stay on for another year? Have you

Broken my heart and ruined my whole life just to keep me in your rotten

  "I swear I haven't (клянусь, что не делал этого). I like you (ты мне… and I admire you (и я восхищаюсь тобой). And we've done better business (и мы

AFTER a fortnight of rehearsals, Michael was thrown out of the part for

Which he had been engaged, and for three or four weeks was left to kick his

Heels about till something else could be found for him. He opened in due

Course in a play that ran less than a month in New York. It was sent on the

Road; but languished and was withdrawn. After another wait he was given a

Part in a costume play where his good looks shone to such advantage that his

Indifferent acting was little noticed, and in this he finished the season. There

Was no talk of renewing his contract. Indeed the manager who had engaged

Him was caustic in his comments.

"Gee (вот это да), I'd give something (я бы отдал все, что угодно) to get even (/лишь бы/ поквитаться; to get even with smb — свести счеты; even — ровный, … гладкий, уравновешенный, расквитавшийся) with that fellow Langton (с тем

Gossip, while he answered once a week, four pages exactly in a neat, precise

Hand. He always ended up by sending her his best love and signing himself

Hers very affectionately, but the rest of his letter was more informative than

Passionate. Yet she awaited its coming in an agony of impatience and read it

Over and over again. Though he wrote cheerfully, saying little about the

Theatre except that the parts they gave him were rotten and the plays in which

He was expected to act beneath contempt, news travels in the theatrical world,

And Julia knew that he had not made good.


When he announced the date of his sailing she could not contain her joy. She

Got Jimmie so to arrange his programme that she might go and meet him at


"If the boat comes in late I shall probably stay the night," she told Jimmie.

He smiled ironically.

trick." "What a beastly little man you are." "Come off it, dear. My advice to you is, get him a bit tight and then lock

But when she was starting he came to the station with her. As she was getting

Into the carriage he took her hand and patted it.

"Feeling nervous, dear?"

"Oh, Jimmie dear, wild with happiness and sick with anxiety."

"Well, good luck to you. And don't forget you're much too good for him.

You're young and pretty and you're the greatest actress in England."

When the train steamed out Jimmie went to the station bar and had a whisky

and soda. "Lord, what fools these mortals be," he sighed. But Julia stood up

In the empty carriage and looked at herself in the glass.

"Mouth too large (рот слишком большой), face too puddingy (лицо слишком тяжелое: «похожее на пудинг»), nose too fleshy (нос слишком мясистый). Thank God (слава Богу), I've got good eyes (что у меня хорошие глаза) and

Uncertain till the last moment whether Jimmie would allow her to go, Julia

Had not been able to let Michael know that she was meeting him. He was

Surprised and frankly delighted to see her. His beautiful eyes beamed with


"Oh, don't be so silly," he laughed, squeezing her arm affectionately. "You haven't got to go back till after dinner, have you?"  

That they could talk in peace and quiet. She sat on his knees, with her arm

Round his neck, her cheek against his.

  "You don't have to tell me that (и не говори: «ты можешь и не говорить… этом»)," he said, not understanding (не понимая) that she referred to his arms

To his arms and not to his arrival.

"D'you still like me?"


She kissed him fondly.

"I was an awful flop in America," he said. "I didn't tell you in my letters, because I thought it would only worry you. They thought me rotten." "Michael," she cried, as though she could not believe him.

Julia was silent. She looked deeply concerned, but her heart was beating with


"I honestly don't care, you know. I didn't like America. It's a smack in the eye

of course, it's no good denying that, but the only thing is to grin and bear it. If

you only knew the people one has to deal with! Why, compared with some of

them, Jimmie Langton's a great gentleman. Even if they had wanted me to

stay I should have refused."

Though he put a brave face on it, Julia felt that he was deeply mortified. He

Must have had to put up with a good deal of unpleasantness. She hated him to

Have been made unhappy, but, oh, she was so relieved.

"What are you going to do now (что ты собираешься теперь делать)?" she asked quietly (спросила она спокойно).  

She knew that it was no good suggesting that he should come back to

Middlepool. Jimmie Langton would not have him.

"You wouldn't like to come with me, I suppose?"

Julia could hardly believe her ears.

"Your contract's up at the end of this season, and if you want to get anywhere you've got to make a stab at London soon. I saved every bob I could in America, they all called me a tight-wad but I just let them talk, I've brought

It took Julia a second or two to understand what he meant.

"D'you mean to say, get married now?"

"Of course it's a risk, without anything in prospect, but one has to take a risk

sometimes." Julia took his head in both her hands and pressed his lips with

Hers. Then she gave a sigh.

"Darling, you're wonderful (дорогой, ты такой удивительный) and you're as beautiful as a Greek god (и ты такой красивый, как греческий бог), but… the biggest damned fool (но ты и самый большой дурак) I've ever known in my

They went to a theatre that night and at supper drank champagne to

Celebrate their reunion and toast their future. When Michael accompanied

Her to her room she held up her face to his.

minute." "Better not, darling," she said with quiet dignity.  

She felt like a high-born damsel, with all the traditions of a great and ancient

Family to keep up; her purity was a pearl of great price; she also felt that she

was making a wonderfully good impression: of course he was a great

gentleman, and "damn it all" it behoved her to be a great lady. She was so

Pleased with her performance that when she had got into her room and

Somewhat noisily locked the door, she paraded up and down bowing right and

Left graciously to her obsequious retainers. She stretched out her lily white

Hand for the trembling old steward to kiss (as a baby he had often dandled

Her on his knee), and when he pressed it with his pallid lips she felt something

Fall upon it. A tear.


Placidity. It needed the excitement of getting a part or a first night, the gaiety

Of a party where he had drunk several glasses of champagne, to turn his

Practical mind to thoughts of love. No flattery, no allurements, could tempt

Him when he had an engagement next day for which he had to keep his brain

Clear or a round of golf for which he needed a steady eye. Julia made him






Frantic scenes.

She was jealous of his friends at the Green Room Club (она ревновала его к друзьям из «Клуба Грин Рум» (Зеленая комната = Артистическое фойе); to be jealous of smb. — ревновать кого-либо к кому-либо), jealous of the games that

She was jealous of his friends at the Green Room Club, jealous of the games

that took him away from her, and jealous of the men's luncheons he went to

Under the pretext that he must cultivate people who might be useful to them.

It infuriated her that when she worked herself up into a passion of tears he

Should sit there quite calmly, with his hands crossed and a good-humoured

Smile on his handsome face, as though she were merely making herself



She swept up and down the room. They had a small flat at Buckingham Gate

And there was not much space, but she did her best. She threw up her hands

To heaven.

unattractive as all that? It's so humiliating to have to beg for love. Misery,  

She gave him a look of scorn.

movement that I made quite accidentally."   But he saw by the expression of her face (но он видел, по выражению на ее

But he saw by the expression of her face that she was registering it in her

Memory, and he knew that when the occasion arose she would make effective

Use of it.

"After all love isn't everything. It's all very well at its proper time and in its

proper place. We had a lot of fun on our honeymoon, that's what a

honeymoon's for, but now we've got to get down to work."

They had been lucky. They had managed to get fairly good parts together in a

Play that had proved a success. Julia had one good acting scene in which she

had brought down the house, and Michael's astonishing beauty had made a

Sensation. Michael with his gentlemanly push, with his breezy good-nature,

Had got them both a lot of publicity and their photographs appeared in the

Illustrated papers.

They were asked to a number of parties (их приглашали на многочисленные вечеринки; number — число, количество, много) and Michael, notwithstanding his thriftiness (и Майкл, несмотря на свою бережливость), did not hesitate to

They were asked to a number of parties and Michael, notwithstanding his

Thriftiness, did not hesitate to spend money on entertaining people who might

Be of service. Julia was impressed by his lavishness on these occasions. An

Actor-manager offered Julia the leading part in his next play, and though

There was no part for Michael and she was anxious to refuse it, he would not

Let her. He said they could not afford to let sentiment stand in the way of

Business. He eventually got a part in a costume play.

They were both acting (они оба играли /в театре/) when the war broke out (когда разразилась война; to break out — выламывать, вспыхивать о пожаре, войне, эпидемии). To Julia's pride and anguish (к гордости и мучениям Джулии)

Michael enlisted at once, but with the help of his father, one of whose old

Brother officers was an important personage at the War Office, he very soon

Got a commission. When he went out to France Julia bitterly regretted the

Reproaches she had so often heaped upon him, and made up her mind that if

He were killed she would commit suicide. She wanted to become a nurse so

That she could go out to France too and at least be on the same soil as he, but


He made her understand that patriotism demanded that she should go on

Acting, and she could not resist what might very well be his dying request.

Michael thoroughly enjoyed the war (Майкл чрезвычайно наслаждался войной). He was popular in the regimental mess (он пользовался популярностью: «был популярен» в полковой столовой), and the officers of the old army (и офицеры

Michael thoroughly enjoyed the war. He was popular in the regimental mess,

And the officers of the old army accepted him almost at once, even though he

Was an actor, as one of themselves. It was as though the family of soldiers

From which he was born had set a seal on him so that he fell instinctively into

The manner and way of thinking of the professional soldier. He had tact and a

Pleasant manner, and he knew how to pull strings adroitly; it was inevitable

That he should get on the staff of some general. He showed himself possessed

Of considerable organizing capacity and the last three years of the war he

Passed at G.H.Q. He ended it as a major, with the Military Cross and the

Legion of Honour.

Meanwhile (тем временем) Julia had been playing a succession of important parts (Джулия сыграла вереницу: «последовательность» важных ролей) and was recognized (и была признана) as the best of the younger actresses (самой лучшей

Meanwhile Julia had been playing a succession of important parts and was

Recognized as the best of the younger actresses. Throughout the war the

Theatre was very prosperous, and she profited by being seen in plays that had

Long runs. Salaries went up, and with Michael to advise her she was able to

Extort eighty pounds a week from reluctant managers. Michael came over to

England on his leaves and Julia was divinely happy. Though he was in no

More danger than if he had been sheep-farming in New Zealand, she acted as

Though the brief periods he spent with her were the last days the doomed man

Would ever enjoy on earth.

