Реферат Курсовая Конспект
З дисципліни Іноземна мова англійська - раздел Иностранные языки, Міністерство Освіти І Науки України Херсонський Нац...
Кафедра іноземних мов
Рег. № 64/310 – 02.04.09
методичні рекомендації
до практичних занять
з дисципліни Іноземна мова (англійська)
для студентів 1 курсу
для напряму підготовки всіх напрямів підготовки
галузі знань всіх галузей знань
факультету всіх факультетів
Херсон – 2009р.
Методичні рекомендації до практичних занять з дисципліни іноземна мова (англійська) для студентів 1 курсу всіх напрямів підготовки всіх галузей знань всіх факультетів.
Укладач (і): Фоменко Н.С., Головіна О.О., ГрицинаЛ.В., Голованова Н.П. кількість сторінок 170 .
Рецензент: доц. Смирнова Н.В
на засіданні кафедри іноземних мов
протокол № _7_ від __2.03.09____
Зав. кафедри доц.Фоменко Н.С.
Відповідальний за випуск Н.С.Фоменко к.філол.н., доц., завідувач кафедри іноземних мов
Методичні вказівки являють собою корективний курс для студентів 1 курсу немовних вузів. Завдання корективного курсу полягає в тому щоб відпрацювати на певному лексичному матеріалі основні вміння і навички вживання в усному мовленні нескладних граматичних конструкцій, вміння читати, говорити і сприймати тексти побудовані на тому ж мовному матеріалі.
Оскільки метою корективного курсу є розвиток розмовних навичок в першу чергу, то система лексико-граматичних вправ будується на основі рішення комунікативних завдань.
На певному лексичному матеріалі відбувається навчання всім видам мовної діяльності. Кожному виду мовної діяльності відповідають свої вправи, які відображають його специфіку. Важливим являється створення реальних та уявних ситуацій спілкування, які спонукають до рішення комунікативних завдань (розпитати, повідомити, виразити думку, довести).
До корективного курсу входить короткий фонетичний довідник, представлений у вигляді зведених таблиць і вправи для розвитку вимовних навичок.
Read and translate the text.
III. Practice.
1. Ask your fellow student about the University language laboratory.
2. Describe your English classes in the language laboratory.
Exercise 3. Answer the following questions.
1. Is your father an engineer?
2. Will you be an economist?
3. Who is the eldest in your family?
4. Are your parents in England?
5. Your mother was a famous dancer, wasn’t she?
6. Who are you?
7. What are you?
8. Is your best friend a student or a collective farmer?
9. Shall we be friends?
10. Where were you yesterday in the evening?
Exercise 4. Ask your friend all possible questions to the following sentences.
1. Victor Petrov is a student.
2. He is a famous scientist.
3. They were members of our society.
4. My friend is a famous artist.
5. She was a good research worker.
6. I am a student of KSTU.
7. We were good friends.
8. The house of his grandfather is very old.
Exercise 5. Say it in English.
1. Твоя мати була студенткою цього університету?
2. Він відомий науковець, чи не так?
3. Я не учень а студент.
4. Вони Українці.
5. Вoна не на роботі.
6. Мій дідусь був професором в університеті.
7. У майбутньому я буду хорошим спеціалістом.
8. Хто автор цієї статті?
9. Вони були добрими друзями.
10. Твій брат буде завтра на лекції?
II. Reading
Construction there + be
II. Language
III. Grammar
IV. Reading
Text A
VII. Practice
Speak on the topic “ My University.”. Use the chart.
Text B
The city of Oxford is like London. It is old, international and it is situated on the river Thames. Oxford is very beautiful and green city. We say that Oxford is old and historical because it was founded in 912. The University was founded in 1249. Oxford is international because people from many parts of the world come to study at this University. Every year more than one thousand students enter Oxford University. The entrance exams are difficult. It is necessary to work hard to become a student of the Oxford University. Oxford University is residential. It consists of 38 colleges and each student must belong to one of the colleges.
The academic year in England has three terms which usually last from the beginning of October till the middle of December, from the middle of January till the end of March and from the middle of April till the end of June. There are examinations at the end of each term. If a student fail in an exam, he may be allowed pass the exam again. Only two reexaminations are usually allowed.
The University of Oxford has a tutorial system of education: every student has a tutor who plans his work. Each week some students come to see him, they discuss different questions connected with their studies and research work. At Oxford University no student may call on a tutor or attend a lecture without his or her gown, therefore the students wear them in all weather or carry them over arm or shoulder.
