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The Old Man and the Sea

The Old Man and the Sea - раздел Лингвистика, I D Like To Tell You About One Of My Favorite Books. It Is The Old Man And T...

I d like to tell you about one of my favorite books. It is The Old Man And The Sea by Ernest Hemingway.It is one of the most charming books I ve ever read. This is the kind of book I really like. The author tells us a story about a resistance of an old fisherman and a sea. The novel starts with the description of an old man s life and appearance. Hemingway manages to describe him in detail and to tell us not only about his face, eyes and so on, but also about his character, his soul and thoughts.

While reading, you can see him in your mind, as if he was standing in front of you and telling you about his life. Them the author tells us about one of the most remarkable days of an old mans life. That day he went to sea and caught a huge fish. That was the biggest fish he had ever seen. After many hours of a hard word he managed to catch it and placed it near the board of his small boat. On his way home sharks suddenly appeared.The old man was forced to protect not only his pray, but his life. After many hours of a resistance he was totally exhausted.

And there was only a great fishbone. When he returned home he was very tired, but pleased, because he won that battle. While telling the story Hemingway describes beautiful seaside with white sand and great tropical trees, clear blue sky and birds flying there. But most of all I like the descriptions of the sea. Every wave has it s own color, you can hear the sounds of the waves and wind, feel the smell of water.This magnificent sceneries really made me thought about going to the seaside.

To make a long story short, this novel is really worth reading. I m sure it will bring you a great pleasure.

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