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Wir fordern,” Der Angriff, Aufsätze aus der Kampfzeit
The source: “Wir fordern,” Der Angriff, Aufsätze aus der Kampfzeit (Munich: Zentralverlag der NSDAP., 1935), pp. 18-19....

  1. We Demand
  2. The Jew
  3. One Hundred and Seven
  4. Christmas 1931
  5. Hitler, the Great German
  6. Hitler, the Prophet
  7. Hitler, the Fighter
  8. Hitler, the Reich President
  9. And for Those Who Want to Become One
  10. Those Damned Nazis
  11. Revolutionary Demands
  12. The right of personality before that of the mob. Germans always will have preference before foreigners and Jews.
  13. Make Way for Young Germany
  14. Knowledge and Propaganda
  15. Will and Way
  16. The Great Illusion of the Last Emergency Decree
  17. An Unnecessary Attack
  18. But that would mean millions, the overwhelming majority of our people.
  19. The System,
  20. I along with all of my leaders and party members agree fully with this policy, with the exception of those
  21. The imposition of martial law
  22. It was an illusion to sign the Dawes Pact, and to believe in the dream that this would somehow improve the German economy.
  23. The emergency decrees from which you expected so much, Mr. Reich Chancellor, have also proven to be illusions.
  24. The people is interested only in the question of how well poorly one solves these major crises.
  25. Adolf Hitler
  26. Enemy of the workers
  27. Marxism has as little claim to socialism as the Marxist parties have to representing the whole German working class.
  28. The Harzburg Front
  29. Capitalist Hirelings
  30. And the S.P.D.
  31. German workers
  32. German workers
  33. Warmongers
  34. None of us wishes for a war.
  35. Civil War
  36. Units will be secretly transported, concealed in the trucks, so that each will seem to be innocent freight.
  37. And the S.P.D.
  38. Young Plan
  39. Capital Flight
  40. Inflation
  41. Mass brochures free of charge.
  42. The sensationalist newspapers lie
  43. The Hindenburg Election of 1925
  44. Center Party 1925
  45. Center Party 1932
  46. The Center Party and the SPD on their presidential candidate
  47. Field Marshal von Hindenburg.
  48. Vossische Zeitung
  49. Berliner Morgenpost
  50. The Democrats in 1932
  51. Social Democrats in 1925
  52. Social Democrats 1932
  53. Foreign Policy Failures
  54. Domestic Failures
  55. The Great Illusion
  56. These three national states (as opposed to a Bolshevist state) together have about 8 million soldiers equipped with the best modern weapons.
  57. A National Socialist Germany.
  58. Facts and Lies about Hitler
  59. Building the foundations for its ability to survive.
  60. A Selection of Lies about Hitler
  61. Answers to the Most Common Lies
  62. Answers to Frequent Questions
  63. Adolf Hitler
  64. Hitler decided to become a politician.
  65. The insanity of Versailles,
  66. His first jail term
  67. On 27 February 1925, Adolf Hitler calls a meeting to reestablish the party, and speaks for the first time since his release to over 4,000 people.
  68. Emergency Economic Program of the NSDAP
  69. I. The National Socialist Job Creation Program
  70. II. General Economic Measures
  71. Unemployment benefits burden the economy, but job creation stimulates the economy.
  72. Working people cannot be satisfied with meager unemployment benefits. Working people demand the right to a job.
  73. We have the productive capacity for more jobs.
  74. We have markets for increased jobs.
  75. These markets are available only domestically.
  76. The focus on domestic markets must lead to the social liberation of the German worker.
  77. What needs to be done.
  78. Only the state can accomplish these tasks.
  79. The private home as dwelling
  80. The private home as a productive space
  81. Building settlements of individual homes
  82. Financing public job creation
  83. Financing production
  84. Guidelines for our trade policy
  85. Foreign currency supplies
  86. Law against capital flight
  87. Currency Reform
  88. Bank supervision
  89. The money transfer system
  90. Reducing interest rates
  91. Price controls
  92. Avoiding excessive expenditures
  93. Increasing the burden on those with strong shoulders
  94. The current situation
  95. Wrong economic policies
  96. Correct economic policies
  97. Approval requirements for new production facilities
  98. Nationalization and state supervision
  99. The current situation
  100. Public contracts
  101. The right to employment
  102. Profit sharing
  103. Labor service
  104. Introduction
  105. The Organization of Propaganda
  106. The Methods of Propaganda
  107. Propaganda through the spoken word
  108. Tested Methods of Modern Propaganda
  109. The New Year 1940-41
  110. December 1943
  111. Our Hitler
  112. Bringing a miracle that was no miracle, only the result of tireless work blessed by the hand of the Almighty.
  113. Our Hitler
  114. Our Hitler
  115. Our Hitler
  116. Our Hitler
  117. Our Hitler
  118. Our Hitler
  119. Our Hitler
  120. The Racial Question and World Propaganda
  121. By Joseph Goebbels
  122. The Coming Europe
  123. Youth and the War
  124. Christmas, 1941
  125. Nation, Rise Up, and Let the Storm Break Loose
  126. The Winter Crisis is Over
  127. In the Front Ranks
  128. Immortal German Culture
  129. Great Days
  130. The Morals of the Rich
  131. Children With Their Hands Chopped Off
  132. A Unique Age
  133. Missed Opportunities
  134. Winston Churchill
  135. The Veil Falls
  136. Mimicry
  137. The Door to a New Era
  138. The Matter of the Plague
  139. The Clay Giant
  140. Mr. Roosevelt Cross-Examined
  141. A Different World
  142. The New Year
  143. An Open Discussion
  144. The Paper War
  145. Heroes and Film Heroes
  146. The Air War and the War of Nerves
  147. The Tonnage War
  148. The So-Called Russian Soul
  149. What is at Stake
  150. The Optics of War
  151. The European Crisis
  152. The War and the Jews
  153. Morale as a Decisive Factor in War
  154. The Realities of War
  155. A Classic Example
  156. Articles of War for the German People
  157. Article 9
  158. Article 10
  159. Article 19
  160. Article 20
  161. Article 29
  162. Article 30
  163. A New Year
  164. The Battle of Berlin
  165. Life Goes On
  166. The Background of the Invasion
  167. The Question of Revenge
  168. The Call of Duty
  169. The Higher Law
  170. The World Crisis
  171. The Year 2000
  172. Fighters for the Eternal Reich
  173. Resistance at Any Price

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