The students at Oxford University spend a lot of time studying. Their working hours are from 9 to 1. At 9 o’clock they see the tutor or go to the library or to the lecture. From 2 to 5 they are engaged in sports and all kind of exercises. Almost all students go in for some kind of sport. The most famous kinds of sport are: boxing, running, playing football, golf and other games. From 5 to 7 they usually either work in the library or in the laboratory. At 7 o’clock the undergraduates and tutors gather in the hall and have dinner. After dinner students have club activities, debating societies etc. By 10 o’clock the students must be in the college, as most of the students live in the colleges. At 10 o’clock the students sit down to work again and work about 2 hours. At 12 o’clock p.m. the students go to bed. The life of the students at Oxford is very interesting.
Exercise 3. Put the following sentences into the right order according to the text.
1. The academic year in England has three terms.
2. It is necessary to work hard to become a student of the Oxford University.
3. The students at Oxford spend much time studying.
4. The city of Oxford is old, international and beautiful.
5. Examinations take place at the end of each term.
6. Every year more than one thousand students enter the Oxford University.
7. The University of Oxford has a tutorial system of education.
IX. Practice
Exercise 1. Compare KSTU with the University of Oxford.
Exercise 2. Read the words for the text and learn their meaning.
Free of charge – безкоштовно
Infant School – школа для малюків
Junior School – молодша школа
Comprechnsive School – загальноосвітня школа
“GCSE” – свідоцтво про середню освіту
Vocational school – професійно-технічне училище
Advanced level – підвищений рівень
Master degree – ступінь магістра
Text C
XII. Reading
Exercise 1. Read Text D and learn more about the educational system of Ukraine. Read the following words to the text and learn their meaning.
Improving qualification courses – курси підвищення кваліфікації
Beyond-the-school education – позашкільна освіта (знання, які набувають школярі, займаючись у гуртках, будинках та палацах школярів тощо).
Doctorate courses – докторантура
Distance learning – дистанційне навчання
Text D
XIII. Practice
Supplementary Reading
II. Grammar
The Present Indefinite Tense( Present Simple )
Sentence patterns
Key examples to be memorized
I study hard. Do you study hard? I don’t study hard. |
The Past Indefinite Tense (Past Simple )
I made up my mind to enter the University.
My friend passed all the exams successfully.
She became a first-year student.
They took satisfactory marks yesterday.
The Future Indefinite Tense (Future Simple)
Sentence Patterns
Key examples to be memorized:
The teacher will give a lecture tomorrow. Will the teacher give a lecture tomorrow? The teacher will not (won’t) give a lecture tomorrow. |
Illustrative Example
They will live in the hostel.
Will they live in the hostel?
Yes, they will. No, they won’t
They won’t live in the hostel.
Where will they live?
They will live in the hostel.
Who will live in the hostel?
They will live in the hostel.
Text A
Student’s Life
I study at the Kherson State Technical University, the department of Cybernetics. In summer I passed all my exams successfully and my dream to become a student finally came true. But there were many young people who failed their entrance exams. My friend for example failed in mathematics. It wasn’t really his fault, it was just bad luck. He will try again next year.
And now I am going to tell you about my family. My father’s name is Sergei Petrovich, he is 47. He works as a surgeon at a hospital. He is neither old nor young. He is a good-looking man, handsome, rather thin with dark brown hair just beginning to grey. He is a very sociable person. What I don’t like about my dad is that he is always busy. Very often he works overtime. He is a bread-maker in our family. He is fond of going to the country at the weekend, because he enjoys working in the garden. My mother’s name is Galina Nickolayevna. She is 46. She works as a teacher at a nursery school. My mother is rather slim and pretty, she is always elegant and smart. She always has a lot of work to do both school and about the house. I have neither sisters nor brothers. But I have a lot of relatives-grandmothers, grandfathers, great-grandparents and cousins.
I was much interested in physics at school. I studied it at the school physics circle. I was also fond of literature and used to write poems. I didn’t know what to choose: physics or literature. I finished school and began to work on the farm. Then I served in the army. After that I worked as a machine operator at an engineering plant. I worked there for two years and decided to enter the University. It took me rather long to get used to University life. To be quite honest I never knew I was so much behind the others. It will take me months of real hard work to catch up with the fellows. I think I won’t be disappointed.
My lessons usually begin at 8 o’clock and I get up very early because I live far from the University. It takes me an hour to get there in time. Those students who live in the hostel are lucky it take them only a few minutes to get there. I live with my parents in a new comfortable apartment. Our monitor and Trade Union organizer live in the hostel. Now I compare the life at home with my parents and in the hostel.