She treated him (она обращалась с ним так) as though he had just come (как если бы он только что возвратился) from the horror of the trenches (от… окопов: «траншей») and was tender, considerate, and unexacting (и была

She treated him as though he had just come from the horror of the trenches

And was tender, considerate, and unexacting.

It was just before the end of the war that she fell out of love with him.

She was pregnant at the time. Michael had judged it imprudent to have a

Baby just then, but she was nearly thirty and thought that if they were going

To have one at all they ought to delay no longer; she was so well established on

The stage that she could afford not to appear for a few months, and with the

Possibility that Michael might be killed at any moment — it was true he said

He was as safe as a house, he only said that to reassure her, and even generals


Were killed sometimes — if she was to go on living she must have a child by



The baby was expected (ребенок должен был родиться: «ожидался») at the end

of the year (в конце года). She looked forward to Michael's next leave (она с

нетерпением ожидала следующего увольнительного Майкла; to look forward

to — предвкушать, ожидать с удовольствием) as she had never done before

(как никогда раньше: «как она никогда не ожидала/делала/ раньше»). She was

feeling very well (она себя очень хорошо чувствовала), but she had a great

yearning (но она испытывала страстное желание) to feel his arms around her

(почувствовать объятия его рук: «его руки вокруг нее»), she felt a little lost

(она ощущала себя чуть-чуть потерянной), a little helpless (немного

беспомощной), and she wanted his protective strength (и она хотела

/почувствовать/ его защищающую силу). He came (он вернулся), looking

wonderfully handsome (/выглядел он/ удивительно красивым) in his well-cut

uniform (в своей хорошо скроенной униформе), with the red tabs (с петлицами

штабного офицера на воротнике; red tab — штабист, штабной офицер,

«красные петлицы») and the crown on his shoulder-straps (и коронами на

погонах; shoulder-strap — воен. погон, shoulder — плечо, strap — ремень,

полоска). He had filled out a good deal (он довольно поправился; to fill out —

расширяться, толстеть; to fill — наполнять, заполнять) as the result of the

hardships of G.H.Q. (в результате трудностей /которые он испытывал/ в

ставке) and his skin was tanned (и загорел: «его кожа была загорелой»). With

his close-cropped hair (с его коротко стриженными волосами), breezy manner

(беззаботными манерами) and military carriage (и военной выправкой) he

looked every inch a soldier (он выглядел настоящим военным; every inch —

весь, с головы до пят, настоящий, истинный, inch — дюйм).


expect [Ik'spekt] yearning ['jq:nIN] strength [streNT, strenT]







The baby was expected at the end of the year. She looked forward to

Michael's next leave as she had never done before. She was feeling very well,

But she had a great yearning to feel his arms around her, she felt a little lost, a

Little helpless, and she wanted his protective strength. He came, looking

Wonderfully handsome in his well-cut uniform, with the red tabs and the

Crown on his shoulder-straps. He had filled out a good deal as the result of the

Hardships of G.H.Q. and his skin was tanned. With his close-cropped hair,

Breezy manner and military carriage he looked every inch a soldier.

He was in great spirits (он пребывал в великолепном расположении духа), not only because he was home for a few days (не только потому, что он был дома… несколько дней), but because the end of the war was in sight (но /и/ потому, что

He was in great spirits, not only because he was home for a few days, but

Because the end of the war was in sight. He meant to get out of the army as

Quickly as possible. What was the good of having a bit of influence if you

didn't use it? So many young men had left the stage, either from patriotism or

Because life was made intolerable for them by the patriotic who stayed at

Home, and finally owing to conscription, that leading parts had been in the

Hands either of people who were inapt for military service or those who had

Been so badly wounded that they had got their discharge.

There was a wonderful opening (это была удивительно благоприятная возможность; opening — отверстие, начало, удобный случай), and Michael saw (и Майкл видел) that if he were available quickly (что если он сможет

There was a wonderful opening, and Michael saw that if he were available

Quickly he could get his choice of parts. When he had recalled himself to the

Recollection of the public they could look about for a theatre, and with the

Reputation Julia had now acquired it would be safe to start in management.

They talked late into the night and then they went to bed. She cuddled up to

Him voluptuously and he put his arms round her. After three months of

Abstinence he was amorous.

  He pressed his mouth to hers (он прижался своими губами к ее: «своим ртом к … ее»). She was filled (она испытала: «ее переполнило»; to be filled with — быть

He pressed his mouth to hers. She was filled on a sudden with a faint disgust.

She had to resist an inclination to push him away. Before, to her passionate

Nostrils his body, his young beautiful body, had seemed to have a perfume of

Flowers and honey, and this had been one of the things that had most

Enchained her to him, but now in some strange way it had left him. She

Realized that he no longer smelt like a youth, he smelt like a man. She felt a

Little sick. She could not respond to his ardour, she was eager that he should

Get his desire satisfied quickly, turn over on his side, and go to sleep.

For long she lay awake (долгое время она лежала без сна; awake — бодрствующий, проснувшийся). She was dismayed (она пребывала в смятении). Her heart sank (у нее упало сердце) because she knew (так как она

For long she lay awake. She was dismayed. Her heart sank because she knew

She had lost something that was infinitely precious to her, and pitying herself

She was inclined to cry; but at the same time she was filled with a sense of

Triumph, it seemed a revenge that she enjoyed for the unhappiness he had

Caused her; she was free of the bondage in which her senses had held her to

Him and she exulted. Now she could deal with him on equal terms. She

Stretched her legs out in bed and sighed with relief.

  They had breakfast in their room (они завтракали в своей комнате), Julia in… (Джулия в кровати) and Michael seated at a little table (и Майкл /восседал/ за

They had breakfast in their room, Julia in bed and Michael seated at a little

Table by her side. She looked at him while he read the paper. Was it possible

That three months had made so much difference in him, or was it merely that

For years she had still seen him with the eyes that had seen him when he came

On the stage to rehearse at Middlepool in the glorious beauty of his youth and

she had been stricken as with a mortal sickness? He was wonderfully

Handsome still, after all he was only thirty-six, but he was not a boy any more;

With his close-cropped hair and weather-beaten skin, little lines beginning to

Mark the smoothness of his forehead and to show under his eyes, he was

Definitely a man.

He had lost his coltish grace (он утратил свою юношескую: «жеребячью» грацию; colt — жеребенок) and his movements were set (в его движениях чувствовалась скованность; set — неподвижный, застывший, твердый). Each

He had lost his coltish grace and his movements were set. Each difference was

Very small, but taken altogether they amounted, in her shrewd, calculating

Eyes, to all the difference in the world. He was a middle-aged man.

They still lived in the small flat that they had taken when first they came to

London. Though Julia had been for some time earning a good income it had

Not seemed worthwhile to move while Michael was on active service, but now

That a baby was coming the flat was obviously too small. Julia had found a

house in Regent's Park that she liked very much. She wanted to be settled

Down in good time for her confinement.


The house faced the gardens. Above the drawing-room floor were two

Bedrooms and above these, two rooms that could be made into a day and a

Night nursery. Michael was pleased with everything; even the price seemed to

Him reasonable. Julia had, during the last four years, been earning so much

More money than he that she had offered to furnish the house herself. They

Stood in one of the bedrooms.


He liked to share a bed with her. Though not passionate he was affectionate,


And he had an animal desire to feel her body against his. For long it had been

Her greatest comfort. The thought now filled her with irritation.

born. Until all that's over and done with I'm going to make you sleep by yourself." "I hadn't thought of that. If you think it's better for the kid..."

MICHAEL got himself demobbed the moment the war was finished and

Stepped straight into a part. He returned to the stage a much better actor than

He left it. The breeziness he had acquired in the army was effective. He was a

Well set-up, normal, high-spirited fellow, with a ready smile and a hearty

Laugh. He was well suited to drawing-room comedy. His light voice gave a

Peculiar effect to a flippant line, and though he never managed to make love

Convincingly he could carry off a chaffing love scene, making a proposal as if

It were rather a joke, or a declaration as though he were laughing at himself,

In a manner that the audience found engaging. He never attempted to play

Anyone but himself.

He specialized in men about town (он играл преимущественно: «специализировался на» богатых повес; a man about town — светский человек, жуир), gentlemanly gamblers (благородных игроков), guardsmen

He specialized in men about town, gentlemanly gamblers, guardsmen and

Young scamps with a good side to them.

Managers liked him. He worked hard and was amenable to direction. So long

as he could get work he didn't mind much what sort of part it was. He stuck

out for the salary he thought he was worth, but if he couldn't get it was

Prepared to take less rather than be idle.

He was making his plans carefully. During the winter that followed the end of

The war there was an epidemic of influenza. His father and mother died. He

Inherited nearly four thousand pounds, and this with his own savings and


But the rent of theatres had gone up enormously, the salaries of actors and the

Wages of stagehands had increased, so that the expense of running a theatre

Was very much greater than it had been before the war. A sum that would






Then have been amply sufficient to start management on was now inadequate.

The only thing was to find some rich man to go in with them so that a failure

Or two to begin with would not drive them from the field. It was said that you

Could always find a mug in the city to write a fat cheque for the production of

A play, but when you came down to business you discovered that the main

Condition was that the leading part should be played by some pretty lady in

Whom he was interested.

Years before (годами раньше), Michael and Julia had often joked about the rich old woman (Майкл и Джулия частенько шутили о богатой пожилой даме) who would fall in love with him (которая влюбится в него) and set him up in

Years before, Michael and Julia had often joked about the rich old woman

Who would fall in love with him and set him up in management. He had long

Since learnt that no rich old woman was to be found to set up in management

A young actor whose wife was an actress to whom he was perfectly faithful. In

The end the money was found by a rich woman, and not an old one either, but

Who was interested not in him but in Julia.


Mrs. de Vries was a widow. She was a short stout woman with a fine Jewish

Nose and fine Jewish eyes, a great deal of energy, a manner at once effusive

And timid, and a somewhat virile air. She had a passion for the stage. When

Julia and Michael had decided to try their luck in London Jimmie Langton, to

Whose rescue she had sometimes come when it looked as though he would be

Forced to close his repertory theatre, had written to her asking her to do what

She could for them. She had seen Julia act in Middlepool.


