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Teaching English Grammar

Teaching English Grammar - раздел Литература, Content Introduction 3 Part 1 What Is The Grammar 4 1.1 The Importance Of Gra...

CONTENT INTRODUCTION 3 PART 1 WHAT IS THE GRAMMAR 4 1.1 The Importance of grammar . .4 1.2 The Psychological Characteristic of Grammar Skills 4 1.3 The Content of Teaching grammar . 6 PART 2 INCIPLES .1.1 A Brief Review of the Major Methods of Foreign Language Teaching. 8 1.1.1 The Grammar Translation method 8 1.1.2 The Direct Method 9 1.1.3 The Audiolingual Method . 1.4 Grammar explanations as used in the major methods .1.2 Some General Principles of Grammar Teaching .2.1 Conscious approach . 2.2 Practical approach . .12 1.2.3 Structural approach 2.4 Situational approach .2.5 Different approach .13 PART 3 IDERATION .1.1 Introduction of new Material 1.1 Introducing new language structure . 1.2 Types of context 15 1.1.3 The presentation of structural form 1.4 A general model for introducing new language .15 1.2 Teaching grammar patterns 1.3 Correction 18 1.4 The Most Common Difficulties in Assimilating English Grammar 20 PART 4 IMILATION OF GRAMMAR . .1.1 Recognition exercises 1.2 Drill exercises 1.3 Creative exercises 1.4 Grammar tests 24 CONCLUSION . 25 LITERATURE . .ITRODUCTION Language is the chief means by which the human personality expresses itself and fulfills its basic need for social interaction with other persons.

Robert Lado wrote that language functions owing to the language skills.

A person who knows a language perfectly uses a thousand and one grammar lexical, phonetic rules when he is speaking.

Language skills help us to choose different words and models in our speech. It is clear that the term grammar has meant various things at various times and sometimes several things at one time. This plurality of meaning is characteristic of the present time and is the source of confusions in the discussion of grammar as part of the education of children.

There have been taking place violent disputes on the subject of teaching grammar at school. The ability to talk about the grammar of a language, to recite its rules, is also very different from ability to speak and understand a language or to read and write it. Those who can use a language are often unable to recite its rules, and those who can recite its rules can be unable to use it. Grammar organizes the vocabulary and as a result we have sense units.

There is a system of stereotypes, which organizes words into sentences. But what skill does grammar develop? First of all it gives the ability to make up sentences correctly, to reproduce the text adequately. The development of practical skills and habits The knowledge of the specific grammar structure helps pupils point out the differences between the mother tongue and the target language.

The knowledge of grammar develops abilities to abstract systematize plural facts. The name of my work is Teaching Grammar. And the main aim is to clearly recognize how to teach grammar right. PART 1



The Importance of grammar

In a sense, you are an English grammar. The grammar action can and must occur only in the definite lexical lim... The main factor of the forming of the reproductive grammar skill is th... But this approach gives pupils the opportunity to realize the grammar ... Grammar rules are to be understood as a special way of expressing comm...

The Content of Teaching grammar

This is true because sometimes little children make mistakes by using ... Thus the school syllabus reflect a traditional approach to determining... We cannot say that this problem has been solved. By grammar we also mean the system of the language, the discovery and ... The Content of Teaching grammar.

A Brief Review of the Major Methods of Foreign Language Teaching

p. and Jule Teaching the spoken language , Cambridge, 1983 No one knows e... And they have met with varying degrees of success and failure. Children are curious, their attention is of a shorter duration, they a... We shall examine such methods as The Grammar - Translation Method , Th...

The Grammar Translation method

The child is forced to learn the first language because he has no othe... 1.1.4 . In learning a second language this compulsion is largely missing, sinc... The Grammar Translation method. Exceptionally bright and diligent students do learn languages by this ...

Grammar explanations as used in the major methods

We shall briefly review the treatment of grammatical explanations by s... This method has had many interpretations, some of which include an ana... In some cases, no grammatical explanation of any kind is offered. Each method is realized in techniques. By a technique we mean an individual way in doing something, in gainin...

Some General Principles of Grammar Teaching

The teacher draws pupils attention to the new element in the form of a... He has come. Give me the book you have promised , I like soup more than any other f... I like the soup you have cooked. He should think of the shortest and simplest way for presentation of t...

Practical approach

For example, from the first steps of language learning pupils need the... It has been proved and accepted by the majority of teachers and method... In our country the structural approach to the teaching of grammar attr... As a result structural approach to grammar teaching has been adopted b... Rule for the teacher The teacher should furnish pupils with words to c...

Situational approach

Situational approach. Pupils learn a grammar item used in situations. For example, the Posse... 1.2.5 . Rule for the teacher The teacher should select the situations for the ... He should look through the textbook and other teaching materials and f...

Different approach

Grammar items pupils need for conversation are taught by the oral appr... Different approach. And, finally, the teacher plans pupils activity while they are learnin... Rule for the teachers If the grammar item the teacher is going to pres... For example, pupils need the Present Progressive for conversation. The...

Introduction of new Material

Introduction of new Material 1.1.1

Introducing new language structure

1.1.2 . Such awareness does not mean that they have to be taught each variatio... That is why reading and listening are so important, and that is why di... We will consider ways in which children can be introduced to new langu... What do we introduce? Our job at this stage of the lesson is to presen...

Types of context

There are a number of different context types, but for our purposes we... There are two kinds of students world. Clearly we can use the physical surroundings that the students are in ... In the same way we can create the simulation of an invitation dialogue... Once again we can use real charts and timetables, growth statistics, e...

The presentation of structural form

This seems problematical, though, for two reasons firstly many pupils ... One of the teacher s jobs is to show how the new language is formed - ... 1.1.4 . For whilst advanced students may profit from grammatical explanations ... The presentation of structural form.

A general model for introducing new language

A general model for introducing new language. During the lead-in stage, then, we introduce our context making sure t... During the elicitation stage the teacher tries to see if the students ... It is here that we may give a listening drill or explain something in ... In other words, this is where the students learn how the new language ...

Teaching grammar patterns

Here they try to use what they have just learned to make sentences of ... Notice again that if the students perform well during elicitation the ... Auditory and visual memory is at work. They are helping the workers in the park. Pupil Mike is dressing.

Creative exercises

Creative exercises. speech exercises This is the most difficult type of exercises as it re... For example, one pupil gives commands to perform this or that action, ... g pupils have learned sentence patterns with the impersonal it. All the exercises mentioned above are designed - to develop pupils ski...

Grammar tests

The aim of foreign languages in primary schools is to develop pupils s... Establishing the patterns as habits. The univ. press, 1986 10 Elaine Tarone and George Yule Focus on Language Learner. London, The Macmillan press,1981 17 Applegate, Maurel Easy in English. And Jule Teaching the spoken language.

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