
Реферат Курсовая Конспект

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Раздел I. Сегментная фонетика. Звуко-буквенные соответствия в английском языке
Лингвогуманитарный колледж Учреждения образования... Минский государственный лингвистический университет... Раздел I Сегментная фонетика...

  1. The types, structure and functions of syllables in English.
  2. Syllable division rules for simple words and parts of compound words
  3. One word in each set has a different number of syllables from the others. Decide which it is, then check with the recording.
  4. Ex.3 Divide into syllables and determine where the syllable boundary lies.
  5. Ex.4 Transcribe the following words, divide them into syllables and explain the rule.
  6. The primary and the secondary meaning of letters.
  7. The primary sound meaning of vowels in different types of syllables.
  9. Reading of a stressed vowel in its short meaning. Short vowels of the English language.
  10. Test II
  11. Reading Vowels in Closed Syllables
  12. Ex.4 Practice reading
  13. Чтение двухэлементных сочетаний гласных
  14. Principles of Reading Vowel Digraphs
  15. Ex.5 Read the following words. Identify the sound of each line.
  16. Ex.7 Give 2 examples to each variant of pronunciation of the given digraph.
  17. Ex. 22 Practice reading the following words.
  18. Reading of Unstressed Vowels
  19. Ex. 1 Read the riddles. Try to guess the right answer. Transcribe the underlined words, explain the rules.
  20. Ex. 2 Learn the rhyme.
  21. Ex.8 Read the following words. Note that they have complete vowel reduction.
  22. Чтение согласных
  23. Ex. 5 Read the proverbs. Explain the rules of reading.
  24. Reading of Endings -(e)s, -(e)d
  25. A) with the ending -(e)s
  26. B) with the ending -(e)d
  27. B) with the ending -(e)d
  28. Ex. 11 Read the proverbs. Explain the rules of reading.
  29. Reading of combinations of vowels with consonants.
  30. Listen to the recording and decide which names you hear.
  31. Look at and listen to these pairs of words.
  32. Reading of English consonant clusters
  33. Ex.7 Sort out the words into columns according to the reading of consonant clusters.
  34. Spot the homophones 1
  35. Spot the homophones 2

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