She gave parties so that the young actors might get to know managers, and

Asked them to stay at her grand house near Guildford, where they enjoyed a

Luxury they had never dreamt of. She did not much like Michael. Julia

Accepted the flowers with which Dolly de Vries filled her flat and her

Dressing-room, she was properly delighted with the presents she gave her,

Bags, vanity cases, strings of beads in semiprecious stones, brooches; but


Admiration for her talent.

When Michael went away to the war (когда Майкл уехал на войну) Dolly pressed her to come and live in her house in Montagu Square (Долли… чтобы она переехала и жила в ее доме на Монтегью Сквер; to press — жать,

When Michael went away to the war Dolly pressed her to come and live in her






House in Montagu Square, but Julia, with protestations of extravagant

Gratitude, refused in such a way that Dolly, with a sigh and a tear, could only

Admire her the more. When Roger was born Julia asked her to be his


For some time Michael had been turning over in his mind the possibility that

Dolly de Vries might put up the money they needed, but he was shrewd

Enough to know that while she might do it for Julia she would not do it for

Him. Julia refused to approach her.

humiliating if she refused."   "It's a good gamble (это хорошая авантюра: «азартная игра»), and even if she

Julia was pretty sure she could too. Michael was very simple-minded in some

Ways; she did not feel called upon to point out to him the obvious facts.

But he was not a man who let a thing drop when he had set his mind to it.

They were going to Guildford to spend the week-end with Dolly, and were

driving down after the Saturday night's performance in the new car that Julia

Had given Michael for his birthday.

It was a warm beautiful night (ночь была теплая и красивая). Michael had bought options (Майкл купил опционы: «преимущественные права покупки»), though it wrung his heart to write the cheques (хотя это и разрывало его сердце

It was a warm beautiful night. Michael had bought options, though it wrung

His heart to write the cheques, on three plays that they both liked, and he had

Heard of a theatre that they could get on reasonable terms. Everything was

Ready for the venture except the capital. He urged Julia to seize the

Opportunity that the week-end presented.

"She wouldn't do it for me. You can twist her round your little finger."   "We know a thing or two about financing plays now (теперь мы знаем пару

Light dawned on him, and he was so surprised that he slowed down. Was it

possible that what Julia suspected was true? He had never even thought that

Dolly liked him much, and as for supposing she was in love with him — why,

The notion had never crossed his mind. Of course Julia had sharp eyes, not

Much got by her, but she was a jealous little thing, she was always thinking

Women were making a dead set at him. It was true that Dolly had given him a

Pair of cuff links at Christmas, but he thought that was only so that he

shouldn't feel left out in the cold because she had given Julia a brooch that

Must have cost at least two hundred pounds.

That might be only her cunning (это всего лишь могло быть ее лукавством). Well (ну), he could honestly say (он мог честно признаться: «сказать») he'd … never done a thing (он никогда не сделал ничего) to make her think there was

Thing to make her think there was anything doing. Julia giggled.

"No, darling, it's not you she's in love with."

It was disconcerting the way Julia knew what he was thinking. You couldn't

Hide a thing from that woman.

"Then why did you put the idea into my head? I wish to goodness you'd

express yourself so that a fellow can understand."

Julia did.

Julia!" "Come off it, dear."  

They drove the rest of the journey in stormy silence. Mrs. de Vries was

Waiting up for them.

"I didn't want to go to bed till I'd seen you," she said as she folded Julia in her

Arms and kissed her on both cheeks. She gave Michael a brisk handshake.

Julia spent a happy morning in bed reading the Sunday papers. She read first

the theatrical news, then the gossip columns, after that the woman's pages,






and finally cast an eye over the headlines of the world's news. The book

Reviews she ignored; she could never understand why so much space was

Wasted on them. Michael, who had the room next hers, had come in to say

Good morning, and then gone out into the garden. Presently there was a timid

Little knock at her door and Dolly came in. Her great black eyes were shining.

  "Darling (дорогая), I've been talking to Michael (я разговаривала с… I'm going to put up the money (я собираюсь дать деньги) to start you in

Dolly leant over and kissed Julia on the lips. Her voice was lower than usual

And there was a little tremor in it.

for you? It'll be so wonderful; it'll bring us so close together and I shall be so proud of you."  

They heard Michael come whistling along the passage, and when he came into

The room Dolly turned to him with her great eyes misty with tears.

"I've just told her."

He was brimming over with excitement.

"What a grand woman!" He sat down on the other side of the bed and took

Julia's disengaged hand. "What d'you say, Julia?"

She gave him a little reflective look.

"What's that?" "Moliere."  

As soon as the deed of partnership had been signed and Michael had got his

Theatre booked for the autumn he engaged a publicity agent. Paragraphs were

Sent to the papers announcing the new venture and Michael and the publicity

Agent prepared interviews for him and Julia to give to the Press. Photographs

Of them, singly and together, with and without Roger, appeared in the

Weeklies. The domestic note was worked for all it was worth. They could not

Quite make up their minds which of the three plays they had it would be best

To start with. Then one afternoon when Julia was sitting in her bedroom

Reading a novel, Michael came in with a manuscript in his hand.

"Look here (послушай), I want you to read this play at once (я хочу, чтобы ты прочитала эту пьесу немедленно). It's just come in from an agent (она только … что поступила от агента). I think it's a knockout (я думаю, это что-то

Julia put down her novel.

"I'll read it now."

"I shall be downstairs. Let me know when you've finished and I'll come up

and talk it over with you. It's got a wonderful part for you."

Julia read quickly, skimming over the scenes in which she was not concerned,

but the principal woman's part, the part of course she would play, with

Concentration. When she had turned the last page she rang the bell and asked

Her maid (who was also her dresser) to tell Michael she was ready for him.

"Well, what d'you think (ну, что ты думаешь)?" "The play's all right (пьеса хорошая: «в порядке»). I don't see how (я не… как) it can fail to be a success (она может провалиться: «как она не может не

He caught something doubtful in her tone.

you can do better than anyone in the world. There's a lot of comedy and all the emotion you want." "It's a wonderful part, I know that; it's the man's part."

Julia leant back in her chair, and the ready tears filled her eyes and ran down

Her cheeks.

"Oh, what a beast I am."

He smiled, and his smile was as charming as ever. He came over to her and

Kneeling by her side put his arms round her.

  When she looked at him now (когда она смотрела на него сейчас) she wondered … (она задавалась вопросом; to wonder — интересоваться, желать знать,

When she looked at him now she wondered what there was in him that had


Ever aroused in her such a frenzy of passion. The thought of having sexual

Relations with him nauseated her. Fortunately he found himself very

Comfortable in the bedroom she had furnished for him. He was not a man to

Whom sex was important, and he was relieved when he discovered that Julia

No longer made any demands on him. He thought with satisfaction that the

Birth of the baby had calmed her down, he was bound to say that he had

Thought it might, and he was only sorry they had not had one before. When he

Had two or three times, more out of amiability than out of desire, suggested

That they should resume marital relations and she had made excuses, either

That she was tired, not very well, or had two performances next day, to say

Nothing of a fitting in the morning, he accepted the situation with equanimity.

Julia was much easier to get on with (с Джулией стало гораздо проще ладить; to get on with — ладить, уживаться), she never made scenes any more (она больше не устраивала сцен /никогда/), and he was happier than he had ever been

Julia was much easier to get on with, she never made scenes any more, and he

Was happier than he had ever been before. It was a damned satisfactory

marriage he had made, and when he looked at other people's marriages he

couldn't help seeing he was one of the lucky ones. Julia was a damned good

Sort and clever, as clever as a bagful of monkeys; you could talk to her about

Anything in the world. The best companion a chap ever had, my boy. He

didn't mind saying this, he'd rather spend a day alone with her than play a

Round of golf. Julia was surprised to discover in herself a strange feeling of

Pity for him because she no longer loved him.

She was a kindly woman (она была доброй женщиной), and she realized that it would be a bitter blow to his pride (и она понимала, что это был бы… «горький» удар по его чувству собственного достоинства) if he ever had an

She was a kindly woman, and she realized that it would be a bitter blow to his

Pride if he ever had an inkling how little he meant to her. She continued to

Flatter him. She noticed that for long now he had come to listen complacently

To her praise of his exquisite nose and beautiful eyes. She got a little private

Amusement by seeing how much he could swallow. She laid it on with a trowel.

But now she looked more often at his straight thin-lipped mouth. It grew

Meaner as he grew older, and by the time he was an old man it would be no

More than a cold hard line. His thrift, which in the early days had seemed an

Amusing, rather touching trait, now revolted her.

When people were in trouble (когда актеры: «люди» попадали в беду), and on the stage they too often are (а в театре: «на сцене» они очень часто… they got sympathy and kind friendly words from Michael (они получали

When people were in trouble, and on the stage they too often are, they got

Sympathy and kind friendly words from Michael, but very little cash. He

Looked upon himself as devilish generous when he parted with a guinea, and a


Five-pound note was to him the extreme of lavishness. He had soon discovered

That Julia ran the house extravagantly, and insisting that he wanted to save

Her trouble took the matter in his own hands. After that nothing was wasted.

Every penny was accounted for. Julia wondered why servants stayed with

Them. They did because Michael was so nice to them. With his hearty, jolly,

Affable manner he made them anxious to please him, and the cook shared his

Satisfaction when she had found a butcher from whom they could get meat a

Penny a pound cheaper than elsewhere.

Julia could not but laugh (Джулия не могла сдержать смеха; cannot help but do smth. — быть не в состоянии удержаться от того, что бы не сделать что- то) when she thought how strangely his passion for economy contrasted (когда

Julia could not but laugh when she thought how strangely his passion for

Economy contrasted with the devil-may-care, extravagant creatures he

Portrayed so well on the stage. She had often thought that he was incapable of

A generous impulse, and now, as though it were the most natural thing in the

World, he was prepared to stand aside so that she might have her chance. She

Was too deeply moved to speak. She reproached herself bitterly for all the

Unkind things she had for so long been thinking of him.

    THEY put on the play (они поставили эту пьесу), and it was a success (и она

THEY put on the play, and it was a success. After that they continued to

Produce plays year after year. Because Michael ran the theatre with the

Method and thrift with which he ran his home they lost little over the failures,

Which of course they sometimes had, and made every possible penny out of

Their successes. Michael flattered himself that there was not a management in

London where less money was spent on the productions. He exercised great

Ingenuity in disguising old sets so that they looked new, and by ringing the

Changes on the furniture that he gradually collected in the store-room saved

The expense of hiring.