We do many subjects at the University. Here are some of them: physics, higher mathematics, foreign languages (English, German, French, Spanish ), history of Ukraine. I like the history of our country most of all, because there are still so many facts which I want to know. We take credits and examinations twice a year in January and in June. Our lessons end at 3 o’clock. I usually go home by bus or work in the library or in the physics laboratory. I shall study hard to get education and to become a good specialist. My group-mates and I will try to find time for some enjoyment as well. There will be a sport competition at the end of the term and I hope I shall take part in it.
Personal Information Sheet
First name ____________________
Last name ____________________
Date of birth _____________________________________________
(month) ( day ) ( year)
Nationality ____________________
Place of Birth ______________________
Citizenship ________________________
Permanent address ________________________________________
Phone _________________
Education ______________________
Secondary school
Professional school
Technical school
Year of leaving ______
Russian Excellent Good Fair
Ukrainian Excellent Good Fair
English Excellent Good Fair
Marital status:
Date ____________________________
Signature ___________
Exercise 3. Role play the situations:
Situation 2.
1. Your friend thinks the examinations will be easy. You disagree with him (her) giving your reasons.
Guide words: I think this subject is your weak point ,to fail in exam, to sit for an exam, to have little time, difficult to learn, difficult to remember, to study together, to study hard.
Situation 3.
1. Your friend will leave school next year. He wants to enter the same University where you study. You tell him about the student’s live.
Guide words: entrance exams, to be an applicant for entry, to take a preparatory course, tutorials, instructions, laboratories , to do well, to be good at, to go in for sports, scholarship, to have a good time, to celebrate a holiday .
Situation 4.
1.You are on practice at a foreign enterprise. The head of the enterprise is interested in your personality. Tell him about yourself .
Situation 5.
1.You ,a Ukrainian student, meet at the Club of International Friendship of your city a foreign student. He asks you about your life, family, childhood.
Guide words: to be born in, to enter the University, to study at the department of, to live at home (in the hostel), parents, to work as, to go in for sport, to attend computer courses.
V. Reading
Read the texts, give a summary and discuss them.
The Royal Family
From the reign of King George VI up to September 1990
King George VI
1895 –1952.m. Lady
Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon
(Queen Elizabeththe Queen mother)
Queen Elizabeth II Princess Margaret
b.1926 b.1930, m. Antony
m. Philip, the Earl of Snowdon
the Duke of Edinburgh(divorced in 1978)
David Lady Sarah
Viscount Linely Armstrong- Jones
b.1961 b.1964
Charles Anne Andrew Prince Edward,
The Prince of Wales Princess Royal The Duke of Yorkb.1964
b. 1948 m. Lady b. 1950, m. Captain b. 1960, m. Sarah Ferguson
Diana Spencer Mark Phillips
(divorced in 1989)Princess Beatrice of York, Princess Eugenie of York,
b.1988 b.1990
Peter Phillips, Zara Phillips,
b. 1977 b.1981
Prince William of Wales Prince Henry of Wales
b.1982 b. 1984
a teacher of science ― преподаватель естественных наук (химия физика биология)
master’s degree ― учебная степень магистра
under this hard mode of life ― при такой тяжелой жизни
a Bachelor of Science ― бакалавр естественных наук (звание присваиваемое после окончания университета
spare him a very meager salary ― (зд.) платило ему мизерное жалованье
A)Read the text and find our how the British like to spend their free at home
I. Language
Sentence Patterns
Key examples to be memorized
Illustrative Examples
He is working at his invention.
Is he working at his invention?
Yes, he is. No, he is not.
Is he working or studying?
He is working.
What is he doing?
He is working at his invention.
What invention is he working at?
He is working at the development of a new device.
Where is he working at his invention?
He is working at his invention at the scientific research institute.
Exercise 3. Translate it into English.
1.Куди ти зараз йдеш? 2. Я йду додому, а ти? 3. А я – до університету. Там будуть збори студентів. 4. А де ти був учора, коли я дзвонив тобі? 5. Я ходив на пошту відправити лист. 6. Ти багато вчив вчора? 7. Так, я вчив англійські слова, робив вправи, але в мене не було підручника і я подзвонив своєму товаришу. 8. А що ти робиш зараз? 9. Зараз я чекаю на свого товариша. Він прийде через декілька хвилин.
III. Reading and Practice.
Read and retell the following text.
