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History - используемый тег на сайте, здесь можно скачать или скопировать материал при условии соблюдения авторских прав его правообладателя.History Все работы по данной метке.

Evolution of Concrete Skyscrapers Text 1 History of Concrete and Reinforced
Донбаський державний технічний університет... Н С Рибакова... English Reader For Civil Engineering Students Рекомендовано...

  1. For Civil Engineering Students
  2. Concrete Structures
  3. Assignments
  4. Text 2 Innovation in Construction Technology
  5. Assignments
  6. Text 3 Improvements in Concrete Technology
  7. Assignments
  8. Text 4 Advances in Structural Systems
  9. Assignments
  10. Text 5 Trends in Tall buildings
  11. Assignments
  12. Text 1 Taiwan On Top
  13. Formed by Traditional Values
  14. Structured by Modern Methods
  15. Constructed with Great Courage
  16. Assignments
  17. Text 2 Swiss Re Tower by Foster and Partners
  18. Success after False Starts
  19. Spirals of Glass
  20. Public Life
  21. Assignments
  22. Text 3 Illuminating Foster
  23. Assignments
  24. Text 4 Austrian Sky Garden
  25. The SEG Apartment Tower
  26. A Climatic Facade
  27. Assignments
  28. Text 5 Building Petronas Towers
  29. Construction Innovations
  30. Building the Skybridge
  31. Assignments
  32. Assignments
  33. Assignments
  34. Assignments
  35. Assignments
  36. Text 2 Gehry at MIT
  37. Assignments
  38. Text 3 Show House Cubed
  39. Assignments
  40. Text 4 Assembly by Rogers
  41. Text 4 Assembly by Rogers
  42. Assignments
  43. Text 1 The Concept of Green Building
  44. Assignments
  45. Text 2 Prefab Platinum
  46. Assignments
  47. Text 3 Housing Tango
  48. Assignments
  49. The Built Green Colorado program
  50. The Built Green Colorado program
  51. The Built Green Colorado program
  52. Assignments
  53. Exercise 5. In the third part of the text find the information to complete the sentences below.
  54. Exercise 5. In the third part of the text find the information to complete the sentences below.
  55. Assignments
  56. Text 1 Walls Still Growing Up
  57. Age of Steel
  58. Age of Curtains
  59. Walls Today
  60. Text 2 Doubly Transparent
  61. Early Modern Walls
  62. Decentralization and Integration
  63. Scale Establishes Concepts
  64. Text 3 Metal Stud Precast
  65. Wall Composition
  66. Prefabrication Process
  67. Text 4 Building Monolithic Domes
  68. Monolithic Dome Churches
  69. Sports Facilities
  70. Monolithic Dome Houses
  71. Text 5 Revolutionary Domes
  72. Manufacturing Domed Houses
  73. Adjusting to Spin
  74. Text 6 High-Tech Windows Could Save Energy
  75. C O N T E N T S

Lecture 5. New English Period in the History of the English Language. Phonetic Features of Old English
Lecture New English Period in the History of the English Language Phonetic... In the th th c the feudal system started to decay and bourgeois relationships and capitalism started to...

  1. Introduction of Printing
  2. Age of Shakespeare
  3. Normalisation of the English Language
  4. OE sound system developed from PG sound system.
  5. Rise of Diphthongs
  6. Glossary

History of english language
According to this division PG split into three branches: East Germanic (Vindili in Pliny’s classification), North Germanic (Hillevonies) and West… Linguistically the Western Goths were soon absorbed by the native population,… They set up a kingdom in Northern Italy. The Gothic language, now dead, has been preserved in written records of the…

The Comparative Analisis Of The History Of The Computer Science And The Computer Engineering In The USA And Ukraine
It is not proposed to discuss here the origins and significance of the stored program. Nor I wish to deal with the related problem of whether the… But the first stored-program machine to be put into regular operation was… Additionally, in the case of Aiken, it is significant that there is a current computer technology that does not…

History of Indian race
At the height of the Ice Age, between 34,000 and 30,000 B.C much of the world s water was contained in vast continental ice sheets. As a result, the Bering Sea was hundreds of meters below its current level,… The first people to reach North America almost certainly did so without knowing they had crossed into a new continent.…

History of Britain
All tariff barriers within the island were ended. England and Scotland continued, however, to have separate traditions of law and separate… Under the leadership of John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough, Britain and… At the same time, France ceded to Britain the North American areas of Hudson Bay, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland. Spain…