They gained the reputation (они приобрели репутацию) of being an enterprising management (новаторского театра: «предприимчивого инициативного предприятия») because Michael (из-за того, что Майкл) in order not to pay (для

They gained the reputation of being an enterprising management because

Michael in order not to pay the high royalties of well-known authors was

Always willing to give an unknown one a trial. He sought out actors who had

Never been given a chance and whose salaries were small. He thus made some

Very profitable discoveries.

When they had been in management for three years they were sufficiently

Well established for Michael to be able to borrow from the bank enough

Money to buy the lease of a theatre that had just been built. After much

Discussion they decided to call it the Siddons Theatre. They opened with a

Failure and this was succeeded by another.


Julia was frightened and discouraged. She thought that the theatre was

Unlucky and that the public were getting sick of her. It was then that Michael

Showed himself at his best. He was unperturbed.






"In this business you have to take the rough with the smooth. You're the best

Actress in England. There are only three people who bring money into the

duds. The next play's bound to be all right, and then we shall get back all we've lost and a packet in to the bargain."  

As soon as Michael had felt himself safe he had tried to buy Dolly de Vries

Out, but she would not listen to his persuasion and was indifferent to his

Coldness. For once his cunning found its match. Dolly saw no reason to sell out

An investment that seemed sound, and her half share in the partnership kept

Her in close touch with Julia. But now with great courage he made another

Effort to get rid of her. Dolly indignantly refused to desert them when they

Were in difficulties, and he gave it up as a bad job. He consoled himself by

Thinking that Dolly might leave Roger, her godson, a great deal of money. She

Had no one belonging to her but nephews in South Africa, and you could not

Look at her without suspecting that she had a high blood pressure.

Meanwhile (в тоже время) it was convenient (было очень удобно) to have the house near Guildford (иметь дом рядом с Гилфордом) to go to whenever they wished (/куда они могли/ поехать, когда они желали). It saved the expense (это

Meanwhile it was convenient to have the house near Guildford to go to

Whenever they wished. It saved the expense of having a country house of their

Own. The third play was a winner, and Michael did not hesitate to point out

How right he had been. He spoke as though he was directly responsible for its

Success. Julia could almost have wished that it had failed like the others in

Order to take him down a peg or two. For his conceit was outrageous. Of

Course you had to admit that he had a sort of cleverness, shrewdness rather,

But he was not nearly so clever as he thought himself. There was nothing in






Which he did not think that he knew better than anybody else.

As time went on he began to act less frequently. He found himself much more

Interested in management.

  And he felt (и он чувствовал) that he could more profitably spend his… (что он может с большей выгодой проводить свои вечера), when Julia was

And he felt that he could more profitably spend his evenings, when Julia was

Acting, by going to outlying theatres and trying to find talent. He kept a little

Book in which he made a note of every actor who seemed to show promise.

Then he had taken to directing. It had always grizzled him that directors

Should ask so much money for rehearsing a play, and of late some of them had

Even insisted on a percentage on the gross. At last an occasion came when the

Two directors Julia liked best were engaged and the only other one she trusted

Was acting and thus could not give them all his time.

"I've got a good mind (я намереваюсь; to have a good mind to — собираться сделать что-то) to have a shot at it myself (попытать свои силы /в… пьесы/; to have a shot at smth. — сделать попытку, попробовать что-либо),"

Julia was doubtful. He had no fantasy and his ideas were commonplace. She

Was not sure that he would have authority over the cast. But the only available

Director demanded a fee that they both thought exorbitant and there was

Nothing left but to let Michael try. He made a much better job of it than Julia

Expected. He was thorough; he worked hard. Julia, strangely enough, felt that

He was getting more out of her than any other director had done.

He knew what she was capable of (он знал, на что она была способна), and, familiar with her every inflection (и /он/, знакомый с каждой ее модуляцией … /голоса/), every glance of her wonderful eyes (каждым взглядом ее

He knew what she was capable of, and, familiar with her every inflection,

Every glance of her wonderful eyes, every graceful movement of her body, he

Was able to give her suggestions out of which she managed to build up the best

Performance of her career. With the cast he was at once conciliatory and

Exacting. When tempers were frayed his good humour, his real kindliness,

Smoothed things over. After that there was no question but that he should

Continue to direct their plays.

Authors liked him (авторы любили его) because, being unimaginative (так как, из-за того, что он был лишен воображения), he was forced to let the plays… for themselves (он был вынужден разрешить пьесам говорить самим за себя)

Authors liked him because, being unimaginative, he was forced to let the plays

Speak for themselves and often not being quite sure what they meant he was

Obliged to listen to them.

Julia was now a rich woman. She could not but admit that Michael was as

Careful of her money as of his own. He watched her investments and was as

Pleased when he could sell stocks at a profit on her account as if he had made

The money for himself. He put her down for a very large salary, and was

Proud to be able to say that she was the most highly paid actress in London,

But when he himself acted he never put himself down for a higher salary than

He thought the part was worth.

When he directed a play (когда он режиссировал постановку) he put down on the expense account (он относил на расход; to put it on the expense account… отнести расход за счет фирмы) the fee that a director of the second rank would

When he directed a play he put down on the expense account the fee that a

Director of the second rank would have received. They shared the expenses of

the house and the cost of Roger's education. Roger had been entered for Eton

Within a week of his birth. It was impossible to deny that Michael was

Scrupulously fair and honest. When Julia realized how much richer she was

Than he she wanted to pay all these expenses herself.

whack I'll pay it. You earn more than I do because you're worth more. I put you down for a good salary because you draw it."  

No one could do other than admire the self-abnegation with which he

Sacrificed himself for her sake. Any ambition he may have had for himself he

Had abandoned in order to foster her career. Even Dolly, who did not like

Him, acknowledged his unselfishness. A sort of modesty had always prevented

Julia from discussing him with Dolly, but Dolly, with her shrewdness, had

Long seen how intensely Michael exasperated his wife, and now and then took

The trouble to point out how useful he was to her. Everybody praised him. A

Perfect husband. It seemed to her that none but she knew what it was like to

Live with a man who was such a monster of vanity.

His complacency when he had beaten an opponent at golf (его самодовольствие, когда он обыгрывал соперника в гольф) or got the better of someone in a business deal (или одерживал над кем-то верх в деловой сделке; to get the

His complacency when he had beaten an opponent at golf or got the better of

Someone in a business deal was infuriating. He gloried in his artfulness. He

Was a bore, a crashing bore. He liked to tell Julia everything he did and every

Scheme that passed through his head; it had been charming when merely to

Have him with her was a delight, but for years she had found his prosiness

Intolerable. He could describe nothing without circumstantial detail. Nor was

He only vain of his business acumen; with advancing years he had become

Outrageously vain of his person.

As a youth he had taken his beauty for granted (когда он был молод, он  

Attention to it and spared no pains to keep what was left of it. It became an






Obsession. He devoted anxious care to his figure. He never ate a fattening

Thing and never forgot his exercises. He consulted hair specialists when he

Thought his hair was thinning, and Julia was convinced that had it been

Possible to get the operation done secretly he would have had his face lifted.

He had got into the way of sitting with his chin slightly thrust out so that the

Wrinkles in his neck should not show and he held himself with an arched back

To keep his belly from sagging. He could not pass a mirror without looking

Into it.

He hankered for compliments (он страстно жаждал /услышать/ комплименты) and beamed with delight (и сиял от удовольствия) when he had managed to extract one (когда ему удавалось выудить /хоть/ один; to extract — извлекать,

He hankered for compliments and beamed with delight when he had managed

To extract one. They were food and drink to him. Julia laughed bitterly when

She remembered that it was she who had accustomed him to them. For years

She had told him how beautiful he was and now he could not live without

Flattery. It was the only chink in his armour. An actress out of a job had only

To tell him to his face that he was too handsome to be true for him to think

That she might do for a part he had in mind.

For years, so far as Julia knew (долгие годы, насколько Джулии было известно: «Джулия знала»), Michael had not bothered with women (Майкл не сильно беспокоился о женщинах), but when he reached the middle forties (но когда ему

For years, so far as Julia knew, Michael had not bothered with women, but

When he reached the middle forties he began to have little flirtations. Julia

Suspected that nothing much came of them. He was prudent, and all he

Wanted was admiration. She had heard that when women became pressing he

used her as a pretext to get rid of them. Either he couldn't risk doing anything

To hurt her, or she was jealous or suspicious and it seemed better that the

Friendship should cease.

  She took up half a dozen of his photographs at random (она подняла полдюжины … его фотографий наугад; at random — без разбора, наобум, наудачу) and looked

She took up half a dozen of his photographs at random and looked at them

Carefully one by one. She shrugged her shoulders.


It made Julia a little sad to think how much she had loved him. Because her

Love had died she felt that life had cheated her. She sighed.


THERE was a knock at the door.

"Come in," said Julia.

Evie entered.

"Aren't you going to bed today, Miss Lambert?" She saw Julia sitting on the

floor surrounded by masses of photographs. "Whatever are you doing?"

"Dreaming." She took up two of the photographs. "Look here upon this

picture, and on this."

One was of Michael as Mercutio in all the radiant beauty of his youth and the

Other of Michael in the last part he had played, in a white topper and a

Morning coat, with a pair of field-glasses slung over his shoulder. He looked

Unbelievably self-satisfied.

Evie sniffed (Эви фыркнула). "Oh, well, it's no good crying over spilt milk (ну, потерянного не… «нет смысла плакать над пролитым молоком»; to cry over spilt milk —

Evie sniffed.

"Oh, well, it's no good crying over spilt milk."

"I've been thinking of the past and I'm as blue as the devil."

"I don't wonder. When you start thinking of the past it means you ain't got no

future, don't it?"

"You shut your trap, you old cow," said Julia, who could be very vulgar when

She chose.

