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Theoretical - используемый тег на сайте, здесь можно скачать или скопировать материал при условии соблюдения авторских прав его правообладателя.Theoretical Все работы по данной метке.

The theoretical and methodological aspects of translation
Interrelation with other disciplines... Many aspects of translation have been covered by other disciplines such as... Stages of translation process understanding...

  1. The theoretical and methodological aspects of translation
  2. Translation as a notion and subject. Interpretation.
  3. The object of translation theory, the problems which the translatology studies.
  4. Stages of translation process.
  5. Types of translation.
  6. Pragmatic adaptation.
  7. Linguistic and extralinguistic aspects.
  8. Context.
  9. The earliest mentions of translation, the translation development during ancient times until 500AD.
  10. Translation and interpretation during the Middle Ages.
  11. Translation during the Renaissance period.
  12. Translation during the period of classicism and Enlightenment.
  13. The Kyiv Mohyla Academy and revival of translation activities in Ukraine.
  14. Rules and methods of Romanization of different Ukrainian proper nouns.
  15. The main rules of conveying English sounds in Ukrainian translation of proper names.
  16. Identification of international lexicon units.
  17. Ways of conveying the lexical meaning of genuine internationalisms.
  18. Literature used and recommended
  19. Units of nationally biased lexicon and ways of their translation
  20. Ways of rendering the meaning of nationally biased units of lexicon.
  21. Literature used and recommended
  22. Transformation of some idioms in the process of translating.
  23. The lexico-grammatical expression of modality through modal verbs.
  24. То be (to)
  25. Grammatical modality and mean of expressing it.
  26. Transformations in the process of translation.
  27. Grammatical transformation.
  28. Lexical transformations.
  29. Lexico-grammatical transformations.
  30. Objectively and subjectively conditioned transformations of lexical units in the process of translation.

I Introductory to the theoretical study of the English Language Grammar... The Subject of Theoretical... Kinds of Theoretical Grammar...

  1. The Subject of Theoretical Grammar
  2. Kinds of Theoretical Grammar
  3. Theoretical approaches to language data interpretation
  4. Syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations.
  5. Grammatical categories.
  6. General characteristics of the contemporary English language system
  7. The notions of the Word and the Morpheme
  8. Kinds of Morphemes
  9. Principles of subdivision of parts of speech
  10. The essence of the Theory of Three Ranks
  11. Classification of parts of speech
  12. Theory of the field structure of the word.
  13. General characteristics of the Noun. Its Grammatical Meaning, syntactic functions and the system of word-formation.
  14. The first classification of nouns
  15. The second classification of nouns
  16. The problem of the Gender of the English Noun.
  17. The category of the Number.
  18. The category of Case.
  19. Comparing Grammatical Forms of the cases of the Latin and English Noun
  20. Correspondence of the syntactic function and the case of the Noun
  21. The principle of Substitution in stipulating the three English Cases
  22. Functions and significance of the Article.
  23. Interpretation of the status of the English Article
  24. Three Morphological Forms of the Noun in the Category of the Article
  25. The problem of the number of articles (how many morphological forms the Article can be presented in)
  26. Functions and significance of the Article
  27. Grammatical Meaning of the Verb
  28. Word-formative and word-changing systems of the Verb
  29. Scheme of Morphological Classification of Verbs
  30. Semantic Classification
  31. Scheme of Syntactic Classification of Verbs
  32. I Categories of the Finite Verbs
  33. Terms that are used to name Forms of the Verb that do not make agree with Persons
  34. The General Paradigm of the Non-Finite Forms of the Verb
  35. Functions and Significance of the Non-Finite Forms
  36. The problem of the definition of Word-combination
  37. Classification of Word-combinations
  38. Classification of Word-combinations grounded on the Principle of its Inner Structure
  39. Examples of types of word-combinations
  40. Main characteristics of the Sentence, its notion, models of the Sentence.
  41. General Structure of the Simple Sentence
  42. Correspondence of Semantic Roles and their syntactic realisation
  44. TEST I (S)
  45. Syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations. Grammar categories

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