V. Language
Sentence Patterns
Key examples to be memorized
Illustrative examples
They are going to listen to music.
Are they going to listen to music?
Yes, they are. No, they are not.
What are they going to do?
They are going to listen to music.
VI. Grammar
The structure to be going to do smth.
Передає намір, найближчу, наступну дію
VII. Grammar
в 1990 році - in nineteen hundred
в 1909 році - in nineteen nine
in nineteen o (ou) nine
в 1970 році - in nineteen seventy
Слово year ставиться перед числівником: in the year nineteen seventy
17 вересня – on the seventeenth of September
Exercise 1. Read the following numbers:
41, 62, 89, 97, 17, 125, 796, 450, 1820, 25 129, 49 357, 151 583, 1 352 765, 2/3, ¼ , 5/6.
Exercise 2. Translate into English:
a) 9 травня 1945 року, 7 січня 1977 року, 5 серпня 1986 року, до 31 січня 1971 року, в липні 1999 року.
b) 25 км., 175 000 людей, 3 500 студентів, 8790 книг, 3 75 285 машин, 17 слів, 30 годин, 19 кімнат, 90 сторінок, 0,5 кг.
Exercise 3. Make up dialogues about the date, day, year.
Model:- What’ s the day today?
- It is the 6th of October, 1997.
- And what day is it today?
- It’s Monday.
- No, it is not.
- Why?
- Because it was Saturday yesterday.
- Yes, you are right. I’m sorry. It is Sunday today.
VIII. Reading an Comprehension
Read and translate the text:
There are twenty four hours in a day. Each day begins with sunrise and ends with sunset. The time of the sunrise is morning and the time of the sunset is evening. Morning is the time between sunrise and the noon. Noon is twelve o’clock in the daytime. Sometimes we call it midday. Afternoon is the time between twelve and five or six o’clock in the evening. Then comes evening and night. Twelve o’clock at night is midnight. People have a clock or a watch to tell the time. There are 60 minutes in an hour and there are 60 seconds in a minute. Half an hour equals 30 minutes. A quarter of an hour equals 15 minutes.
What is the time? – Котра година?
It is nine o’clock – Дев’ять годин
It is half past nine. – Пів на десяту
It is a quarter past nine. - Четверть на десяту
It is five past nine. – П’ять хвилин на десяту
It is ten (minutes) to nine . – Без десяти хвилин дев’ять
It is a quarter to nine. – Без четверті дев’ять
My watch is fast . – Мій годинник спішить
My watch is (five minutes) slow. – Мій годинник запізнюється на п’ять хвилин
My watch is correct. – Мій годинник йде правильно
It is ten sharp. – Рівно десять.
X. Language
Sentence Patterns
Key examples to be memorized.
Illustrative Examples
It is cold.
Is it cold? Yes, it is. No, it is not cold today. It is warm.
What time is it? It is five o’clock.
What date is it today? It is the 7th of February.
What day is it today? It is Monday.
What month is it? It is October.
Is it far from there? No, it is not. It is near. It is easy to get there.
XI. Practice
Exercise 3. Translate into English.
1. В кімнаті холодно. 2. Тут темно. 3. Тепло. 4. Цікаво читати цю книгу. 5. Зараз йде дощ. 6. Взимку часто йде сніг. 7. Мені важко перекласти цей текст. 8. Необхідно прочитати цю статтю. 9. Неможливо зрозуміти, що він хоче сказати.
XII. Reading and Comprehension
Read and translate the text.
Read the poem by Robert Burns
The flowery Spring leads sunny Summer,
And yellow Autumn presses near,
Then in his turn cmes gloomy Winter,
Fill smiling Spring again appear.
I. Language
Sentence Patterns
Key examples to be memorized
Illustrative Examples
Ukraine is washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.
Is Ukraine washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov?
Yes, it is. No, it isn’t
Ukraine is not washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.
What is Ukraine washed by?
Ukraine is washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.
Exercise 7. Say it in English.
1. Величезна кількість цукрового буряку, картоплі, соняшника вирощується на Україні.
2. Президента України обирають строком на 5 років.
3. Нам запропонували відвідати деякі історичні місця Києва.
4. Всі предмети в навчальних закладах України викладаються українською мовою.
5. Майдан Незалежності було реконструйовано в 2001 році.
6. День Конституції України святкують 28 червня.