  Evie was Julia's dresser and maid (Эви была костюмершей и горничной Джулии). She had come to her first at Middlepool (она впервые поступила:

And had accompanied her to London. She was a cockney, a thin, raddled,

Angular woman, with red hair which was always untidy and looked as if it

Much needed washing, two of her front teeth were missing but,

notwithstanding Julia's offer, repeated for years, to provide her with new ones

She would not have them replaced.

of elephant's tusks in me mouth."   Michael had long wanted Julia at least to get a maid (Майкл уже давно хотел,

Michael had long wanted Julia at least to get a maid whose appearance was

More suitable to their position, and he had tried to persuade Evie that the

Work was too much for her, but Evie would not hear of it.

You can say what you like, Mr. Gosselyn, but no one's going to maid Miss

Lambert as long as I've got me 'ealth and strength."

"We're all getting on, you know, Evie. We're not so young as we were."

Evie drew her forefinger across the base of her nostrils and sniffed.

"As long as Miss Lambert's young enough (до тех пор, пока мисс Лэмберт достаточно молода) to play women of twenty-five (чтобы играть женщин двадцати пяти лет), I'm young enough to dress 'er (я достаточно молода, чтобы

Michael chuckled in his good-humoured way.

"There's something in that, Evie dear."

She bustled Julia upstairs. When she had no matinee Julia went to bed for a

Couple of hours in the afternoon and then had a light massage. She undressed

Now and slipped between the sheets.

"Damn (черт), my hot water bottle's (моя грелка; bottle — бутылка) nearly stone cold (холодна, /почти/ как камень)." She looked at the clock on the chimney-piece (она взглянула на часы на

She looked at the clock on the chimney-piece. It was no wonder. It must have

been there an hour. She had no notion that she had stayed so long in Michael's

Room, looking at those photographs and idly thinking of the past.

"Forty-six. Forty-six. Forty-six. I shall retire when I'm sixty. At fifty-eight

South Africa and Australia. Michael says we can clean up there. Twenty

Thousand pounds. I can play all my old parts. Of course even at sixty I could

  Trying to remember any plays (пытаясь припомнить пьесы: «любые пьесы») in which there was a first-rate part for a woman of five-and-forty (в которых была

Trying to remember any plays in which there was a first-rate part for a

Woman of five-and-forty she fell asleep. She slept soundly till Evie came to

Awake her because the masseuse was there. Evie brought her the evening

Paper, and Julia, stripped, while the masseuse rubbed her long slim legs and

Her belly, putting on her spectacles, read the same theatrical intelligence she

had read that morning, the gossip column and the woman's page. Presently

Michael came in and sat on her bed. He often came at that hour to have a little

Chat with her.

"Whose name?" "The boy who came to lunch?"  

Miss Phillips, the masseuse, liked Michael. You knew where you were with

Him. He always said the same things and you knew exactly what to answer. No

Side to him. And terribly good-looking. My word.

"Oh, Mr. Gosselyn, there's not an ounce of fat on Miss Lambert. I think it's wonderful the way she keeps her figure." "Pity I can't have you to massage me, Miss Phillips. You might be able to do

Reached her.

"Of course there's nothing like massage, I always say that, but you've got to

be careful of your diet. That there's no doubt about at all."

"Diet!" she thought. "When I'm sixty I shall let myself go. I shall eat all the

bread and butter I like. I'll have hot rolls for breakfast, I'll have potatoes for

Lunch and potatoes for dinner. And beer. God, how I like beer. Pea soup and

Tomato soup; treacle pudding and cherry tart. Cream, cream, cream. And so

  When the massage was finished (когда массаж был окончен) Evie brought her a … cup of tea (Эви принесла ей чашку чая), a slice of ham (ломтик ветчины) from

When the massage was finished Evie brought her a cup of tea, a slice of ham

From which the fat had been cut, and some dry toast. Julia got up, dressed,

And went down with Michael to the theatre. She liked to be there an hour

Before the curtain rang up. Michael went on to dine at his club. Evie had

Preceded her in a cab and when she got into her dressing-room everything

Was ready for her. She undressed once more and put on a dressing-gown. As

She sat down at her dressing-table to make up she noticed some fresh flowers

In a vase.

"Hulloa, who sent them (эй, кто прислал их)? Mrs. de Vries (миссис де Фриз)?" Dolly always sent her a huge basket (Долли всегда присылала ей огромную корзину /цветов/) on her first nights (на /ее/ премьеры), and on the hundredth

Dolly always sent her a huge basket on her first nights, and on the hundredth

Night, and the two hundredth if there was one, and in between, whenever she

Ordered flowers for her own house, had some sent to Julia.

"No, miss."

"Lord Charles?"

Lord Charles Tamerley was the oldest and the most constant of Julia's

admirers, and when he passed a florist's he was very apt to drop in and order

Some roses for her.

Julia looked at it. Mr. Thomas Fennell. Tavistock Square. "What a place to live. Who the hell d'you suppose he is, Evie?"  

Prosperous to me. For all you know he may have gone without his dinner for a

week to buy them."

"I don't think."

Julia plastered her face with grease paint.

can't understand why anyone should send me flowers. And God knows, I've got better legs than most of them." "You and your legs," said Evie.

Unknown young man sending me flowers at my time of life. I mean it just

shows you."

"If he saw you now 'e wouldn't, not if I know anything about men."

"Go to hell," said Julia.

But when she was made up to her satisfaction, and Evie had put on her

Stockings and her shoes, having a few minutes still to spare she sat down at

Her desk and in her straggling bold hand wrote to Mr. Thomas Fennell a

Gushing note of thanks for his beautiful flowers.


She was naturally polite and it was, besides, a principle with her to answer all

Fan letters. That was how she kept in touch with her public. Having addressed

The envelope she threw the card in the wastepaper basket and was ready to

Slip into her first act dress.

The call-boy came round knocking at the dressing-room doors.

"Beginners, please."






Those words, though heaven only knew how often she had heard them, still

Gave her a thrill. They braced her like a tonic. Life acquired significance. She

Was about to step from the world of make-believe into the world of reality.

    NEXT day Julia had luncheon with Charles Tamerley (на следующий день

NEXT day Julia had luncheon with Charles Tamerley. His father, the

Marquess of Dennorant, had married an heiress and he had inherited a

Considerable fortune. Julia often went to the luncheon parties he was fond of

Giving at his house in Hill Street. At the bottom of her heart she had a

Profound contempt for the great ladies and the noble lords she met there,

Because she was a working woman and an artist, but she knew the connexion

Was useful. It enabled them to have first nights at the Siddons, which the

Papers described as brilliant, and when she was photographed at week-end

Parties among a number of aristocratic persons she knew that it was good


There were one or two leading ladies (была еще пара: «одна или две» известных актрис: «актрис на первые роли»), younger than she (/которые/ были моложе ее), who did not like her any better (которые ее не любили еще больше) because

There were one or two leading ladies, younger than she, who did not like her

Any better because she called at least two duchesses by their first names. This

Caused her no regret. Julia was not a brilliant conversationalist, but her eyes

Were so bright, her manner so intelligent, that once she had learnt the

Language of society she passed for a very amusing woman. She had a great gift

Of mimicry, which ordinarily she kept in check thinking it was bad for her

Acting, but in these circles she turned it to good account and by means of it

Acquired the reputation of a wit.

She was pleased that they liked her (ей было приятно, что она нравилась им), these smart, idle women (этим элегантным, праздным женщинам), but she laughed at them up her sleeve (но она смеялась над ними про себя; to laugh up

She was pleased that they liked her, these smart, idle women, but she laughed

At them up her sleeve because they were dazzled by her glamour. She

Wondered what they would think if they really knew how unromantic the life

Of a successful actress was, the hard work it entailed, the constant care one

Had to take of oneself and the regular, monotonous habits which were

Essential. But she good-naturedly offered them advice on make-up and let

Them copy her clothes. She was always beautifully dressed.

Even Michael (даже Майкл), fondly thinking she got her clothes for nothing (который доверчиво считал, что она покупала свою одежду за бесценок: «даром, бесплатно») did not know how much she really spent on them (не знал,

Even Michael, fondly thinking she got her clothes for nothing, did not know

How much she really spent on them. Morally she had the best of both worlds.

Everyone knew that her marriage with Michael was exemplary. She was a

Pattern of conjugal fidelity. At the same time many people in that particular

set were convinced that she was Charles Tamerley's mistress. It was an affair

That was supposed to have been going on so long that it had acquired

Respectability, and tolerant hostesses when they were asked to the same house

For a week-end gave them adjoining rooms.

This belief had been started by Lady Charles (это убеждение начала /поддерживать сама/ Леди Чарльз; belief — вера, доверие, мнение), from whom … Charles Tamerley had been long separated (с которой Чарльз Тэмерли долгое

This belief had been started by Lady Charles, from whom Charles Tamerley

Had been long separated, and in point of fact there was not a word of truth in

It. The only foundation for it was that Charles had been madly in love with

her for twenty years, and it was certainly on Julia's account that the

Tamerleys, who had never got on very well, agreed to separate. It was indeed

Lady Charles who had first brought Julia and Charles together. They

happened, all three, to be lunching at Dolly de Vries's when Julia, a young

Actress, had made her first great success in London.

It was a large party (это был большой прием) and she was being made much of (и ей уделяли много внимания; to make much of smth., of smb. — высоко ценить кого-либо, быть высокого мнения о ком-либо). Lady Charles, a woman

It was a large party and she was being made much of Lady Charles, a woman

Of over thirty then, who had the reputation of being a beauty, though except

For her eyes she had not a good feature, but by a sort of brazen audacity

Managed to produce an effective appearance, leant across the table with a

Gracious smile.

doctor, wasn't he? He used to come to our house quite often."   Julia felt a slight sickness in the pit of her stomach (Джулия почувствовала, как у

Julia felt a slight sickness in the pit of her stomach; she remembered now who

Lady Charles was before she married, and she saw the trap that was being set

For her. She gave a rippling laugh.

"Not at all," she answered. "He was a vet. He used to go to your house to

deliver the bitches. The house was full of them."

Lady Charles for a moment did not quite know what to say.

  Julia was glad that Michael was not there (Джулия радовалась тому, что… не было рядом: «там»). Poor lamb (бедный ягненок), he would have been

Julia was glad that Michael was not there. Poor lamb, he would have been

Terribly mortified. He always referred to her father as Dr. Lambert,

Pronouncing it as though it were a French name, and when soon after the war

He died and her mother went to live with her widowed sister at St. Malo he

Began to speak of her as Madame de Lambert.