History of runes
Runes were the personification of the surrounding world, essence of outlook. With the help of special links between runes a man could express… Now runes keep their main original meaning - in the beginning they were the… In Anglo-Saxon England the hours of king council were called “runes”. The most important sources about runic history…

History of the USA
VIKINGS explored the North American mainland in the 10th and 11th centuries and settled there briefly see VINLAND . Of more lasting importance,… The Spanish claimed vast areas, including Florida, Mexico, and the region west… The French explored much of the area that became Canada and established several settlements there. Of most…

History of London
The camp rapidly developed into a flourishing port & trading post. The area of about 1 square mile which the Romans fortified with a massive… Roman Londinium grew up on the northern side of the bridge. Products such as… From about 240 onwards, London was the capital of one of the four provinces of Britain under the Emperor Diocletian.

История Анапы (History of Anapa)
С самых первых дней своего существования Анапа и местность вокруг нее использовались как курорт. Так, минеральные источники Семигорья,… Были в те далекие времена и сторонники активных видов отдыха. Среди… Причем древние бегуны использовали в качестве беговой дорожки влажную, ровную, достаточно плотную полосу песчаного…

History of Britain
All tariff barriers within the island were ended. England and Scotland continued, however, to have separate traditions of law and separate… Under the leadership of John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough, Britain and… At the same time, France ceded to Britain the North American areas of Hudson Bay, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland. Spain…

History of democracy of the USA
The Constitution guarantees individual freedom to all. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF DEMOCRACY - Democracy as a form of government disappeared from… Most people have been ruled by kings, queens, emperors or small elite groups… Some came because of the opportunity, which did not exist for them in Europe, to own land or practice a trade In the…

History of basketball
Britain has National Associations for each country and theEnglish Basketball Association EBBA runs amateur national competitions, theNational … International competion is organised by the Federation ofInternational… So a National andInternational game was born.In 1892 he published the firstbooklet containing the basic rules, almost…

History of runic alphabets (english)
Runes were the personification of the surroundingworld, essence of outlook. With the help of special links between runes a mancould express nearly… Now runes keep theirmain original meaning - in the beginning they were the… They were twomissionaries who discovered these manuscripts in the time of Christianexpansion.

The history of railways (История железных дорог)
English railways The first Act of Parliament for а railway, giving right of way over other people s property, was passed in 1758, and the first for… The obvious advantages of railways as а means of conveying heavy loads and… Over 2500 miles of railway had been authorized in Britain and nearly 1500 completed by 1840. Britain presented the…

Major dates of US history (english)
End of the fighting. 1781 The Articles of Confederation issued.1783 Peace Treaty of Paris Версальский договор . Britain recognizes…

Irish history (english)
One exile became amarshal of France, another became Prime Minister of Spain. Lecky, in Volume II of hisfamous History of England, gives a… Surely some of the mostprophetic words concerning Ireland and her people were…

The history of smart-cards and their place in modern Russia
The trial period which was over by 1995 allowed its participants to learn technologies and problems that can be hit upon while dealing with cards… What are plastic cards What kinds of cards exist Cards with magnetic line and… These problems are the increase of financial risks and losses, administration expenses, technical problems. This kind…

  1. Cards with magnetic line and memory-cards
  2. Smart-cards step forward
  3. The developing of smart technology
  4. Smart-cards as bank s cards
  5. Smart-cards as corporate cards
  6. The place of smart-cards in modern Russia
  7. Sources and literature

История развития компьютеров (Silicon Valley, its history & the best companies)
Geographically, it is the northern part of the Santa Clara County, an area stretching from the south end of the San Francisco Bay Area to San Jose,… Silicon was chosen because it is the material from which semiconductor chips… Silicon Valley saw the development of the integrated circuit, the microprocessor, the personal computer and the video…

  1. HP Foundation and first years
  2. The rise of HP up to the present
  3. The HP Way - an example of corporate culture for a whole industry
  4. HP today
  5. The rise of Silicon Valley
  6. Importance of military funding
  7. Intel Corp
  8. Foundation in
  9. First products - Moore s Law
  10. Ted Hoff s first microprocessor
  11. Cooperation with IBM in the
  12. Intel today
  13. Altair - the first PC
  14. Woz and Jobs - the two Steves
  15. Building up the company
  16. Apple II - starting the personal computer boom

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