III. Reading and comprehension
Look through Text A about geographical position of Ukraine. Be ready to answer the following questions:
1. What is Ukraine’s population?
2. What area does Ukraine cover ?
3. What countries does Ukraine border on?
4. What seas is Ukraine bounded by?
5. What makes Ukraine ideal for the development of agriculture?
6. What river divides Ukraine into two parts?
7. What are the main industrial centers in Ukraine?
Text A
V. Reading and comprehension
Read and translate the text B
VI. Practice
Exercise 5. Speak on the topic “Political System of Ukraine” . Use the chart:
Exercise 2. Agree or disagree with the following statements
1. Lviv, the historical capital of Galicia and Western Ukraine, and after Kyiv, the second cultural, political, and religious center of Ukraine.
2. By population it is the first largest city in Ukraine.
3. Today Lviv has an area of 200 sq.km.
4. Lviv is the only city in Ukraine that still has some original Renaissance architecture.
5. The main monuments in the city are to Ushakov, T.Shevchenko, B.Khmelnitsky.
Exercise 3. Ask questions to get these answers.
1.In the mid-13th c.
2. St. Nickolas's Church.
4. Vysoky Zamok.
5. Renaissance architecture.
6. To A.Mickiewicz, I.Franko, V.Stefanyk, I.Fedorovych.
Exercise 5. Tell about any Ukrainian city which you have ever visited.
IX . Supplementary
III. Reading and Comprehension
Text A
IV. Practice
Exercise 1. Using the chart of Great Britain (territory, location, population, parts, etc.) Make a report on the topic.
V. Reading and comprehension
Read and translate Text B
VI. Practice
Exercise 5. Study the chart “Great Britain” (Parliamentary Monarchy and Political Parties) and discuss information in the form of questions and answers.
VIII. Reading
Text C
Great Britain is known to be a highly developed industrial country. There are so-called “old” branches of industry which appeared in the period of industrial revolution and “modern” branches that appeared only after the Second World War.
Coal-mining is said to be a traditional , “old” branch of industry. It is to be found in Wales, in the Cumberland Mountains, in the south of Scotland, and in the northern part of England.
Metal industry, including production of steel and non-ferrous metals such as aluminium and other colour metals, is known to have been developing in Scotland, Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham, Sheffield, in Wales and other areas of the country.
Britain’s chemical industry is the third largest in Europe . Nearly half of its production is exported. Natural gas is known to be a good raw material for chemical industry. Chemical industry, especially production of synthetic fibres and plastics, is being developed on a large scale in Wales, in Liverpool, in the mouth of the Thames, in Scotland, in the south of England.
Engineering is the main branch of industry in Great Britain. Britain is the Western world’s largest producer of agricultural tractors, many of which are exported. London, Birmingham, Coventry are known to be the most important centres of motor-car construction. The Greater London, Bristol are the leading centres of aviation industry. The British aerospace industry is the third largest in the world. Its products include civil and military aircraft and satellites. Rolls-Royce is one of the world’s three largest aero-engine manufacturers. Glasgow, Newcastle, Belfast are the biggest ship-building centres.
Among the modern branches are electroengineering, electronic, machine-tool industries which can be found in the Greater London, Leeds, Sheffield, Manchester, Birmingham, Liverpool and many other big and little towns of Great Britain. Halifax is known to be a machine-tool construction centre producing equipment for electric power industry.
Textile industry with the centres in Yorkshire and Landshire is considered to be one of the oldest in Great Britain. The clothing industry, one of the largest in Europe, meets about two-thirds of domestic demand and the woolen industry is one of the world’s largest.
Light industry and first of all clothing, footwear, knitting wear and hosiery are developed in Leeds, Nottingham, Manchester, London, Glasgow, Belfast. Light industry goods are of good qualty.
Nottingham, Lester and Derby are known to be the most important centres of footwear industry. Many enterprises of food industry are situated in the large industrial centres such as London, Belfast, Liverpool, Bristol as well as in other centres and also in some rural areas.
Britain has an open economy in which international trade plays a vital part. About one-quarter of its domestic product comes from the export of goods and services.
IX. Comprehension.
Exercise 4. Make a chart of the development of industry in Great Britain and speak on the topic.
X. Supplementary
Text A
Text B
Text C
Text D
I. Language
Sentence patterns
Exercise 11. Ask your friend all possible questions to the statements.
1. English people must drive on the left side of the road.
2. You can travel to Kyiv both by train and by plane.
3. She may read the immortal “Tale of Bygone Days” in our library.
4. After restoration tourists can visit the Golden Gate – the ancient entrance to Kyiv.
5. Industrial potential of Kyiv must develop day by day.
6. Masterpieces of architecture in Kyiv must impress you greatly.
II. Language
Sentence Patterns
Key examples to be memorized
Illustrative examples
We have been to the South this year.