At the beginning of her career (в самом начале своей карьеры) Julia had been somewhat sensitive on the point (Джулия была немного чувствительна: «слегка … обижалась» в отношении этого /момента/), but when once she was established

At the beginning of her career Julia had been somewhat sensitive on the point,

But when once she was established as a great actress she changed her mind.

She was inclined, especially among the great, to insist on the fact that her

Father had been a vet. She could not quite have explained why, but she felt

That by so doing she put them in their place.

But Charles Tamerley knew (но Чарльз Тэмерли знал) that his wife had deliberately tried to humiliate the young woman (что его жена намеренно …  

But Charles Tamerley knew that his wife had deliberately tried to humiliate

The young woman, and angered, went out of his way to be nice to her. He

Asked her if he might be allowed to call and brought her some beautiful


He was then a man of nearly forty, with a small head on an elegant body, not

Very good-looking but of distinguished appearance. He looked very well-bred,

Which indeed he was, and he had exquisite manners.

He was an amateur of the arts (он был поклонником искусства: «всех искусств»; amateur — любитель). He bought modern pictures (он покупал современные картины) and collected old furniture (и коллекционировал старую

This was life. He did not pay much attention to Michael who seemed to him,

Notwithstanding his too obvious beauty, a somewhat ordinary young man, but

He was taken by Julia. She had a warmth, a force of character, and a bubbling

Vitality which were outside his experience. He went to see her act several times

And compared her performance with his recollections of the great foreign

Actresses. It seemed to him that she had in her something quite individual.

Her magnetism was incontestable. It gave him quite a thrill to realize on a

Sudden that she had genius.

"Another Siddons perhaps (возможно, вторая (другая) Сиддонс). A greater Ellen Terry (более великая /чем/ Эллен Терри)." In those days (в то время: «в… дни») Julia did not think it necessary (не считала необходимым) to go to bed in

Not think it necessary to go to bed in the afternoons, she was as strong as a

Horse and never tired, so he used often to take her for walks in the Park. She

Felt that he wanted her to be a child of nature. That suited her very well. It

Was no effort for her to be ingenuous, frank and girlishly delighted with

Everything. He took her to the National Gallery, and the Tate, and the British

Museum, and she really enjoyed it almost as much as she said.

He liked to impart information (ему нравилось делиться знаниями) and she was glad to receive it (и она с радостью воспринимала их). She had a retentive memory (она обладала цепкой памятью) and learnt a great deal from him (и

He liked to impart information and she was glad to receive it. She had a

Retentive memory and learnt a great deal from him. If later she was able to

Talk about Proust and Cйzanne with the best of them, so that you were

Surprised and pleased to find so much culture in an actress, it was to him she

Owed it. She knew that he had fallen in love with her some time before he

Knew it himself. She found it rather comic. From her standpoint he was a

Middle-aged man, and she thought of him as a nice old thing. She was madly

In love with Michael. When Charles realized that he loved her his manner

Changed a little, he seemed struck with shyness and when they were together

Was often silent.

"Poor lamb (бедный ягненок = бедняжка)," she said to herself (говорила она  

But she had already prepared her course of conduct for the declaration,

Which she felt he would sooner or later bring himself to make. One thing she

was going to make quite clear to him. She wasn't going to let him think that,

Because he was a lord and she was an actress he had only to beckon and she

would hop into bed with him. If he tried that sort of thing she'd play the






Outraged heroine on him, with the outflung arm and the index extended in the

Same line, as Jane Taitbout had taught her to make the gesture, pointed at the



On the other hand (с другой стороны) if he was shattered and tongue-tied (если

он будет колебаться и мямлить; tongue-tied — косноязычный, лишившийся

дара речи; tongue — язык; to tie — связывать), she'd be all tremulous herself

(она сама будет трепетной), sobs in the voice and all that (/с/ рыданиями в

голосе, и все такое), and she'd say it had never dawned on her (и она скажет ему,

что ей никогда и в голову не приходило) that he felt like that about her (что он

испытывал такие чувства к ней), and no, no, it would break Michael's heart (но,

нет, нет, это разобьет сердце Майкла). They'd have a good cry together (они

хорошенько поплачут вместе; to have a good cry — выплакаться) and then

everything would be all right (и потом все /опять/ будет хорошо). With his

beautiful manners (с его-то хорошими манерами) she could count upon him (она

может рассчитывать на него) not making a nuisance of himself (что он не будет

навязчив; to make a nuisance of oneself — надоедать, досаждать) when she

had once got it into his head (когда она один раз объяснит ему; to get smth. into

one's head — вбить что-либо в голову) that there was nothing doing (что ничего

из этого не выйдет; nothing doing — ничего не получается, ничего не



tongue-tied ['tANtaId] tremulous ['tremjVlqs] nuisance ['nju:s(q)ns]


On the other hand if he was shattered and tongue-tied, she'd be all tremulous

herself, sobs in the voice and all that, and she'd say it had never dawned on

her that he felt like that about her, and no, no, it would break Michael's heart.

They'd have a good cry together and then everything would be all right. With

His beautiful manners she could count upon him not making a nuisance of

Himself when she had once got it into his head that there was nothing doing.


But when it happened it did not turn out in the least as she had expected.

Charles Tamerley and Julia had been for a walk in St. James's Park, they had

Looked at the pelicans, and the scene suggesting it, they had discussed the

Possibility of her playing Millamant on a Sunday evening. They went back to

Julia's flat to have a cup of tea. They shared a crumpet. Then Charles got up

To go. He took a miniature out of his pocket and gave it to her.

"It's a portrait of Clairon (это портрет Клэрон). She was an eighteenth-century actress (она была актрисой восемнадцатого века) and she had many of your gifts (и у нее были многие из ваших талантов; gift — подарок, дар, дарование;

Julia looked at the pretty, clever face, with the powdered hair, and wondered

Whether the stones that framed the little picture were diamonds or only paste.

"Oh, Charles, how can you! You are sweet."

"I thought you might like it. It's by way of being a parting present."

"Are you going away?"

She was surprised, for he had said nothing about it. He looked at her with a

Faint smile.


Then Julia did a disgraceful thing. She sat down and for a minute looked

Silently at the miniature. Timing it perfectly, she raised her eyes till they met






Charles's. She could cry almost at will, it was one of her most telling

Accomplishments, and now without a sound, without a sob, the tears poured

Down her cheeks. With her mouth slightly open, with the look in her eyes of a

Child that has been deeply hurt and does not know why, the effect was

Unbearably pathetic. His face was crossed by a twinge of agony. When he

Spoke his voice was hoarse with emotion.

"You're in love with Michael, aren't you (ты любишь Майкла, так ведь)?" She gave a little nod (она легко кивнула головой). She tightened her lips… сжала губы) as though (как будто) she were trying to control herself (она

She gave a little nod. She tightened her lips as though she were trying to

Control herself, but the tears rolled down her cheeks.






"There's no chance for me at all?" He waited for some answer from her, but

She gave none, she raised her hand to her mouth and seemed to bite a nail,

and still she stared at him with those streaming eyes. "Don't you know what

torture it is to go on seeing you? D'you want me to go on seeing you?"

Again she gave a little nod.

"Clara's making me scenes about you (Клара устраивает мне сцены из-за вас). She's found out (она догадалась, что) I'm in love with you (я люблю вас).… only common sense (это будет очень разумным: «это просто здравый смысл»)

This time Julia slightly shook her head. She gave a sob. She leant back in the

Chair and turned her head aside. Her whole body seemed to express the

hopelessness of her grief. Flesh and blood couldn't stand it. Charles stepped

Forward and sinking to his knees took that broken woebegone body in his


"For God's sake don't look so unhappy. I can't bear it. Oh, Julia, Julia, I love

you so much, I can't make you so miserable. I'll accept anything. I'll make no

demands on you."


She turned her tear-stained face to him (она повернула свое заплаканное лицо к

нему; tear-stained — со следами слез, stain — пятно) ("God, what a sight I must

look now (Боже, ну и пугалом же я сейчас выгляжу)") and gave him her lips (и

подставила ему: «дала» свои губы). He kissed her tenderly (он поцеловал ее

нежно). It was the first time (это был первый раз) he had ever kissed her (/когда/

он целовал ее).

"I don't want to lose you (я не хочу потерять вас)," she muttered huskily (она

произнесла чуть слышно сиплым /голосом/; to mutter — бормотать,

говорить невнятно).

"Darling, darling (дорогая, дорогая)!"

"It'll be just as it was before (все будет, как и прежде: «как было раньше»)?"

"Just (как прежде: «точно»)."

She gave a deep sigh of contentment (она издала глубокий вздох

удовлетворения) and for a minute or two rested in his arms (и пару минут:

«минуту или две» оставалась неподвижной в его объятьях: «отдыхала в его

руках»). When he went away (и когда он ушел) she got up and looked in the

glass (она встали и посмотрелась в зеркало).

"You rotten bitch (/ты/ отвратительная сука)," she said to herself (сказала она








tear-stained ["tIq'steInd] huskily ['hAskIlI] contentment [kqn'tentmqnt]


She turned her tear-stained face to him ("God, what a sight I must look now")

And gave him her lips. He kissed her tenderly. It was the first time he had ever

Kissed her.

"I don't want to lose you," she muttered huskily.

"Darling, darling!"

"It'll be just as it was before?"


She gave a deep sigh of contentment and for a minute or two rested in his

Arms. When he went away she got up and looked in the glass.

  But she giggled as though (но она хихикнула так, как будто) she were not in… least ashamed (она не чувствовала ни капли стыда; to be ashamed —

But she giggled as though she were not in the least ashamed and then went

Into the bathroom to wash her face and eyes. She felt wonderfully exhilarated.

She heard Michael come in and called out to him.

chimney-piece. Are those diamonds or paste?"   Julia was somewhat nervous (Джулия немного нервничала) when Lady Charles

Julia was somewhat nervous when Lady Charles left her husband. She

Threatened to bring proceedings for divorce, and Julia did not at all like the

Idea of appearing as intervener. For two or three weeks she was very jittery.






She decided to say nothing to Michael till it was necessary, and she was glad

She had not, for in due course it appeared that the threats had been made only

To extract more substantial alimony from the innocent husband.

Julia managed Charles with wonderful skill (Джулия умела обращаться с Чарльзом с удивительны умением; to manage smb. — иметь подход к кому- либо). It was understood between them (между ними было решено) that her great

Julia managed Charles with wonderful skill. It was understood between them

That her great love for Michael made any close relation between them out of

The question, but so far as the rest was concerned he was everything to her,

Her friend, her adviser, her confidant, the man she could rely on in any

Emergency or go to for comfort in any disappointment.

It was a little more difficult (ситуация осложнилась: «это оказалось немного сложнее») when Charles, with his fine sensitiveness (когда Чарльз, /обладавший/ тонкой восприимчивостью), saw that she was no longer in love

It was a little more difficult when Charles, with his fine sensitiveness, saw that

She was no longer in love with Michael. Then Julia had to exercise a great deal

Of tact. It was not that she had any scruples about being his mistress; if he had

Been an actor who loved her so much and had loved her so long she would not

Have minded popping into bed with him out of sheer good nature; but she just

Did not fancy him. She was very fond of him, but he was so elegant, so well-

Bred, so cultured, she could not think of him as a lover. It would be like going

  And his love of art (и его любовь к искусству) filled her with a faint… (вызывала в ней легкую издевку: «наполняла ее легким /желанием/

And his love of art filled her with a faint derision; after all she was a creator,

When all was said and done he was only the public. He wished her to elope

With him. They would buy a villa at Sorrento on the bay of Naples, with a

Large garden, and they would have a schooner so that they could spend long

Days on the beautiful wine-coloured sea. Love and beauty and art; the world

Well lost.

in some hole in Italy!"   She persuaded him (она убеждала его) that she had a duty to Michael (что у нее

She persuaded him that she had a duty to Michael, and then there was the

baby; she couldn't let him grow up with the burden on his young life that his

Mother was a bad woman. Orange trees or no orange trees, she would never

have a moment's peace in that beautiful Italian villa if she was tortured by the

thought of Michael's unhappiness and her baby being looked after by

strangers. One couldn't only think of oneself, could one? One had to think of

Others too. She was very sweet and womanly. She sometimes asked Charles

Why he did not arrange a divorce with his wife and marry some nice woman.

She could not bear the thought of his wasting his life over her.


He told her that she was the only woman he had ever loved and that he must

Go on loving her till the end.






"It seems so sad," said Julia.

All the same she kept her eyes open, and if she noticed that any woman had

Predatory intentions on Charles she took care to queer her pitch. She did not

Hesitate if the danger seemed to warrant it to show herself extremely jealous.

It had been long agreed, with all the delicacy that might be expected from his

good breeding and Julia's good heart, in no definite words, but with guarded

Hints and remote allusiveness, that if anything happened to Michael, Lady

Charles should somehow or other be disposed of and they would then marry.

But Michael had perfect health.

On this occasion (в этот раз: «по этому случаю») Julia had much enjoyed lunching at Hill Street (Джулия просто таки наслаждалась ланчем на Хилл- стрит). The party had been very grand (прием был просто великолепным). Julia

On this occasion Julia had much enjoyed lunching at Hill Street. The party

Had been very grand. Julia had never encouraged Charles to entertain any of

The actors or authors he sometimes came across, and she was the only person

There who had ever had to earn a living. She had sat between an old, fat, bald

And loquacious Cabinet Minister who took a great deal of trouble to entertain

Her, and a young Duke of Westreys who looked like a stable-boy and who

Flattered himself that he knew French slang better than a Frenchman. When

He discovered that Julia spoke French he insisted on conversing with her in

That language.

After luncheon (после ланча) she was persuaded to recite a tirade from Phиdre (ее уговорили продекламировать тираду /законченный стихотворный отрывок/ из «Федры») as it was done at the Comedie Franзaise (как это было бы сделано

Done at the Comedie Franзaise and the same tirade as an English student at

The Royal Academy of Dramatic Art would deliver it. She made the company

Laugh very much and came away from the party flushed with success. It was a

Fine bright day and she made up her mind to walk from Hill Street to

Stanhope Place. A good many people recognized her as she threaded her way

Through the crowd in Oxford Street, and though she looked straight ahead of

Her she was conscious of their glances.

staring at one."   She slackened her pace a little (она чуть замедлила шаг). It certainly was a

She slackened her pace a little. It certainly was a beautiful day.

She let herself into her house with a latch-key and as she got in heard the

Telephone ringing. Without thinking she took up the receiver.


She generally disguised her voice when she answered, but for once forgot to.

"Miss Lambert?"

"I don't know if Miss Lambert's in. Who is it please?" she asked, assuming

Quickly a cockney accent.

The monosyllable had betrayed her. A chuckle travelled over the wire.


The sound of his voice and the words told her who it was. It was the blushing






Young man whose name she did not know. Even now, though she had looked

At his card, she could not remember it. The only thing that had struck her was

That he lived in Tavistock Square.

"It was very sweet of you," she answered in her own voice.

"I suppose you wouldn't come to tea with me one day, would you?"

The nerve of it! She wouldn't go to tea with a duchess; he was treating her like

A chorus girl. It was rather funny when you came to think of it.

"Will you really?" his voice sounded eager. He had a pleasant voice. "When?"  

She did not feel at all like going to bed that afternoon.


"O.K. I'll get away from the office. Half-past four? 138, Tavistock Square."

It was nice of him to have suggested that. He might so easily have mentioned

Some fashionable place where people would stare at her. It proved that he


She took a taxi to Tavistock Square. She was pleased with herself. She was

Doing a good action. It would be wonderful for him in after years to be able to

Tell his wife and children that Julia Lambert had been to tea with him when

he was just a little insignificant clerk in an accountant's office. And she had

Been so simple and so natural. No one to hear her prattling away would have






guessed that she was the greatest actress in England. And if they didn't believe

him he'd have her photograph to prove it, signed yours sincerely. He'd laugh

and say that of course if he hadn't been such a kid he'd never have had the

Cheek to ask her.

When she arrived at the house (когда она подъехала к дому) and had paid off the taxi (и расплатилась за такси) she suddenly remembered (она внезапно вспомнила) that she did not know his name (что она не знает его имени) and

When she arrived at the house and had paid off the taxi she suddenly

Remembered that she did not know his name and when the maid answered the

Door would not know whom to ask for. But on looking for the bell she noticed

That there were eight of them, four rows of two, and by the side of each was a

Card or a name written in ink on a piece of paper. It was an old house that had






Been divided up into flats. She began looking, rather hopelessly, at the names

Wondering whether one of them would recall something, when the door

Opened and he stood before her.

"I saw you drive up (я видел, как вы подъехали) and I ran down (и побежал вниз). I'm afraid I'm on the third floor (боюсь, что я живу на третьем этаже).… hope you don't mind (надеюсь, вы не против)." "Of course not (конечно нет)."

She climbed the uncarpeted stairs. She was a trifle out of breath when she

Came to the third landing. He had skipped up eagerly, like a young goat, she






Thought, and she had not liked to suggest that she would prefer to go more

Leisurely. The room into which he led her was fairly large, but dingily

Furnished. On the table was a plate of cakes and two cups, a sugar basin and a

Milk-jug. The crockery was of the cheapest sort.

"Take a pew (садитесь; take a pew — разг. садитесь, pew — разг. стул, сиденье, место)," he said. "The water's just on the boil (вода уже… only be a minute (я вернусь через минутку). I've got a gas-ring in the bathroom

Lived in when she was first on the stage. She noticed the pathetic attempts he

Had made to conceal the fact that it was a bedroom as well as a sitting-room.

The divan against the wall was evidently his bed at night. The years slipped

Away from her in fancy and she felt strangely young again.

What fun they had had in rooms very like that (как весело проводили они время в таких комнатах: «комнатах, похожих на эти»; to have fun — веселиться, развлекаться) and how they had enjoyed the fantastic meals they had had (и как

What fun they had had in rooms very like that and how they had enjoyed the

Fantastic meals they had had, things in paper bags and eggs and bacon fried

on the gas-ring! He came in with the tea in a brown pot. She ate a square

Sponge-cake with pink icing on it. That was a thing she had not done for

Years. The Ceylon tea, very strong, with milk and sugar in it, took her back to

Days she thought she had forgotten. She saw herself as a young, obscure,

Struggling actress. It was rather delicious. It needed a gesture, but she could

  They talked (они разговаривали). He seemed shy (он казался застенчивым), much shyer than he had seemed over the telephone (гораздо застенчивее, чем он

They talked. He seemed shy, much shyer than he had seemed over the

Telephone; well, that was not to be wondered at, now she was there he must be






Rather overcome, and she set herself to put him at his ease. He told her that

His parents lived at Highgate, his father was a solicitor, and he had lived there

Too, but he wanted to be his own master and now in the last year of his articles

He had broken away and taken this tiny flat. He was working for his final


They talked of the theatre (они разговаривали о театре). He had seen her in every play she had acted in (он видел ее в каждом спектакле, в которых она играла) … since he was twelve years old (с тех пор, как ему исполнилось двенадцать лет).

They talked of the theatre. He had seen her in every play she had acted in

Since he was twelve years old. He told her that once when he was fourteen he

Had stood outside the stage door after a matinee and when she came out had






Asked her to sign her name in his autograph-book. He was sweet with his blue

Eyes and pale brown hair. It was a pity he plastered it down like that. He had

A white skin and rather a high colour; she wondered if he was consumptive.

Although his clothes were cheap he wore them well, she liked that, and he

Looked incredibly clean.

She asked him why he had chosen Tavistock Square (она спросила его, почему он выбрал /именно/ Тэвисток-сквер). It was central, he explained (это в… объяснил он), and he liked the trees (и ему нравятся деревья). It was quite nice

She asked him why he had chosen Tavistock Square. It was central, he

Explained, and he liked the trees. It was quite nice when you looked out of the

Window. She got up to look, that would be a good way to make a move, then

She would put on her hat and say good-bye to him.

feeling."   She turned to him (она повернулась к нему), standing by her side (/он/ стоял

She turned to him, standing by her side, as she said this. He put his arm round

Her waist and kissed her full on the lips. No woman was ever more surprised

In her life. She was so taken aback that she never thought of doing anything.