Have you been to the South this year?
Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.
I haven’t been to the South yet.
I haven’t seen him since 1996.
Have you bought this dictionary or taken it from the library?
I have bought it this week.
Where have you bought it?
I have bought it at the book shop in the center of the city.
Who has seen this performance? I have (she, he has)
II. Practice
Exercise 7. Role-play the following situations
Situation 1. An English student has just come to Kyiv on summer holidays. He is eager to know about the city. He asks Ukrainian students about educational institutions, industrial enterprises, historical centres.
Situation 2. You are a representative of the Ukrainian touring company in London. Speak about wonderful opportunities to visit historical places of Kyiv and a nice cultural program. Your Londoners ask you questions about Kyiv.
III. Reading
IV. Practice
Exercise 1. Speak on the topic “London, the capital of UK”. Use the chart.
Exercise 2. Make up dialogues using the chart.
Exercise 3. Role-play the following situations:
Situation 1.You are at the student’s club. Share the impressions of your tour of London with the members of this club.
Situation 2. You have come to London on a 6 day visit. Discuss your plans of visiting places of interest.
V. Reading and comprehension
Exercise 1. Read the text “Kherson” and translate it.
VI. Practice
Exercise 7. Make up dialogues about Kherson using the chart
Exercise 8. Role-play
Situation 1.Suppose you are a guide. Tell the tourists about the most interesting places of interest of interest in Kherson. Answer their questions.
Situation 2.Your friend from Poltava has come to Kherson. He wants to enter one of our Universities. He is also interested in industry where he can work after the graduation. Advise him the university worthly to enter and industry developed in our region.
January , 1
New Year's Day
It is a bank holiday though many Britons do not celebrate on New Year's Eve. In Scotland New Year's Eve is called Hogmanay and is an occasion for joyous celebration. In London Scottish people gather on the steps of St. Paul's Cathedral and sing "Auld Lang Syne" at midnight.
April, 3
The word Easter owes its name and many of its customs to a pageant festival hold eostre which is the name of the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring time. Every spring European peoples celebrated the festival to honour the awakening of new life in nature.
Christians related the rising of the sun to the resurrection of Jesus and their old spiritual rebirth. This "holy" day is celebrated in many countries of the world.
Spring and Summer Bank Holidays
The Summer Bank Holiday is the most popular holiday, because it comes at a time when children are not at school. Many families try to go away to the seaside or the country as they may indeed have done at Easter or in Spring.
November, 11.
Remembrance Day
This day is observed throughout the Commonwealth and dates back to November 11, 1918 when all fighting in the First World War ended. It now commemorates British soldiers, sailors and airmen who gave their lives in the two World Wars. Special services are held and wreaths are laid at the Cenotaph, a war memorial at Whitehall, where thousands of Londoners observe the two-minute silence and participate in the remembrance ceremony. Similar ceremonies are held throughout the country.
December, 25.
The State Opening of Parliament
This is another royal event at the end of November which draws thousands of spectators, who see the Queen on the drive from Buckingham Palace to the Houses of Parliament in the State Coach. The public are not admitted to Parliament to see her read the speech from the Throne, prepared for her by the Government. But the State Opening since 1966 is televised. Visitors are admitted to the Public Galleries only by the personal invitation of the members of Parliament.
Memorial Day
This day was first established to honour the dead in the war between the North and the South, a mournful remembrance of the fallen.
July, 4.
Independence Day
This is the most important holiday of the nation, which celebrates Ms birthday. On this day in 1776 the Continental Congress adopted the famous Declaration of Independence declaring the former British colonies free, thus founding the United States of America.
October, 19.
Columbus Day
Christopher Columbus, an Italian, discovered the American continents in 1492 by accident, while seeking a short route to Asia. Thus, he called the natives the Indians and the islands he explored, the West Indies which bear these names to this day. This event is widely celebrated in most Latin American countries as well. The District of Columbia was named in his honour as well as many cities, squares and streets.
November, 11.
Veteran's Day
This day, like Memorial Day, is a solemn occasion in honour of all American veterans of all wars. In many communities veterans march in parades, national flags are displayed, special ceremonies, observing two minute's silence, are held at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery.
November, 24.
Thanksgiving Day
It is the oldest national holiday. The pilgrims, the first English settlers searching for religious freedom, came on May/lower to Plymouth Bay, Massachusetts, in 1620. They suffered a very hard year. By the autumn of the next year assisted by the Indians they had a good harvest. And a feast was given of turkey corn and pumpkin pie to celebrate the harvest and give thanks to God for their survival. The old traditions of their feast are observed throughout the country today.
December, 25.
Christmas is a great American and British festivity, very rich in custom and tradition — with Santa Claus, the decorating of the Christmas tree, of card sending and gift giving. It is celebrated as the birthday of Christ. Now it is becoming more and more a folk holiday. It has always been observed as a family affair.
Verbs which are the same in all three forms
cost cost cost
cut cut cut
hit hit hit
hurt hurt hurt
let let let
put put put
set set set
shut shut shut
Verbs which nave the same form for the Base Form and the Pats Participle
become became become
come came come
run ran run
One verb which has the same form for the Base Form and the Past Simple
beat beat beaten
Урок 1
Читання голосних в наголошеному складі
Голосна | Відкритий | Закритий | Закритий з буквою r | Відкритий Гол.+ r + гол. |
A, a | [ e i ] make | [ ] bad | [ ] bar | [ ] fare |
E, e | [ i: ] be | [ e ] pen | [ : ] her | [ i ] mere |
I, i | [ a i ] Mike | [ i ] fill | [ : ] first | [ ai ] fire |
U, u | [ j u: ] mute | [ ] bus | [ : ] burn | [ju ] pure |
O, o | [ u ] no | [ ] not | [ : ] port | [ : ] bore |
Y, y | [ a i ] type | [ i ] system | [ : ] myrtle | [ ai ] tyre |
Ex.1. Прочитайте слова і поясніть їх правила читання
Vote, probe, fine, be, lake, me, pen, bad, an, tube, tunnel, plan , hat, bit, mute, nut, pane, tub, mud, leg, mode, pit, go, did, hate, and, spoke.
Ex.2. Прочитайте слова:
- [ ] pod, loss, hot, soft, top, solve, rod, spot
- [ : ] port, born, form, sort, pork, storm, ore, more
- [ j u: ] tune, tube, lute, mute, due, use, duty, fume
- [ ] hum, sum, must, sun, plus, nut, dust, bulb, mud, bus, hunt
- [ : ] burn, first, turn, term, fur, firm, stern, burst
- [ i ] pit, lift, miss, mill, list, pink, tin, drill
- [ ai ] like, type, fine, dyne, wide, style, spike, life, mine
- [ ] mark, spark, are, dark, park, army, harm, bar
- [ e i ] state, date, rate, tame, lake, base, take
Ex.3. Розмістіть слова по групам в залежності від читання букви a :
Park, lane, lad, plate, spare, spark, rate, rare, pare, add, hard, farm, bare, make, flat, brake, band, start, fare, tank, land.
Контрольна вправа
Bed, lift, same, hand, sun, tune, try, free, fur, flat, born, spare, mute, try, my, note, pole, burn, mass, plus, dark, dare, bark, stone, spire, hide, home, wire, wore, study, hard, style, wide, type, store.
Урок 2
Читання голосних “і” та “y”
i + ld, nd, gn, gh | ia, io | ir, yr | y/i + r + e |
[ ai ] | [ ai ] | [ : ] | [ ai ] |
mild find sign light | via ion bias dial | first third myrtle thirst | fire tyre wire tired |
Ex.1. Прочитайте наступні слова:
- [ ai ] child, wild, grind, mild, kind, find, behind, sign, design, assignment, alignmet, night, bright, fight, high, light, slide, lie, prize, giant, try, type, rely, spline
- [ ai ] fire, bias, dial, trial, violet, spire, wire, tire, spiral, desire, entire, admire, via
- [ : ] first, third, circle, firm, birth, dirty
- [ i: ] symbol, system, crystal, oxygen, plenty, party, easy, energy, carry, ordinary
- [ j ] yes, yet, yoke, yard, yellow, yield, yak, yank, yap, yarn, yaw, yawl, year, yearn, yearst, yelk, yellow, yelp, yen, yoke
- [ i: ] field, brief, chief, piece, achieve, believe
your [jo:r] science ['saıəns] friend [frend]
young [jΛŋ] give [gıv] live [lıv]
Ex.2. Прочитайте наступні слова і поясніть правила читання букв “i” та “y”
Rise, lie, ride, ring, strike, reside, slight, grid, filament, combine, iron, imagine, incident, divide, velocity, shift, advice, decide, middle, quite, single, circus, final, mankind, fish, differ, bring, rye, syllable, shire, liquid.