His lips were soft and there was a perfume of youth about him which was

Really rather delightful. But what he was doing was preposterous. He was

Forcing her lips apart with the tip of his tongue and now he had both arms

Round her. She did not feel angry, she did not feel inclined to laugh, she did

Not know what she felt.


And now she had a notion that he was gently drawing her along, his lips still

Pressing hers, she felt quite distinctly the glow of his body, it was as though

There was a furnace inside him, it was really remarkable; and then she found

Herself laid on the divan and he was beside her, kissing her mouth and her

Neck and her cheeks and her eyes. Julia felt a strange pang in her heart. She

Took his head in her hands and kissed his lips.

A few minutes later she was standing at the chimney-piece (несколькими минутами позже она стояла у камина: «каминной полки»), in front of the looking-glass (перед зеркалом), making herself tidy (приводя себя в порядок;

A few minutes later she was standing at the chimney-piece, in front of the

Looking-glass, making herself tidy.

"Look at my hair."

He handed her a comb and she ran it through. Then she put on her hat. He

Was standing just behind her, and over her shoulder she saw his face with

Those eager blue eyes and a faint smile in them.

"And I thought you were such a shy young man," she said to his reflection.

He chuckled.

"Do you want to see me again?" "Rather."  

She thought rapidly. It was too absurd, of course she had no intention of

Seeing him again, it was stupid of her to have let him behave like that, but it

Was just as well to temporize. He might be tiresome if she told him that the

Incident would have no sequel.

"I'll ring up one of these days."


"On my honour."

"Don't be too long."






He insisted on coming down stairs with her and putting her into a cab. She

Had wanted to go down alone, so that she could have a look at the cards

Attached to the bells on the lintel.

  But he gave her no chance (но он не оставил ей шанса). When the taxi drove… (когда такси отъехало) she sank into one corner of it (она забилась в один из

But he gave her no chance. When the taxi drove off she sank into one corner

Of it and gurgled with laughter.

"Raped, my dear. Practically raped. At my time of life. And without so much

as by your leave. Treated me like a tart. Eighteenth-century comedy, that's

What it is. I might have been a waiting-maid. In a hoop, with those funny puffy


Then with vague memories of Farquhar and Goldsmith she invented the

dialogue. "La, sir, 'tis shame to take advantage of a poor country girl. What

would Mrs. Abigail, her ladyship's woman, say an she knew her ladyship's

Brother had ravished me of the most precious treasure a young woman in my

  When Julia got home (когда Джулия приехала домой) the masseuse was already waiting for her (массажистка уже ожидала ее). Miss Phillips and Evie were

When Julia got home the masseuse was already waiting for her. Miss Phillips

And Evie were having a chat.

"Wherever 'ave you been, Miss Lambert?" said Evie. "An' what about your

rest, I should like to know."

"Damn my rest."

Julia tore off her clothes, and flung them with ample gestures all over the

Room. Then, stark naked, she skipped on to the bed, stood up on it for a

Moment, like Venus rising from the waves, and then throwing herself down

Stretched herself out.

"I feel good." "Well, if I behaved like that people'd say I'd been drinkin'." …  

Miss Phillips began to massage her feet. She rubbed gently, to rest and not to

Tire her.

"When you came in just now, like a whirlwind," she said, "I thought you

looked twenty years younger. Your eyes were shining something wonderful."

"Oh, keep that for Mr. Gosselyn, Miss Phillips." And then as an afterthought,

"I feel like a two-year-old."

And it was the same at the theatre later on. Archie Dexter, who was her

Leading man, came into her dressing-room to speak about something. She had






Just finished making-up. He was startled.

"Hulloa, Julia (эй, Джулия), what's the matter with you tonight (что это с тобой такое сегодня /вечером/)? Gosh, you look swell (черт возьми, ты шикарно выглядишь; gosh — выражает удивление, радость, досаду и т.п.). Why (ба),

Were the first time. Her performance was brilliant. She got laughs that she

Had never got before. She always had magnetism, but on this occasion it

Seemed to flow over the house in a great radiance. Michael happened to be

Watching the last two acts from the corner of a box and at the end he came

Into her dressing-room.

laughed so much." "Seven curtain calls. I thought the public were going on all…  

WHEN Julia got to bed and slipped her feet down to the comfort of her hot-

Water bottle, she took a happy look at her room, rose-pink and Nattier-blue,

With the gold cherubs of her dressing-table, and sighed with satisfaction. She

Thought how very Madame de Pompadour it was. She put out the light but she

did not feel at all sleepy. She would have liked really to go to Quag's and

Dance, but not to dance with Michael, to dance with Louis XV or Ludwig of

  She remembered the miniature (она вспомнила о миниатюрном портрете) Charles had once given her (который ей некогда подарил Чарльз). That was how

She remembered the miniature Charles had once given her. That was how she

Felt tonight. Such an adventure had not happened to her for ages. The last

time was eight years before. That was' an episode that she ought to have been

thoroughly ashamed of; goodness, how scared she'd been afterwards, but she

Had in point of fact never been able to think of it since without a chuckle.

That had been an accident too (тот случай тоже был неожиданным: «случайным»; accident — /несчастный/ случай, случайность). She had been acting for a long time without a rest (она играла на сцене долгое время без

That had been an accident too. She had been acting for a long time without a

Rest and she badly needed one. The play she was in was ceasing to attract and

They were about to start rehearsing a new one when Michael got the chance of

Letting the theatre to a French company for six weeks. It seemed a good

Opportunity for Julia to get away. Dolly had rented a house at Cannes for the

Season and Julia could stay with her. It was just before Easter when she

Started off, and the trains south were so crowded that she had not been able to

Get a sleeper, but at a travel agency they had said that it would be quite all

Right and there would be one waiting for her at the station in Paris.

To her consternation (к ее ужасу) she found when they got to Paris (она обнаружила, когда /они/ прибыли в Париж) that nothing seemed to be known about her (что о ней никто, как оказалось, не знал: «что ничего, казалось,

To her consternation she found when they got to Paris that nothing seemed to

Be known about her, and the chef de train told her that every sleeper was

Engaged. The only chance was that someone should not turn up at the last

Moment. She did not like the idea of sitting up all night in the corner of a first-

Class carriage, and went into dinner with a perturbed mind. She was given a

Table for two, and soon a man came and sat down opposite her. She paid no

Attention to him. Presently the chef de train came along and told her that he

Was very sorry, but he could do nothing for her.

She made a useless scene (она устроила /совершенно/ бесполезную сцену; to make a scene — закатить сцену). When the official had gone (когда чиновник ушел; official — должностное лицо, служащий), the man at her table addressed

She made a useless scene. When the official had gone, the man at her table

Addressed her. Though he spoke fluent, idiomatic French, she recognized by

His accent that he was not a Frenchman. She told him in answer to his polite

Inquiry the whole story and gave him her opinion of the travel agency, the

Railway company, and the general inefficiency of the human race. He was very

Sympathetic. He told her that after dinner he would go along the train and see

For himself if something could not be arranged. One never knew what one of

The conductors could not manage for a tip.

"I'm simply tired out (я просто вымотана; tired out — переутомленный, очень уставший, to tire — утомлять, утомляться, уставать)," she said.… willingly give five hundred francs for a sleeper (я бы с удовольствием: «с

The conversation thus started, he told her that he was an attachй at the

Spanish Embassy in Paris and was going down to Cannes for Easter. Though

She had been talking to him for a quarter of an hour she had not troubled to

Notice what he was like. She observed now that he had a beard, a black curly

Beard and a black curly moustache, but the beard grew rather oddly on his

Face; there were two bare patches under the corners of his mouth.

It gave him a curious look (это придавало ему загадочный: «чудной» вид). With his black hair (своими черными волосами), drooping eyelids (нависающими веками) and rather long nose (и довольно длинным носом), he reminded her of

It gave him a curious look. With his black hair, drooping eyelids and rather

Long nose, he reminded her of someone she had seen. Suddenly she

remembered, and it was such a surprise that she blurted out:

"D'you know, I couldn't think who you reminded me of. You're strangely like

Titian's portrait of Francis I in the Louvre."

"With his little pig's eyes?"

"No, not them, yours are large, I think it's the beard chiefly."

She glanced at the skin under his eyes; it was faintly violet and unwrinkled.

Notwithstanding the ageing beard he was quite a young man; he could not

Have been more than thirty. She wondered if he was a Spanish Grandee.

He was not very well dressed (одет он был не очень хорошо), but then foreigners often weren't (но, потом, многие иностранцы были /одеты плохо/: «не были /одеты хорошо/»), his clothes might have cost a lot (его одежда вполне могла

Might have cost a lot even if they were badly cut, and his tie, though rather

Loud, she recognized as a Charvet. When they came to the coffee he asked her

Whether he might offer her a liqueur.

"That's very kind of you. Perhaps it'll make me sleep better."

He offered her a cigarette. His cigarette-case was silver, that put her off a

Little, but when he closed it she saw that in the corner was a small crown in

Gold. He must be a count or something. It was rather chic, having a silver

Cigarette-case with a gold crown on it.


He would really look very distinguished. She set herself to be as gracious as

She knew how.

"I think I should tell you," he said presently, "that I know who you are. And

may I add that I have a great admiration for you?"

She gave him a lingering look of her splendid eyes.

"Yes, I was in London last month."  

When the man came round to collect the money she had to insist on paying

Her own bill. The Spaniard accompanied her to the carriage and then said he

Would go along the train to see if he could find a sleeper for her. He came back

In a quarter of an hour with a conductor and told her that he had got her a

Compartment and if she would give the conductor her things he would take






Her to it. She was delighted. He threw down his hat on the seat she vacated

And she followed him along the corridor. When they reached the

Compartment he told the conductor to take the portmanteau and the dispatch-

Case that were in the rack to the carriage madame had just left.

"But it's not your own compartment you're giving up to me (неужели вы отдаете мне свое собственное купе: «но это же не ваше собственно купе, что вы отдаете мне»)?" cried Julia (вскричала Джулия).

– Конец работы –

Используемые теги: Уильям, Сомерсет, Моэм, Театр, William, Somerset, Maugham0.12

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