Урок 3
Читання букви “a”
Відкритий склад | Закритий склад | |||||
ai, ay | a+r+e/ air | a+r; a+th | a+ f, s, n, + | a+u; a+w | a+ l+ приг. | w(h) + a |
[ ei ] | [ ] | [ ] | [ : ] | [:]/[ ] | ||
pain play plait | pair care fare | part fast pass | because August law | all also talk | what was warn |
Ex.1. Прочитайте наступні слова:
- [ ei ] sail, paint, ray, may, railway, train, way, say, mail, retain, raise, pay, lay
- [ ] hair, fair, spare, fare, bare, care, rare, air, dare, airport, prepare
- [ ] arm, alarm, past, class, market, spart, demand, as, basket, plant, draft, fast, last, France
- [ : ] small, tall, ball, false, salt, stalk, befall, ward, warn, pause, fault, saw, raw, draw, dawn, lawn, call
Ex.2. Прочитайте наступні слова і поясніть правила читання букви “a”
Care, play, grammar, cage, pair, scare, stairs, ask, atomic, article, advantage, grain, spray, contain, away, assistant, because, besides, aircraft.
Урок 4
Урок 5
Читання букви “o”
oa | o + ld | o+ m,n,th,v | oo | oi, oy | ow | ou | our |
[ ou ] | [ ou ] | [ ] | [ u: ] | [ oi ] | [ ou] | [ au ] | [au ] |
load boat goal | old cold hold | love son done | too good book | boy joy oil | grow show low power* | out round sound | our hour |
* - в кінці слова, в інших випадках
Запам’ятайте наступі винятки:
to [ tu ] both [ bou ]
do [ du ] over [ ouv ]
country ['kntrı] your [ jo: ]
double ['dΛbəl] four [ fo: ]
group [ gru:p ] pour [ po: ]
enough [ı'nΛf] move [ mu:v ]
now [ nau ] cow [ kau ]
how [ hau ] allow [ə'lau]
Ex.1. Прочитайте наступні слова:
[ ou ] - mold, told, fold, golden, old
[ au ] - found, ground, outer, about, amount, profound
[ ou ] - flow, arrow, Moscow, fellow, narrow
[ u: ] - book, look, took, hook, rook, brook, tool, root
[ oi ] - oil, boil, point, toil, toy, boy, avoid, loyal
[ ] - glove, some, come, front, above, month
[ au ] - down, brown, tower, frown, flower
Ex.2. Прочитайте наступні слова і поясніть правила читання “o”
Boil, point, slow, moon, tool, work, other, above, hour, box, copper, doctor, revolve, pore, shore, choose, front, discover, ton, power, around, account, support, force, possible, common, constant, orange, noise, move, country, cool,total, load, ore, coal, road, show, now, become, grow, sound.
Урок 6
Урок 7
Читання букви “e”
ee, ea | ie | ea + d, v, th, lth | В позаударному складі | ear + приголосна | ear, eer, e+r+ голосна | ew |
[ i: ] | [ i: ] | [ e ] | [ i ] | [ : ] | [ i ] | [ju:]/[u:] |
feel beam meal feat | piece chief field shield | head heavy breath health | edit enemy medical | heard earth search | ear here mere sphere | new few grew |
Ex.1. Прочитайте наступні слова:
[ i: ] - meet, mean, me, see, he, clean, cheese, cheap, bean, beast, need, peace, beef, believe, peak, beat, sheet, reach, shield, seem, seed, weak, we, wheel, wheat, weep, green, dean.
[ e ] - bed, beg, check, breath, bread, death, feather, dead, fresh, help, thread, heather, wealth, ready
[ : ] - her, term, earth, pearl, heard, earl, earn, hearse, search, serve, stern, reserve, nerve, perch.
[ i ] - fear, ear, dear, bear, here, clear, shear, sheer
[ ju: ] - new, stew, dew, screw, pew, Newton, flew, blew, drew,
[ u: ] - clew
Ex.2. Прочитайте наступні слова і поясніть правила читання “e”
Set, serve, heavy, Pete, be, beard, free, here, even, clear, bed, beef, head, eagle, term, egg, lest, she, complete, severe, weep, least, prefer, seem, search, mere, lead, green, get, reserve, nerve, dear, health, theme, defect, emit, heat, defense, death, bread, feel.
Урок 8
Урок 9
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